#archiveteam-bs 2012-12-05,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
01:40 πŸ”— godane underscor: this may have to be changed: http://archive.org/details/twit-futures-in-biotech
01:40 πŸ”— godane i put in texts instead of audio
01:41 πŸ”— shaqfu godane: Do you also grab CCG mags, or just video game pubs?
01:42 πŸ”— godane ccg mags?
01:42 πŸ”— shaqfu InQuest, Scrye, Duelist, etc
05:29 πŸ”— Coderjoe How much physical space does the internet take up?
05:29 πŸ”— Coderjoe Ҁ”Max L
05:29 πŸ”— Coderjoe There are a lot of ways to estimate the amount of information stored on the internet, but we can put an interesting upper bound on the number just by looking at how much storage space we (as a species) have purchased.
05:29 πŸ”— Coderjoe The storage industry produces in the neighborhood of 650 million hard drives per year. If most of them are 3.5Ҁ drives, then thatҀ™s eight liters (two gallons) of hard drive per second.
05:29 πŸ”— Coderjoe This means the last few years of hard drive productionҀ”which, thanks to increasing size, represent a large chunk of global storage capacityҀ”would just about fill an oil tanker. So, by that measure, the internet is smaller than an oil tanker.
08:42 πŸ”— schbiridi nothing like getting back to wget and seeing a stacktrace because it ran out of memory
08:47 πŸ”— chronomex sucko
08:50 πŸ”— SmileyG whoops
15:40 πŸ”— underscor godane: Fixed
15:53 πŸ”— ersi Does anyone know how one rewrites a commit in git? I commited with the wrong e-mail a few commits ago :|
15:55 πŸ”— alard http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3042437/change-commit-author-at-one-specific-commit
15:55 πŸ”— ersi thx, I'll read up on it
15:56 πŸ”— alard The first answer looks like it should work.
15:57 πŸ”— ersi so I start off with `git rebase <hash of commit prior to the commit I want to change>`?
15:57 πŸ”— alard with the -i
15:57 πŸ”— ersi oops, yeah
16:00 πŸ”— ersi worked like a charm
16:02 πŸ”— ersi argh, doesn't work if it's the *first* commit >_>
16:59 πŸ”— schbiridi if someone is bored, 4players.de is a gaming website with lots of user reviews which was sold the other day
16:59 πŸ”— schbiridi wget crashed with "glibc detected *** wget: double free or corruption (!prev)" for me, with this commandline:
16:59 πŸ”— schbiridi wget -m -a "www.4players.de_$(date +%Y%m%d).log" -e robots=off -nv --adjust-extension --convert-links --page-requisites -nH --directory-prefix="www.4players.de_$(date +%Y%m%d)" --warc-file="www.4players.de_$(date +%Y%m%d)" --warc-cdx --domains=4p.de,disabled.by.spirit.forum.4pforen.4players.de,login.4players.de,disabled.by.spirit.m.4p.de,disabled.by.spirit.mobil.4players.de,static.4pl.4players.de,static.4players.de,static.login.4players.d
16:59 πŸ”— schbiridi if someone is bored, take it. i will nto
16:59 πŸ”— schbiridi *not
17:00 πŸ”— schbiridi duh, i think --span-hosts is missing there. well, anyways
17:08 πŸ”— ersi span hosts? what does that do?
17:09 πŸ”— ersi I think your command was cut after ",static.login.4players.d" btw
17:50 πŸ”— DFJustin https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A9XmAFKCYAA0bzL.jpg:large
18:01 πŸ”— schbiridi span hosts allows wget to grap other hosts too, eg if a site uses a cdn for images
18:12 πŸ”— godane uploaded: http://archive.org/details/twit-fourcast
19:34 πŸ”— ersi https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/27897_10151335981256265_1699796923_n.jpg
22:32 πŸ”— dashcloud so, bit of a strange request, but does anyone have access to some PDF recovery software and would be willing to strip the restrictions off a PDF for me?
22:42 πŸ”— balrog_ dashcloud: qpdf
22:42 πŸ”— balrog_ qpdf --decrypt infile outfile
23:22 πŸ”— dashcloud so, it looks like it worked- thanks!
