[00:41] my wifi sucks [00:41] i think the nsa now know my wifi sucks [00:43] godane1: they have already dispatched a tech to fix it [01:34] joepie91: how is the team17 forum mirror coming? [01:45] godane1: they seem to have iptables'd me out D: [01:45] Connection refused [01:46] i got The Lounge topic [01:46] https://archive.org/details/forum.team17.com-The-Lounge-20130609 [01:49] I'll upload my crawls soon [01:49] hm [01:49] 1.5 gigs of data [01:49] interesting [01:51] i have thought of something have ass way of mirroring it [01:52] *half ass [01:52] well, the current result seems less than half an ass [01:52] :P [01:52] so it's probably a better method [01:52] your method I mean [01:52] links like this: http://forum.team17.com/showthread.php?t=66382 [01:52] just seq 1 to 66500 [01:53] echo "http://forum.team17.com/showthread.php?t=$i" >> index.txt [01:53] this is half ass in that it will not get the pages or member pages [01:54] page-requisites perhaps? [01:54] and indeed [01:54] but aren't those iterable as well? [01:55] page-requisties is made to go after scripts and images [01:55] of the page your grabing [01:55] the pages i'm talking about are the page links [01:55] http://forum.team17.com/showthread.php?t=66382&page=2 [01:57] would page-requisits also handle attachments? [01:57] and, that's a good point also [02:26] SketchCow: Looks like you forgot this collection: http://archive.org/details/Discovery.Download.The.True.Story.of.the.Internet.1of4 [02:52] also i have some good news [02:52] i maybe able to get retro gaming radio [07:46] I have 379GB of ut-files.com from before it went down [07:47] I also have 160GB from an older mirror server that a few people already have copies of [09:05] ivan`: I hope you are planning uploading them :) [09:06] I have 1.5mbit, I am sending a drive to someone with 4mbit [09:06] got 30 down 20 up [09:06] limited space although [09:06] if I can help out [09:08] it sounds like you are in a country that has fast internet but not to which I can send a drive ;) [09:09] damn :) [09:59] Btw a simple eggdrop with RSS feed handling for showing latest adds to all four categories would be nice.. or some channel with latest adds [11:25] ...at least everyone that was opped is still opped! [11:25] :) [11:26] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824260109 [11:26] Why oh WHY do I have to live in Australia? [11:49] twrist, I managed to get a Dell 23" IPS monitor for about $230, shipped to Perth. [11:49] Had to do some coupon collecting and it was around CHristmas so there was a 20% off [11:50] also took like a month for Dell to ship it lol [11:50] At least it was free shipping. [11:51] :c [11:51] Oh well, there's always this christmas.. [11:52] end of financial year is pretty good too [11:53] Damn nice monitor too. [11:53] Only grief is that it is using display port, which I thought was a cool idea.. oh no it ain't lol. [11:53] Pretty weird and glitchy. AMD driver issue it seems. [11:55] Ah. I'm going to try and get a Nvidia graphics card (currently using the embedded one on this i7-3770) [11:55] Who knows, maybe they don't have the same issues [11:56] I was drooling over this the other day, http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GDDR5-4GB-WINDFORCE-Graphics-GV-N770OC-4GD/dp/B00CU9GOAO/ it is about the same cost as a reference 770 at pc case gear [11:56] But really can't justify it given that there's a new AMD series coming out later this year. [11:56] and 'cept for the display port issues, AMD's been fine. [11:57] I don't know, I steer away from AMD for some strange reason. [11:57] vs http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=193_1486 lol [12:01] Yeah, well, AMD's drivers used to be really shocking. [12:01] Where most of the problems came from I ehar [12:01] *hear [13:01] i think archive.org needs sort of a md5sum database [13:02] so i can check if a file i have matches another file on IA [13:10] so i found this: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2339202/Lindsay-Mills-girlfriend-Edward-Snowden-Woman-NSA-leaker-left-member-acrobat-troupe.html [13:11] we need to find her blog [13:12] She is indeed hot [13:13] unless these all are staged [13:13] but if not, and I hope so, this guy left behind her just to be one fighting against governmental abuse [13:13] the issue is, that it's hard to decide if these all are staged or not [13:14] if the story of his bravery is real or not [13:14] I also think he will go like the bad guy in Nikita want to go [13:15] if anything happens to him some thing like a TB of black ops stuff gets release or something [13:16] I think we reached a point where even government agencies are also figuring out what is real and what is fake and are confused too [13:16] and if not, time to make them :) [13:17] The Daily Mail is unfortunately not exactly a "paper of record" within the UK, either. [13:19] now this is interesting [13:20] i maybe able to do a panic download of the daily mail [13:28] The internet archive does have a database of checksums for every file uploaded it is just not search able. [13:29] we should try to make it searchable then [13:38] Well I don't work for IA and I am not fronting the money to run a separate server to host the search engine [13:38] godane1: her blog is ljsomething... [13:38] * Smiley goes to check [13:38] as I think it was on slashdot :D [13:39] oh wait not yet, the register, and it's already slow [13:39] http://www.lsjourney.com/ <<< go go go [13:39] i can't grab right now [13:44] you can grab http://www.lsjourney.com/feed/ from Reader [13:44] IA also has some [14:18] also a youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/LsJourneys [14:27] Where's my hug [14:27] Daily Mail man. [14:27] http://www.eclectech.co.uk/dailymailpicnic.php [14:31] :O [14:40] also https://twitter.com/lsjourneys [14:57] SketchCow: your going to be getting 2 years worth of maximum pc cds [14:59] Good to know. [14:59] You're [15:02] there is this set someone is selling: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-of-37-Maximum-PC-CDs-First-Issue-Old-Shareware-Software-1998-2003-/230983015090?pt=US_Wholesale_Software&hash=item35c7a91ab2 [15:02] i'm not going to pay $55 for it [15:03] but i figure you would want it SketchCow [15:08] I wonder if the headline "Archiveteam stopped me going mental" is any use :D [15:13] "By going mental at sites shutting down, I stopped myself from going mental!" [15:13] "Thanks, Archive Team!" [15:14] Kind of [15:14] I basically spent 2 weeks in a daze grabbing sites [15:15] http://archive.org/details/archiveteam_ignsites << the result [15:15] Now that's what I call semi-automated archiving! [15:15] Using humans. [15:15] ;) [15:15] Ugh, it doesn't work as well with the nickname twrist, rather than GLaDOS. [15:16] :DFDD [15:16] Screw this, I'll change some other day. [15:16] i found your newamerica grab: http://archive.org/details/newamerica.net [15:17] also that site was not going to be shutdown [15:17] i just wanted a panic grab [15:36] godane1: not sure I can blame Snowden for that decision, if it were true [15:42] see has a facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/lindsay.mills.90/photos [15:50] also, the blog: http://lsjourney.com/ [15:50] but it's deactivated [15:50] probably overloaded or w/e [15:50] http://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2013/06/11/vriendin-snowden-blogt-lost-at-sea-without-a-compass/ [16:20] Well, AM SLEEP =) [19:57] I love me some random item identifiers that do not describe the item at all [19:59] things like the letters "c" and "d" alternating for about 20 or so characters