#archiveteam-bs 2013-03-17,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
00:04 🔗 * SmileyG looks in
00:04 🔗 SmileyG Well, shit
00:04 🔗 * SmileyG wishes he could do more but fuck today has taken it outta me.
00:05 🔗 SmileyG and it a satuday, and i spent most of it actually working
00:05 🔗 SmileyG they'll pay!
00:05 🔗 SketchCow Yeah, one of the secrets of archive.org is that there's not a lot of days off.
00:06 🔗 SketchCow It's cute because the HR person wants us to report hours worked and hours of vacation/time off, and for a good portion of us, there's no moment that's not a workday.
00:06 🔗 SmileyG :D
00:06 🔗 balrog_ lol hr
00:06 🔗 SmileyG So, I got a phone call at 10am
00:06 🔗 SketchCow I mean, I'm fucking insane, so I'm doing it 24/7, but I do see people react on Sundays at 3am, Friday nights at 10pm, what have you
00:06 🔗 SmileyG I was with my laptop all day, until 6pm
00:06 🔗 SmileyG Thats a full working day. Do i think I'll get given a day off in leu? Do I fuck.
00:06 🔗 SketchCow I did a 48 hour nonstop tech support con call once.
00:06 🔗 SmileyG Hell, I prob did more work today than I'd normally do as well.
00:06 🔗 SketchCow That was the beginning of the end, actually.
00:07 🔗 ersi I think that's because of actually having a noble goal and common interest - not just "make the ink black"
00:07 🔗 SketchCow When I stopped giving a real shit and they stopped giving me a career path.
00:07 🔗 SketchCow 10 years into working for a place, you shouldn't be on 48 hour support calls
00:07 🔗 SmileyG nod.
00:07 🔗 ersi shrug, fuck no
00:07 🔗 SmileyG well our internet at work got fucked last sat.
00:07 🔗 SmileyG Or we started doing enough traffic to show up the issue
00:07 🔗 SmileyG FUcking ISP plus 1st, 2nd and 3rd level engineers all telling me I'm wrong/don't know wht I'm talking about
00:08 🔗 SmileyG Turns out I was right. Fuck the multinational ISP's with their fucking know it all engineers.
00:08 🔗 SmileyG I'm the guy who built his own router and did research into various queueing algo's. When I say thats the cause, I didn't claim it for lols.
00:09 🔗 ersi Careers in themselfs aren't worth pulling afterburners for imo
00:09 🔗 SmileyG ersi: i'm just fucked off at my self partly for not pushing harder
00:09 🔗 SmileyG I *knew* I was right
00:10 🔗 SmileyG then again, I woudln't of been getting personal thanks for the CTO otherwise if I had, it'd just of been a "normal" issue.
00:10 🔗 ersi was more thinking about the "not getting a compensation day off"
00:10 🔗 ersi that's always nice though
00:10 🔗 SmileyG well, offically all our out of hours support is done on a best effort basis
00:11 🔗 SmileyG If I'd decided to not answer the phone, there would be no major come back, it'd just be frowned at.
00:11 🔗 SmileyG Same way if I'd turned around and gone "sorry, I'm in a zoo".
00:11 🔗 SmileyG I might ask to do 2 days working from home or something instead.
00:12 🔗 SmileyG That way I can still cope with any urgent queries, but have some time to relax.
00:12 🔗 SmileyG and that way, its two days not having to get up 3 hours before owrk for the train.
00:15 🔗 * ersi shrug
00:15 🔗 SmileyG indeed
00:15 🔗 ersi I go up like, 1h to 20min before train departs
00:16 🔗 SmileyG i get up 6amish, train comes 7:33ish, get to work 8:30ish for 9am start.
00:16 🔗 SmileyG normally get a little lie in, and it gives me time if the train is late/screwed - which is often
00:19 🔗 SmileyG hmmm
01:11 🔗 godane Firefly composers talk with Leo :-D
01:11 🔗 godane i found that maybe
05:21 🔗 chronomex SmileyG: is anarchy your bot?
11:18 🔗 SmileyG No, it's GLaDOS's
12:23 🔗 ersi Oh man, fuck the EU - scary that Cyprus one-time-taxes *all* bank accounts in the whole country of Cyprus, regardless if foreign or national owner just to solve liquidity problems
12:24 🔗 omf_ yeah that is no good at all
12:27 🔗 ersi Swedens banks aren't exactly in tip top shape either
12:28 🔗 Cameron_D Someone linked a cost-per-terabyte chart the other day in one of these channels, anyone still have the link handy?
12:28 🔗 omf_ I got it here
12:29 🔗 omf_ this the prices from newegg http://www.edwardbetts.com/price_per_tb/
12:30 🔗 Cameron_D cheers
13:36 🔗 godane ok so there maybe a odtv-twit collection coming at some point
13:37 🔗 godane but this is collection will be specail cause it will need sub-collections also
13:38 🔗 godane this is so we have the offical podcast collection and this will be the unoffical podcast collection of twit shows
13:42 🔗 godane but then again we could just throw a -odtv at the end of item id with odtv in keywords
14:28 🔗 soultcer [3006870.565380] sd 20:0:0:0: [sde] Add. Sense: Logical block address out of range
14:28 🔗 soultcer [3006870.565386] sd 20:0:0:0: [sde] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 08 00
14:28 🔗 soultcer [3006870.565392] end_request: I/O error, dev sde, sector 4096
14:29 🔗 soultcer It's dead :-(
14:30 🔗 omf_ how big was that drive?
14:31 🔗 soultcer 2.0 TB
14:32 🔗 omf_ how old was the drive? Did you have backups?
14:32 🔗 godane try using spinright
14:32 🔗 godane or spinwrite
14:33 🔗 godane http://www.grc.com/sr/spinrite.htm
14:33 🔗 godane you may have a chance with get it back with that
14:34 🔗 godane from what i have heard
14:34 🔗 godane soultcer: ^
14:34 🔗 soultcer I could hear the read/write arm scratching over the disk while it started, so I don't have high hopes
14:34 🔗 soultcer Still, worth a try
14:35 🔗 godane oh
14:35 🔗 godane i thought your just getting that error
14:36 🔗 soultcer Nah, I dropped it to the floor
14:38 🔗 godane so i'm close to get you guys 12gb of exterinal images from the g4 forums uploaded
14:39 🔗 godane i'm a little worry that g4tv.com will change over night
14:54 🔗 ersi omf_: yeah, pretty nasty @ re cyprus "bailout"
14:54 🔗 omf_ Hey look the Cyprus government essential stole money http://www.economist.com/blogs/schumpeter/2013/03/cyprus-bail-out
14:55 🔗 godane fuck yes
14:55 🔗 omf_ Lets see how the banks handle people pulling their money out
14:55 🔗 godane i got a video episode of twit 214
14:55 🔗 godane its not linked on there page
14:56 🔗 ersi omf_: Yeah, I'm a bit worried
14:56 🔗 ersi Got a lot of savings
14:56 🔗 godane i have been hearing that the market may have up to a 90% correction
14:56 🔗 omf_ Forming the EU was a mistake
14:57 🔗 godane so 14k stock market goes to 1.4k
14:57 🔗 ersi heh, no shit
14:57 🔗 omf_ You cannot take counties with long history and turn them into "states"
14:57 🔗 Samuel_Mi you mean, letting the weaker countries in?
14:57 🔗 omf_ lets take the UK
14:57 🔗 Samuel_Mi the EU wasn't created, it grew
14:57 🔗 omf_ they held out for years to not be in that shit
14:57 🔗 ersi Samuel_Mi: Both
14:57 🔗 omf_ now after being forced in they want out
14:58 🔗 omf_ one of the core reasons being it fucked up their currency value
14:58 🔗 ersi I'm glad Sweden didn't join the EMU.. but that doesn't mean we're in the clear
14:59 🔗 omf_ You cannot just force a bunch of people together and hope if fixes problems
14:59 🔗 ersi Depends on the scope
14:59 🔗 Samuel_Mi it started with a trade agreement between Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. That grew into the European Coal and Steel Community, which became the EEC and now it's the EU
14:59 🔗 ersi if you just want more power, then consolidating a few countries of course give you that
15:00 🔗 Samuel_Mi if you're going to let southern european countries into your club, you must know you're going to pay for them and that they'll never be straight as an arrow. It's a cultural difference.
15:01 🔗 omf_ Greece should have been allowed to fully collapse
15:01 🔗 Samuel_Mi As long as the other countries can afford to bail southern europe out, and they don't mind doing so without getting anything in return, all's good
15:02 🔗 Samuel_Mi If not, those countries shouldn't be allowed in in the first place
15:03 🔗 omf_ Also creating the Euro was dumb. How are you supposed to normalize the currency? Not only does it require business changes, it requires government changes and people changes too
15:04 🔗 Samuel_Mi "omf_: You cannot take counties with long history and turn them into "states"" They did in the US and China, it's possible.
15:04 🔗 omf_ The US did it via genocide mostly. We killed the fuck out of the people here and took over
15:04 🔗 omf_ China did the same thing
15:05 🔗 omf_ Hell most of the countries in Europe are older than the US. It is not like the slate can be wiped clean and people start over
15:06 🔗 Samuel_Mi I wasn't talking about the natives, but the period 1600-1865
15:07 🔗 Samuel_Mi in which the parts of the US were a lot more diverse as they are now
15:07 🔗 omf_ Oh you mean the other wars, crooked deals to buy land and those kinds of deals.
15:07 🔗 Samuel_Mi yeah, those ;)
15:10 🔗 Samuel_Mi "omf_: Also creating the Euro was dumb." the Ecu (the former name of the Euro) was fine at the time for the countries it was designed for: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany.
15:11 🔗 Samuel_Mi nowadays, Italy wouldn't pass the test, so it wouldn't get the Ecu
15:12 🔗 Samuel_Mi Instead, the UK and the northern european countries could join in. I think that would make for a lot more stable currency
15:13 🔗 Samuel_Mi And if any other European countries wanted to join in, they'd had to meet strict requirements for at least 10 years before being accepted
15:13 🔗 Samuel_Mi (this last part is where it went wrong, imho)
15:17 🔗 ersi Uh, the United States aren't exactly "old"
15:17 🔗 ersi isn't*
15:19 🔗 Samuel_Mi you wouldn't believe how much culture is created in 50 years, and how entitled and unique feel about living in one place for that amount of time. Look at the Arabs who migrated to Israel since 1948.
15:20 🔗 Samuel_Mi *how entitled they feel about living in that place for that amount of time
15:20 🔗 Samuel_Mi It's enough time to have a 3rd generation being born there.
15:20 🔗 ersi As a pure trade union, the EU isn't such a bad idea. As an country by it self, it is. Regardless of the United States success as a country
15:20 🔗 Samuel_Mi no one sees the EU as a country
15:21 🔗 ersi Sure.
15:22 🔗 Samuel_Mi No irishman will say to a greek: we live in the same country, we share the same culture, we're the same
15:22 🔗 ersi That's not the same
15:22 🔗 Samuel_Mi even though they have the same currency
15:22 🔗 Samuel_Mi and the same european constitution
15:22 🔗 Samuel_Mi and the same european parliament
15:23 🔗 Samuel_Mi and the same european anthem
15:23 🔗 ersi If you havn't noticed, that's what the Council/parliament is trying to do. Make it a country.
15:23 🔗 ersi At least from what I can see
15:24 🔗 ersi There's a lot of acting like a common body, rather than individual parts
15:24 🔗 ersi at least in the international arena
15:25 🔗 Samuel_Mi oh absolutely, but I think we're both tying to say the same thing: it will take decades for the citizens to feel as one
15:25 🔗 Samuel_Mi *trying
15:26 🔗 Samuel_Mi look at the US: many people in the southern states still feel separate from the rest
15:26 🔗 Samuel_Mi and that supposedly was settled 150 years ago
15:27 🔗 ersi yeah
15:28 🔗 ersi dunno how I feel about it though
15:41 🔗 Schbirid any idea what the perl html TagParser library that warrick needs is called in archlinux?
15:43 🔗 ersi HTML::TagParser probably
15:44 🔗 ersi http://search.cpan.org/~kawasaki/HTML-TagParser-0.20/lib/HTML/TagParser.pm
15:50 🔗 Schbirid cheers, damn cpan!
16:20 🔗 omf_ HTML::TagParser is just sugar around HTML::Parser. If it is too slow you can always drop down a level
16:20 🔗 omf_ HTML::Parser is written in C
16:21 🔗 omf_ with a Perl interface on top to make it easy
18:29 🔗 godane uploaded: https://archive.org/details/forums.g4tv.com-all-images-20130314
18:29 🔗 godane 12gb of images
18:31 🔗 godane SketchCow: another amiga format magazine: http://www.oldgamemags.com/index.php/magazines/48-commodore-amiga/amiga-format/383-amiga-format-101
18:45 🔗 godane i'm doing one last grab of the g4 forums
18:46 🔗 godane mostly just the update pages or new ones
18:46 🔗 godane not doing a full grab
19:47 🔗 DFJustin http://sv.twitch.tv/diskborstemc
19:53 🔗 ersi haha, great name
19:54 🔗 ersi dish brush MC ;D
21:09 🔗 ersi Hm, it's interesting that Twitter.com locks your reload actions (hitting F5) and tells you to join the cult
21:11 🔗 Samuel_Mi at least thats not as bad as what Quora does
21:11 🔗 Samuel_Mi if you want to read more than one answer, you need to sign up and log in
21:47 🔗 joepie91 <ersi>Hm, it's interesting that Twitter.com locks your reload actions (hitting F5) and tells you to join the cult
21:47 🔗 joepie91 yes, this is very annoying
21:47 🔗 joepie91 it's hooked to 'retweet' on individual tweet pages
21:48 🔗 joepie91 so I often inadvertently almost-retweet something when I'm just trying to see an updated amount of retweets
21:48 🔗 joepie91 and Samuel_Mi, that reminds me of expertsexchange...
22:37 🔗 SketchCow Ha ha expertexchange
22:37 🔗 SketchCow I would lock those people in a shed on fire
23:00 🔗 joepie91 SketchCow: why'd you leave out the S in the name? blew a potentially great pun there :(
