#archiveteam-bs 2012-12-07,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
03:27 🔗 DFJustin http://www.vintage-computer.com/vcforum/showthread.php?34366-Contacts-for-friends-of-Don-Maslin-in-San-Diego
04:02 🔗 balrog_ DFJustin: yes, yes I saw
05:49 🔗 yipdw http://spectrum.ieee.org/aerospace/astrophysics/finding-the-source-of-the-pioneer-anomaly/ <-- Archive Team member at work
05:50 🔗 chronomex RTGs are pretty cool
05:52 🔗 yipdw I don't quite understand the physics of them enough for them to not make me go "huh, that's really crazy"
05:53 🔗 chronomex they get a bimetallic junction hot on one side
05:53 🔗 yipdw I mean, I know that they're based on a thermoelectric effect
05:53 🔗 chronomex the heat differential causes electricity to move, yeah
05:53 🔗 yipdw I don't know *how* that works though
05:54 🔗 chronomex just like a thermocouple, but a lot bigger
05:54 🔗 chronomex I like the single-pixel camera
05:54 🔗 chronomex http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/experimentDisplay.do?id=1972-012A-07
05:55 🔗 chronomex that's an impressive bit of work to find the anomaly
05:56 🔗 yipdw yeah, some serious data recovery work
05:58 🔗 yipdw I like "We even found magnetic tapes stuffed in cardboard boxes under a staircase at JPL"
05:58 🔗 chronomex :(
06:01 🔗 balrog_ looks like they managed to get data off those too
06:01 🔗 chronomex yep
09:59 🔗 chronomex man ssh connection multiplexing is cool
10:17 🔗 SmileyG o_O
10:17 🔗 chronomex hey SmileyG, what's up?
10:17 🔗 SmileyG hey chronomex just googling that now :D
10:18 🔗 SmileyG and wow, everyone on a friday on IRC is friendly
10:18 🔗 chronomex just put ControlMaster auto
10:18 🔗 chronomex in your .ssh/config
10:18 🔗 chronomex it'll make your life easier
10:20 🔗 SmileyG o_O I thought it did that anyway.
10:20 🔗 chronomex even easier!
10:20 🔗 chronomex it is fascinating that there is 1 gross of ten-minute periods in a day
10:20 🔗 SmileyG ok weird. I don't see it here at work
10:21 🔗 chronomex ?
10:21 🔗 SmileyG I'm sure in the past, from home, I've watched ssh -v and noticed it reusing connectiosn
10:21 🔗 SmileyG it says "reusing connection $foo"
10:21 🔗 chronomex oh, ok
10:21 🔗 chronomex mine doesn't always say that
10:21 🔗 SmileyG but here at work it doesn't, maybe I turned it on at home :D
10:21 🔗 chronomex hm, possible
10:21 🔗 chronomex it has to be turned on at the originating end
10:22 🔗 SmileyG debug1: auto-mux: Trying existing master
10:23 🔗 SmileyG seems to work, nice
11:52 🔗 ersi herp
11:53 🔗 chronomex stupid android openvpn client, apparently can't handle extra routes
11:56 🔗 ersi mobile OS's usually makes me sad
11:57 🔗 tuankiet I am here
11:58 🔗 ersi heya
11:59 🔗 ersi So how's learning about Pascal going? You doing simpler programming challenges/tasks in school?
12:00 🔗 tuankiet I have learned to array
12:00 🔗 chronomex important, that is
12:01 🔗 tuankiet I have done some crazy programs like "Enter 'n' and write all prime number from 1 to n to the screen"
12:03 🔗 SmileyG :)
12:06 🔗 ersi argh, I hate tele conferences
12:07 🔗 ersi If you hate being in meetings, then tele conferences is just so much worse
12:07 🔗 alard No-one sees that you're not paying attention?
12:08 🔗 SmileyG teleconference? :S
12:08 🔗 SmileyG urgh
12:11 🔗 norbert79 Tele conference, the perfect time for sleeping and still not being bugged not paying attention. And you can always excuse yourself when waking up by saying: "I spoke in mute"
12:13 🔗 chronomex haha
12:13 🔗 ersi Well, the problem with tele conferenes is that a lot of morons think they're accomplishing things
12:13 🔗 ersi then everyone forgets it because no one writes it down
12:13 🔗 chronomex yeah ...
12:14 🔗 ersi then everyone goes of in different directions - like chickens without heads
12:14 🔗 norbert79 you see I would be happier if more people would actually understand what they have teleconfernces about. Whoever invented the methodology for big companies, that "you don't need to understand (how they work) the things you lead/manage" should be shot
12:15 🔗 norbert79 being clueless leads to discussions, discussions lead to conferences, conferences lead losing time, losing time hurts productivity which produces bad results
12:15 🔗 norbert79 which leads back to management to ask you: why is this thing not done yet?
12:15 🔗 SmileyG loosing time leads to being clueless?
12:15 🔗 ersi The most important thing for a meeting, is to have a bolted agenda. Preferebly in question form with the possible answers being YES or NO
12:15 🔗 norbert79 SmileyG: Indirectly, yes
12:16 🔗 SmileyG yeah we have these stupid weekly meetings when we announce what we need from any other teams
12:16 🔗 ersi norbert79: yeah, for sure
12:16 🔗 SmileyG except If I need anything from the other teams, I shout accross a desk.
12:16 🔗 SmileyG or email them...
12:16 🔗 norbert79 SmileyG: Yeah, that's the best
12:16 🔗 norbert79 eye to eye
12:16 🔗 SmileyG If they need anything from me? They get ignored.
12:16 🔗 norbert79 lol
12:16 🔗 ersi This is a meeting with one of our custmers, regarding a problem with their costumer, which is running our software - and there's been some kind of problem
12:17 🔗 norbert79 ersi: Why don't you let the techies have the talk? :)
12:17 🔗 norbert79 Or are you the techie?
12:17 🔗 ersi I'm a techie
12:17 🔗 norbert79 Ok, good
12:17 🔗 ersi "I'm not even supposed to be here today!"
12:17 🔗 norbert79 hah
12:17 🔗 ersi We're just skirting around the issues
12:18 🔗 norbert79 Facts, data, data sent as email
12:18 🔗 norbert79 I hate it when calls get out of hand by complaints
12:18 🔗 ersi Agreed. But management and support persons doesn't understand that for some fucking reason
12:18 🔗 norbert79 Which leads back to my previous point ... :)
12:18 🔗 norbert79 Management should have more clue
12:18 🔗 ersi Yeah, but the techies have other things to do, directed by management at both sides
12:19 🔗 norbert79 I can call myself lucky: the manager I am lead by used to come from our groups and he knows exactly how things go on
12:19 🔗 ersi And the funny thing is that our management, have a pretty good clue regarding tech.. but for some reason.. I dunno.. things.. shit themselfs
12:19 🔗 norbert79 Ah
12:19 🔗 ersi We're a small company, getting scaled up, working with a HUGE CORP INC
12:20 🔗 norbert79 I see
12:20 🔗 ersi "Growth pain"
12:20 🔗 norbert79 well, constant education on technical changes should be included for management too, imho
12:20 🔗 norbert79 not on the same level like for techies
12:20 🔗 norbert79 of course
12:20 🔗 SmileyG sounds like here norbert79
12:21 🔗 norbert79 SmileyG: You have such?
12:21 🔗 * SmileyG looks around the office
12:21 🔗 SmileyG we small
12:21 🔗 SmileyG work with some massive clients
12:21 🔗 norbert79 Ah
12:21 🔗 SmileyG raw raw they want X
12:21 🔗 SmileyG I get to giggle to my self seeing all the issues it'll bring that I don't have to fix
12:21 🔗 ersi RAWR RAWR ISSUE
12:21 🔗 ersi RAWR RAWR Y U DONT FIX
12:21 🔗 norbert79 SmileyG: Heh, I know the feeling
12:21 🔗 SmileyG turns out issue is client doing it wrong, and sales person specifying it wrong!
12:21 🔗 ersi "Uhm, why the fuck are you doing that? And who said you could do that?"
12:22 🔗 ersi SmileyG: Same here :D
12:22 🔗 norbert79 Sales... Sales...
12:22 🔗 ersi Welcome to Enterprise
12:22 🔗 norbert79 Always the nigthmare
12:22 🔗 SmileyG ersi: you mean like my bosses boss demanding web access to the main dev server outside of the VPN?
12:22 🔗 ersi Enterprise Fuckmare
12:22 🔗 SmileyG Yeah, its open wide now \o/
12:22 🔗 ersi SmileyG: Nope, not like that
12:22 🔗 norbert79 SmileyG: HAHAHA, NO WAY
12:22 🔗 * SmileyG wibbles while people think about that
12:22 🔗 ersi I've heard worse
12:22 🔗 SmileyG His exact words: Just take it out from behind the bloody VPN!!!
12:22 🔗 SmileyG And as its now working : Top man
12:22 🔗 norbert79 SmileyG: So they want to allow direct access to a dev device, but with no security... Give him a shotgun and tell him to look through the barrell...
12:23 🔗 SmileyG Funny how quickly they forget thet last time they demanded something like that
12:23 🔗 SmileyG and the server got hacked
12:23 🔗 SmileyG in about 30 min
12:23 🔗 * SmileyG giggled then too
12:23 🔗 norbert79 that's why I always force people replying to e-mails, so I have evidence on what has been decided upon :)
12:23 🔗 ersi Well, I don't care what management or other persons wants to do. I'll firmly state my opinion and point out the risk of things getting way out of hand, if they want to procede. Sure, but don't blame me.
12:25 🔗 SmileyG ersi: exactly
12:25 🔗 ersi HAHAHA
12:25 🔗 ersi Oh my god
12:25 🔗 SmileyG I get ignored about security often enough anyway.
12:25 🔗 ersi laughing so hard now
12:25 🔗 SmileyG ersi: ?
12:25 🔗 ersi :D
12:25 🔗 ersi People promising things
12:25 🔗 ersi "It's not a big thing"
12:25 🔗 ersi :D
12:25 🔗 SmileyG LOL
12:25 🔗 ersi oh my
12:25 🔗 SmileyG "It won't take long".
12:26 🔗 ersi lmao
12:26 🔗 godane some good news on archiving gbtv/theblaze videos
12:26 🔗 ersi why did I get into this mess
12:28 🔗 godane i can do it with rtmpsrv if i just start the video in firefox then start rtmpsrv then change it to high version of the stream
12:28 🔗 godane this is cause rtmpsrv crash but still sends data to rtmpdump
12:31 🔗 godane its also going faster using rtmpdump then with streamtransport
13:14 🔗 godane so i got the november 30 episode in under 30 mins
13:15 🔗 godane already 5% done with the new video
13:15 🔗 godane for dec 03
13:48 🔗 godane i'm grabing dec 04 episode now
13:48 🔗 godane now this is awesome
15:51 🔗 SketchCow WHY HELLO
15:51 🔗 SketchCow I am up. Was visiting the lady in NYC. She's in Chicago this weekend.... GLITCH CONFERENCE
15:51 🔗 SketchCow Love that girl
16:06 🔗 SmileyG The Lady?
16:06 🔗 SmileyG :D
16:06 🔗 SmileyG She gets CAPS MAN. CAPS ARE IMPORTANT.
16:08 🔗 SketchCow http://www.flickr.com/photos/mirka23/6248957162/
16:10 🔗 SmileyG Yup, remember the caps
16:10 🔗 SmileyG she deserves the caps
16:11 🔗 SmileyG Anyone who makes you smile, deserves the caps
16:12 🔗 SketchCow Also http://imgur.com/gallery/yNpgL
16:15 🔗 SmileyG Awesome.
16:15 🔗 SmileyG in other news
16:16 🔗 SmileyG its 1 hr til I offically finish
16:16 🔗 SmileyG but I started at 8am :/
16:16 🔗 SmileyG Can I just get up and walk out?
16:16 🔗 SmileyG If I don't, there isn't much point leaving 1/2 hr early or anything like that
16:16 🔗 SmileyG arugh decisions
16:20 🔗 godane SketchCow: I can now get my gbtv/theblaze video download on linux
16:20 🔗 godane i just have start the video before starting rtmpsrv
16:20 🔗 godane then check the higher version and it will grab and start downloading with rtmpdump
16:21 🔗 godane rtmpsrv does crash after getting one video stream so you have to make it count
16:22 🔗 godane good news is rtmpdump is faster then streamtransport on windows
16:55 🔗 godane so i looking at my latest wget log of my engadget grab
16:55 🔗 godane looks like there maybe some urls that get 301 cause the url is wrong
19:04 🔗 DFJustin http://mamedev.emulab.it/kale/?p=1796
19:17 🔗 DFJustin http://forums.bannister.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=83062
23:29 🔗 godane i got a problem again
23:29 🔗 godane i upload a item called GBTV_REAL_NEWS_02_16_2012
23:30 🔗 godane but its saying when check in that there is no file there but i know i have movde the file in to the GBTV_REAL_NEWS_02_16_2012 before check in
23:32 🔗 godane i'm getting error item is not found: http://archive.org/details/GBTV_REAL_NEWS_02_16_2012
23:41 🔗 godane underscor: Can you help me?
23:44 🔗 godane Warning: DOMDocument::load(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/15/items/GBTV_REAL_NEWS_02_16_2012/GBTV_REAL_NEWS_02_16_2012_files.xml" in /usr/local/petabox/www/common/FilesXML.inc on line 39
23:45 🔗 godane i think thats my problem with this item
23:45 🔗 godane :-/
23:46 🔗 godane or nevermind
23:47 🔗 godane looks like GBTV_REAL_NEWS_02_15_2012 has the same error too in its history
