#archiveteam-bs 2013-07-19,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
04:25 🔗 winr4r that amiga archive thing is amazing
05:18 🔗 godane hey everyone
05:19 🔗 winr4r hi godane!
05:19 🔗 godane i'm on my slackware 14.0 current frugal-install
05:41 🔗 godane i'm sadly still thinking of slitaz-tank
05:42 🔗 godane but since it so broken and i think slackware would be a better fit for my project
06:00 🔗 winr4r i rather liked slitaz
06:00 🔗 winr4r tried it on a 733mhz pentium 3 laptop that we had kicking around at the office for some reason and it was faaaaaaast
06:01 🔗 godane i'm only liking slackware really is cause i'm getting max wifi speed
06:01 🔗 godane i'm getting a 1.4 mega byte download speed
07:38 🔗 Smiley ...
07:39 🔗 Smiley So getting proper speeds is rare? o_O?!
08:52 🔗 Smiley you guys remember how I said if you could guess the url, you can access google autobackup photos, even tho they are "private" ?
09:03 🔗 omf_ yes
09:04 🔗 Smiley Well that applies to _ALL_ private galleries on Google+
09:18 🔗 Coderjoe guess the url and find a photo? wow. how surprising.
09:23 🔗 xmc nice
09:43 🔗 Smiley Coderjoe: ...
09:44 🔗 Smiley https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/1020816_584237818461_1828272061_o.jpg?oh=e5233b0d9613f4a092d0a05d1be062ee&oe=51EA8F37&__gda__=1374414688_21f1c978e18eb469864328d4eb8c1e44
09:49 🔗 omf_ If SketchCow had an intro gif -> https://gs1.wac.edgecastcdn.net/8019B6/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcd9mxXHRW1r6uu6d.gif
09:53 🔗 Smiley haha that was me at my present company
11:01 🔗 omf_ Smiley, was it you or GLaDOS or me who pulled down that commoncrawl index file?
11:07 🔗 Smiley not i.
11:15 🔗 omf_ I think GLaDOS pulled it down for me. I downloaded a copy so if he doesn't need it we can nuke it. Get 22gb back. I am prepping a 70gb upload
14:08 🔗 BlueMax lol SketchCow I didn't know you played white trash
15:02 🔗 GLaDOS omf_: yeah, I pulled it down to /home
15:47 🔗 balrog has joepie91 been seen lately?
15:52 🔗 joepie91 balrog: hai
16:08 🔗 Schbirid lol tumblr
16:08 🔗 SketchCow Poor porny tumblr
16:08 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video22711: Katzenberg on DreamWorks (part 1): http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video22711
16:09 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video22709: Katzenberg on DreamWorks (part 2): http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video22709
16:12 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video22634: Exclusive video of Lamo's surrender: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video22634
16:23 🔗 balrog SketchCow: they're having fun pissing off users
16:39 🔗 godane looks like h-online.com is shutting down
16:39 🔗 godane i'm mirroring it right now
16:47 🔗 Sue something something archive tumblr
17:33 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video22826: TiVo Web Server: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video22826
17:47 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video22835: Rise and fall of Napster: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video22835
18:09 🔗 Coderjoe mmm
18:10 🔗 Coderjoe just got a 500GB drive (with only 10GB free, according to the OS) filled with AV Geeks goodness. (and Skip uploads to IA as well, so I don't really need to)
18:43 🔗 godane someone better do h-online.com for me
18:43 🔗 godane my wifi even on slackware is starting suck again
19:10 🔗 ivan` grabbing https://www.youtube.com/user/surface - MS becomes ashamed of its ads very quickly
19:14 🔗 godane i'm back
19:14 🔗 godane someone else should do h-online.com
19:14 🔗 godane slackware wifi is not stable
19:19 🔗 DFJustin [06:35:18] <Cameron_D> attempting to grab H-online
19:24 🔗 SketchCow Excellent
20:00 🔗 godane backing up glenn beck show from last night
20:02 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video22931: Digital 'Day in the Life': http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video22931
20:03 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video22928: MP3 CD Hybrid Players: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video22928
20:15 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video22935: Yoshi's Stealth PC: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video22935
20:20 🔗 antomatic Wow, leo laporte looks.. young!
20:36 🔗 winr4r word
20:37 🔗 winr4r can i get some FTP space off someone? the guy who used to run canonfd.com has agreed to upload an archive of his site
20:37 🔗 winr4r i don't know how big it is, and i don't want to hassle him with more questions, but might be in the multiple-gigabyte range
20:37 🔗 winr4r it was an archive of canon FD system manuals and brochures and shit
20:38 🔗 pft hmm
20:38 🔗 pft "multiple-gigabyte" being x GB or xx GB or xxx GB? any idea?
20:38 🔗 pft i'm guessing no idea since you don't want to bother him more
20:39 🔗 winr4r pft: single-digits most likely
20:39 🔗 Baljem winr4r: ask him when the last update was
20:40 🔗 pft i could probably make that happen but i'm not sure if i have ftpd installed
20:40 🔗 Baljem I used to host it for him, then he moved DNS away from my servers and disappeared
20:40 🔗 Baljem ... so I have everything as of a couple of years ago sitting on my web server already, might save some effort
20:40 🔗 pft if he could rsync it'd save some pipe too
20:43 🔗 winr4r Baljem: i'd still rather bother him with as few questions as possible
20:43 🔗 winr4r rsync if obviously better, but everyone has an FTP client
20:44 🔗 pft agreed
20:44 🔗 winr4r is*
20:44 🔗 Baljem right, my copy has 5,351 files in 200 directories, totalling 776MB
20:45 🔗 winr4r oh
20:45 🔗 winr4r when does yours date to?
20:45 🔗 Baljem could be out-of-date (latest timestamp in / is February 2007, I moved it all to a new server in 2009)
20:46 🔗 Baljem however I seem to recall when he moved it off my server it never came back
20:46 🔗 Baljem because every time I pick up some new kit I've had to grab the files from my box rather than the website...
20:47 🔗 winr4r as i recall, it went to mobileme (!)
20:48 🔗 Baljem ah no, most recent timestamp on a file is 2007-11-25 (/bellows/autobellowstables.zip)
20:49 🔗 winr4r small world though!
20:49 🔗 Baljem heh ;)
20:50 🔗 winr4r once we have a copy i'll go through and make an offline browsable copy as well
20:50 🔗 Baljem I ended up with it in early '07, I think, when I went looking for some documentation and found the site was gone
20:50 🔗 pft if i get it i can make the warc via localhost
20:51 🔗 Baljem eventually ended up at Christian's blog where he explained he was looking for a new host so I offered. then I think he lost his username/password and forgot my e-mail address so moved away again. meh
20:51 🔗 Baljem which I guess means mine must be out of date or he wouldn't have cared! I'll keep an eye out for progress updates, winr4r ;)
20:52 🔗 Baljem but let me know if I can help at all
