#archiveteam-bs 2013-05-16,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
00:00 🔗 joepie91 looks like http://lowendtalk.com/ is going to need a panic save
00:00 🔗 joepie91 when it comes back up
00:00 🔗 joepie91 account deletions (and probably associated posts) are planned
00:00 🔗 joepie91 it seems
00:04 🔗 chronomex erp
00:04 🔗 chronomex joepie91: you moderate anonnews.com?
00:04 🔗 chronomex or .whatever
00:04 🔗 joepie91 .org
00:04 🔗 joepie91 yes
00:04 🔗 chronomex ok
00:05 🔗 joepie91 actually, I own it :p
00:05 🔗 joepie91 why?
00:06 🔗 chronomex no reason
00:23 🔗 joepie91 ok :P
00:23 🔗 joepie91 chronomex; have you followed todays internet drama?
00:23 🔗 joepie91 also cc norbert79 omf_
00:23 🔗 joepie91 zpanel made themselves go boom
00:23 🔗 joepie91 and so did lowendbox/lowendtalk/colocrossing
00:23 🔗 joepie91 zpanel: http://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/1ee0eg/zpanel_support_team_calls_forum_user_fucken/
00:24 🔗 joepie91 leb/let/cc: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1266477
00:27 🔗 chronomex joepie91: I have not.
00:27 🔗 joepie91 it is most amusing
00:33 🔗 BlueMax hey SketchCow how's the PIX torrent coming
00:34 🔗 joepie91 chronomex: http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/05/app-developer-calls-critic-fcken-little-know-it-all-site-goes-down/
00:39 🔗 SketchCow 47891.6 / 384077.7 MB Rate: 71.0 / 88.5 KB Uploaded: 21150.5 MB [12%] 45d 6:39 [ R: 0.44]
00:39 🔗 SketchCow PIXPD
00:43 🔗 BlueMax :/
00:43 🔗 godane SketchCow: goo do hear your getting the TOSEC PIX collection
00:43 🔗 godane *good to
00:45 🔗 godane anyways i'm grabing the video of the pat & stu show for today
00:46 🔗 godane maybe tommorow also
00:46 🔗 BlueMax yeah I saw it on Pleasuredome and thought "Jason's gonna want this"
00:52 🔗 dashcloud joepie91: it's a shame the folks at zpanel weren't more responsive to you
00:52 🔗 dashcloud The Ars article seemed pretty good
00:52 🔗 joepie91 dashcloud: it's a recurring team-wide issue, sadly
00:52 🔗 joepie91 they try to ignore it until they can't anymore
02:49 🔗 arkhive Bought 50 CEDs over the weekend. I'm mainly after the extremely rare ones such as the Service Alignment VideoDiscs give to technicians and the beach resort VideoDiscs given to travel agents. I'll eventually dump/rip them to my PC and upload to IA.
02:51 🔗 arkhive http://www.cedmagic.com/title-database/ced-titles-select.html
02:55 🔗 godane arkhive: thats good
02:55 🔗 godane i mirroed cedmagic.com a few months ago
02:56 🔗 chronomex arkhive: cool.
03:01 🔗 godane i'm doing a full mirror of tvdawn.com
03:01 🔗 godane it has not been update since 2007
03:10 🔗 arkhive godane: thanks. I was wondering about the health of CEDmagic website. God the classifieds are just filled with spam.
03:13 🔗 godane proof of the backup: https://archive.org/details/www.cedmagic.com-20130323
03:14 🔗 godane i also just got a backup of tvdawn.com
03:14 🔗 godane it was about 47mb
03:25 🔗 omf_ The Ars article felt like a spin piece
03:42 🔗 arkhive omf_: what article
04:00 🔗 Coderjoe mmm
04:00 🔗 Coderjoe 50DKP MINUS
04:03 🔗 Coderjoe man. I still think the phonovision clips are kinda creepy
04:04 🔗 Coderjoe particularly the ventriloquist dummy ones
04:05 🔗 S[h]O[r]T if anyone else is in texas...stay safe
04:10 🔗 Coderjoe oh shi
04:16 🔗 chronomex what's happening in texas?
04:17 🔗 SketchCow Tornado
04:17 🔗 SketchCow http://www.wunderground.com/wundermap/?lat=32.72152&lon=-97.05601&zoom=10&type=lightmap&date=2013-05-16&time=01%3A00&units=english&tl.play=0&tl.spd=2&viewportstart=now-3619&viewportend=now-19&groupSevere=1&groupHurricane=1&groupFire=1&groupCamsPhotos=1&groupRealEstate=1&extremes=0&fault=0&femaflood=0&fire=0&firewfas=0&fissures=0&fronts=0&hurrevac=0&hur=0&lightning=0&livesurge=0&mm=0&ndfd=0&rad=1&rad.num=1&rad.spd=25&rad.opa=70&rad.type=00Q&rad.type
04:21 🔗 Coderjoe I've not been keeping up. how is the discferrit doing?
04:21 🔗 Coderjoe or do I build around my kryo?
05:24 🔗 omf_ arkhive, this article http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/05/app-developer-calls-critic-fcken-little-know-it-all-site-goes-down/
05:48 🔗 omf_ So I had a business meeting for dinner about a new job. I am tentatively hopeful.
06:39 🔗 omf_ I hope zpanel dies
06:39 🔗 omf_ This reminds me of the gnome developer's shitty attitude like a day ago
07:06 🔗 BlueMax gnome's developer?
07:15 🔗 omf_ https://plus.google.com/100013123247538791993/posts/2W2onvw3Ly5
07:31 🔗 Aranje oh jesus, just in time to have g+'s entire ui changed
07:34 🔗 omf_ I never really knew what it looked like. This is like the 3rd article I ever read on there. I normally just ignore it
07:35 🔗 omf_ github has kinda fucked up parts of their ui
07:35 🔗 omf_ it is not as easy to jump to your repo list
07:35 🔗 omf_ inverting the logo is just weird
07:44 🔗 norbert79 joepie91: As you copied me at 2 am while I was asleep, I am taking a look right now... Ironically webhostingtalk is on the company blacklist where I work... Coincidence?: )
07:44 🔗 omf_ there are screenshots of threads on reddit
07:46 🔗 norbert79 joepie91: No fucking way... No way... Really? :)
07:46 🔗 norbert79 omf_: Aye, hehhe, someone finally payed attention and had the balls... They asked for proof, now they have their proof :)
07:47 🔗 omf_ I was recommending getting it registered as a CVE and then the whole security community would piss on their head
07:47 🔗 norbert79 Awe, come on, these guys were just asking for it, I really envy your patience, as I would have acted faster... I mean it's like stepping in front of a moving truck, which travels 100 MpH
07:47 🔗 omf_ Ignoring a CVE is a cardinal sin
07:52 🔗 norbert79 this is just great
07:52 🔗 norbert79 ZPanel can shut down business
07:53 🔗 norbert79 noone will trust them ever again
07:53 🔗 omf_ Oh yeah the people are already dropping accounts and talking about it on WHT
07:56 🔗 norbert79 Just added a personal comment to the reddit article too
07:58 🔗 norbert79 Forbidden
07:58 🔗 norbert79 ZPanel website:
07:58 🔗 norbert79 You don't have permission to access /announcement.php on this server.
07:58 🔗 norbert79 Hahahaha
07:58 🔗 norbert79 they even are bad at just rerouting the main site to a temporary page by stating: Technical difficulties
07:59 🔗 norbert79 Noo, they show, that they just removed reading rights from the whole engine
07:59 🔗 omf_ We be rooted!!!
07:59 🔗 norbert79 they are making things worse with every step :D
07:59 🔗 omf_ It is double the fun, this following the meltdown on facebook
08:00 🔗 omf_ that reminds me I got screenshots of that
08:02 🔗 norbert79 cool, share it.. Would be worth collecting all and creating an article called: a shame of development
08:03 🔗 omf_ I am going to repost that shit to their facebook page
08:03 🔗 omf_ Lets see how they like being reminded of how ignorant they acted
08:06 🔗 norbert79 I think having themselves hacked is enough :))
08:06 🔗 norbert79 but yeah, why not
08:06 🔗 norbert79 they called joepie91 a "fuckin know it all"
08:06 🔗 norbert79 :)
08:06 🔗 norbert79 so yeah, do so
08:31 🔗 norbert79 hehhe, zpanel website got apache test page
08:31 🔗 norbert79 smells like rm -rf :))
08:33 🔗 omf_ if they had a brain they would have switched the config to a blank vhost
08:33 🔗 omf_ but these people do not sound that smart. You see the chance of hacking into my Linux box versus your shit software is not even a discussion.
08:34 🔗 omf_ I am security paranoid. Firewall, rootkit detection, SELinux policies enabled, tripwire, etc...
08:34 🔗 omf_ versus a fucking php application
08:34 🔗 omf_ The programming language itself does not even have a complete test suite
08:35 🔗 ersi Bahaha, they be so stupid
08:35 🔗 norbert79 omf_: I try to find balance in life, too much software on security is sometimes too much too... You still need to analyze the data too
08:35 🔗 omf_ or anywhere near an acceptable coverage profile
08:42 🔗 norbert79 So joepie91, hats off, you did well, and they failed bad
08:53 🔗 omf_ (╯°□°)--︻╦╤─ - - -
08:54 🔗 omf_ (‾⌣‾)♉
08:55 🔗 omf_ |̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|Ì¡Ì¡Ì¡ Ì¡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌lÌ¡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ Ì¡lÌ¡*Ì¡Ì¡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ Ì¡Ì¡Í¡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ |
08:56 🔗 ersi neat one
08:56 🔗 omf_ \/[__]-[__]\
08:57 🔗 omf_ (⌐■_■)--︻╦╤─ - - -
08:57 🔗 omf_ ┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻
08:57 🔗 omf_ -╤╗_(◙◙)_╔╤- - - - \o/ \o/ \o/
08:57 🔗 SmileyG wtf was that o_O
08:57 🔗 omf_ (╯°□°)--︻╦╤─ - - -
08:57 🔗 SmileyG Miussing one or two symbols :/
08:57 🔗 omf_ I just told the plot to The Expendables in emoticons BITCHES!
08:58 🔗 omf_ I plan on directors cut at a later date
08:58 🔗 norbert79 And I just read about Ocean Marketing
08:58 🔗 norbert79 Hahahaha
08:58 🔗 ersi SmileyG: http://i.imgur.com/zwi3KeK.png
08:58 🔗 norbert79 I think they have found their match
08:59 🔗 omf_ let me screenshot it
08:59 🔗 omf_ my fonts look good
08:59 🔗 norbert79 Mine is using DOSEGA.ttf and regular Windows putty and it looks surprisngly ok
09:00 🔗 norbert79 let me doa screenshot too
09:02 🔗 norbert79 http://norbert79.uk.to/users/norbert79/screenshot.png
09:03 🔗 omf_ eeew
09:03 🔗 norbert79 what's wrong? :)
09:03 🔗 omf_ make sure to view this at full res
09:04 🔗 omf_ there are missing fonts in that
09:04 🔗 omf_ check it
09:04 🔗 omf_ http://i.imgur.com/hoAfjQ8.png
09:04 🔗 norbert79 Sure, but I have limited selection of fonts available
09:04 🔗 norbert79 No access to regular Linux desktop either
09:04 🔗 omf_ I am using all free fonts, you can get those for windows too
09:05 🔗 norbert79 I mean getting them installed
09:05 🔗 omf_ oh
09:05 🔗 norbert79 I am working in a AD enviroment
09:05 🔗 norbert79 with limited authorization
09:05 🔗 omf_ Emoticons just feel like old school asci art
09:06 🔗 norbert79 I could break it, and it ahs it's flaws, but I don't wish to be a matter of becoming a target :)
09:06 🔗 omf_ when have you seen some really good emoji
09:06 🔗 norbert79 ASCII art or ANSI art? :)
09:06 🔗 norbert79 not the same
09:06 🔗 omf_ ansi
09:06 🔗 omf_ Acid vs ICE
09:06 🔗 norbert79 a friend of mine, who also owns a BBS still does art in ANSI
09:06 🔗 omf_ Then tell him he is fucking cool
09:07 🔗 norbert79 pay his BBS a visit and tell yourself :)) telnet://fatcatsbbs.com
09:07 🔗 norbert79 or use http
09:07 🔗 norbert79 it has a HTTP layer too
09:07 🔗 norbert79 use regular windows telnet or this client:
09:07 🔗 norbert79 http://bbsdev.net/syncterm
09:07 🔗 omf_ I am going to connect to it with Perl
09:07 🔗 norbert79 that's ANSI compatible
09:07 🔗 omf_ fuck yeah
09:08 🔗 SmileyG norbert79: those boxes are missing bits XD
09:08 🔗 norbert79 SmileyG: Yeah... :)
09:09 🔗 omf_ ♪ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v ♪
09:09 🔗 SmileyG two missing
09:09 🔗 norbert79 SmileyG: Partially to be blamed on the typeface I am using, but hey, I just love the old DOS look
09:09 🔗 norbert79 perfect for me
09:09 🔗 SmileyG 人
09:09 🔗 norbert79 yeah, works
09:09 🔗 SmileyG norbert79: indeed.
09:10 🔗 omf_ ✲´*。.❄¨¯`*✲。❄。*。¨¯`*✲
09:10 🔗 norbert79 2 missing
09:10 🔗 norbert79 ¨¯
09:10 🔗 norbert79 these
09:10 🔗 norbert79 see boxes only
09:10 🔗 SmileyG wtf i'm trtying different fonts
09:10 🔗 SmileyG everyhting is broken other than monospace D:
09:11 🔗 omf_ You can paste that into a online webfont tester and see whats what
09:12 🔗 SmileyG yeah, I mean the spacing is broken
09:12 🔗 norbert79 SmileyG: http://www.fixedsysexcelsior.com/
09:12 🔗 SmileyG I should get a screenshot of whath appens on other fonts for lols
09:12 🔗 SmileyG I think it might be a terminal bug where if i restart the terminal it maybe normal again.
09:13 🔗 SmileyG Not that bothered tho.
09:13 🔗 SmileyG Shower time!
09:14 🔗 omf_ http://www.guido-muehlwitz.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ansi-art.png
09:15 🔗 norbert79 Yep :)
09:15 🔗 omf_ Eventually I am going to get around to my old floppies
09:15 🔗 norbert79 omf_: http://www.blup-bbs.de/ - Check out the last article about the renovation of the BBS menu layout
09:15 🔗 norbert79 this german BBS still works through Phone ONLY
09:16 🔗 BlueMax wow, those still exist?
09:16 🔗 norbert79 yet art@fatcatsbbs.com is active
09:16 🔗 norbert79 Oh yeah
09:16 🔗 norbert79 there are a lot
09:16 🔗 omf_ I read one language. Bad English
09:17 🔗 norbert79 BlueMax: Synchronet, the active BBS engine has a list of active BBS-es running Synchronet, and many are through modem too
09:17 🔗 BlueMax I tried to get a BBS running once but I had a pretty bad time of it :|
09:17 🔗 norbert79 BlueMax: Of course the majority are modem+telnet or telnet only
09:17 🔗 omf_ google translation time
09:17 🔗 norbert79 BlueMax: Synchronet is damn easy
09:17 🔗 BlueMax well I tried it but I just couldn't connect to it :|
09:17 🔗 norbert79 BlueMax: Not easy to understand how it works first, but you can get the hang out of it fast
09:18 🔗 omf_ that is soooo good
09:18 🔗 norbert79 BlueMax: Well, you need to define the ports and services to be opened within a file and you also need to open the ports on your firewall and router
09:18 🔗 norbert79 BlueMax: Synchronet comes with tons of services in default, even Gopher!
09:19 🔗 norbert79 BlueMax: And for connecting: http://bbsdev.net/syncterm
09:19 🔗 omf_ they got a working archie/
09:19 🔗 norbert79 floodgap has a Veronica, a working Veronica :)
09:19 🔗 norbert79 Sadly University of Minnesota shut down their own gopher server
09:19 🔗 omf_ FUck I loved that shit. I used the shit out of gopher, wais, veronica, archie
09:19 🔗 omf_ they had files everywhere
09:19 🔗 norbert79 I am still addicted to these
09:20 🔗 BlueMax "No resource at that location"
09:20 🔗 omf_ usenet
09:20 🔗 norbert79 have a gopher on my own server and on telehack.tk too, need to get them updated a bit :)
09:20 🔗 norbert79 and gophernicus is still actively developed
09:20 🔗 norbert79 (Gopher server)
09:20 🔗 omf_ we need to bring back .plan
09:22 🔗 norbert79 Let me blow your mind a bit more: http://gopherproxy.meulie.net - and - http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw
09:22 🔗 norbert79 Gopher proxies
09:22 🔗 norbert79 so retro computing has it's charm still
09:22 🔗 norbert79 and many are active
09:24 🔗 omf_ ▀░▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ░▀░ ░ ▀░░ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀░▀
09:24 🔗 omf_ █▀█ █░█ █░░ ▀█▀ ░ █▀░ █░█ █░░ █▀▄
09:24 🔗 omf_ █░█ ███ █░░ █░█ ░ █▀▀ █░█ █▀▀ █░█
09:25 🔗 omf_ That is way harder than it looks
09:26 🔗 norbert79 can't see anything... let me use notepad
09:26 🔗 omf_ You would be surprised at some of the shit missing from fonts.
09:26 🔗 norbert79 Ok, now I see it :)
09:26 🔗 SmileyG lol
09:27 🔗 norbert79 Yet I hate Lucidia Console for my terminal :(
09:27 🔗 norbert79 I was a DOS guy, I just love the DOS font :)
09:28 🔗 omf_ Steam has an ASCII art community
09:29 🔗 omf_ ║╩╣║║║║║
09:29 🔗 omf_ ╔═╦══╦═╗
09:29 🔗 omf_ ╚═╩╩╩╩═╝
09:29 🔗 norbert79 lol
09:29 🔗 omf_ that should be all dos characters
09:30 🔗 norbert79 Yeah, weird thing is: it is affected by the fact I use UTF-8 encoding
09:30 🔗 norbert79 somehow the way how Windows handles such sucks
09:30 🔗 norbert79 as the same font works better in Linux terminals
09:30 🔗 SmileyG yeah I have that issue
09:30 🔗 SmileyG in putty it'll be screwed
09:30 🔗 SmileyG yet on my normal terminals it's fine
09:31 🔗 norbert79 same
09:31 🔗 norbert79 changed something, let me see
09:31 🔗 norbert79 ╔═╦══╦═╗
09:31 🔗 norbert79 ║╩╣║║║║║
09:31 🔗 norbert79 ╚═╩╩╩╩═╝
09:31 🔗 norbert79 nope, still blocks
09:31 🔗 SmileyG =Looks fine here norbert79 so it's just the windows rendering screwing up
09:31 🔗 SmileyG [10:29:24] < omf_> ║╩╣║║║║║
09:31 🔗 SmileyG [10:29:24] < omf_> ╔═╦══╦═╗
09:31 🔗 SmileyG [10:29:24] < omf_> ╚═╩╩╩╩═╝
09:31 🔗 norbert79 yeah
09:32 🔗 omf_ (-(-_(-_-)_-)-)
09:32 🔗 norbert79 still blocks, doesn't matter, I am getting used to this... hmm, let me see fixedsys
09:32 🔗 SmileyG :D
09:32 🔗 Smiley wooo got my nick back.
09:32 🔗 omf_ (¯`'•.¸//(*_*)\\¸.•'´¯)
09:32 🔗 norbert79 no, regular fixedsys sucks too
09:32 🔗 Smiley btw omf_ screenshotting?
09:33 🔗 Smiley I'm off for 3 weeks...
09:33 🔗 omf_ εїз
09:33 🔗 Smiley Hahahah \o/
09:33 🔗 * BlueMax is lost
09:33 🔗 Smiley I need a few test ones to run
09:33 🔗 * Smiley tuts
09:33 🔗 * BlueMax shaves Smiley
09:34 🔗 norbert79 Lucidia Console shows everything fine, but it's soooo ugly :(
09:34 🔗 Smiley norbert79: D:
09:34 🔗 Smiley ffs rotavault is STILL going :O
09:34 🔗 omf_ ۩۞۩۩۞۩ஜ۩۞۩ஜ۩๑๑۩๑๑۩
09:34 🔗 Smiley -rw-r--r-- 1 tim.bowers games 36G May 16 10:34 ./rotavault.ign.com-2013-04-19.warc
09:35 🔗 Smiley my first grab was 7Gb
09:35 🔗 Smiley omf_: only 2 of them worked D:
09:35 🔗 Smiley the two/three eyes
09:35 🔗 omf_ ¯¯̿̿¯̿̿'Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿'Ì¿Ì¿'Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿'Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿)͇̿̿)Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿ '̵͇̿̿̿̿̿̿̿̿=(•̪̀●́)=o/̵͇̿̿/'Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿
09:36 🔗 omf_ A running sheep, jumping over a fence
09:36 🔗 omf_ `/O\* `\O/* `/O\* `\O/* `/O\* `\O/* `-O-* ||
09:36 🔗 norbert79 lol
09:36 🔗 norbert79 google "jgz" omf_
09:36 🔗 omf_ It never gets old
09:36 🔗 norbert79 ASCII art creator
09:36 🔗 norbert79 and a female one
09:37 🔗 norbert79 sorr, "jgs"
09:37 🔗 omf_ aaaww yeah bitches -----> http://www.geocities.com/spunk1111/me.htm
09:37 🔗 norbert79 Yep :)
09:37 🔗 norbert79 that's her
09:38 🔗 Smiley you grabbed it?
09:38 🔗 omf_ ,--""""-.,
09:38 🔗 omf_ .'` ',
09:38 🔗 omf_ / |
09:38 🔗 omf_ __,'(,-'/ `\ _. /
09:38 🔗 omf_ | _ /
09:38 🔗 omf_ .=="=| '-. |
09:38 🔗 omf_ .'===,=|-. | /
09:38 🔗 omf_ /===\==\| \ \ _;' |
09:38 🔗 omf_ |====\==\ '.___,u' \__/
09:38 🔗 omf_ |===.##,=\
09:38 🔗 omf_ |==/####\='-.__
09:39 🔗 omf_ \#|#####|`/^|_))._________________
09:39 🔗 omf_ #######/`| |_.-'""""""=' ]
09:39 🔗 omf_ #####/\/ /__,________;------.---'
09:39 🔗 omf_ jgs `###' |_/ V V
09:39 🔗 omf_ yeah
09:39 🔗 omf_ a whole gallery
09:39 🔗 omf_ http://www.asciiworld.com/+-joan_stark_jgs-+.html
09:39 🔗 Smiley good job.
09:39 🔗 * Smiley wibbles
09:39 🔗 Smiley poult and newamerica still going also
09:39 🔗 Smiley :/
09:40 🔗 Smiley and httrack for 1up/ugo
09:40 🔗 Smiley tho they seem to be massively cross linked so i have no idea whats gonna come out the otherside.
09:41 🔗 Smiley -rw-r--r-- 1 tim.bowers games 12G May 16 10:40 ./pouet/pouet.net_06052013.warc
09:42 🔗 Smiley TOTAL SIZE (kb): 178607817.07
09:43 🔗 Smiley for newamerica.
09:49 🔗 omf_ I made this ramen just right
09:53 🔗 omf_ ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
09:54 🔗 omf_ ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )
09:55 🔗 omf_ ( ̄ー ̄)
09:56 🔗 omf_ (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Smiley ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
09:56 🔗 Smiley errrr
09:56 🔗 Smiley :/
10:32 🔗 norbert79 back
10:32 🔗 norbert79 pouet... A nice place...
10:32 🔗 ersi Indeed
10:38 🔗 norbert79 btw jgs's website would be worth saving
11:23 🔗 joepie91 <omf_>I was recommending getting it registered as a CVE and then the whole security community would piss on their head
11:23 🔗 joepie91 this seems to have had roughly the same effect
11:23 🔗 joepie91 and a CVE is supposedly registered for it now
11:23 🔗 joepie91 oh, and omf_, norbert79, zpanel decided to dig their own grave further
11:24 🔗 joepie91 by joining in on the /r/netsec thread
11:24 🔗 norbert79 joepie91: No waaaay, seriously?
11:24 🔗 norbert79 Direct link please
11:24 🔗 joepie91 sec
11:24 🔗 joepie91 http://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/1ee0eg/zpanel_support_team_calls_forum_user_fucken/c9zn5vt
11:24 🔗 joepie91 there you go
11:24 🔗 norbert79 I tell ya, Ocean Marketing...
11:24 🔗 joepie91 worse lol
11:25 🔗 norbert79 Meh, so far they are even :)
11:25 🔗 joepie91 and basically all of /r/netsec is now actively shitting on them
11:25 🔗 norbert79 lol
11:25 🔗 norbert79 ok, worse then :)
11:25 🔗 norbert79 Ocean Marketing at least begged at the end
11:25 🔗 norbert79 http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2011/12/28
11:27 🔗 norbert79 ok, let's read
11:28 🔗 norbert79 Oooh, that
11:28 🔗 norbert79 [–][deleted] -54 points 9 hours ago
11:28 🔗 norbert79 :)
11:30 🔗 norbert79 You see they didn't only dug their own graves, but they shit into that hole deep before laying down inside
11:30 🔗 joepie91 haha, yes
11:32 🔗 norbert79 "I'm not a programmer so I really have no idea what anyone is talking about.I don't care if this costs me my job, I'm still going to support ZPanel no matter what. "
11:33 🔗 norbert79 Best
11:33 🔗 norbert79 Line
11:33 🔗 norbert79 Ever
11:33 🔗 norbert79 "I will keep making these holes into the bottom of the ship, no matter what, as fresh air is important!"
11:34 🔗 norbert79 This truly deserves an article, seriously
11:34 🔗 norbert79 Megafacepalm-megatimesshootintofoot-fail
11:35 🔗 norbert79 "If Joe (whatshisface) had read my message carefully, then he would have tried my server not the command center of an Open Source project. Because that's a really shitty thing to do." - Why does this remind me of the "Don't taze me bro!" line?
11:36 🔗 norbert79 It's like saying "be gentle" in prison to a 8 feet tall guy
11:36 🔗 norbert79 Someone should make Mike aware, from penny-arcade :))
11:36 🔗 norbert79 I think I will do it :))
11:43 🔗 joepie91 haha
11:45 🔗 joepie91 norbert79: his ignorance is astounding
11:45 🔗 norbert79 Amazing indeed
11:45 🔗 norbert79 I live in a country, where stupidity is being part of every day life
11:45 🔗 norbert79 but this tops everything
11:46 🔗 joepie91 same for most people here, I think
11:46 🔗 joepie91 and indeed
11:47 🔗 norbert79 But you see, if I wish to be phylosophical: The guy is from New Zeland... It might be because they are already a bit seperated from the world, they sometimes forget, that the world doesn't turn like how NZ works, despite they do a lot of great things
11:47 🔗 norbert79 One of my favourite sci-fi movie is also coming from there
11:47 🔗 norbert79 The silent Earth (1985)
11:47 🔗 joepie91 http://www.hackersnewsbulletin.com/2013/05/associated-press-proudly-supports.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+HackersNewsBulletin+(Hackers+News+Bulletin)
11:47 🔗 joepie91 ouch?
11:48 🔗 norbert79 No wonder...
11:48 🔗 norbert79 that's a minimum after what the government has done
11:49 🔗 norbert79 AP will step on some toes from now on
11:50 🔗 joepie91 jesus what's with all the people at the door today
11:51 🔗 joepie91 this is like the 4th time the doorbell rings in a 2 hour timespan
11:51 🔗 norbert79 Must be your friends from New Zeland
11:53 🔗 norbert79 Damn I am glad I have experienced this... Finally I can live through such an event almost in real time, and not just read about it later :)
12:04 🔗 norbert79 joepie91: Entry sent out, needs time to get approved
12:04 🔗 norbert79 Will appear under: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussions
12:08 🔗 Smiley joepie91: I had that yesterday, and house phone too
12:08 🔗 Smiley fact I was being referred at the time for pysicatric assessments might have something to do with it, but if I wasn't already mad, it's enough to drive someone crazy
17:43 🔗 Schbirid https://twitter.com/robotkid/status/334725482794860545 -> http://www.youtube.com/user/TheLookingGlassVault/videos
17:48 🔗 DFJustin great quote here http://www.lockss.org/about/
17:51 🔗 Schbirid i would have to actually take a moment and read instead of scan that to understand
20:27 🔗 godane i had to grab the pat and stu show again today
20:28 🔗 godane the mp3 was release but there was delay echoing in it
20:28 🔗 godane its only going to be the 512x288 version
20:52 🔗 joepie91 Yesterday one of our support staff decided to use vulgar and aggressive language which greatly offended a community member. For this I personally and on behalf of the ZPanelCP Project would like to apologise. This member of staff will not be participating in the ZPanelCP team anymore.
20:52 🔗 joepie91 cc omf_, norbert79, chronomex
20:52 🔗 joepie91 http://forums.zpanelcp.com/showthread.php?27606-ZPanelCP-Server-Has-Not-Been-Compromised
20:54 🔗 chronomex still denying things
20:54 🔗 norbert79 even if it's the case
20:54 🔗 norbert79 lets assume these statements are true
20:54 🔗 norbert79 even if it's the case
20:54 🔗 norbert79 still the damage has been done
20:54 🔗 norbert79 with long-term effects
20:54 🔗 Smiley urgh not sure what tv series to watch next
20:55 🔗 Smiley I've really enjoyed warehouse 13 and eureka, looking for suggestions
20:55 🔗 norbert79 so something geeky
20:55 🔗 norbert79 hm
20:55 🔗 Smiley Yeah pretty much
20:55 🔗 Smiley I like sci-fi stuff, but not thinking trek, or stargate...
20:55 🔗 Smiley Something more earth based I *think* :D
20:56 🔗 norbert79 joepie91: I guess you will tear the new release apart badly
20:56 🔗 Smiley Shame I can't get good anime anymore without trouble D:
20:56 🔗 norbert79 Smiley: I enjoyed Conflict Earth... the series from Gene Rodenberry
20:56 🔗 Schbirid Smiley: black lagoon
20:56 🔗 Smiley o_O never even heard of that
20:57 🔗 joepie91 The security issues mentioned in the following article (http://imgur.com/a/lzRuo) are already fixed, however we are a short way off being able to release the new version.
20:57 🔗 joepie91 k
20:57 🔗 Smiley I was enjoying the one with the two boys, who tried to bring their mum back
20:57 🔗 joepie91 so why is the code in your repo still using eval
20:57 🔗 joepie91 with last update being a month ago
20:57 🔗 Smiley Full metal alchemist... but I only got like half way thru the series.
20:58 🔗 SketchCow Why not get anime through the scarywater site?
20:58 🔗 norbert79 joepie91: Give them some time, like a few hours...
20:58 🔗 SketchCow I always loved scarywater
20:58 🔗 SketchCow It made me feel good
20:58 🔗 SketchCow But I got busy! So busy.
20:58 🔗 norbert79 joepie91: Don't forget, they are stated in NZ
20:58 🔗 Smiley scary water???
20:59 🔗 joepie91 wasn't that just ps2guy?
20:59 🔗 SketchCow http://scarywater.animesuki.com/
20:59 🔗 norbert79 joepie91: Hmm, not sure. maybe
20:59 🔗 Smiley I used to watch with eng subs.,....
20:59 🔗 SketchCow I love the statistics.
20:59 🔗 Smiley and randomly not watch, and still pick up the idea of whats going on.
20:59 🔗 SketchCow The site has transferred 175 petabytes of anime.
20:59 🔗 SketchCow Of anime.
20:59 🔗 SketchCow Anime.
21:00 🔗 * Smiley has glowing eyes.
21:00 🔗 norbert79 175 peta
21:00 🔗 SketchCow 175 petabytes
21:00 🔗 norbert79 wtf
21:00 🔗 Smiley ok scary water is scary.
21:03 🔗 Smiley I really need hand holding etc :D
21:03 🔗 Smiley Not sure whats good, what is worth watching etc etc.
21:03 🔗 SketchCow Oh, I have THAT for you
21:03 🔗 Schbirid Smiley: black lagoon
21:03 🔗 Smiley Schbirid: the anime?
21:03 🔗 Schbirid cowboy bebop of course
21:04 🔗 Schbirid yes
21:04 🔗 SketchCow http://www.animenfo.com/statistic/top.php
21:04 🔗 SketchCow Right there.
21:04 🔗 Smiley :D ty SketchCow
21:04 🔗 SketchCow Let the nerrrrrrrrrrrrds solve it
21:04 🔗 SketchCow Generations of nerrrds
21:04 🔗 Smiley Wish I could remember how much of full metal i'd watched
21:04 🔗 Smiley I go so far, and then failed to source anymore D:
21:05 🔗 DFJustin the original or fma brotherhood
21:05 🔗 SketchCow Also, I saw MegaZone 23 parts 1, 2 and 3 IN THE THEATER
21:05 🔗 SketchCow I do NOT RECOMMEND THIS
21:05 🔗 SketchCow By the end I think half of us in the theater were goo
21:06 🔗 Smiley :O
21:06 🔗 godane so i have over 42k videos in my g4video-web collection
21:07 🔗 godane now
21:07 🔗 godane only 5k are flvhd videos
21:07 🔗 godane *over 5k
21:08 🔗 Smiley nice
21:08 🔗 DFJustin series I would recommend to anyone: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (http://eclipse.speedsubs.org/projects/alchemist), Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
21:09 🔗 DFJustin there's a lot of other stuff but I would need some more idea of genre, tolerance for weird stuff, familiarity with anime etc.
21:14 🔗 DFJustin oh there's also this which is a one-off from a new studio, officially released on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBlqxEIJ_Cg
22:47 🔗 omf_ Smiley, norbert79 you want Earth Final Conflict, just ignore season 5 it went way downhill
22:48 🔗 Smiley omf_: ok, got to see if I can find that too :P
22:48 🔗 Smiley Code Geass seems cool :D
22:48 🔗 Smiley I like gundam stuff :/
22:54 🔗 omf_ Earth Final Conflict was the most adult of the Gene R. shows
22:54 🔗 omf_ Star Trek was soft
22:55 🔗 omf_ Andromeda was campy as hell
22:55 🔗 omf_ It also had the lowest budget but at the same time had some great effects in some episodes
22:56 🔗 omf_ I would also recommend Lexx
22:59 🔗 Smiley Oooo Lexx
23:00 🔗 omf_ Yeah get your freak on
23:02 🔗 joepie91 cute
23:02 🔗 joepie91 lowendtalk comes back up
23:02 🔗 joepie91 colocrossing immediately starts pseudo-censoring
23:02 🔗 joepie91 by setting the thread about colocrossing owning LET to sink
23:02 🔗 joepie91 (as in, it won't be bumped up the thread list by replies anymore)
23:03 🔗 joepie91 yeah, I have so much trust in them administrating the site in a honest and transparent manner!
23:12 🔗 chronomex wheeee
23:12 🔗 Smiley hey chronomex
23:12 🔗 * chronomex dances
23:12 🔗 chronomex hi
23:19 🔗 DFJustin code geass didn't do much for me, people love it though so maybe I just need to watch further
23:24 🔗 omf_ I couldn't get into One Piece
23:25 🔗 chronomex whats up Smiley
