#archiveteam-bs 2013-07-24,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
03:13 🔗 mistym I wish OS X's `uname -m` was still as ludicrous as it was back in the PowerPC days.
03:14 🔗 winr4r mistym: oh hello!
03:14 🔗 mistym "x86_64" is boring. "Power Macintosh" was perfectly silly
03:14 🔗 mistym Hi winr4r!
03:16 🔗 ivan` I have ubuntu 10.04 on a powerbook g4, I wonder what it will say
05:03 🔗 godane so torrentbytes.net forums for the most part is download
05:03 🔗 godane grabing images of torrentbytes.net right now then going to get the external images
05:21 🔗 godane looks like we will be getting alot of pictures from facebook
05:21 🔗 godane well some
06:21 🔗 omf_ SmileyG, you round and about
06:26 🔗 godane so i decide to upload the large version of hak5 9x09
07:35 🔗 SmileyG o/
07:35 🔗 SmileyG omf_:
07:42 🔗 * BlueMax slaps SmileyG's arm
07:42 🔗 * BlueMax realises SmileyG doesn't have a hand
07:42 🔗 * BlueMax screams
07:50 🔗 * omf_ throws SmileyG's hand at BlueMax
07:50 🔗 * BlueMax gets facepalmed from range
07:56 🔗 * SmileyG fires all the cannons
07:59 🔗 SmileyG \o\ /o/
08:02 🔗 winr4r did you get offered a damn job!
08:02 🔗 SmileyG \o\ /o/
08:02 🔗 SmileyG :D
08:02 🔗 SmileyG yes
08:02 🔗 SmileyG fuck HR bullshit of "you can't offer someone a job they've interviewed for after giving it to someone else and then having 8 weeks pass".
08:03 🔗 ersi always fuck HR
08:03 🔗 SmileyG the fact both trainers I know (one is my wife, the other is my wifes bff)
08:03 🔗 SmileyG And then the other trainer kicked off because they took on complete idiots from within the company, and she knows I could do this, and _they_ said I could do this with my eyes closed.
08:04 🔗 winr4r SmileyG: huzzah!
08:05 🔗 SmileyG indeed.
08:06 🔗 SmileyG now zip or tar...
08:06 🔗 * SmileyG waits for omf_
08:07 🔗 winr4r http://ia800903.us.archive.org/tarview.php?tar=/10/items/ARCHIVETEAM-YV-04998033-04999999/ARCHIVETEAM-YV-04998033-04999999.tar
08:07 🔗 winr4r just checked, IA can read inside tar files
08:10 🔗 SmileyG ok so....
08:10 🔗 SmileyG tar cvf ./* ?
08:10 🔗 SmileyG urgh needs filename right
08:10 🔗 SmileyG tar cvf snapshut_imagesonly_24072013.tar ./*
08:11 🔗 winr4r tar cvf dongs.tar ./*
08:11 🔗 winr4r yes
08:11 🔗 SmileyG adddddding.
08:11 🔗 SmileyG hmmm
08:11 🔗 SmileyG S3 is gonna be hating me for awhile.
08:11 🔗 SmileyG 1 file(s) to upload in pouet.com_full_grab
08:11 🔗 SmileyG Sent 261229682688 bytes (94%)%)
08:11 🔗 winr4r sheeeit
08:11 🔗 SmileyG That might time out again, if it does. blargle I'll have to split it up
08:11 🔗 SmileyG winr4r: 200Gb
08:11 🔗 winr4r yes
08:12 🔗 SmileyG maybe 250Gb, I forget :D
08:12 🔗 winr4r 243, for power-of-two gigabytes
08:54 🔗 ersi SmileyG: It's highly recommended to split it in before hand
08:54 🔗 ersi mainly to not fuck up the storage servers too badly
08:59 🔗 SmileyG ersi: I had words with Jason who said go ahead.
08:59 🔗 SmileyG so basically it was a nice test
09:00 🔗 ersi well then
09:00 🔗 ersi just saying for the long term
09:01 🔗 SmileyG Nod.
09:01 🔗 SmileyG I'm aware :)
09:16 🔗 SmileyG GLaDOS:
09:16 🔗 SmileyG Who is our hosting with?
09:16 🔗 SmileyG Not OVH is it?
09:16 🔗 SmileyG For anyone else: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/07/23/top_server_host_ovh_warns_of_multistage_hacking_attack/
09:16 🔗 GLaDOS It's OVH..
09:16 🔗 SmileyG Go change passwords plz.
09:16 🔗 GLaDOS Yeah, I got an email from them
09:16 🔗 SmileyG Ah ok :)
09:17 🔗 SmileyG weeeeeeeeeeeeeee job.
09:17 🔗 * SmileyG just wants the paper work already
09:17 🔗 GLaDOS Hah, people with incomes
09:19 🔗 SmileyG :P
09:19 🔗 SmileyG you'll understand one day, young one
09:29 🔗 godane so hak5 season 9 is getting uploaded
09:29 🔗 ersi Money keep rollin' in
09:40 🔗 godane since my wifi is crappy i'm going to go after blocks of the external images
09:41 🔗 godane this way i can do things like grab like just all the tinypic urls
09:41 🔗 godane and make that into a warc.gz
09:43 🔗 godane and sadly looks like tinypic doesn't have a lot of pictures still left from this site
09:43 🔗 winr4r what site godane?
09:43 🔗 winr4r and yeah i think tinypic deletes shit after a certain period, if not accessed
09:44 🔗 godane torrentbytes.net
09:44 🔗 winr4r oh, of course
09:45 🔗 godane its like 8 years old now and there shuting down
09:46 🔗 godane and there are some porn images that are on this site
09:50 🔗 ersi porn!
09:50 🔗 omf_ I am ready to download it :)
09:51 🔗 GLaDOS Okay, so what do we have to do?
09:52 🔗 winr4r wow, so that's how you get people to join in your project
09:52 🔗 SmileyG teflon......
09:52 🔗 SmileyG maybe building a carbon fibre mouse? :D
09:52 🔗 ZoeB Hello
09:52 🔗 SmileyG don't be sorry, its easy to veer wildly off course :)
09:53 🔗 SmileyG and it's welcome :D
09:53 🔗 omf_ I was thinking a solar powered porn robot
09:53 🔗 SmileyG o_O
09:53 🔗 SmileyG What would it do omf_ ?
09:53 🔗 winr4r ZoeB: oh hi
09:53 🔗 ZoeB Nina's the hardware one amongst us: https://twitter.com/nr2097/status/319013972969943041
09:53 🔗 underscor I wonder if I could get IA to invest in a porn robot
09:53 🔗 ZoeB Saying that, she's also a better programmer than me >.>
09:53 🔗 omf_ You mean who would it do... I would make it like Bender
09:53 🔗 underscor Seems like something brewster could use around here
09:53 🔗 winr4r ZoeB: building a synth or something?
09:53 🔗 * underscor guffaws
09:53 🔗 SmileyG ZoeB: I just grumble at people until they do things for me. :D
09:54 🔗 ZoeB Yeah, it's a step sequencer
09:54 🔗 SmileyG I'm a IT/Sysadmin guy, but not a coder/engineer.
09:54 🔗 ZoeB Kind of TB-303 like only just the notation playing, no sounds
09:54 🔗 winr4r i complain at SmileyG to run scripts for me
09:54 🔗 winr4r ZoeB: awesome
09:54 🔗 SmileyG winr4r: hey, we make a good team :D
09:54 🔗 ZoeB Thanks
09:54 🔗 SmileyG tho with this new job, I'll loose mah machine at work for abusage
09:54 🔗 SmileyG I might ask about leaving it in a corner somewhere ;)
09:55 🔗 omf_ Your new job might have new machines to abuse
09:56 🔗 SmileyG Non.
09:56 🔗 SmileyG well, not for a long time
09:56 🔗 SmileyG Anyways..... what do I need to do at my current job before I let them know I'm leaving D:
09:56 🔗 omf_ They don't have spare servers?
09:56 🔗 * SmileyG thinks
09:56 🔗 SmileyG there isn't anything sensitive in email
09:56 🔗 winr4r SmileyG: when do you leave?
09:56 🔗 omf_ backup all your shit before you tell them
09:56 🔗 SmileyG the box I can self destruct at will
09:56 🔗 SmileyG omf_: already done :D
09:57 🔗 omf_ and erase all your history files and shit like that
09:57 🔗 SmileyG winr4r: well it's 4 weeks from whenever I get my peice of paper from the new places HR confirming my job.
09:57 🔗 winr4r SmileyG: gotcha
09:57 🔗 SmileyG omf_: also nothing sensitive in them.
09:57 🔗 SmileyG I mean they won't do anything _Bad_.
09:57 🔗 SmileyG winr4r: webtv?
09:57 🔗 winr4r SmileyG: http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=MSN_TV
09:58 🔗 SmileyG winr4r: I expect a script by this time in two days.
09:58 🔗 winr4r SmileyG: it's mostly wgets, i need to filter the URLs, deduce other stuff that exists from the URLs, etc
09:58 🔗 SmileyG i.e. friday morning when I'm back in work :DDDD
09:58 🔗 winr4r also waiting for blekko to get back to me with an API key
10:00 🔗 SmileyG ZoeB: you can sleep happy now
10:00 🔗 ZoeB Yay, thank you!
10:03 🔗 underscor #archiveteam was too quiet anyway
10:03 🔗 SmileyG hahaha
10:03 🔗 SmileyG Man why are you guys all US based ¬_¬
10:03 🔗 ZoeB I can be verbose when I'm excited, and don't want to get banned or anything :)
10:03 🔗 godane from the torrentbytes.net external image archive: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2zp5teg&s=3
10:04 🔗 winr4r SmileyG: i'm not!
10:04 🔗 ZoeB Yeah, we're Brits
10:04 🔗 underscor ZoeB: hahah, jason runs nowhere near that tight of a ship
10:04 🔗 SmileyG good point ZoeB i knew this ¬_¬
10:04 🔗 SmileyG man fuck tinypic
10:04 🔗 SmileyG seriously
10:04 🔗 underscor ^
10:05 🔗 underscor I learned that you can paste into imgur now
10:05 🔗 underscor which is fucking awesome
10:05 🔗 ZoeB Though the singer I use is a yank :)
10:05 🔗 SmileyG :O
10:05 🔗 SmileyG I have to be honest ZoeB I have no idea what you've made.
10:05 🔗 SmileyG but I know what the DefCon commetry is, and I know what Get Lamp is too.
10:05 🔗 ZoeB Just some of the music to some of Scott's documentaries
10:06 🔗 underscor She does sexy electronic idm-ey ambient-ey techno-ey deliciousness
10:06 🔗 ZoeB And another one by someone else, which looks like it's been shelved
10:06 🔗 SmileyG I've not watched either fully either
10:06 🔗 SmileyG Get lamp is a odd one for me, I never knew the games at the time (too young.)
10:07 🔗 ZoeB Yeah, I didn't know those exact games, but I played other text adventures
10:07 🔗 ZoeB Dodgy Geezers, Hampstead...
10:07 🔗 ZoeB I didn't know about Infocom back then though, I was a kid :)
10:07 🔗 SmileyG I played monkey island? XD
10:08 🔗 ZoeB I get the POINT!
10:08 🔗 SmileyG I didn't have proper exposure to computers until I was like 16.
10:08 🔗 ZoeB Aww, how come?
10:11 🔗 SmileyG NEED MOAR SPEED ON S3!
10:11 🔗 omf_ You and me both
10:11 🔗 SmileyG ZoeB: hmmmm family wasn't well off, and schools suck
10:11 🔗 ersi Zoë Blade?
10:11 🔗 SmileyG ZoeB: I'm 29 now.
10:11 🔗 omf_ I got lucky my dad brought an old one home from work
10:11 🔗 ZoeB ersi: Yes?
10:11 🔗 ersi Awesome!
10:12 🔗 ZoeB oh FFS, does everyone who knows me use this channel? :D
10:12 🔗 ersi ZoeB: I've listened to "8-bit generation" quite a few too many times
10:12 🔗 ZoeB My father was very cheap but to his credit he did get me a Plus/4
10:13 🔗 ersi wait, how did I miss city lights o_o
10:13 🔗 SmileyG I did get a cyrix 333 :D
10:13 🔗 ersi ZoeB: Well, SketchCow *did* mention you in at least one blog post IIRC
10:13 🔗 ZoeB Thank you, I'm glad you like it. :)
10:13 🔗 ersi ^_^)-b
10:13 🔗 ZoeB I've been meaning to do a few vlog entries about the making of tha tone
10:13 🔗 ZoeB 8BG
10:13 🔗 ersi cool
10:13 🔗 ZoeB True...
10:14 🔗 ZoeB He's nice like that. :)
10:17 🔗 SmileyG http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0Ut7wK9l9mk :O
10:20 🔗 ZoeB eeshk, close!
10:20 🔗 SmileyG yah
10:20 🔗 SmileyG :O
11:30 🔗 omf_ I am so going to buy two of these
11:30 🔗 omf_ They have started shipping boards to backers - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/adapteva/parallella-a-supercomputer-for-everyone
11:43 🔗 Baljem oh damnit, I overslept and missed the chance to make a potentially-useful contribution to an #archiveteam discussion. the former happens way more frequently than the latter, alas
11:45 🔗 Baljem but just for reference, if anybody might find it useful, I think there's an outfit in Germany (?) who offer free colo for Raspberry Pis. might be useful for running an archiving script that may fall foul of retarded UK legislation, especially if it's already on an RPi...
11:46 🔗 Baljem oh, Austria. close enough. *cough* http://www.edis.at/en/server/colocation/austria/raspberrypi/
11:54 🔗 dashcloud Baljem: you can reach her on twitter at zoeblade- she might be interested in hearing about that
11:55 🔗 winr4r yeah uh, germany or austria where holocaust denial is illegal
11:57 🔗 Baljem winr4r: yeah, that did cross my mind... but on the other hand, isn't that more a "you can't say that" rather than "we're going to censor the internet to stop you seeing that"?
11:57 🔗 Baljem ... hence you should be able to download all the holocaust denial you like there, unlike pornography here.
11:58 🔗 winr4r good point
11:58 🔗 winr4r her concern was inadvertently downloading stuff which is illegal, though, like rape fiction
11:59 🔗 winr4r which they apparently want to make illegal
12:00 🔗 Baljem yes - soon to potentially be illegal here - not sure what the Austrians' attitude towards such stuff is, but I suspect not quite as stupidly knee-jerky as Call Me Dave's...
12:00 🔗 Baljem hmm. dunno. might research that.
12:00 🔗 Baljem but first, I ought to do some work today. bugger.
12:05 🔗 SmileyG australians?
12:05 🔗 SmileyG you mean the ones who didn't have a way of selling 18 rated games until a few months ago?
12:10 🔗 SmileyG the ones who try to block all the interwebs, and other such funnies?
12:11 🔗 SmileyG wait, austrians, or australians?
12:11 🔗 winr4r ..
12:11 🔗 winr4r trollface.jpg
12:13 🔗 SmileyG :D
12:14 🔗 winr4r r;
12:14 🔗 winr4r (trollface emoticon)
12:15 🔗 winr4r (that wasn't very good was it)
12:17 🔗 SmileyG no.
12:26 🔗 GLaDOS Funfact: Despite the R18+ rating, Mortal Kombat was refused classification in Australia
12:27 🔗 omf_ That is because everyone needs to kill other people in hard to hand combat
12:27 🔗 omf_ rip out a spine, bite off a head, set them on fire
12:28 🔗 omf_ sounds all okay to me ^_0
12:44 🔗 GLaDOS 'Straya.
12:53 🔗 SmileyG hmmm
12:53 🔗 SmileyG snapshit still not showing D:
12:57 🔗 SmileyG 1 file(s) to upload in snapjoy_images
12:57 🔗 SmileyG 200 Ok
12:57 🔗 SmileyG Sent 5615308800 bytes (100%)
12:57 🔗 SmileyG :/
13:00 🔗 omf_ ugh just got the overload message on the website
13:01 🔗 SmileyG :<
13:48 🔗 GLaDOS http://www.jasonscottclothing.com/
13:48 🔗 GLaDOS Yeah, sure, why not.
13:52 🔗 omf_ Jason Scott has maintained a vision of creating everyday clothing that combines a casual sensibility with modern, tailored design.
13:55 🔗 SmileyG sounds legit.
13:56 🔗 GLaDOS http://www.ask-kalena.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/jason-scott-webstock2013.jpg
13:56 🔗 GLaDOS Sounds about right.
13:57 🔗 Jonimus lulz
14:08 🔗 SketchCow I've tried to work with Jason Scott clothing to get some of their stuff, but he won't sell to anyone but distributors.
14:11 🔗 joepie91 shame! they're not even selling Jason Scott clothing to Jason Scott!
14:11 🔗 joepie91 heh
14:13 🔗 SketchCow Yeah, short term thinking
14:41 🔗 DFJustin so this is cool https://archive.org/details/arxiv
14:41 🔗 DFJustin arxiv archive
14:53 🔗 SmileyG maaaan
14:54 🔗 SmileyG so new job should get confirmed tomorrow once they've copied my passport and driving licence.
14:54 🔗 SmileyG then... :S
14:54 🔗 SmileyG bai bai work ;D
14:54 🔗 SmileyG D:
16:12 🔗 omf_ This is how I imagine Jason's ArchiveTeam management style -> http://imgur.com/r/funny/vJbDSfK Stack em up, move em out!
16:14 🔗 joepie91 http://www.webcitation.org/
16:14 🔗 joepie91 hm
16:14 🔗 joepie91 main channel
16:23 🔗 omf_ http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2013/07/what_went_wrong_at_microsoft_all_the_clues_are_in_the_wire.html
18:45 🔗 Schbirid could someone who is using flash check if the download links on http://symbiont-music.com/ are easy to wget for me? cheers
18:46 🔗 Schbirid in other news, bing is a fucking terrible search engine
18:46 🔗 Schbirid nvm about flash, the urls are not simple
18:48 🔗 Schbirid http://www.symbiont-music.com/artists/mica/sm011_mica_unterton/sm011_mica_unterton.zip is nice
19:00 🔗 joepie91 Schbirid: http://www.symbiont-music.com/releases/releases.txt
19:00 🔗 joepie91 perhaps useful
19:00 🔗 joepie91 oh
19:00 🔗 joepie91 Schbirid, here: http://www.symbiont-music.com/audiolist.xml
19:00 🔗 Schbirid <3
19:00 🔗 joepie91 that should suffice :)
19:00 🔗 joepie91 releases.txt has botched metadata (fixable) and audiolist.xml has links
19:00 🔗 Schbirid it should totally
19:00 🔗 Schbirid nice
19:00 🔗 Schbirid thank
19:01 🔗 joepie91 (chrome inspector is useful!)
19:05 🔗 Schbirid irc vs exam, good night ;)
19:07 🔗 joepie91 Exam uses Persuade! It's super-effective! IRC faints!
19:21 🔗 underscor Sweet, my server in bucharest is finally provisioned
19:21 🔗 underscor Time to put some data on it \o/
19:26 🔗 Aranje yayerrrr
19:26 🔗 Aranje the only reason I've heard of bucharest was because it was in transporter 3
19:27 🔗 Aranje I suppose I should find it on a map someday
19:27 🔗 Aranje lol
20:39 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video24371: Richard Garriott: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video24371
20:39 🔗 godane now your getting some rare shit
20:39 🔗 godane in dialup format
20:40 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video24360: Todd Hollenshead - CEO, id Software: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video24360
20:40 🔗 joepie91 Aranje: romania
20:41 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video24354: Peter Molyneux - E3, 1999: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video24354
20:41 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video24347: John Carmack, QuakeCon 2000: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video24347
20:45 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video24369: Ruins of Kunark Interview: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video24369
20:47 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video24353: Bioware CEO, Ray Muzyka: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video24353
22:18 🔗 godane grabing the first 100000 userdetails from torrentbytes.net
22:20 🔗 godane *10000
22:20 🔗 godane i remembered that i have bad wifi
22:55 🔗 godane now i'm uploading like 3 things at once
23:18 🔗 godane i think i may just feed you one of guys my image list
23:18 🔗 godane just know its 300k urls
23:18 🔗 godane *+300k urls
23:35 🔗 godane here is the external list: http://archive.org/details/torrentbytes.net-exterinal-images-list
23:47 🔗 Famicoman anyone have a scribd account?
23:48 🔗 godane i do
23:50 🔗 Famicoman If your feeling friendly I'm trying to get my hands on these: http://www.scribd.com/search?query=thedosemag
23:50 🔗 Famicoman website says they're free, go to scribd, gotta buy an account to download
23:57 🔗 ivan` scribd accounts should be free, you just have to upload some crap to download
