#archiveteam-bs 2013-07-07,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
00:33 🔗 godane so i made a offer of $30 for the 37 maximum pc cds
00:34 🔗 godane its buy now at $45
00:34 🔗 godane thats a little to high for me
00:50 🔗 dashcloud so, there's a possibly untouched software archive that would be nice to download and catalogue, but it needs some programming help to make it happen. AOL (the online service) has lots of libraries with early-mid 90's software in them that probably haven't been touched since then.
00:58 🔗 godane i got the 37 Maximum pc cds set for $30 :-D
01:10 🔗 SketchCow dashcloud: Do it
01:32 🔗 GLaDOS In honor of robots.txt, I have set one up on a website of mine http://tropicraft.net/robots.txt
01:32 🔗 GLaDOS Wait, the second change didn't go through..
01:34 🔗 GLaDOS There we go.
02:49 🔗 godane i'm grabing the images for the g4tv.com video pages
03:16 🔗 godane SketchCow: the browser here link is broken: http://archive.org/details/MESS_0.149_Software_List_ROMs
04:15 🔗 omf_ LXDE is switching to QT instead of gtk3 and they have released a preview version. I for one am excited to try it out
04:15 🔗 omf_ http://blog.lxde.org/?p=1013
04:30 🔗 SketchCow godane: Thanks, godane.
05:06 🔗 godane pictures from man in the moon: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/07/06/first-photos-from-the-man-in-the-moon/
05:10 🔗 underscor This is a thing if y'all haven't seen it
05:10 🔗 underscor http://www.flickr.com/photos/textfiles/sets/72157633722203885/
05:12 🔗 godane got to love earthquake detector of hard drive: http://www.flickr.com/photos/textfiles/8847182912/in/set-72157633722203885
05:14 🔗 godane also #maninthemoon: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23maninthemoon&src=typd
05:35 🔗 xmc godane: what the fuck is this
05:35 🔗 godane its glenn beck Man in the moon event
05:36 🔗 xmc that actually doesn't answer the question
05:37 🔗 xmc whatever
06:50 🔗 godane i think when flickr goes down we will be fucked
06:50 🔗 godane i say that cause there giving 1TB of free storage to everyone
06:50 🔗 godane not saying everyone will used 1TB
07:00 🔗 GLaDOS Idea: store a backup of IA on flickr.
07:00 🔗 GLaDOS Spread out across multiple accounts.
07:01 🔗 DFJustin per jason's tweets you'd only need 2-4 accounts to store twenty years of software history :D
07:07 🔗 Sue are we going to archive the webtv pagebuilder stuff
07:08 🔗 omf_ Sue, got an example url
07:08 🔗 Sue no, but i read ms was shutting down msntv/webtv
07:09 🔗 Sue and i remember they had a pseudo geocities thing
07:10 🔗 Sue http://community-2.webtv.net/
07:10 🔗 Sue http://community-2.webtv.net/kdine/
07:10 🔗 omf_ yeah we should be able to grab that, I even found a page listing how to copy content off webtv
07:12 🔗 Sue https://www.google.com/#q=inurl:community-2.webtv.net
07:21 🔗 winr4r holy shit, webtv
07:23 🔗 winr4r "About 30,200 results" well that's not so bad
07:35 🔗 winr4r oh, there's also community-1 through 4
07:36 🔗 winr4r 7.6k google results on -1, 30 (!) on -3, 1420 on -4
08:00 🔗 winr4r http://paste.archivingyoursh.it/ferusiveye.avrasm
08:00 🔗 winr4r list scraped from wikipedia
08:04 🔗 winr4r also, "ferusiv eye"
08:35 🔗 godane so there is a guy on myspleen giving computer chronicles to them
08:36 🔗 godane he re-encoded them so they have the season number and episode number of the season
08:43 🔗 winr4r yay
09:05 🔗 winr4r finding more webtv sites from scraping twitter
10:31 🔗 BlueMax did that massive miror backup of Apple II FTPs get backed up?
10:48 🔗 ersi The Wayback Machine is pretty damn awesome, I don't know how they do it, but damn they have a lot of very new material quickly
10:52 🔗 BlueMax imagine if we could use Google's servers
10:54 🔗 ersi We can, if we pay for it: https://cloud.google.com/products/compute-engine
10:56 🔗 BlueMax ah yes, the google butt platform
11:33 🔗 GLaDOS SketchCow: you need to add more admins to the facebook page.
11:33 🔗 GLaDOS (all you need is their email; the email facebook assigns to them is enough)
11:56 🔗 ersi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhf5cuXiLTA
11:56 🔗 ersi wuts
12:02 🔗 GLaDOS ersi: i dunno lol
12:06 🔗 ersi felt the same, haha
12:24 🔗 godane i told the guy run hackaday that archive.org has a copy of the site
12:24 🔗 godane in case someone fucks the website
12:26 🔗 ersi Just.. randomly? Or in a conversation?
12:27 🔗 godane http://hackaday.com/2013/07/01/hackaday-looking-for-a-good-home/comment-page-1/#comment-1023800
12:29 🔗 godane it was a replay to this comment: http://hackaday.com/2013/07/01/hackaday-looking-for-a-good-home/comment-page-1/#comment-1021701
12:29 🔗 ersi Is your comment approved? I can't see it
12:29 🔗 godane i don't think its approved yet
12:30 🔗 ersi that's why I didn't find it :) Alrighty
12:33 🔗 winr4r i didn't know calacanis owned hackaday
12:33 🔗 winr4r now i do!
12:34 🔗 godane so i'm almost done with techcrunch
12:34 🔗 godane i'm down to 2012-12
12:37 🔗 winr4r excellent
13:09 🔗 godane i'm getting this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-37-Maximum-PC-CDs-First-Issue-Old-Shareware-Software-1998-2003-/230983015090
13:32 🔗 joepie91 godane: awesome, but don't forget to also scan the disc labels :)
13:33 🔗 joepie91 and/or sleeves/covers
13:33 🔗 godane i do
13:35 🔗 godane i have the sleeves and labels like this one: https://archive.org/details/cdrom-maximum-cd-2006-02
13:36 🔗 godane i think one of the labels i had to light up the image cause you could see the disc label right
13:36 🔗 godane *couldn't
13:36 🔗 joepie91 SketchCow: there was a post that I believe was written by you, about the why of archiving, shovelware discs, and a story as to how one particular gif (?) pulled off those discs ended up being exactly what someone was looking for
13:36 🔗 joepie91 where can I find it?
13:36 🔗 joepie91 godane: alright, neat :)
13:39 🔗 godane also we have a world of warcraft demo now: https://archive.org/details/dvdrom-maximum-dvd-2006-11
13:39 🔗 winr4r joepie91: i know the post you mean, i'll find it
13:39 🔗 godane on of the rare dvds of maximum pc
13:41 🔗 joepie91 winr4r: that would be awesome, I've been googling for it for like 15 minutes now (which, compared to my normal google-fu, is equivalent to roughly 2 years) and I can't seem to find it :/
13:42 🔗 joepie91 which makes me really frustrated actually :P
13:42 🔗 joepie91 because I normally can find pretty much anything with at most 2 or 3 searches...
13:42 🔗 joepie91 also, I've run out of ways to search for this post >.>
13:43 🔗 winr4r joepie91: yeah
13:43 🔗 winr4r was it a clown GIF that was at the center of the story?
13:43 🔗 * winr4r is trying to remember
13:43 🔗 joepie91 it was
13:43 🔗 joepie91 yes
13:43 🔗 joepie91 I'm pretty sure
13:45 🔗 winr4r yeah, weirdly i can't find it either
13:48 🔗 joepie91 :/
13:50 🔗 winr4r i'm sure jason will know when he wakes up/gets back
13:53 🔗 godane i'm starting to upload techcrunch
13:55 🔗 godane so i'm also uploaded wwe13 thestory video
13:56 🔗 winr4r hm, joepie91, are you sure it wasn't mentioned in jason's "shareware calvacade" speech?
13:56 🔗 winr4r rather than a blog post
13:57 🔗 joepie91 hm
13:57 🔗 joepie91 quite possibly
13:57 🔗 joepie91 but I recall _some_ kind of text form also
13:58 🔗 joepie91 including a link
13:58 🔗 joepie91 to the actual gif
13:58 🔗 joepie91 but perhaps the speech is what I'm remembering most vividly
13:58 🔗 godane uploaded: https://archive.org/details/techcrunch.com-2005-20130627
13:58 🔗 winr4r yeah, me too, it's possible we've both imagined a post
14:10 🔗 godane this is funny: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/p480x480/1006183_532566800112405_1147712000_n.jpg
15:37 🔗 godane from UG irc: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/580483_543202455738799_665734743_n.jpg
16:19 🔗 Schbirid is there some good software to undistort scanned pages on linux?
16:20 🔗 winr4r Schbirid: unpaper
16:21 🔗 Schbirid nice
16:26 🔗 Schbirid ugh, terrible result with default options
16:26 🔗 Schbirid maybe there is something more manual and with a GUI? i would love to just add lines and say "these are straight, get to work"
16:28 🔗 Schbirid oh! scantailor is on linux too!
16:30 🔗 winr4r cooool
16:30 🔗 winr4r i hadn't heard of it before now, but it looks neat
16:30 🔗 SketchCow joepie91: Jason Scott's Shareware Calvacade
16:30 🔗 joepie91 wait, you mean scantailor works on something non-Linux too? :P
16:30 🔗 joepie91 and yes, scantailor is awesome
16:30 🔗 joepie91 SketchCow: I see, guess I misremembered it as a blog post then
16:30 🔗 joepie91 thaks
16:30 🔗 joepie91 thanks *
16:31 🔗 winr4r joepie91: we both did!
16:31 🔗 joepie91 indeed
16:45 🔗 Schbirid scantailor changes too much, i just need deskewing :(
16:46 🔗 underscor Schbirid: Imagemagick will deskew
16:47 🔗 underscor But you need to know the number of degrees
16:47 🔗 underscor (or trial and error)
16:47 🔗 Schbirid yeah i can keep using gimp for that :P
16:47 🔗 Schbirid i guess i will do that
16:48 🔗 underscor well, imagemagick is scriptable in the command line :P
16:49 🔗 underscor so slightly less tedious than gimp, probably
16:50 🔗 Schbirid the skew angle is not constant so gimp wins here
16:50 🔗 underscor aha
16:50 🔗 underscor there was a project to do skew detection in python and imagemagick, can't quite remeber where I saw that
16:50 🔗 underscor Might have been librarypirate.me
16:51 🔗 xmc I found an awesome deskewer
16:52 🔗 xmc let me dig it up
16:52 🔗 Schbirid i just wish gimp's grid display was more sane
16:52 🔗 xmc I think it was the deskewer bundled with leptonica
16:54 🔗 xmc it has to have used leptonica, since there's not a bundled one ...
16:55 🔗 xmc but yeah
16:55 🔗 xmc leptonica has what you want, it'll automatically deskew to within fractional degrees
16:55 🔗 xmc I scanned a book, it came out straighter than it was originally printed
16:57 🔗 db48x bah, you're distorting the historical record
16:57 🔗 db48x phototypeset books often came out a little crooked; if you go and fix them all, the historians will misunderstand the technology
16:58 🔗 xmc true
16:58 🔗 xmc this was in preparation for other steps
16:58 🔗 xmc like I pulled out the figures and htmlized it
16:59 🔗 db48x cool
16:59 🔗 xmc it's like only half done, I kind of abandoned the project
17:00 🔗 xmc http://gir.seattlewireless.net/~chronomex/bellsystem/morris/Morris.html
17:00 🔗 xmc but if you want to see
17:00 🔗 Schbirid guess what kind of project took control of me at the moment ;)
17:01 🔗 db48x xmc: very shiny
17:01 🔗 Schbirid those pngs want a optipng run
17:02 🔗 xmc yeah well. that's right out of TeX.
17:02 🔗 xmc hlatex to be precise
17:06 🔗 Schbirid gimagereader is so cool for OCR
18:09 🔗 joepie91 that reminds me
18:09 🔗 joepie91 now that I have a working opensuse system
18:09 🔗 joepie91 I can finally install tesseract
18:09 🔗 joepie91 without having to hunt for dependencies
18:09 🔗 joepie91 \o/
18:09 🔗 * joepie91 mumbles something about fedora and repositories
18:10 🔗 xmc wheee
18:10 🔗 xmc ocr
18:15 🔗 joepie91 that moment when you want to build stuff based on a library you wrote, and then find out that your library is in an unusable state..
18:16 🔗 xmc :\
18:25 🔗 joepie91 also
18:25 🔗 joepie91 I have to say
18:25 🔗 joepie91 there's some _beautiful_ photography on flickr
18:26 🔗 joepie91 and their new layout really _does_ work well to bring that out
18:26 🔗 xmc can't disagree
18:34 🔗 db48x joepie91: I had a situation last week where the library was out of date, so I went to edit the source and found that my emacs no longer ran because librsvg2 had been upgraded
18:34 🔗 xmc nooooo
18:34 🔗 db48x I had to recompile emacs; talk about shaving a yak
18:41 🔗 xmc lordy
18:41 🔗 xmc it'd be nice if we had 50 man-years to rewrite emacs to be exactly the same but thread-safe
18:41 🔗 db48x oh yes, that would be nice
18:41 🔗 xmc while we're shaving yaks
18:41 🔗 db48x more than nice
18:42 🔗 xmc I wonder how many people would put up fifty bucks for that
18:45 🔗 ersi Like, a whole, cathedral full of people
18:46 🔗 xmc hmmm.
18:47 🔗 ersi I kid, I kid.
18:47 🔗 Tephra where do i send the money?
18:47 🔗 db48x I would
18:51 🔗 xmc I definitely would
18:51 🔗 xmc like, fuck.
18:52 🔗 db48x I often run a second emacs just so I can read my email in the second without disrupting the first
18:52 🔗 xmc huh.
18:59 🔗 omf_ I don't use emacs anymore but my favorite part is still gnus. Anyone else use it?
18:59 🔗 db48x omf_: I do :)
19:00 🔗 omf_ At first I was like wtf a news reader in emacs and then I used it for a while and it just fit
19:03 🔗 db48x indeed. email is text though, so it makes sense
19:03 🔗 omf_ I don't try to apply sense to emacs anymore ;P It is its own thing
19:04 🔗 omf_ I meant Emacs OS
19:04 🔗 db48x :)
19:04 🔗 omf_ shit I took a lisp class after I was already proficient with emacs, and it was easy
19:05 🔗 omf_ intro lisp should be build shit for emacs
19:05 🔗 omf_ One you learn lisp and two you learn how to work on an existing code base with a large history that is used in production everyday
19:10 🔗 db48x yea, working with a large existing codebase is not really taught in schools
19:11 🔗 db48x although I do know of one professor who had his students dive into Firefox and write patches, get them reviewed and checked in
19:11 🔗 omf_ I would take that class
19:12 🔗 omf_ I have a huge <3 for firefox
19:14 🔗 omf_ and chromium too
19:27 🔗 db48x yea, made me wish I could go back to school
19:27 🔗 SmileyG heh wish I could code ¬_¬_¬_¬
19:29 🔗 joepie91 if anyone is bored, http://www.computeridee.nl//schatkist
19:30 🔗 joepie91 bunch of assorted random stuff
19:30 🔗 joepie91 that might be worth archiving
19:35 🔗 omf_ Does anyone remember the name of that website that has been collecting beta software for years? A few of us were talking about it either in here a while back.
19:35 🔗 omf_ or maybe it was a forum?
19:38 🔗 DFJustin http://www.betaarchive.com/
19:55 🔗 omf_ yes that was it
20:07 🔗 SmileyG [3872335.406463] usb 3-3.2: New USB device found, idVendor=04cb, idProduct=0267
20:07 🔗 SmileyG [3872335.406466] usb 3-3.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
20:08 🔗 SmileyG [3872335.406469] usb 3-3.2: Product: USB PTP
20:08 🔗 SmileyG hmmm wat?
20:08 🔗 SmileyG :( why can't it just show up as mass storage and make my life easier.
20:09 🔗 SmileyG Oh, it's just a camera protocol, phew :)
20:56 🔗 DFJustin http://jsmachines.net/devices/pc/5160/cga/machine-dos400m.xml
21:15 🔗 DFJustin fully uploaded https://archive.org/details/pc98-maker-betsu-tsumeawase
21:42 🔗 SketchCow Excellent.
22:06 🔗 joepie91 kind of curious why that instantserver api stuff imports requests
22:06 🔗 joepie91 when it doesn't actually use requests
23:11 🔗 Ravenloft "If you're angry about government surveillance, send an email to yourself to let them know."
23:14 🔗 Ravenloft good one joepie91
23:25 🔗 omf_ I find this impressive http://anarchivism.org/w/Jason_Scott_Talks
23:32 🔗 joepie91 Ravenloft: it's something I copied from elsewhere, hence the quotes :)
23:41 🔗 Ravenloft sure
23:48 🔗 joepie91 it's indeed very good, though
