#archiveteam-bs 2013-07-26,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
00:24 πŸ”— GLaDOS omf_: In 7 hours, yes.
00:30 πŸ”— godane interview with Brewster Kahle: http://twit.tv/show/triangulation/98
00:41 πŸ”— omf_ okay
02:15 πŸ”— omf_ Aranje, that is a good rum video
02:16 πŸ”— omf_ ( ´ï½Β₯ωï½Β₯`)_À¸”
02:22 πŸ”— Aranje Right? :D
02:30 πŸ”— omf_ À¸”_(Γ―ΒΎΒŸΓ’Β—Β‡Γ―ΒΎΒŸΓ―ΒΌΒ›)Γ£ΒƒΒŽΓ―ΒΎΒž
02:41 πŸ”— omf_ 🍺
02:41 πŸ”— omf_ yeah unicode
02:41 πŸ”— omf_ 🍻
02:42 πŸ”— omf_ the depth of unicode is so beautiful
02:42 πŸ”— omf_ Γ’Β˜Β†*Γ―Β½Β₯Γ£Β‚ΒœΓ―ΒΎΒŸΓ―Β½Β₯*\(^O^)/*Γ―Β½Β₯Γ£Β‚ΒœΓ―ΒΎΒŸΓ―Β½Β₯*Γ’Β˜Β†
02:47 πŸ”— omf_ Γ°ΒŸΒ‘ΒŠΓ°ΒŸΒ‘ΒŠΓ°ΒŸΒ‘ΒŠ
02:51 πŸ”— DFJustin Γ‘Β›ΒΓ‘ΒšΒ³Γ‘Β›Β«Γ‘Β›Β—Γ‘ΒšΒ¨Γ‘ΒšΒ·Γ‘Β›Β«Γ‘ΒšΒ·Γ‘Β›ΒšΓ‘ΒšΒ¨Γ‘Β›Β‹Γ‘Β›Β«Γ‘Β›Β–Γ‘ΒšΒ©Γ‘Β›ΒΓ‘ΒšΒͺΓ‘ΒšΒΎΓ‘Β›Β«Γ‘ΒšΒ©Γ‘ΒšΒΎΓ‘Β›ΒžΓ‘Β›Β«Γ‘ΒšΒ»Γ‘Β›ΒΓ‘Β›ΒΓ‘Β›Β«Γ‘ΒšΒΎΓ‘Β›Β–Γ‘Β›Β«Γ‘ΒšΒ»Γ‘Β›Β–Γ‘ΒšΒͺΓ‘ΒšΒ±Γ‘Β›Β—Γ‘Β›ΒΓ‘ΒšΒͺΓ‘ΒšΒ§Γ‘Β›Β«Γ‘Β›Β—Γ‘Β›Β–Γ‘Β›Β¬
02:53 πŸ”— omf_ Γ°ΒŸΒ”Β’ ^Γ°ΒŸΒ”Β‘ Γ°ΒŸΒ”Β“
02:54 πŸ”— DFJustin Қ’
02:56 πŸ”— omf_ Γ°ΒŸΒ™ΒŒ
02:57 πŸ”— omf_ 흫_흫
02:58 πŸ”— DFJustin Γ Β² _ರೃ
02:58 πŸ”— omf_ yeah even I am missing 3 characters on that one
02:58 πŸ”— omf_ gotta get a new font
02:59 πŸ”— DFJustin odd that's usually one of the stock system areas
03:02 πŸ”— omf_ This article is so good http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/art-reviews/10201962/Fourth-Plinth-Trafalgar-Square-Cock-review.html
03:04 πŸ”— omf_ There is no way to comment about this without it sounding dirty. Only a women could make a cock that big.
03:07 πŸ”— omf_ It is 6 feet tall
03:07 πŸ”— DFJustin um that looks like rather more than 6 feet
03:08 πŸ”— omf_ It is the way it was shot
03:08 πŸ”— DFJustin ahh
03:08 πŸ”— omf_ if you check the related article Going off half-cock it has another pic and the size info
04:53 πŸ”— godane they really didn't care about techtv descs after a while
09:00 πŸ”— joepie91 Some episodes have been returned to the BBC from the archives of other countries who bought copies for broadcast, or by private individuals who acquired them by various means.
09:00 πŸ”— joepie91 I love the last bit of that sentence
09:20 πŸ”— SmileyG :D
09:22 πŸ”— SmileyG i like it.
09:58 πŸ”— norbert79 Just watching the Hackers '95 from the link I have shared yesterday, good stuff, it has some excerpts from Defcon III too
10:16 πŸ”— SmileyG got the link again?
10:16 πŸ”— norbert79 Sure
10:16 πŸ”— norbert79 hang on
10:17 πŸ”— norbert79 http://thesprawl.org/simstim/hackers-95/ - the video I am watching right now
10:17 πŸ”— norbert79 http://thesprawl.org/simstim/category/documentaries/ - documentaries, of course
10:17 πŸ”— norbert79 All TV videos: http://thesprawl.org/simstim/category/television/
10:32 πŸ”— SmileyG real business on the internets!
10:33 πŸ”— norbert79 Looks like you started watching too :)
10:36 πŸ”— omf_ downloading the video now norbert79
10:36 πŸ”— norbert79 omf_: I am glad I could wake interests
10:36 πŸ”— omf_ I love computer industry documentaries
10:36 πŸ”— omf_ did you see the drink or die interview godane posted a few days ago?
10:37 πŸ”— GLaDOS I forgot this was the weekend I'm supposed to be at my father's..
10:37 πŸ”— SmileyG i love watching.... stuff
10:37 πŸ”— SmileyG GLaDOS: whoops?
10:37 πŸ”— norbert79 I was basically looking for old banners from old servers, when I found the link... omf_: No, I can't recall
10:38 πŸ”— omf_ Here it is https://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video5980
10:38 πŸ”— norbert79 cheers, let me see
10:39 πŸ”— omf_ its all good
10:39 πŸ”— omf_ I took a coma
10:39 πŸ”— omf_ and now I feel so much better :)
10:42 πŸ”— norbert79 Ok, got the video, let's take a look
10:43 πŸ”— norbert79 from which year is this again? :)
10:44 πŸ”— omf_ at least 5 years ago, probably longer
10:44 πŸ”— omf_ whenever that major drink or die bust happened, right after that
10:44 πŸ”— norbert79 Might be, IRC is mentioned, Google is also mentioned
10:44 πŸ”— norbert79 I see
10:44 πŸ”— norbert79 2001 then
10:48 πŸ”— omf_ I relate this image to archiveteam, this is what we are stopping -> http://onlyhdwallpapers.com/wallpaper/shredder_funny_minimalism_desktop_1680x1050_hd-wallpaper-205514.jpg
10:48 πŸ”— norbert79 not bad, the guy hosted 1.5 TiB of things back then...
10:49 πŸ”— norbert79 hah, nice
10:49 πŸ”— norbert79 although direct linking doesn't work :)
10:53 πŸ”— norbert79 Heh, watched it through... The whole interview feels like some show from the 90's... Software piracy is baaaaaaad, mmkay?
10:53 πŸ”— omf_ I think he had to say some of that shit after getting charged
10:54 πŸ”— omf_ He calls it stealing instead of copyright infringement
10:54 πŸ”— norbert79 right
10:54 πŸ”— norbert79 Valid point indeed
10:57 πŸ”— winr4r jesus that site has some horrible popups omf_
10:58 πŸ”— omf_ I wouldn't know ghostery + noscript
10:58 πŸ”— omf_ sorry that it does
11:01 πŸ”— norbert79 And that's why I didn't notice as I use Adblock
11:01 πŸ”— norbert79 hah
11:02 πŸ”— norbert79 I always forget how sites really look like since using Adblock all the time
11:02 πŸ”— omf_ yeah I have abp installed too, gotta sanitize the input :D
11:02 πŸ”— norbert79 I allow some sites making adverts, especially those where I wish to express my support for them this way
11:02 πŸ”— norbert79 but in general I just burn all those ads
11:03 πŸ”— omf_ me too, my support site list is just reddit for now
11:03 πŸ”— omf_ I found a good one that sums up the current hollywood movie making process http://onlyhdwallpapers.com/3d/glasses-3d-desktop-hd-wallpaper-1094503/
11:04 πŸ”— norbert79 and as an interesting material: http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/739760-anchory.html#document/p1
11:04 πŸ”— norbert79 ANCHORY from 1993
11:04 πŸ”— norbert79 NSA PRISM alpha, sort of :)
11:05 πŸ”— norbert79 It's a bit ridicolous, that despite it's age they still disclose some parts of that document
11:06 πŸ”— joepie91 norbert79, curiosity question: why have I not seen you in #crytocc before?:)
11:07 πŸ”— joepie91 insert imaginary space before that smiley
11:07 πŸ”— norbert79 Like because I hear about that channel for the first time? :)
11:07 πŸ”— norbert79 what is that about?
11:08 πŸ”— joepie91 odd, I'd have expected myself to have told you about it before
11:08 πŸ”— joepie91 well, technically it's a developer channel
11:08 πŸ”— joepie91 but in practice discussion regarding privacy, NSA, etc pops up with good frequency
11:08 πŸ”— joepie91 http://wire.cryto.net/logs to get an idea :P
11:09 πŸ”— norbert79 Sure, already found it
11:09 πŸ”— joepie91 tl;dr it's publicly logged, the only rules are "no anonymous, no cracking, no drama", and generally quite a lot of good ideas are floated there
11:09 πŸ”— norbert79 Was just curious as it takes time to go through all :)
11:09 πŸ”— norbert79 So basically like a bit of old fashioned 90's like ahcker scene?
11:09 πŸ”— norbert79 *hacker
11:10 πŸ”— norbert79 And by hacker I mean as a guy with the intenion of discoering, understanding how it works
11:10 πŸ”— joepie91 ish
11:11 πŸ”— joepie91 yes, I know, that's the same definiton I adhere to :P
11:11 πŸ”— SmileyG don't make me imaginary D:
11:11 πŸ”— norbert79 ? We don't!
11:11 πŸ”— joepie91 though I'd imagine that in the 90s there wasn't as much web-based stuff being discussed
11:11 πŸ”— joepie91 while that's certainly the case here
11:11 πŸ”— joepie91 :P
11:11 πŸ”— joepie91 but yeah, norbert79, I think you'll enjoy it there
11:11 πŸ”— norbert79 well, IRC exists for a while, before that there were BBS, gopher, all sort of other things
11:11 πŸ”— norbert79 :)
11:12 πŸ”— joepie91 :P
11:12 πŸ”— norbert79 well, let's pay a visit the place
11:37 πŸ”— SmileyG https://www.ovh.co.uk/dedicated_servers/kimsufi.xml these what you got GLaDOS ?
11:40 πŸ”— GLaDOS Yeah, the 2G, except with a 1T HDD
11:40 πŸ”— SmileyG How much you paying for htat?
11:42 πŸ”— GLaDOS 17EUR/month
11:42 πŸ”— SmileyG :/
11:43 πŸ”— GLaDOS Wait, no, 25EUR/month
11:43 πŸ”— GLaDOS Why, found something better?
11:43 πŸ”— joepie91 ... 2.50 GBP ....
11:48 πŸ”— GLaDOS ..and I just looked at the price
11:49 πŸ”— SmileyG 500Gb works,
11:49 πŸ”— SmileyG and so cheap
11:50 πŸ”— GLaDOS Could get a few of them..
11:50 πŸ”— GLaDOS Or just go all out and get the 16G
11:51 πŸ”— omf_ Is there any hoops I have to jump through ordering from OVH outside the country?
11:51 πŸ”— omf_ I am with you GLaDOS I might get some shit on ovh and we can have the ArchiveTeam cluster
11:52 πŸ”— omf_ I would give you and SmileyG the same access you gave me on anarchive
11:52 πŸ”— omf_ plus we can do higher storage shit, the screenshots for example just eat up space
11:52 πŸ”— GLaDOS I think international customers have to go through ovh.com
11:55 πŸ”— omf_ I cannot find those prices via the ovh.com site
11:55 πŸ”— GLaDOS http://kimsufi.com/
11:56 πŸ”— GLaDOS Ah, minimum payment term is 3 months
11:58 πŸ”— GLaDOS I hope I have enough in my bank account..
12:04 πŸ”— winr4r yeah, fuck it, next time i'm getting paid imma buy a few months on one
12:04 πŸ”— winr4r i want a shell for downloading webtv and other shit
12:05 πŸ”— winr4r and at that price wtf
12:26 πŸ”— joepie91 note: OVH limits to 3 per customer
12:32 πŸ”— GLaDOS Ah
12:33 πŸ”— omf_ So how do I do this as a non-french speaker? I am going through the site and I can get somewhat into the ordering process
12:36 πŸ”— SmileyG hmm the link I had was to the UK one :/
12:36 πŸ”— SmileyG as in it displayed in english for i.
12:37 πŸ”— omf_ I was checking out the kimsufi.com site directly
12:37 πŸ”— SmileyG yeah I see it :/ lame
12:38 πŸ”— SmileyG crazy french!
12:38 πŸ”— joepie91 instructions ghere: http://www.lowendbox.com/blog/kimsufi-e2-99month-2gb-atom-dedicated-server-in-roubaix-france/
12:38 πŸ”— joepie91 here *
12:40 πŸ”— omf_ thats good to know. If I try to order through the uk site will they accept international orders? I know some webservices do not at all
12:40 πŸ”— SmileyG I just spoke to them, delivery is early next week for my order placed yesterday. They said at the minute orders take upto 10 days to fulfill.
12:40 πŸ”— SmileyG July 26, 2013 @ 10:29 am
12:40 πŸ”— SmileyG building to demand atm then.
12:40 πŸ”— SmileyG omf_: irish site might appently
12:41 πŸ”— SmileyG .ie
12:41 πŸ”— joepie91 omf_: see the lowendbox link
12:42 πŸ”— omf_ awesome
12:43 πŸ”— omf_ I bet one of the reasons these are cheap is that they are atom processors, Intels not so good idea
12:44 πŸ”— SmileyG and less energy etc etc, less heat, smaller.
12:45 πŸ”— omf_ yeah the less energy part is the main motivation for the future generations of servers, look how arm is muscling in
12:45 πŸ”— omf_ I just forgot where I read it but there are serious power problems many countries face due to the ever increasing use of computers
12:46 πŸ”— omf_ For me the big solution is solar power. It is now easy enough for a semi technical person to build their own 1kw panel for under $1,000 usd
12:47 πŸ”— SmileyG and at night...
12:47 πŸ”— omf_ if you buy that from the store it will cost $17,000 which includes delivery, installation and onsite maintenance for a certain amount of time
12:47 πŸ”— winr4r solar *and* better batteries
12:47 πŸ”— omf_ The night problem is being worked on by having solar panels collect infrared radiation
12:48 πŸ”— omf_ and expanding further into the unseen spectrums for power collection
12:48 πŸ”— SmileyG hmmm
12:48 πŸ”— SmileyG thats cool
12:49 πŸ”— omf_ The hardest part about modern solar panel deployment is getting the power company and proper inspectors to come out and verify all the hookups for the power grid
12:49 πŸ”— omf_ Talk about delays
12:50 πŸ”— SmileyG nod.
12:50 πŸ”— omf_ at least in the US
12:50 πŸ”— SmileyG so how do I go about putting some solar panels on my shed? XD
12:51 πŸ”— winr4r and if you're not hooking up to the grid? who cares
12:52 πŸ”— SmileyG Make your own grids!
12:52 πŸ”— omf_ The advantage to hook up to the grid is you get paid for spare power
12:52 πŸ”— winr4r solar-to-grid is only worthwhile because of subsidies
12:52 πŸ”— winr4r i.e. people who can't afford solar panels paying for people who can to get cheaper electricity
12:52 πŸ”— SmileyG sounds unfair!
12:53 πŸ”— winr4r yeah, it is, which is why i wouldn't do it
12:53 πŸ”— winr4r why the fuck should someone else pay for my preferences?
12:53 πŸ”— SmileyG meh
12:54 πŸ”— winr4r in any case, give it ten years, both solar and batteries would have improved to the point that we won't need grids for anything but heavy industry
12:55 πŸ”— SmileyG just wait
12:55 πŸ”— SmileyG you'll have people who claim they are alergic to the solar panels.
12:55 πŸ”— omf_ ugh
12:55 πŸ”— SmileyG btw we have see through solar panels now?
12:55 πŸ”— omf_ yep
12:55 πŸ”— SmileyG I seem to recall that
12:55 πŸ”— SmileyG Ok, coat all the skyscrapers.
12:55 πŸ”— SmileyG On the "road" side.
12:55 πŸ”— omf_ people have already started working on it
12:56 πŸ”— omf_ One of solar's main problems is parts fabrication is still reliant on some rare metals
12:56 πŸ”— omf_ depending on who makes them
12:56 πŸ”— SmileyG which aren't really very rare, right?
12:56 πŸ”— winr4r SmileyG: yes
12:56 πŸ”— SmileyG Just no one else has bothered to mine them because China went "Oh we'll mine them cheap so don't wurry boot it!"
12:57 πŸ”— SmileyG Like theres more in russia and USA than china...
12:57 πŸ”— omf_ There was also the fact that we can find that shit much easier now than decades ago
12:57 πŸ”— winr4r and even if they were, and we started to run out, that'd create a big incentive to 1) recycle more 2) find a synthetic substitute
12:57 πŸ”— SmileyG And then theres some awesome ones in australia.
12:57 πŸ”— SmileyG YEY I KNOW STUFF :D
12:58 πŸ”— omf_ I did build a solar water heater for a friend though, no permits or anything required
12:58 πŸ”— SmileyG Nice.
12:58 πŸ”— SmileyG how you go about planning something like that?
12:58 πŸ”— winr4r yeah, they need to scrap permits for small-scale power generation
12:58 πŸ”— omf_ I want to build a water/sand refridgerator but I would need to move to do that
12:58 πŸ”— SmileyG black hosepipe and a contained unit for the roof?
12:59 πŸ”— omf_ copper piper on a slant sheet of plywood and some reflective material
12:59 πŸ”— omf_ Where I live I see it on the ground for easier future access
12:59 πŸ”— SmileyG Just copper? cool.
12:59 πŸ”— omf_ copper is fucking expensive because you need a ton of it
12:59 πŸ”— SmileyG Nod.
12:59 πŸ”— SmileyG back and forth, back and forth.... ?
12:59 πŸ”— SmileyG got any pics?
13:00 πŸ”— omf_ People are shocked by the copper price and how heavy this whole thing is
13:00 πŸ”— * SmileyG doubts you could heat much in the UK.
13:00 πŸ”— omf_ give me a sec
13:01 πŸ”— omf_ http://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/WaterHeating/CPVCCollector/CPVCCollectorTest.htm
13:02 πŸ”— omf_ that guy did cpvc and a copper unit
13:02 πŸ”— omf_ higher grade aluminum now exists which works, it used to break down before
13:02 πŸ”— omf_ There are IR spread pics down the page
13:03 πŸ”— omf_ dude melted the cpvc version :D
13:07 πŸ”— omf_ I am a huge solar power nerd
13:07 πŸ”— SmileyG holy crap that last photo
13:07 πŸ”— SmileyG melted to hell.
13:08 πŸ”— SmileyG omf_: warm water(or even hot) isn't much use to me :/
13:08 πŸ”— SmileyG however electricty is
13:09 πŸ”— omf_ you save on your power bill and you can take longer hot showers
13:09 πŸ”— omf_ I also like to wash my car with warm to hot water
13:10 πŸ”— omf_ I got a couple of raspberry pi units that I am going to tie into a solar panel
13:11 πŸ”— omf_ and they will be solar warriors
13:11 πŸ”— winr4r that's a cute idea
13:12 πŸ”— joepie91 I used to go to a campsite in france
13:13 πŸ”— joepie91 that had solar-heated water
13:13 πŸ”— omf_ 5 volts at 1 amp each
13:13 πŸ”— joepie91 from a mountain spring
13:13 πŸ”— joepie91 they ran all their showers off it
13:13 πŸ”— omf_ I bet it felt good to have a hot shower in the morning
13:13 πŸ”— joepie91 it was quite awesome :P
13:14 πŸ”— joepie91 even more awesome though was another (naturist) campsite I went to at some point
13:14 πŸ”— joepie91 in south france
13:14 πŸ”— joepie91 there's something awesome about quite literally showering with a mountain view
13:18 πŸ”— omf_ I have always wanted to do a solar water heated hot tub
13:18 πŸ”— omf_ My brother used to build and install pools during college
13:18 πŸ”— omf_ I learned a good deal about it
13:23 πŸ”— Cameron_D The reader I picked up after greader shut down deleted all past feed entries/saved items this morning :|
13:23 πŸ”— Cameron_D - Past feed entries
13:23 πŸ”— Cameron_D - Read and starred status for those entries
13:23 πŸ”— Cameron_D Here's exactly what has been discarded:
13:23 πŸ”— Cameron_D I know some of you will be upset about this, and I'm sorry but it was necessary.
13:25 πŸ”— joepie91 awesome, some guy advocating in the Guardian comments section that "all of the web should be in XML, and HTML is evil and bad and outdated"
13:25 πŸ”— joepie91 I can't imagine what could possibly go wrong there
13:25 πŸ”— joepie91 *cough*xpath xslt*cough*
13:30 πŸ”— winr4r *cough*xhtml*cough
13:30 πŸ”— winr4r welcome to like 1999 buddy, we tried that "let's make everything XML"
13:30 πŸ”— joepie91 winr4r: he actually argued against XHTML
13:30 πŸ”— joepie91 and pro-pure-XML
13:31 πŸ”— winr4r and that solves...what exactly?
13:31 πŸ”— omf_ The real problem is browser devs in the 1990s were fucking crazy. Lets make total piles of shit render
13:31 πŸ”— joepie91 winr4r: exactly.
13:31 πŸ”— omf_ non-compliant fragments of crap are the real problem, moreso than the format
13:32 πŸ”— SmileyG so the browsers then? :D
13:32 πŸ”— winr4r rather than dealing with browser incompatibilities in HTML and CSS, you get browser incompatibilities with XSLT or whatever
13:32 πŸ”— winr4r do people actually think shit through at all
13:33 πŸ”— joepie91 seems not.
13:33 πŸ”— winr4r besides, making shit work in more than one browser is actually pretty easy
13:34 πŸ”— SmileyG lets make a standard to fix all the old standards.
13:34 πŸ”— SmileyG Because that works, right?
13:34 πŸ”— winr4r SmileyG: yes!
13:35 πŸ”— SmileyG D:
13:35 πŸ”— winr4r because that new standard will no doubt be rendered perfectly identically by everything
13:36 πŸ”— joepie91 obligatory xkcd
13:36 πŸ”— joepie91 http://xkcd.com/927/
13:37 πŸ”— winr4r hah, yes
13:50 πŸ”— SmileyG :)
14:06 πŸ”— balrog http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-barnaby-jack-dead-20130726,0,6428162.story :(
14:18 πŸ”— norbert79 aww...
14:24 πŸ”— SmileyG RIP :/
14:24 πŸ”— SmileyG Let the conspricy theories start :<
14:44 πŸ”— winr4r aw :/
16:07 πŸ”— yipdw balrog: whoa
