[01:08] <omf__> SketchCow, Is it cool if I add a section about parsers to the Conversion Software. [01:09] <omf__> Some files already have cross language universal parsers [01:10] <SketchCow> Feel fre [01:10] <SketchCow> e [01:59] <dashcloud> so, I was reading a blog post, and the person was remembering how they used to call collect and when asked for the name, just say the message, and then the receiving party would decline the charges- is there anyone here who doesn't remember that? [02:00] <ersi> yeah, me [02:06] <dashcloud> if you're interested, I can give you a few thoughts on it [02:07] <ersi> dunno, doesn't seem more elaborate than that summary. Seems like a fine idea [02:08] <dashcloud> it was, and apparently it was well-known enough to be the focus of an ad- presumably for cheaper longer distance phone calls [02:58] <SketchCow> I remember that [02:58] <SketchCow> But we used the name as the message [02:59] <SketchCow> John meant I'm fine, David meant I'll be home soon, etc. [03:10] <chronomex> that's a form of what's called "code calling", and it was considered toll fraud [03:10] <SketchCow> Whelllll YEAH [03:11] <chronomex> also code calling is "one ring and hangup means im ok" [03:19] <SketchCow> also [03:19] <SketchCow> NAAARC [03:19] <SketchCow> NARC [03:19] * SketchCow kicks chronomex out of the van [03:25] <illunatic> i just fire a flare [03:25] <illunatic> code jumping... if i jump out of a plane with a parachute it means i'm good. otherwise, not good. send parachute [03:26] <chronomex> lol [03:26] <illunatic> http://come.in/index.php?session_new=aHR0cDovL2tpY2thc3N0b3JyZW50cy5jb20v? [03:26] <illunatic> this is the only way to kat.ph since they let their domain name lapse [03:28] <Aranje> seems like their index is blanked, not domain lapsed [03:28] <illunatic> well, maybe not the only way, but i don't have the direct ip [03:28] <godane1> just for every one keeping count at home i'm at 40.4gb of g4tv.com videos [03:32] <SketchCow> Crazy, man [03:33] <godane1> there is lots of very old dial up techtv shows on it too [03:36] <godane1> also there is tons of game trailers on here [11:16] <underscor> Wheeee fire alarm [11:30] <ersi> teehee [12:20] <turnkit> want to find a hack like this -- http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn12688 -- that will allow me to scan the CD/DVD surface cover image as the disc is in the drive... too hopeful? [12:27] <Smiley> :/ [12:32] <turnkit> like this idea: http://hackaday.com/2007/09/25/convert-a-dvd-r-drive-into-a-lab-scanner/ but for optical wavelengths [12:33] <turnkit> http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ac070328b [12:39] <turnkit> here's some pics of the hack to the CD/DVD drive to add an extra sensor: -- on the 4th page [20:23] * db48x sighs [20:23] <db48x> I'm pessimistic today [20:29] <Smiley> I always am :( [20:50] <illunatic> sup db48x [20:51] <illunatic> pessimism is an important skill to have for becoming successful [20:51] <illunatic> it gives you an opportunity to see potential problems and solve them before they happen [20:52] <illunatic> it's certainly better then saying "the universe just doesn't want me to be successful" [20:52] <illunatic> imo [20:52] * illunatic illunatips #374 [21:14] <db48x> illunatic: possibly [21:14] <db48x> I see the problems I can't fix [21:17] <illunatic> do you get fixed on those problems? :D [21:18] <illunatic> i jsut learned that the reason Einstein had copies of the same outfit was so he did not have to waste thought on deciding how to dress in the morning [21:18] <illunatic> so he could allocate his brain computer toward better applications [21:19] <illunatic> (allegedly) [21:19] <illunatic> i also like to joke about how every quote on the internet is by Einstein, so i take these stories with a grain of slat [21:19] <illunatic> salt [21:19] <db48x> and not real skill and experience [21:19] <db48x> the tech support at my dsl provider who can't reach into the firmware of the modem they gave me and fix the bufferbloat that makes my internet connection so painful. my practically new phone that has started having trouble; I sometimes have to reboot it before I can place a call, and the voicemail has stopped working and the text message application crashes. recruiters and hiring managers who only care about bullet points on a resume [21:20] <illunatic> AT&T? [21:20] <db48x> sonic [21:20] <illunatic> oh really? [21:20] <illunatic> sonic seems like a good company too :( [21:20] <illunatic> they are not coming through for you on the tech end though huh? [21:20] <db48x> (but of course the phone line comes from at&t) [21:20] <Smiley> [21:18:37] < illunatic> i jsut learned that the reason Einstein had copies of the same outfit was so he did not have to waste thought on deciding how to dress in the morning [21:20] <illunatic> the backbone? [21:20] <Smiley> that was Jobbs [21:20] <db48x> they're decent in most respects [21:20] <Smiley> Jobs? [21:20] <Smiley> pffft, don't know how its spelt [21:21] <illunatic> steve jobs? [21:21] <Smiley> yup [21:21] <illunatic> makes sense [21:21] <Smiley> black jumper [21:21] <db48x> and bufferbloat is a problem that affects every single device on the internet [21:21] <illunatic> i read that he got that from how chinese factories wore something similar [21:21] <Smiley> I don't even know what he wore other than that :D [21:21] <illunatic> and wanted all his employees to do that too [21:21] <db48x> the net is slower today in real terms than it was in the 80's [21:21] <balrog_> both Einstein and Jobs did that [21:21] <illunatic> ^ [21:22] <illunatic> it's always good to copy what works [21:22] <Smiley> db48x: put your own router in front, a proper router. [21:22] <illunatic> i think hitler did it too [21:22] <Smiley> strange i've never read it about enstein [21:22] <db48x> Smiley: if that router is in the path at all, then every time I upload anything my latencies will shoot through the roof [21:22] <Smiley> db48x: ... [21:22] <Smiley> no [21:23] <Smiley> you reduce the amount the modem can buffer [21:23] <illunatic> well einstein never did anything groundbreaking like marketing a smartphone to hipsters [21:23] <Smiley> you provide at its slowest unbuffered speed. [21:23] <illunatic> maybe if he did something important we would read more about him [21:23] <illunatic> :D [21:23] <Smiley> you control the buffer, and control the tcp stream properly. [21:23] <Smiley> illunatic: :D [21:23] <db48x> oh, you mean put one in that limits it's own output to just below the speed of the dsl [21:24] <Smiley> db48x: yes :) [21:25] <illunatic> db48x: is the phone issue unrelated? [21:26] <Smiley> and it can buffer sensibly [21:26] <Smiley> QoS style, [21:26] <db48x> illunatic: yes [21:26] <illunatic> ah [21:26] <illunatic> best option is probably to backup contacts and restore factory settings [21:27] <illunatic> then if any updates are needed do that as well [21:27] <illunatic> i have resolved to stop installing apps because eventually something starts causing problems [21:27] <illunatic> usually battery draining way to fast [21:32] <db48x> Smiley: I guess I just feel that I shouldn't need to do that [21:34] <db48x> surely it's not too much to ask that my internet connection actually work correctly [21:35] <db48x> that they acknowledge that it's their modem that's screwing it up, that they fix it? [21:39] <Smiley> db48x: Oh sure, fully agree. [21:39] <Smiley> Just suggesting a fix :/ [21:40] <db48x> yea [21:41] <db48x> I guess I could spend my weekend building a box to serve as a proper router [21:43] <Smiley> its a fun exercise at least [21:44] <db48x> not really [22:01] <db48x> I'm going to go eat a steak [22:01] <illunatic> :) [22:01] <illunatic> sketchsteak [22:01] <illunatic> :X [22:02] <db48x> anyone here in the SF area? [22:10] <Aranje> I'm 3 hours south :D [22:10] <db48x> heh [22:12] <db48x> that seems like a long way to drive for a steak [22:12] <Aranje> It is, yeah [22:13] <Aranje> And I don't have any steaks [22:14] <db48x> that said, if you want to join me for a steak anyway, you're welcome to do so [22:16] * Aranje laughs [22:16] <Aranje> I don't have a car, though I appreciate the offer :) [22:16] <db48x> ah, well [22:17] <Aranje> I should pare down the number of chats I'm in, I can never remember where everyone is and it seems creepy to keep that info in a text file [22:17] <db48x> heh [22:17] <Aranje> I was in SF in december lol [22:19] <Aranje> hmm, I should tag another ride up there, it was fun when I visited. I've lived in california for 10 years and it was the first time I'd been "into the city" [22:19] <db48x> cool. what were you up to? [22:19] <Aranje> A young woman I know needed help moving, and offered to drag me up there and take me to MOMA and such for payback [22:20] <db48x> ah [22:20] <Aranje> I had... pho for the first time, went to moma... touristy stuffs :P [22:20] <Aranje> and carted her shit around [22:20] <Aranje> lol [22:21] <Aranje> got to see mountain view too [22:21] <Aranje> cute little town [22:22] <db48x> heh [22:37] <illunatic> http://blog.greenpirate.org/torrentfreak-censored-at-airport/ [22:37] <illunatic> rabble rabble! heh [22:37] <illunatic> actually i would like to promote open dialogue instead of villifying the company [22:37] <illunatic> i want to bring safe harbor back to ISPs [22:43] <db48x> I want to punish them for voluntarily giving up their safe-harbor rights [22:45] <db48x> granted that I don't know how it works in Canada, but here in the US you are only a safe-harbor as long as you take no proactive measures to police anything your users do [22:46] <db48x> and if you do take proactive steps and fail to prevent something, then you are basically just as liable as your customer [22:48] <Aranje> I like our system (when it's done that way). Go balls deep, or stay the fuck out. [22:54] <illunatic> db48x: i know [22:54] <illunatic> i know the feel bro [22:55] <dashcloud> wow- I just noticed Netflix has a selection of classic Doctor Who episodes on streaming [23:08] <dashcloud> good news folks: Newegg got 3 patents that supposedly were essential for shopping carts invalidated: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/01/how-newegg-crushed-the-shopping-cart-patent-and-saved-online-retail/ [23:22] <Aranje> haha, and now we have companies that are awesome because they're slaughtering patents instead of acquiring or filing them [23:22] <Aranje> fuck yeah [23:25] <illunatic> yes [23:25] <illunatic> :D [23:25] <illunatic> troll slayers [23:25] <Aranje> maybe that's how we'll get around this shit [23:25] <Aranje> companies realize patents are actually dumb and so we end up reducing the number of patents over time [23:53] <illunatic> i think that will be the biggest momentum [23:53] <illunatic> commerce is a powerful motivator [23:53] <illunatic> when people realize the open internets benefit all of society, they will be pissed at anyone trying to interfere with that [23:53] <illunatic> that's my speculation anyway [23:54] <illunatic> because that's how i feel about it when people want to get in the way and break the network