[01:50] finally a way Yahoo's urge to acquire and destroy could be put to good use: https://twitter.com/waxpancake/status/332672834700718080 [03:30] Damnit efnet. First connection attempt on v4 returned "Banned", even though I had been dropped for ages since smoe server went down again. [03:30] Can't use their hostname because it drops me onto some crappy south african server always which I lose connection to :( [05:31] damn some crazy shit being scanned into the archive, here's a list of words in native american languages...from 1516, in latin https://archive.org/stream/ioannesruffusfor00angh#page/n135/mode/2up [05:31] scanned this march [05:34] Yeah, seriously - there's just so much stuff going in. People don't understand. [05:35] looks like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ta%C3%ADno_language which is now extinct [05:36] SketchCow: I got the mega pack from defcad.org [05:36] its everything but the new gun [05:42] Upload it and tell me the item name. [05:43] We'll set it dark and I'll talk internally about what to do [05:46] i'm uploading it now [05:47] item is named DefDist_DEFCAD_MEGA_PACK_v4.2_Saito [05:55] Thank you. [05:55] looks like linuxdevices.com is gone: http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/13/05/09/2243250/linuxdevicescom-vanishes-from-the-web?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed [06:00] did anyone grab it? [06:00] cause it was bought by ziff davis a year ago [06:19] uploaded: https://archive.org/details/DefDist_DEFCAD_MEGA_PACK_v4.2_Saito [06:56] Thanks, godane. Rendered and darked for now. [07:46] Oh yeah nice grab godane [07:46] MEGA!!! [08:22] i have pasted 40k videos in g4video-web [08:24] also with linuxdevices.com being gone and very broken and in wayback machine [08:24] i would like people to look for tech sites that are not fully in wayback machine [09:49] i'm mirroring arcadeathome.com forums [09:58] i had to put a wait 2 in so it will not block me [09:58] they try to keep the forum views down it looks like [16:16] this is fucking awesome [16:16] building a pc with wil wheaton [16:17] its 40:40 long too [16:18] so its not all about building a pc [16:19] it was about buying parts to build a pc but the instend of it being a clip its the full episode [16:19] but still we have the episode with will wheaton hosting call for help [18:47] SketchCow: just got your interview on insert content here [18:47] also the meta data in the episode said 11 instead of 13 [18:47] must be typo [19:43] Good [20:49] nice, crowd-funding model for getting copyright rights of ebooks and releasing them as creative-commons ( https://unglue.it/landing/ ) [21:13] I always wanted to do something like that myself, albeit only with obscure technical books that probably only I would find interesting. Great idea, definitely. [21:37] so I guess the feds ordered the plastic gun design files be taken down [21:38] Today I learned that I do not own the copyright to screenshots I take unless I own the content being captured as well [21:39] So that fucks things up a little [21:39] however, you may be able to make a fair use claim depending on what you are using the screenshot for [21:39] I fucking hate US law [21:40] This has only been true since 1999 [21:40] what has, your hate? [21:40] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridgeman_Art_Library_v._Corel_Corp. [21:40] this case [21:43] I always wondered why there aren't vast online repositories of web page screenshots [21:44] or why some get taken down [21:50] Coderjoe, I will be able to fair use [21:51] If I don't own the data then how do I publish that data for others to use [21:51] http://libguides.mit.edu/usingimages [21:56] #archiveteam is not the right place to worry about rights [22:00] Your right but anything goes in -bs [22:16] chronomex: hah [22:17] But to be serious in terms of AT projects I back shit up and let someone else sort it out later [22:17] For doing research on other non-archive related things I have to pay attention to copyright law, somewhat [22:23] Pffft, copyright [22:23] I know, fuck me, right? :) [22:24] hmm I dunno that that has anything to do with bridgeman [22:25] I would assume it as obvious from the bourne convention's removal of the notice requirement + the longstanding concept of a "derivative work" [22:25] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Screenshots [22:26] Lawyers got involved [22:32] https://www.chillingeffects.org/copyright/faq.cgi#QID809 [22:32] nothing new [22:32] I had never even thought about copyright on screenshots till just now [22:33] for software it's widely considered fair use, web sites are a little trickier since you may be including a substantial amount of the actual content [22:33] but in any case it's no worse than copying the websites themselves which we do on a rather massive scale [22:34] Microsoft has some dumb rules - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/intellectualproperty/Permissions/default.aspx#ERG [22:34] that probably has no legal force [22:36] It seems like that answer on chillingeffects is cut off [22:36] yeah [22:37] it's at http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/101 [22:40] for a static web page it might be more just a partial copy than a derivative work by that definition but either way there's a potential copyright issue [22:41] the internet archive has been copying websites without asking permission since 1996 though so I don't think anything bad is going to happen [22:41] Yep. In an archiving context screenshots are all good because the goal is non-commerical. Its for history. [22:42] But if I screenshot a bunch of commerical pages for a research project, someone might be a dick about it. [22:42] I'll note that there's no blanket non-commercial get out of jail free card, that's just one of the required prongs of a fair use defence [22:46] My fair use argument is this is a nonprofit research project, using the minimal amount necessary to collect data. [23:04] omf_: yeah, it's a murky area, and it's not one-size-fits-all internationally either - in Germany, for instance, I am given to understand that they're inherently non-copyrightable anyway [23:04] (although I did manage to score a free iPod Shuffle off a company that lifted a screenshot from one of my webpages without asking!) [23:05] (apologies for lateness, just been skimming the backlog...) [23:12] So if someone who lived in Germany took a bunch of screenshots and released them together as public domain how would that translate to other countries [23:13] Copyright should be like patents. 1 term and your done [23:13] no extensions [23:13] copyright should require registration within a year of publication, register for 10 years starting at date of publication, one single renewal for another 10. [23:14] problem solved. [23:14] but chronomex that makes too much sense. What about the rights of the companies? :) [23:15] companies are more likely to have their shit together to get registration done [23:18] After careful consideration I am going to take the screenshots for my research and then release all of it as CC-BY on IA and fuck everyone else [23:20] *thumbs up* [23:20] hah [23:20] I approve [23:21] yeah, sod it, if someone gets their panties in a wad then worry about it later. [23:21] consider it a practical approach to developing jurisprudence :) [23:21] publish and be damned, basically ;) [23:21] (if that is even the correct translation) [23:21] Plus you have to be tripping to get legal over a single screenshot of your website [23:21] true [23:22] the question is more "can you get away with it" [23:22] than "is it legal" [23:22] also, GTK is making me confuse [23:24] On a completely different topic. How much better would modern programming be if garbage collection happened in hardware for you [23:25] Intel tried it a few decades back [23:47] Douglas Crockford is pretty fucking arrogant. Why are people so hot about his work