#archiveteam-bs 2013-03-13,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
00:00 πŸ”— BlueMax http://www.coverbrowser.com/image/dos-games/1820-1.jpg I'm getting a Jason vibe off this kinda
00:02 πŸ”— ersi Hahaha
00:02 πŸ”— ersi That's a GREAT one
00:20 πŸ”— SketchCow 21G N-Z
00:20 πŸ”— SketchCow 50G a-c
00:20 πŸ”— SketchCow 51G A-M
00:20 πŸ”— SketchCow 53G d-i
00:20 πŸ”— SketchCow root@teamarchive-1:/1/GITHUB/github.com# du -sh *
00:20 πŸ”— SketchCow 57G j-m
00:20 πŸ”— SketchCow 50G n-r
00:20 πŸ”— SketchCow 48G s-z
00:20 πŸ”— SketchCow root@teamarchive-1:/1/GITHUB/github.com# du -sh .
00:20 πŸ”— SketchCow 327G .
00:21 πŸ”— ersi Dangely, though, that's pretty small.
00:24 πŸ”— SketchCow Well, nobody was using this thing.
00:34 πŸ”— ersi Well, a lot of it is text - which has been compressed :)
00:36 πŸ”— SketchCow 15318
00:36 πŸ”— SketchCow root@teamarchive-1:/1/GITHUB/github.com# find . -name index.txt | wc -l
00:36 πŸ”— SketchCow so now you know, 15,318 individual sets
00:42 πŸ”— ersi Neat. Also, "small".
00:43 πŸ”— ersi SketchCow: Did you see BlueMax's image above? If not, you certainly should.
00:46 πŸ”— SketchCow Makes me want to lose weight
00:46 πŸ”— * SketchCow starts dancing to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcLNteez3c4
00:48 πŸ”— BlueMax You don't need to lose weight
00:48 πŸ”— BlueMax You need to be able to belly flop on Yahoo executives
00:49 πŸ”— ersi Oppa jason style
00:49 πŸ”— ersi Mmmmh, hyuna <3
00:50 πŸ”— SketchCow The difficult, immediately. The impossible will take a few moments longer.
00:50 πŸ”— SketchCow (Slogan of the Waldorf Astoria)
01:35 πŸ”— godane fixed: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video14500
01:42 πŸ”— godane uploaded: https://archive.org/details/www.g4tv.com-thefeed-20130110
01:46 πŸ”— yipdw heh. I'm surprised nobody in the HN thread at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5364641 has accused AT of being a DDoS
01:47 πŸ”— yipdw maybe everyone is past that point
01:47 πŸ”— omf_ someone joked on twitter that we created the CDos
01:48 πŸ”— chronomex cdos?
01:48 πŸ”— omf_ my bad
01:48 πŸ”— omf_ DCos - Distributed Continuation of Service
01:48 πŸ”— yipdw I thought that was a SketchCow thing
01:49 πŸ”— omf_ I hadn't heard it before
01:49 πŸ”— yipdw distributed preservation of service attack
01:49 πŸ”— chronomex ah
01:49 πŸ”— chronomex dpos, yes
01:50 πŸ”— plux_ Someone is accusing AT of being necromancers tho :P
01:50 πŸ”— yipdw yeah
01:50 πŸ”— yipdw I'm like "that's totally awesome"
01:51 πŸ”— plux_ Necromancer is one of my favorites while playing D&D so. :)
02:09 πŸ”— omf_ ugh some of the idiocy in the HN comments
02:10 πŸ”— plux_ omf_: it's HN, it will always be idiocy
02:10 πŸ”— plux_ :P
02:12 πŸ”— godane http://archive.is/WvS3Y
02:12 πŸ”— omf_ Was HN ever really that good
02:12 πŸ”— dashcloud I think so, and in many ways it still is quite good
02:13 πŸ”— dashcloud it's got its quirks, memes, and silly crap, but so does any site big enough to care about
02:13 πŸ”— omf_ that is the problem
02:13 πŸ”— omf_ there used to be great sites that were small
02:13 πŸ”— omf_ now it is all big shit
02:14 πŸ”— omf_ Eternal September
02:14 πŸ”— dashcloud I'm not really sure you can avoid that- people form groups, and unless your site is singularly focused, it will go off-topic
02:14 πŸ”— omf_ I am not talking about offtopic
02:15 πŸ”— omf_ Lets use stack overflow as an example
02:15 πŸ”— omf_ That series of sites is moderated usenet
02:15 πŸ”— closure eh? HN is a lisp repl developed on the deployment box and doesn't even have its own TLD. Not big.
02:15 πŸ”— omf_ with badges and points
02:15 πŸ”— closure (should be archive tho..)
02:15 πŸ”— omf_ closure, already done
02:15 πŸ”— closure all of it?
02:16 πŸ”— omf_ oh yeah there are a few people doing it
02:16 πŸ”— omf_ hnsearch does it
02:16 πŸ”— omf_ The stack sites are successful because the moderation reduces noise
02:17 πŸ”— omf_ HN, slashdot and the like once getting beyond a certain size have no real moderation
02:17 πŸ”— omf_ slashdot has a funny category which destroys intelligent conversation
02:18 πŸ”— dashcloud if you're right, that would seem to suggest unstructured sites will eventually destroy themselves from the inside out
02:19 πŸ”— omf_ we have seen it happen before
02:19 πŸ”— omf_ what sites around now were around 15 years ago
02:20 πŸ”— dashcloud but it's not truly fair to compare HN and stackoverflow sites, unless there's a stackoverflow for news that allows comments
02:21 πŸ”— omf_ HN being news has nothing to do with it. HN, slashdot, reddit, the stacks are all driven by the community submitting content and then commenting on it
02:21 πŸ”— omf_ facebook
02:21 πŸ”— omf_ twitter
02:22 πŸ”— omf_ There are always people looking for the next big thing and thats great
02:23 πŸ”— omf_ but it seems that is the only focus in the tech sector, the next thing. What about providing something that is just reliable
02:23 πŸ”— plux_ omf_: but the cloud will fix everything! :P *ducks*
02:23 πŸ”— omf_ to use a cliche, too many cooks in the kitchen
02:26 πŸ”— dashcloud if you want just reliable, you should be using Pinboard for bookmarks- it doesn't try to do other things, it's responsive, and the owner is hilarious
02:32 πŸ”— omf_ If you are logged in does pinboard have comments?
02:36 πŸ”— chronomex no
02:36 πŸ”— chronomex logged in and logged out look exactly the same, but logged in you can see your private bookmarks as well (with a grey background)
02:37 πŸ”— omf_ hmm I like that approach. Essentially fuck comments because they provide nothing
02:38 πŸ”— chronomex correct
02:39 πŸ”— chronomex ;)
02:39 πŸ”— omf_ There are very few blogs I actually read the comments to
03:00 πŸ”— Aranje I rather appreciate comments on extremely technical typographic posts
03:01 πŸ”— Aranje very good questions with very good answers, often
03:01 πŸ”— omf_ Aranje, I assume you mean 'I appreciate on point, well thought out comments that lend value'
03:02 πŸ”— omf_ speaking of typography did you read the symbol font article in the new alistapart
03:03 πŸ”— Aranje not just yet
03:03 πŸ”— Aranje omf_:) that's the general point, yes. I've just found a much higher rate of those in typography specific posts
03:05 πŸ”— omf_ another good one is http://viljamis.com/blog/2013/prototyping-responsive-typography/
03:05 πŸ”— Aranje oooh
03:05 πŸ”— Aranje I dunno what it is, but I just get infatuated with readability these days
03:05 πŸ”— omf_ Here is a cool little easter egg
03:05 πŸ”— Aranje I've put SO much time into it
03:06 πŸ”— omf_ look at the site with and without javascript on
03:06 πŸ”— omf_ 2 different type styles based on availability
03:06 πŸ”— Aranje mmm, dat graceful degredation
03:08 πŸ”— Aranje I've never been compelled much by the loadable fonts... except for headers
03:12 πŸ”— Aranje ahh! those alistapart posts were just posted today
03:12 πŸ”— Aranje haha
04:30 πŸ”— omf_ my 18 day web crawl has just finished. 7.8 million pages + assets downloaded. I almost ran out of space for it
04:31 πŸ”— BlueMax pfft. ran out of space.
04:33 πŸ”— omf_ I added 6tb last month and that is all full too
04:33 πŸ”— omf_ I'll probably add 6tb more tomorrow
04:33 πŸ”— omf_ well after the break in tests finish
07:06 πŸ”— ersi omf_: Hah, woah
07:08 πŸ”— omf_ I am going all 3tb drives now
07:12 πŸ”— SketchCow I just bought 2 2tb drives.
07:12 πŸ”— SketchCow Starting to upgrade the ol' media.
07:12 πŸ”— ersi I'm gonna buy me some 4TB drives when my card arrives
07:13 πŸ”— SketchCow Keep an eye out:
07:13 πŸ”— SketchCow http://www.edwardbetts.com/price_per_tb/
07:15 πŸ”— omf_ ersi, which brand drives are you looking into?
07:16 πŸ”— GLaDOS Now all I need is some Australian suppliers that inflate the price by about 200% and I'll be off!
07:16 πŸ”— GLaDOS \(._.)/
07:16 πŸ”— BlueMax GLaDOS, you don't use PC Case Gear?
07:17 πŸ”— GLaDOS I bought a 4 port 2.5' drive bay from them I think
07:17 πŸ”— GLaDOS Yeah, I did
08:03 πŸ”— GLaDOS http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=22818 A man can dream..
08:09 πŸ”— BlueMax A man can dream indeed.
08:10 πŸ”— BlueMax That thing would be awesome for mining Bitcoins.
08:12 πŸ”— GLaDOS It would.
08:18 πŸ”— chronomex bitcoins are for chumps
08:33 πŸ”— S[h]O[r]T nvidia sucks for bitcoins
08:36 πŸ”— SketchCow While doing some tasks, I have the Despecialized edition of Star Wars, first movie
08:36 πŸ”— SketchCow Boy, does this thing remind you how sucky the new movie is
08:36 πŸ”— BlueMax uh, do you mean Episode IV?
08:37 πŸ”— SketchCow This is from before it was called that.
08:37 πŸ”— BlueMax sorry I grew up with the prequel trilogy
08:37 πŸ”— SketchCow I know, you're nine.
08:38 πŸ”— BlueMax teen.
08:38 πŸ”— SketchCow I have a dozen shirt sin this room older than you
08:38 πŸ”— SketchCow Regardless. Star Wars, first movie. 1977.
08:38 πŸ”— SketchCow Before it was rebranded as Episode IV the next year
08:38 πŸ”— BlueMax I'd like to see a copy of that to be honest
08:38 πŸ”— BlueMax Pretty sure I've only seen Special Editions
08:39 πŸ”— SketchCow I am positive you have.
08:40 πŸ”— BlueMax I mean I have an old copy of it in my loungeroom but it's the VHS trilogy rerelease
08:40 πŸ”— SketchCow Look for "Despecialized edition"
08:42 πŸ”— omf_ I have the laser disk versions of star wars
08:42 πŸ”— omf_ good video quality, no cgi addins
08:43 πŸ”— BlueMax Thanks SketchCow, will definitely grab these and watch them soon
08:43 πŸ”— BlueMax Also I really need to buy your BBS documentary, I just watched it for the fourth time tonight
08:44 πŸ”— ersi omf_: Cheapest.
08:45 πŸ”— BlueMax although I will admit there's one change in the special edition I really like, and that's the reference to the Outrider from Shadows of the Empire. I loved that series. I'll shut up now.
08:45 πŸ”— ersi omf_: Seagate seems to be the cheapest here in Sweden at the moment
08:46 πŸ”— omf_ Is there a higher markup for hardware in Europe?
08:52 πŸ”— chronomex SketchCow: I wasn't able to get my bittorrent thing to work with magnets, is there a tracker that has it available?
08:53 πŸ”— ersi omf_: feels like it, at least in Sweden.
08:54 πŸ”— ersi omf_: We got this stupid multimedia tax as well, on all storage devices (Fucking moronic)
08:54 πŸ”— ersi We pay a percentage of each storage device, to the Swedish/European "RIAA"/IFPI etc
08:54 πŸ”— ersi Yes.. regardless of use.. and of course, businesses are exempt.. but only if they ask for it
08:55 πŸ”— chronomex seems reasonable
08:56 πŸ”— ersi Well, if there'd be an exception of copying your private copy of licensed works.. Yeah, kinda
08:56 πŸ”— omf_ Yeah friend in Canada complain about their media tax too
08:56 πŸ”— omf_ its fucking clown shoes
08:57 πŸ”— ersi it sure is
09:11 πŸ”— ersi http://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/posts/2013/03/whats-better-than-a-great-app-dozens-of-great-apps/
09:11 πŸ”— ersi lol'd
09:11 πŸ”— ersi answer is "Until Yahoo! axes the shit out of all of thme"
09:13 πŸ”— GLaDOS Yahoo is like a small child.
09:13 πŸ”— GLaDOS It has a short attention span, and doesn't like sharing.
09:13 πŸ”— GLaDOS ..or was that just me?
09:16 πŸ”— omf_ GLaDOS, you sure you don't mean google? They tend to ax shit faster
09:16 πŸ”— omf_ someone wrote an article a while back on google's failed products. They axe over 10 products a year
09:16 πŸ”— GLaDOS I usually see all kids as one big blob.
09:17 πŸ”— omf_ yeah I can understand that
09:17 πŸ”— omf_ I think facebook might be the worst
09:17 πŸ”— omf_ they buy shit to kill it
09:17 πŸ”— GLaDOS They just get the team.
09:18 πŸ”— ersi They all suck
09:18 πŸ”— GLaDOS I'm surprised Instagram is still alive, and hasn't merged into Facebook.
09:18 πŸ”— omf_ I like amazon still. AWS and EC2 are pretty niffty
09:39 πŸ”— Smiley they are working on it XD
09:39 πŸ”— Smiley omf_: yeah but google starts these projects with the obviousness that they might disappear again
09:40 πŸ”— omf_ Any online service can disappear at any time. That is just a fact
09:41 πŸ”— omf_ Any product made by any company can be discontinued that is the nature of companies and products
09:41 πŸ”— omf_ when did people start thinking this didn't apply online?
09:42 πŸ”— ersi Since the commoners flocked to the 'netz
09:42 πŸ”— omf_ good point
09:45 πŸ”— Smiley cloud!
09:45 πŸ”— Smiley it's there forever
09:48 πŸ”— omf_ I am sweating like a whore in church. I am going to go roll around in the snow outside
09:48 πŸ”— GLaDOS At least you have snow.
09:50 πŸ”— omf_ I love snow
09:50 πŸ”— omf_ It is my favorite part of nature
09:56 πŸ”— Smiley omf_: I'm sweating too :< we are re-arranging the office ready for refurb, and some how "IT" translates as "Removal man".
09:56 πŸ”— Smiley http://metro.co.uk/2013/03/12/papal-conclave-live-blog-will-it-be-white-smoke-or-not-3537372/ - actually quite amusing
09:58 πŸ”— chronomex lol
09:58 πŸ”— chronomex liveblogging a chimney is about the weirdest thing ever
10:08 πŸ”— omf_ joyent just emailed me asking what problems I have with joyent
10:09 πŸ”— omf_ I asked how a cloud company does not have instance saving, backing up, restoring or even load a custom OS option
10:09 πŸ”— omf_ I await the marketing speak (aka lies) they are going to tell me
10:10 πŸ”— chronomex cool
10:11 πŸ”— omf_ I am surprised they even read my initial feedback
10:32 πŸ”— Smiley It's "Coming!"
10:38 πŸ”— SketchCow While combining this data into the drives I bought, I'm playing a japanese anime.
10:38 πŸ”— SketchCow And what's great is it has an english soundtrack AND an english caption set
10:39 πŸ”— SketchCow And they're NOT THE SAME
10:39 πŸ”— SketchCow They're describing the same thing TWO DIFFERENT WAYS
10:40 πŸ”— GLaDOS Kind of like a Choose Your Own Adventure story?
10:40 πŸ”— godane SketchCow: when will i have direct access to my collections?
10:40 πŸ”— SketchCow When I find the instructions I misplaced
10:41 πŸ”— godane ok
10:41 πŸ”— ersi ^_^
10:41 πŸ”— godane i just want it so i can start giving you more stuff
10:44 πŸ”— ersi should rename Internet Archive to the Godane Archive :)
10:44 πŸ”— ersi You're doing a lot! (It's appreciated)
10:44 πŸ”— godane i know
10:44 πŸ”— godane g4tv.com should have been a Jason Scott project to me
10:45 πŸ”— godane i was trying to just get the episode rips cause it would be easier for me
10:45 πŸ”— godane but alot of the older ones are gone
10:46 πŸ”— godane also some other good news is i got some 2005 episodes of the screen savers
10:47 πŸ”— Smiley GLaDOS: why you invite me to empty channel?
10:48 πŸ”— Smiley k
10:48 πŸ”— * Smiley continues to idle, and /notice is evil.
10:48 πŸ”— Smiley it bypasses my highlight :P
10:49 πŸ”— SketchCow I have much higher priorities than g4tv.
10:49 πŸ”— SketchCow So it's much better you took it on.
10:49 πŸ”— SketchCow It's just your autism is making you expand the project to crazy levels.
10:49 πŸ”— SketchCow Benefit: The world
10:50 πŸ”— godane it was more about the level of data
10:51 πŸ”— omf_ godane, how many gigabytes has the whole thing turned out to be so far?
10:51 πŸ”— godane dl.tv and crankygeeks was at most ~80gb
10:51 πŸ”— godane i still don't know
10:51 πŸ”— godane but is more then 1tb
10:53 πŸ”— godane i know the images are around 72gb
10:56 πŸ”— godane the sd videos are around ~750gb
10:56 πŸ”— godane more closer to 800gb once you get the missing videos that i can find
10:58 πŸ”— godane g4 forums dumps: https://archive.org/search.php?query=forums.g4tv%20AND%20collection%3Aopensource
10:58 πŸ”— godane thats the public forums without a user account
11:02 πŸ”— SketchCow You will all be shocked to know this episode of Lupin III NOT directed by Miyazaki is not as good as one
11:23 πŸ”— godane http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigon_Studios
11:24 πŸ”— godane Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Walkthrough: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video36254
11:41 πŸ”— godane uploaded: http://archive.org/details/images.g4tv.com-100001-to-110000_l-images
12:13 πŸ”— Smiley godane: you managed to uplaod so much stuff yet the derivers can't keep up?
12:41 πŸ”— godane i'm like uploading 2 things at once
12:41 πŸ”— godane once terminal is uploading videos
12:42 πŸ”— godane where gftp is uploading my image dumps
13:01 πŸ”— godane i get to have the fun of trying to load a 2.4gb warc into warc-proxy
13:03 πŸ”— godane trying to check my g4 forums dumps to make sure it works
13:03 πŸ”— godane also i want see if i just need a index the first page in index to fix the s= urls
13:31 πŸ”— ersi Welcome to russia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6OqP9umPgU
13:33 πŸ”— Cameron_D I like how everyone in russia has a dashcam
13:34 πŸ”— ersi I like how everyone seems to be poor drivers
13:34 πŸ”— ersi I understand why they have dashcams now.
13:35 πŸ”— godane alot of people get scamed there
13:35 πŸ”— Cameron_D ^ it is to do with proving insuranece claims
13:36 πŸ”— ersi Well, they sure suck at driving - so yeah.
13:36 πŸ”— ersi Seems necessary for teh claims
13:36 πŸ”— Cameron_D yeah, and a lot of people would also intentionally cause accidents to get the insurance claim
13:37 πŸ”— Cameron_D Like that one at 03:59 where someone reverses into them
13:38 πŸ”— ersi haha, yeah
14:10 πŸ”— ersi omf_: Read this: http://slashdot.org/topic/cloud/sxsw-stephen-wolfram-talks-mathematica-wolfram-alpha-growth/ with the In the Butt extention
14:39 πŸ”— Smiley anyone concidered archiving skype.com ?
14:40 πŸ”— Smiley Actually now I think about it, it appears that's unlikely to go
14:40 πŸ”— godane Metal Gear Solid Touch Gameplay: https://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video37299
14:44 πŸ”— godane Free Realms Direct-Feed Walkthrough: https://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video37271
14:48 πŸ”— ersi Smiley: Is there any non-corporate content there?
14:52 πŸ”— Smiley Not sure.
15:37 πŸ”— godane fixed: https://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video18045
15:37 πŸ”— godane fixed: https://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video18047
15:38 πŸ”— DFJustin <SketchCow> They're describing the same thing TWO DIFFERENT WAYS <-- late but this is actually pretty common, the dub script has constraints in terms of lip-moving time, but the subs can be more literal and/or weeaboo-compliant
15:39 πŸ”— godane is there any way to run a script to find bad videos?
15:40 πŸ”— godane like videos that don't play all the way thur
15:41 πŸ”— godane after finding broking videos in the 18000 ids i need a script to find the broken so i could maybe replace them with working flv7 video
15:41 πŸ”— godane or even pod.mp4 format
15:41 πŸ”— DFJustin this will show your tasks where the derive process has frozen up: https://archive.org/catalog.php?justme=1
15:42 πŸ”— godane thats not going to help
15:42 πŸ”— DFJustin I think there are a lot of errors where it will go ahead and finish but make broken output though
15:42 πŸ”— DFJustin yeah
15:43 πŸ”— godane the borken videos will derive but only put out the working parts
15:43 πŸ”— DFJustin you'd probably need something custom from the likes of underscor
15:43 πŸ”— godane underscor: i need your help
15:43 πŸ”— DFJustin do you still have all the video files on your hard drive
15:44 πŸ”— godane yes
15:44 πŸ”— underscor what do you need
15:44 πŸ”— DFJustin then you can probably do something without his help
15:44 πŸ”— godane a script to check if videos are incomplete or not play thur
15:45 πŸ”— DFJustin this looks like it would work http://606u.dir.bg/avicheck/#automation
15:45 πŸ”— DFJustin if you change .avi to .flv or whatever
15:46 πŸ”— godane i think i tryed that
15:46 πŸ”— godane it didn't work on my system
15:47 πŸ”— DFJustin underscor: I was wondering if there was an easy way to grep all the derive logs for one user for ffmpeg errors
15:47 πŸ”— underscor Not.... easy
15:47 πŸ”— underscor At least, not within my purview
16:05 πŸ”— godane Stalin vs. Martians Debut Trailer: https://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video37376
16:06 πŸ”— godane now thats just weird
16:08 πŸ”— godane The Street Fighter Years Mini Doc: https://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video37374
16:47 πŸ”— godane so i may have all forums.g4tv.com images
16:47 πŸ”— godane not exterinal ones
16:48 πŸ”— godane looks like my main problem will be cause alot of the image.php images use a dateline= variable
16:48 πŸ”— godane so the images are backed up but will not work with wayback machine
16:48 πŸ”— godane since the urls are different
17:04 πŸ”— godane this is one fire: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/559914737/the-veronica-mars-movie-project
17:04 πŸ”— godane *on fire
17:24 πŸ”— S[h]O[r]T holy shit im backing
17:37 πŸ”— sep332 an xkcd that actually made me laugh? that hasn't happened in a while https://xkcd.com/1185/
17:56 πŸ”— soultcer godane: Thanks for the link. I think I have to call my bank and ask for a 1,250,000 USD loan
17:59 πŸ”— godane its growing very fast
17:59 πŸ”— godane so it should be at goal in 2 days at least
18:00 πŸ”— DFJustin https://www.kicktraq.com/projects/559914737/the-veronica-mars-movie-project/
18:14 πŸ”— godane i doing regrabs of indexs
18:15 πŸ”— godane since it looks like only the the first page has the s= links its not going to cause too much of a problem
18:22 πŸ”— soultcer holy shit I just reloaded the kickstarter and it jumped up by 100,000
18:23 πŸ”— soultcer Talking about kickstarters @SketchCow, is the ArchiveTeam/money for archive.org HDDs thing still planned?
18:31 πŸ”— SketchCow I'm trying to get money in another way before going kickstarter
18:31 πŸ”— SketchCow Unless we have a drive
18:32 πŸ”— SketchCow But kickstarters add a hell of a burden
19:56 πŸ”— DFJustin https://twitter.com/PopeFrancisOne
20:02 πŸ”— sep332 DFJustin: that's awesome
20:04 πŸ”— Andres_ hail
20:04 πŸ”— Andres_ spics
20:04 πŸ”— Andres_ takin' the world
21:46 πŸ”— godane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fPgIIB67bw
21:47 πŸ”— godane Game of Thrones - 1995 Style
21:48 πŸ”— omf_ Tim O'reilly responded on HN... wtf has the world come to
21:49 πŸ”— omf_ That people take the asshat comments on there seriously
22:09 πŸ”— sep332 Tim_OReilly 4 hours ago | Thanks for the sobering feedback. I'll take your advice,starting with the books you mention.
22:09 πŸ”— sep332 dang
22:19 πŸ”— Andres_ lol
22:20 πŸ”— Andres_ HN confirmed for society-changing outlet
22:35 πŸ”— dashcloud so which story did Tim O'Reilly reply to?
22:41 πŸ”— omf_ The one about O'reilly media having lost its soul. It is a story about a massive fuck up on their end publishing a book
22:41 πŸ”— omf_ Here is the original article http://www.perceptualedge.com/blog/?p=1521
22:45 πŸ”— omf_ HN is just about which asshole yells the loudest. There is not quality level to any of the article selection other than which story has the most link bait title
22:46 πŸ”— omf_ HN is slashdot for hipsters
22:46 πŸ”— omf_ There I said it. I feel better already.
22:48 πŸ”— dashcloud so what's the best news site with comments then?
22:49 πŸ”— omf_ There is no best. It is which pile of shit you are willing to tolerate.
22:51 πŸ”— omf_ As long as there are trolls and woefully ignorant people we cannot have nice things.
23:37 πŸ”— balrog_ well Fuck Google.
23:39 πŸ”— arkhive link? I just joined.
23:43 πŸ”— mistym arkhive: Google Reader is going away.
23:43 πŸ”— mistym I switched to it a few months ago. It's simple but good. It works. That it goes away is basically crappy, especially since maintenance for it has got to be nil at this point.
23:53 πŸ”— Andres_ holy kike
23:53 πŸ”— Andres_ google reader
23:54 πŸ”— Andres_ i fucking hate these spring cleanings
23:54 πŸ”— Andres_ i really miss the youtube "search stories" app
23:54 πŸ”— Andres_ oh and the fucking blackberry client
23:54 πŸ”— Andres_ *gmail
23:54 πŸ”— Andres_ and however, it's not google's
23:54 πŸ”— Andres_ SnaptÑu
23:54 πŸ”— Andres_ *ü
23:55 πŸ”— Andres_ it was a great goddamn product
23:55 πŸ”— Andres_ but facebook bought it
23:55 πŸ”— Andres_ and deleted all the services but their facebook for everyone phone shit
23:55 πŸ”— arkhive The internet has that problem
23:55 πŸ”— arkhive create. destroy
23:56 πŸ”— omf_ That is the same product cycle any company goes through. Notice Oreos are gone now
23:56 πŸ”— arkhive that's why we are here.
23:56 πŸ”— arkhive really? didn't know that.
23:56 πŸ”— omf_ I was shocked as well
23:56 πŸ”— Andres_ i hate
23:56 πŸ”— Andres_ oreos
23:56 πŸ”— Andres_ with all my fucking heart
23:56 πŸ”— Andres_ and them mixed with milk
23:56 πŸ”— chronomex what's this about oreos?
23:56 πŸ”— Andres_ it's disgusting
23:57 πŸ”— chronomex I'm pretty sure they're still around
23:57 πŸ”— arkhive ya
23:57 πŸ”— arkhive lol
23:57 πŸ”— Andres_ "Thank you again for using Reader as your RSS platform."
23:57 πŸ”— Andres_ I'd rather use Firefox's built in RSS suscriber
