[01:16] <joepie91> norbert79: yes
[07:06] <chronomex> hm
[07:06] <chronomex> apparently you can make weed infused pig fat spread
[07:09] <Sue> what
[07:26] <chronomex> pig fat spread is a kind of sauce made from pork drippings I guess?
[07:26] <chronomex> there's a restaurant next door to the hackerspace, and they're experimenting with the newly-legal options
[07:48] <ersi> sounds yummy
[08:07] <joepie92> chronomex: haha
[08:08] <norbert79> joepie92: Thanks, not anymore actual, I was asleep when you replied :) But thanks anyway
[08:10] <joepie92> norbert79: ah, what was the question? :P
[08:10] <norbert79> No, but again, it's not anymore actual, so it's not worth talking about it :)
[08:18] <joepie92> mm
[08:18] <joepie92> but now I'm curious
[08:18] <joepie92> :(
[08:25] <kennethre> man i'm finding all kinds of good stuff, going through my old posterous
[08:26] <kennethre> http://kennethreitz.posterous.com/dont-copy-that-floppy-0
[08:34] <kennethre> http://lazylaces.com/56Kmodem/
[08:35] <chronomex> awwwwyeah
[08:40] <Smiley> 60k urls and 77kurls both still going.
[08:40] * Smiley ponders if ersi has caught up yet.
[08:40] <ersi> not yet
[08:40] <Smiley> your getting there tho!!
[08:40] <ersi> You're at 110GB and I'm at 86GB
[08:40] <BlueMax> I'm getting the image of two Rowan Atkinsons in Rat Race. "It's a race! I'm winning! I'm winning!"
[08:41] <ersi> #winning
[08:41] <Smiley> ;)
[08:41] <Smiley> #tigerblood
[08:41] <BlueMax> #bluemaxisalamer
[08:47] <S[h]O[r]T> when is the library of congress going to publish all of their twitter data. it was awhile ago thy said thy were still figuring out how
[08:47] <chronomex> probably not for a while
[08:47] <S[h]O[r]T> that data belongs to the american people
[08:48] <chronomex> no, that data belongs to, um, I dunno who
[08:48] <Smiley> twitter?
[08:50] <GLaDOS> That guy over there!
[08:50] * GLaDOS points
[08:50] * BlueMax slaps GLaDOS's hand away
[08:50] <BlueMax> It's rude to point
[08:50] <GLaDOS> :-(
[08:50] <S[h]O[r]T> umm my taxes pay to archive it dont they
[08:51] <Schbirid> you can get your tax' worth of twitter by just visiting a random feed
[08:51] <chronomex> I want my money back
[08:52] <S[h]O[r]T> haha
[08:53] <S[h]O[r]T> im going to start one of those petitions maybe obama will help
[08:53] <omf_> Here is the most recent article. Basically big data is too big for them
[08:53] <omf_> http://business.time.com/2013/02/25/what-the-library-of-congress-plans-to-do-with-all-your-tweets/
[08:53] <ersi> Thanks obama
[08:54] <BlueMax> Wasn't the FBI unable to store 2TB of data on a computer hacker because that would take up 10% of their global network or something?
[08:54] <omf_> They do not have the know how to make a *fast* search. Another article I read said it takes over half a day to run 1 query across the whole database
[08:55] <S[h]O[r]T> watson
[08:55] <omf_> facebook sucks down over 70 billion photos a year
[08:55] <omf_> and they make that shit searchable with facial recognition
[08:56] <Smiley> sigh
[08:56] <ersi> they also crop the fuck out of it
[08:56] <Smiley> looks like its time for me to investigate how to run a proxy for myself so I can grab torrents via South africa or something
[08:56] <omf_> ersi true
[08:57] <omf_> that amount of tweets should not be a big data problem
[08:57] <S[h]O[r]T> and facebook loses how much money a year?
[08:57] <Smiley> you realise facebook wasn't ever about providing a service about facebook right?
[08:57] <Smiley> it's about handling big data.
[08:57] <Smiley> It's the R&D arm of Hadoop orwhatever they are using now :D
[08:58] <ersi> Big Dataz
[08:58] <ersi> you're not making sense imo
[08:58] <Smiley> They have more customers than anyone else.
[08:58] <Smiley> ersi: Have you heard of Ingress? The game from Google?
[08:58] <S[h]O[r]T> im just saying library doesnt have 20 datacenters full of servers
[08:58] <omf_> I bet if the government gave the money the LOC gets to do this tweet shit and gave it to the IA there would already be a running solution
[08:58] <S[h]O[r]T> and funding to burn
[08:58] <S[h]O[r]T> probably
[08:59] <ersi> Smiley: Yes.
[08:59] <omf_> It really comes down to most hackers and programmers would only work for the government doing something cool like military shit
[08:59] <Smiley> Which makes more sense. Its a pointless game. Or is a great way to get people to use GPS+wifi to help map out areas?
[08:59] <chronomex> Smiley: it's a way to gather more wifi location data
[08:59] <omf_> that is foursquare
[08:59] <Smiley> chronomex: exactly :D
[09:00] <Smiley> not that it stops me playing, I just find it funny most of them don't realise what they are doing
[09:00] <S[h]O[r]T> it comes down to government needing and wanting hackers but not getting clearance/bs
[09:00] <ersi> omf_: and that each govermental/govermental subsided business fights for allocation and there's a massive pile of papers to file
[09:00] <ersi> chronomex: I don't think Ingress in particular is for that.. They already have GMaps rolled out since the last 5 years
[09:01] <chronomex> ingress encourages you to turn on all your radios and walk around
[09:01] <ersi> Each Android hand-set will grab that infoz continously if you have GPS+3G on
[09:01] <omf_> yeah the red tape is anti-creative/hacker/smart guy
[09:01] <ersi> Using maps, practically forces you to enable your radios
[09:01] <chronomex> no it only does gps at long intervals, not continuously
[09:01] <chronomex> unless you're actively using it
[09:02] <chronomex> whatever
[09:02] <Smiley> ersi: how many people actively report errors in maps?
[09:02] <ersi> you know what I mean because you said exactly the same thing again
[09:02] <ersi> Smiley: doesn't matter
[09:02] <Smiley> People love reporting errors in ingress. Gamification!
[09:02] <omf_> I report errors, that shit never gets fixed
[09:02] <chronomex> I edit openstreetmap, problem solved
[09:02] <Schbirid> !
[09:02] <chronomex> ?
[09:03] <Schbirid> i was just going to link http://openstreetbugs.schokokeks.org/
[09:03] <ersi> OSM rocks
[09:03] <chronomex> I'm working on a comprehensive survey of my neighborhood
[09:05] <Smiley> there we go, filed a bug for you.
[09:05] <Smiley> footpath in completely the wrong place.
[09:06] <ersi> blargh, my workstation at work is a bit sluggish with all these punchfork instances chugging along
[09:06] <ersi> I'll spin 'em down and spin up a few elsewhere
[09:06] <Schbirid> Smiley: link?
[09:07] <Smiley> urgh, broke it trying to zoom in
[09:07] <Smiley> http://openstreetbugs.schokokeks.org/?lon=-1.54525&lat=52.40373&zoom=18&layers=B0T
[09:07] <Smiley> theres two footpaths there
[09:07] <Smiley> One of them doesn't exist, and is dangerous to corss that cross to the round about.
[09:08] <Smiley> instead they both join the road where the proper zig zag crossing is.
[09:08] <chronomex> cool
[09:08] <chronomex> hopefully someone will be able to go out there and take a look at it
[09:08] <Smiley> yeah
[09:08] <Schbirid> Smiley: thanks! :)
[09:09] <Smiley> what IS there, is a stand for a 50foot light
[09:09] <Smiley> such as those they use to light football pitches etc
[09:09] <Smiley> we seemingly had someone thinkg it was a good idea at some point to put those lights randomly around the city
[09:09] <Smiley> When they are on, they light up for a few miles :/ So so bright, it looks like day light in the middle of the night.
[09:09] <Smiley> THat one has been removed, but the "stand" is still on the ground...
[09:09] <ersi> that's super weird
[09:10] <chronomex> huh
[09:10] <chronomex> indeed
[09:10] <Smiley> What, the lights?
[09:10] <chronomex> yes
[09:10] <Smiley> yup
[09:10] <Smiley> they point directly down... but are so stupidly bright.
[09:10] <Smiley> let's see if I can find a pic of one
[09:11] <Smiley> I've only ever seen them on once.
[09:12] <ersi> Wouldn't the pic only be white?
[09:12] <ersi> ;D
[09:12] <Smiley> hahaha yeah, but i meant when they are off :P
[09:12] <Schbirid> brown, instagram!
[09:13] <Schbirid> sorry, i mean sepia
[09:13] <Schbirid> sepia pantona selection 42
[09:13] <Smiley> trying to think where I know where one is.
[09:13] <Smiley> I remember it well because I was waling home one night
[09:13] <Smiley> went around the corner and was like OMG I'M BLIDN
[09:15] <Smiley> https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=52.407294,-1.516788&num=1&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=52.403975,-1.545877&spn=0.000389,0.000534&z=21&vpsrc=6&layer=c&cbll=52.403975,-1.545877&panoid=Z8v0x9xIpwA6Ix9Jp3T3nA&cbp=12,43.04,,0,0
[09:15] <Smiley> wtf
[09:17] <Smiley> https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=52.407294,-1.516788&num=1&ie=UTF8&t=m&ll=52.406624,-1.519278&spn=0.001554,0.002138&z=19&vpsrc=6&layer=c&cbll=52.406624,-1.519278&panoid=Wr86gHyXbS9KfJaqV0LGhg&cbp=12,288.56,,0,-24.53
[09:18] <Smiley> u can see one there.
[09:20] <ersi> Smiley:  - Downloaded: 105960 URLs.
[09:20] <ersi> :D
[09:20] <Smiley> D:
[09:20] <Smiley> gonna break you think?
[09:21] <ersi> naw, I "fixed" ZipExport
[09:21] <ersi> also, my ones do ZipExport before the WgetDownload
[09:21] <ersi> so if they're WgetDownloading, they're fine
[09:21] <Smiley> oh yeah, you said
[09:43] <SketchCow> Just took a few steps out of my TOSEC upload.
[09:45] <ersi> alard: Just curious; How many items are there left on Punchy?
[09:45] <ersi> Oh yeah, I should probably upload my chumby.com stuff to IA
[10:04] <BlueMax> TOSEC upload?
[10:38] <Smiley> - Downloaded: 96740 URLs.
[10:45] <ersi> Smiley: - Downloaded: 118520 URLs.
[10:45] <ersi> that one seems to like to keep going
[10:52] <Smiley> :O
[10:54] <Smiley> - Downloaded: 100060 URLs.
[10:56] <ersi> yay
[11:44] <Smiley> 3022 recipes :o
[11:44] <Smiley> 75k urls that one
[11:45] <Smiley> - Downloaded: 110790 URLs.....
[12:02] <Smiley> - Downloaded: 114130 URLs.
[12:02] <Smiley> yey the 3022 recipes is uploading :)
[12:02] <Smiley> Finished PrepareStatsForTracker for Item user-nyghtmare - hahah fitting name
[12:08] <ersi> Smiley:  - Downloaded: 130950 URLs.
[12:08] <ersi> :D
[12:10] <Smiley> :D nice
[12:10] <Smiley> ersi: user-KateRen 1500MB
[12:10] <Smiley> :O
[12:10] <Smiley> D:
[12:10] * Smiley goes home
[12:10] <ersi> yeah :D
[12:17] <ersi> Smiley: the user's final is:  - Downloaded: 134210 URLs. ;D
[12:18] <Smiley> Nice.
[12:19] <Smiley> Starting WgetDownload for Item user-Mai - Downloaded: 117550 URLs.
[12:26] <ersi> Mwahaha, soon overtaking Muad-Dib
[12:35] * Smiley hides
[12:41] <ersi> Smiley: that 130k user is 3.1GB ;o
[12:42] <Smiley> :O
[12:42] * Smiley does some quick science.
[12:43] <Smiley> yeah my warrior has 2gb memory.
[12:43] <Smiley> And I'm now pulling down 1.8Mbit o_O
[12:43] <Smiley> 2x50k users, 1x121k
[12:54] <ersi> http://everyfuckingwebsite.com/
[12:54] <Smiley> punchfork.com-user-nyghtmare-20130304-040236.warc.gz
[12:54] <Smiley> 1014661120  63%  248.75kB/s    0:38:25
[12:56] <omf_> ersi, Isn't that the best site ever
[12:57] <omf_> It makes me smile :)
[12:57] <Smiley> haha awesome.
[12:57] <sep332> is #preposterus logged somewhere?
[12:57] <omf_> probably not
[12:58] <sep332> ok
[13:08] <ersi> Smiley: mwahaha, gunning for your top10 rank
[13:18] <Smiley> I'm logging it...
[13:19] <Smiley> Do we want the log? :/
[13:19] <Smiley> punchfork.com-user-nyghtmare-20130304-040236.warc.gz
[13:19] <Smiley> 1390706688  87%  208.50kB/s    0:15:47
[13:19] <Smiley> whats that, 1.3Gb?
[13:19] <Frigolit> no, GB :3
[13:29] <ersi> over 100GB \o
[13:32] <Smiley> o_O
[13:32] <Smiley> my warrior only has 80GB so I hope its not 100 ;D
[13:33] <ersi> I'm over 100GB uploaded now
[13:33] <Smiley> punchfork.com-user-nyghtmare-20130304-040236.warc.gz
[13:33] <Smiley> 1390706688  87%  208.50kB/s    0:15:47
[13:33] <Smiley> punchfork.com-user-nyghtmare-20130304-040236.warc.gz
[13:33] <Smiley> 1390706688  87%  208.50kB/s    0:15:47
[13:33] <Smiley> errrr
[13:33] <Smiley> Mai is now 132k
[13:33] <ersi> fail
[13:51] <ersi> Smiley: Only 10GB from you now >:)
[13:51] <Smiley> :D
[13:51] <Smiley> - Downloaded: 135180 URLs. - hoping she'll help :P
[14:20] <Smiley> Starting WgetDownload for Item user-Mai - Downloaded: 139560 URLs.
[14:20] <Smiley> Smiley: user-nyghtmare 1696MB
[14:33] <ersi> alard: many left?
[14:37] <Smiley> Starting WgetDownload for Item user-Mai - Downloaded: 143270 URLs.
[14:42] <ersi> nice, new record :P
[14:42] <ersi> I'm not getting more/new users :o
[14:43] <Smiley> #:O
[14:43] <Smiley> 108out - someone possibly got 108 users somewhere?
[14:44] <ersi> dunno
[14:44] <ersi> 284out
[14:46] <Smiley> o#_O
[14:46] <Smiley> I'm wondering if I have a load of users assigned to me still.
[15:00] <Smiley> - Downloaded: 148180 URLs.
[15:24] <Smiley> Starting WgetDownload for Item user-Mai - Downloaded: 154310 URLs.
[15:24] <Smiley> lordy lordy
[16:14] * Smiley waves to ersi on the tracker.
[16:15] <Smiley> - Found 4723 cards.
[16:15] <Smiley> Downloading recipe index:
[16:50] <Smiley> hmmm,
[16:50] <Smiley> Starting WgetDownload for Item user-juliacirone - Downloaded: 93720 URLs.
[16:50] <Smiley> Can one of the admins see if I've got many more jobs, and pass some over to ersi?
[20:17] <Smiley> alard: .... can you split jobs between me and ersi again, he has far more b/w it seems (and ability to possibly cope with larger users).
[20:17] <Smiley> also it seems mai may of disappeared into the ether :/
[20:22] <godane> you guys may get some repeats with the missing videos i'm getting
[20:22] <godane> but the video id is different
[20:24] <godane> even the file name is dfferent
[20:26] <ersi> Saving is better than not saving
[20:26] <godane> i'm downloading them all
[20:27] <godane> the podcast stuff at least explains the missing ids
[20:28] <godane> also the missing videos equal around 2177
[20:28] <godane> there is more i have to grab
[20:29] <godane> thats only up to 43997 id
[20:33] <godane> looks like glenn beck had the same errror as wilkow had
[20:33] <godane> no commecails and no blaze ticker
[20:34] <godane> was questioning the file size and time length
[21:02] <ersi> alard: poke :)
[21:03] <alard> ersi: Hello.
[21:03] <alard> I'm somewhat lost.
[21:03] <ersi> Oh no
[21:03] <Smiley> lol where to start :D
[21:03] * ersi goes to find alard
[21:03] <Smiley> 1. soultcer did something to posterous as we were breaking it
[21:04] <Smiley> 2. we've done _most_ of the punchfork stuff.... theres still a few errored out users but I think ersi has fixed his code.
[21:04] <ersi> yah
[21:04] <Smiley> 3. a posterous engineer stopped by, said hi.... I'll pm you a log about that in a sc
[21:04] <Smiley> sec(
[21:04] <alard> 1. I saw that message, but I think the todo list is back to where it was and it's now back to per-minute-limit = 0?
[21:04] <Smiley> 0 = not running?
[21:05] <ersi> Yeah, posterous is back to 0. Since posterous was/is broken
[21:05] <ersi> yeah. 0 per minut = nothing gets done, ie stopped
[21:05] <ersi> Smiley: Btw, I pushed my changes to the master branch. So you have the updated code as well ;)
[21:05] <alard> 2. Do you want the unfinished punchfork users another time?
[21:05] <Smiley> ersi: Oh sweet, I wasn't sure and didn't want to presume yet.
[21:05] <ersi> Yeah, unleash them again alard :)
[21:06] <godane> i'm getting retroauts podcast
[21:06] <godane> its from ign
[21:06] <alard> I see soultcer has admin access to the tracker now. Good.
[21:06] <ersi> yeah, he haxed redis access or something like that :)
[21:06] <Smiley> godane: good job!!
[21:07] <Smiley> can we feed rss feeds or something itno the IA? XD
[21:07] <godane> a guy had transcode it on underground gamer to m4a
[21:07] <godane> so its half the size
[21:08] <godane> but he did it cause of random bitrate and meta data problems
[21:08] <alard> I've given full tracker access to S[h]O[r]T now. underscor and chronomex already had that. (And they can add new users if necessary.)
[21:09] <ersi> neat
[21:09] <Smiley> Cool
[21:09] <Smiley> I'll annoy them
[21:09] <Smiley> Any of them EU based btw?
[21:09] <Smiley> As thats teh biggest issue...
[21:09] <godane> ok its 1up's retroauts
[21:09] <godane> not ign
[21:09] <Smiley> No one is around at 9am when we break things :D
[21:15] <godane> i have decide to go after the original mp3s
[21:17] <godane> you guys could do it for me if you want?
[21:17] <godane> http://www.1up.com/do/minisite?cId=3156908
[21:21] <Smiley> wget only mp3 files?
[21:22] <Smiley> depth=1.....
[21:22] <Smiley> and just run it for the 5 pages?
[21:23] <godane> sorry i have alot of uploading
[21:23] <Smiley> wget -r -l1 -H -t1 -nd -N -np -A.mp3 -erobots=off -i ~/mp3blogs.txt something like this
[21:23] <Smiley> godane: not ap roblem, I'm just triyng to figure out the exact wget command
[21:23] <godane> just make a warc.gz of the 5 pages
[21:24] <godane> then zcat *.warc.gz | grep .mp3
[21:24] <Smiley> wget -r -l1 -H -t1 -N -np -A.mp3 -erobots=off <url>
[21:24] <Smiley> there ytou go
[21:24] <Smiley> now to run it :D
[21:25] <godane> i was renameing the files so didn't get confused about them
[21:26] <Smiley> errr
[21:26] <Smiley> how to save to warc with wget again? :S
[21:26] <Smiley> or does it matter for the mp3s?
[21:30] <Smiley> ./warc-proxy/mp3s/www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/podcast.the1upnetwork.com/flat/Retronauts/R020813.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.2.0, contains: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 160 kbps, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo
[21:30] <Smiley> Coming down now godane
[21:31] <chronomex> alard: I don't know what my auth secret is, or how to get to the login :P
[21:32] <Smiley> right guys I'm off
[21:32] <Smiley> godane: don't worry, those mp3s are coming down now, I'll likely upload them tomorrow possibly.
[21:32] <Smiley> I gave it all 5 pages to grab from, might get some random extra ones.
[21:33] <alard> chronomex: Do you want an auth secret?
[21:34] <chronomex> well unless I can log in without it, yes
[21:56] * SketchCow moving around files on FOS like CRAZY
[21:56] <SketchCow> Trying to clear stuff off now.
[21:57] <godane> SketchCow: i have uploaded 12k+ files to g4video-web collection
[21:58] <godane> i also found over 2000+ videos from my wii service
[22:02] <SketchCow> Excellent
[22:02] <godane> SketchCow: also i have faster upload speed
[22:02] <godane> i noticed on friday
[22:03] <godane> *it was 03/02 morning
[22:04] <soultcer> SketchCow: Did you move any posterous files yet?
[22:05] <SketchCow> THey're moving now.
[22:06] <SketchCow> root@teamarchive-1:/1/TOSEC/TOSEC_SETS_2012_04_23# du -sh /2/POSTEROUS-BIN/
[22:06] <SketchCow> 24G     /2/POSTEROUS-BIN/
[22:11] <soultcer> When you say move, is that uploading to achive.org or just moving to a different disk?
[22:11] <godane> holy crap
[22:12] <godane> 12+mb images on g4tv.com
[22:12] <godane> this is between 130001 to 140000
[22:13] <godane> also 120001 to 130000 must not have alot of images cause i'm close to the first 2000 urls with 0 images so far