#archiveteam-bs 2013-06-14,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
00:02 🔗 godane i just found 9/11 coverage from techtv
00:06 🔗 godane its only a little bit of the video
00:07 🔗 godane the rest was another segemnt thats not 9/11 related
04:19 🔗 BlueMax <omf_> lol "Having known Jason Scott for 25 years and having been to DEFCON several times, she somehow still agreed to help produce this film."
04:19 🔗 BlueMax no-one can get enough of the Scott.
04:33 🔗 omf_ I love how defcon loves humor. Many conference sites frown on anything not serious
05:04 🔗 godane SketchCow: this one of sega visions is not in the collection: http://archive.org/details/Sega-Visions-Issue-02
05:08 🔗 godane looks like thats the only one out of the group
05:36 🔗 BlueMax http://i.imgur.com/NqDM2td.jpg I think this is a fair representation of SketchCow's balls
11:30 🔗 Smiley :O thunder
13:33 🔗 antomatic Waaa... My ISP has written to me. Of course they're not /actually/ saying "What the blank are you doing?", and merely note that I "enjoy" using the internet at peak times, and would I perhaps prefer to enjoy it at another time instead... I shall interpret this as a badge of honour. :)
13:35 🔗 ivan` hah, nice
13:36 🔗 antomatic I suppose burning 1.5TB in a month was bound to draw some comment eventually.
13:38 🔗 BlueMax Is it an infinite data plan?
13:39 🔗 antomatic Yes, although they kick in a speed limit if there's more than a certain level of downloading or uploading in 'busy' times.
13:40 🔗 antomatic Upload more than 2GB in an hour and the upstream bandwidth is cut by 75% for two hours, etc.
13:41 🔗 BlueMax That is absolute bull
13:43 🔗 antomatic Not fantastic, true.
13:44 🔗 antomatic It's a quickish connection, though, so it's not completely the end of the world.
15:13 🔗 SketchCow What country are you in?
15:32 🔗 antomatic I'm in the UK. Got two internet connections but this is the fastest one - 120 down, 12 up.
15:33 🔗 antomatic (subject to becoming 72 down and 3 up if peak time usage exceeds certain levels)
15:56 🔗 * Baljem cries bitter, bitter tears
15:56 🔗 Baljem although to be fair my current 20/1.5 is rather significantly better than the ~1Mbps I got on ADSL. got to love British Telecom.
16:58 🔗 joepie91 ohai all
16:58 🔗 joepie91 currently at hotel :D
16:58 🔗 joepie91 only 2mbit/2mbit internets
16:58 🔗 joepie91 it's free though :)
17:34 🔗 sep332 if i had 72 down i would have way more than 1.5 TB/mo :)
17:34 🔗 sep332 i have only 15 Mb/s right now, and i used 1.7 TB last month
18:21 🔗 Smiley antomatic: who is the isp?
18:21 🔗 Smiley 120 isn't virgin afaik...
18:22 🔗 Smiley Only other ones with sane limiting.... Zen?
18:25 🔗 antomatic Smiley: no, it's Virgin.
18:26 🔗 Smiley Ah
18:26 🔗 Smiley Yeah my virgin line randomly screws up
18:26 🔗 Smiley but it's never been because they limited me so far.
18:26 🔗 antomatic mine too.
18:27 🔗 Smiley I think someone in the neighbour hood does something that causes explosions.
18:27 🔗 antomatic the limit is alright, really - in practice it doesn't cause much of a problem
18:27 🔗 antomatic Mine was dropping out loads just recently, down for a whole weekend, but seems a bit better recently. Really does come and go - hard to predict.
18:27 🔗 Smiley yah
18:27 🔗 Smiley what I do like is because they are honest about it.
18:28 🔗 godane so i got the cnn cd
18:28 🔗 antomatic I believe VM do have a "Your usage is SO high that it's killing your neighbours" letter which they can deploy in some cases, but I think my email was a polite prelude to that. :)
18:28 🔗 Smiley as apposed to other companies *cough*sky*cough*
18:28 🔗 Smiley antomatic: well the forums are excelent for support, if a little slow
23:40 🔗 omf_ http://www.smilepolitely.com/culture/do_you_ever_read_any_of_the_books_you_weed/
23:40 🔗 omf_ tl;dr books 10 years old are removed from the library
