#archiveteam-bs 2013-05-04,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
01:31 🔗 godane i'm back
01:31 🔗 godane i did 3 magazine scans too
01:31 🔗 godane :-D
02:38 🔗 omf_ http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/13/05/03/2158206/staples-starts-selling-3-d-printer
02:38 🔗 omf_ Now I can 3d print a gun
02:38 🔗 omf_ I wonder if they are going to sell all the addons in the store as well
02:42 🔗 omf_ You know what hobby has gone out of style. Wood burning
02:42 🔗 omf_ I used to make wood burned art
04:20 🔗 chronomex godane: :D
04:38 🔗 omf_ Why do some fat people wear tight clothes, ugh that shit is hideous
04:38 🔗 omf_ Overflowing lard is always attractive.
05:27 🔗 chronomex yup
09:00 🔗 omf_ I am glad computing is this cheap now $0.007 per hour
09:01 🔗 omf_ I just fire up another instance to test the new dns config before slapping it on the running butt
09:02 🔗 omf_ 10 years ago to do this you had a development machine running vmware workstation and did the work manually
09:02 🔗 omf_ I couldn't get on demand instances nearly this fast. I appreciate being able to do this now.
09:06 🔗 omf_ Of course I still do all kinds of crazy shit with VirtualBox machines but I outsource anything that is going to destroy the internet connection
09:06 🔗 omf_ or would benefit from being on a much faster pipe
11:16 🔗 godane i found nec v60 cpu manual
11:16 🔗 godane its not on archive.org from what i can tell
11:19 🔗 godane uploaded: https://archive.org/details/NEC_V60pgmRef
13:58 🔗 Schbirid damn, they end up in community texts
13:59 🔗 omf_ Schbirid, that can be changed later
14:26 🔗 Smiley Lewis Collard?
14:27 🔗 Smiley that name rings a bell but I'm unsure where from
14:30 🔗 omf_ He did some AT screenshot work
14:30 🔗 omf_ has 3 collections on IA
14:30 🔗 omf_ 3 items I mean
15:05 🔗 omf_ hey yo GLaDOS
18:24 🔗 godane looks like we failed to get yoshi.us forums
18:35 🔗 omf_ I just checked the chat logs for the last 8 months and saw no mention of that site before today in any of the channels. When was the last time you mentioned it
18:35 🔗 godane i didn't either
18:35 🔗 Smiley yeah....
18:36 🔗 Smiley hard to grab a site I've never heard of.
18:36 🔗 Smiley then again with my 3000+ ping atm it's hard for me to load *anything*
18:36 🔗 godane i remember it but i think i last looked at was in 2008
18:47 🔗 omf_ I got my headless X cleanup code running nice and dandy.
18:48 🔗 omf_ on a small instance I can now grab 600 screens in 22 minutes a new record
18:50 🔗 omf_ on the larger instance it is over 700 in 22 minutes
18:51 🔗 omf_ Not too much faster because the limitation is cpu
18:51 🔗 omf_ I would need to go from 2 to 4 cores to more than double the speed
18:54 🔗 omf_ 18:54:03 up 8 days, 4:27, 1 user, load average: 4.28, 4.37, 3.90
21:40 🔗 Mister_Ar i accidentally almost /joined archivetram-bs
21:40 🔗 MrArgent damn truncation
21:42 🔗 Coderjoe archivetram? the tram you take to the archives?
21:43 🔗 Coderjoe anyone need a microfiche duplicator? http://auction.repocast.com/details.cfm?ID=1243877
23:21 🔗 dashcloud how about this one? http://auction.repocast.com/details.cfm?ID=1247559 283 lbs of computer boards sold for scrap
