#archiveteam-bs 2013-07-31,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
00:15 🔗 Ravenloft http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-video-game-archive
00:33 🔗 omf_ good idea but they should license all the content as CC since they even admit in the writeup they just scraped it from everyone else
00:34 🔗 omf_ hell I have scraped all that data myself
00:34 🔗 omf_ and I am sure others have as well
00:37 🔗 joepie91 omf_: ?
00:38 🔗 omf_ :?
00:53 🔗 joepie91 omf_: what content were you refering to>?
00:55 🔗 omf_ The video game archive indegogo project
00:55 🔗 joepie91 oh
00:55 🔗 omf_ they are making a video game database site that is a scraping of all the other sites
00:55 🔗 joepie91 right
01:19 🔗 omf_ Looks like I am going to be pulling an all nighter to get shit done
01:20 🔗 omf_ and I had thought today was going to be a slow day
01:30 🔗 omf_ I could actually take a few hours and write some lisp code, but NOOOOO fucking hours of writing work emails
01:30 🔗 omf_ and waiting till this other business opens back up to call them
01:31 🔗 omf_ on the positive side I can keep a closer eye on some grabs I got running
04:05 🔗 omf_ DFJustin, thanks for add WAIL to the wiki :D
04:40 🔗 omf_ http://i789.photobucket.com/albums/yy178/100alisa001/bth_Gir.gif
05:25 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video26030: Summer Movie Roundtable: https://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video26030
05:33 🔗 DFJustin 404 omf_
05:41 🔗 omf_ I hate whatever magic google did to make that work in my browser but not in others
05:43 🔗 omf_ http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/2074751/gir-dance-o.gif
05:44 🔗 DFJustin photobucket is lame and loads a bunch of crap anyway
05:46 🔗 omf_ and for the older people who remember -> http://massivewebsitemarketing.com/wp-content/plugins/rss-poster/cache/c47d8_Bill-Cosby-Dance-GIF.gif
05:46 🔗 omf_ yes
05:47 🔗 omf_ These tshirt printing companies are totally not as good as I expected. I am trying to push through an order of 150 shirts but the ordering restrictions are fucking shit up
05:48 🔗 godane here is a sort of my Dr. Kiki's Science Hour uploads: https://archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22dr-kikis-science-hour%22&sort=-date
05:48 🔗 godane you will be getting all of them this week
05:49 🔗 godane since there is only 149 episodes
05:49 🔗 godane and only 126 videos
05:50 🔗 godane going to bed
05:53 🔗 DFJustin 4 tb hdd arrived \o/
05:54 🔗 omf_ They only do samples for large orders
05:57 🔗 norbert79 omf_: I feel insulted.. Not only older people remember Bill "Irish Dancer" Cosby... i watched the series on German Pro Sieben back in the 90's :)
06:00 🔗 omf_ I consider myself one of the older people even though I am in my 30s. It always feels like there are more young people on the net based on the pop culture references
06:00 🔗 omf_ I grew up watching the amazing plethora of sweateres
06:00 🔗 omf_ I wanted to own some of those sweaters
06:02 🔗 omf_ the crazier looking, the better
06:18 🔗 omf_ If anyone has recommendations for a tshirt printing company, please let me know.
07:41 🔗 SmileyG I'm 29, i feel old online :<
07:55 🔗 omf_ If I could go back to a non-ergonomic keyboard this is what I would get http://imagehost.vendio.com/bin/viewimage.x/00000000/dotcomliquidations1/218466.jpg?vvid=52821175&allow_mailing_list=1&allow_track_link=1&track=027df79576-b5eb2&sp=0&vsid=1&vgp=1&vimgs=218466.jpg,218466a.jpg,218466c.jpg,218466b.jpg,218466d.jpg
07:55 🔗 omf_ Aaah the memories
07:56 🔗 omf_ lol I just realized the keyboard I am using is 14 years old
08:06 🔗 omf_ I have one of these in white and one in black. https://sites.google.com/site/rsleegers/IMG_2720.JPG They never broke down on me so they are all I use now
08:06 🔗 omf_ Now it's $119.95 for the new model - https://www.microsoft.com/hardware/en-us/p/natural-ergonomic-desktop-7000/WTA-00001
08:11 🔗 omf_ Jesse Vincent is doing some amazing new keyboard design work. I have been following for a year and he built 12 different models http://launch.keyboard.io/
08:32 🔗 norbert79 omf_: http://pckeyboard.com/page/Classic/UNI0416
08:33 🔗 norbert79 this is the leet one :)
08:33 🔗 norbert79 Although if you work with 3270: http://pckeyboard.com/page/PC122/UB40T56
08:37 🔗 xmc omf_: really? I have one of those. It's *horrible*.
08:38 🔗 xmc (the Sun board)
08:45 🔗 omf_ xmc, A lot of people don't like the sun keyboard either. It is really a person taste/feel thing.
08:45 🔗 xmc aye
08:45 🔗 xmc it has a lot of buttons though
08:46 🔗 omf_ The macro and other extras are what got me using it initially
08:46 🔗 omf_ as the model before the usb one
08:46 🔗 omf_ If I were to recommend a keyboard to the masses it would be the microsoft natural I use daily.
08:47 🔗 omf_ Straight keyboard feel too cramped now
08:47 🔗 godane so i think jason scott uploaded boot disc
08:48 🔗 godane i only say that cause its title 'Boot Disc #11 (July 1997)'
08:48 🔗 godane my boot disc is #11 and release July 1997
08:49 🔗 godane but the problem is that Jason Scott iso only had one dll file
08:49 🔗 godane and 640mb iso with only 1 file
08:50 🔗 norbert79 might not be because of UDF filesystem?
08:50 🔗 godane oh
08:50 🔗 norbert79 check the content of the ISO, at the beginning it should state
08:51 🔗 norbert79 I mean using a hex viewer
08:51 🔗 norbert79 or similar
08:51 🔗 norbert79 might been also because of the file was MDF and not ISO
08:52 🔗 godane ok
08:52 🔗 norbert79 try to mount it with some ISO/MDF whatever reader
08:52 🔗 norbert79 like with mount or within Windows using MagicISO's virtual CD-ROM
08:53 🔗 godane must be different boot disc
08:54 🔗 norbert79 http://www.magiciso.com/tutorials/miso-magicdisc-overview.htm <- the MagicISO Virtual CD-ROM
08:57 🔗 godane ok i'm right that my disc is boot disc #11 and and came out july 1997
08:58 🔗 godane any ways i don't have a 3D.DLL in my iso
09:00 🔗 godane also my iso md5sum is different
09:08 🔗 godane uploaded: https://archive.org/details/cdrom-boot-disc-06
09:08 🔗 godane uploaded: https://archive.org/details/cdrom-boot-disc-07
09:10 🔗 norbert79 AOL... We used to have something similar, but without the CD part... there were 'Internet sold' back beginning the 2000 in Hungary too... Although it consisted of a small envelope like solution with call-in numbers and such
09:11 🔗 norbert79 although my phone line is pissing me off, as it is Ethernet cable based, you don't get a dial-tone, although regular dials work. Also, Windows XP dial-in method cannot handle dial-in, when you don1t get a dial-tone before dialing
09:12 🔗 norbert79 I couldn't find any proper dial-in application for windows to resolve that
09:12 🔗 norbert79 I might give it a try under Linux too
09:14 🔗 antomatic Does it give you any option to add extra dialling commands to the modem?
09:15 🔗 norbert79 Linux? No idea, I had no chance giving it a try yet
09:16 🔗 norbert79 I just hope it will be a bit more flexible, than the one within Windows
09:16 🔗 antomatic For Windows, I mean. Sometimes if you can't specify the dial string in the application you can set it under Control Panel, modem properties.
09:16 🔗 norbert79 So I can try a few dialup numbers
09:16 🔗 antomatic If you add something like 'X1' or 'X3' to the additional commands field, the modem should blind dial without waiting for a dialtone.
09:16 🔗 norbert79 No, within XP for the dial-up connectiojn you can't define some specific settings
09:16 🔗 norbert79 Oh, I see... Hmm, might take another look again then
09:17 🔗 norbert79 I wanted to try some free dialup numbers, just for the good old times
09:20 🔗 norbert79 although I wish to buy a paralell/serial to USB cable for my old modem too so I can make it work from my EeePC as well
09:22 🔗 BlueMax I swear I saw a guy who looked just like SketchCow in Pacific Rim
09:32 🔗 godane g4tv.com-video26617: The Penis Festival: http://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video26617
09:32 🔗 godane this is the crazy shit i'm saving from g4
09:34 🔗 SmileyG o_O
09:40 🔗 godane uploaded: https://archive.org/details/cdrom-boot-disc-08
10:53 🔗 GLaDOS Wow, my connection is as stable as my emotions
10:54 🔗 norbert79 Must be a pretty dull life then
10:54 🔗 norbert79 Mine is like Steven Segal's
10:54 🔗 norbert79 how is yours?
10:54 🔗 norbert79 :)
10:54 🔗 GLaDOS Loves just disconnecting every 30 minutes for about 5 minutes
10:55 🔗 norbert79 Aw, come on, it's not that bad...
10:55 🔗 norbert79 I mean your emotions :)
10:55 🔗 GLaDOS ..it is
10:56 🔗 GLaDOS That's when nothing is active
10:56 🔗 GLaDOS Try doing something, that 30 minute period? Drops down to 2 minutes.
10:56 🔗 * norbert79 reists dropping a "That's what she said" joke
10:57 🔗 * GLaDOS remembers the lack of relationship status he has
10:57 🔗 * GLaDOS bursts into tears
10:57 🔗 norbert79 aw, come on...
10:57 🔗 * norbert79 walks aside
12:21 🔗 joepie91 GLaDOS: if it helps any, my relationship ran into a cliff several days ago
12:23 🔗 SmileyG dude your 14
12:23 🔗 SmileyG and joepie91 you got raided, your famous!
12:24 🔗 SmileyG in other news, I got webcam feeds working for our charity event! :D
12:24 🔗 joepie91 SmileyG: can't say that raid has been a very positive thing
12:24 🔗 joepie91 >.>
12:24 🔗 joepie91 and I'm not really any more famous than I was before
12:26 🔗 SmileyG you're not helping make GLaDOS feel better about himself ¬_¬
12:28 🔗 joepie91 why's that? :P
12:28 🔗 joepie91 I mean, my life has basically fallen apart in the past few weeks
12:29 🔗 joepie91 due to... an unfortunate combination of circumstances
12:30 🔗 norbert79 Have suffered through the same for 4 years long
12:31 🔗 norbert79 hope you both recover a bit sooner, than I did
12:35 🔗 SmileyG You can make it better, eventually
12:35 🔗 SmileyG just stick with it.
12:47 🔗 GLaDOS SmileyG: pfft, that only applies if I've ever had a relationship!
13:27 🔗 norbert79 I start feeling old here :)
17:30 🔗 omf_ Hey Viminators what do you rebind the Esc key to?
17:45 🔗 yipdw omf_: I just leave it with its default binding
19:11 🔗 omf_ This is ... :( http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/31/nsa-top-secret-program-online-data
19:14 🔗 Schbirid actually, they are just addicted to archiving
19:14 🔗 Schbirid can happen to the best of us
19:28 🔗 pft i'm assuming this is old news http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/Catalog/catalogEntry.jsp?catalogId=LDC2009T25
19:29 🔗 pft yup, never mind http://archive.org/details/google_ngrams-eng-1M-5gram
19:31 🔗 DFJustin seems like that should go in https://archive.org/details/datasets
20:45 🔗 xmc Schbirid: hahaha
20:56 🔗 winr4r hey a question
20:57 🔗 winr4r with wget and WARC, if i run it with --mirror --convert-links/-k, will the -k option mangle the WARC file as well?
20:58 🔗 Schbirid from what i know it will not
21:00 🔗 winr4r Schbirid: does that mean you know it will not, or you think it will not? :)
21:00 🔗 Schbirid i think it will not
21:00 🔗 Schbirid i always use that option
21:00 🔗 Schbirid D:
21:00 🔗 winr4r oh okay!
21:01 🔗 Schbirid afaik it writes to the warc as it downloads
21:01 🔗 Schbirid while link conversion happens later on?
21:01 🔗 winr4r gotcha
21:03 🔗 winr4r so generating a mirrorable, rehostable version of a whole site, *and* dumping a WARC file, wget --warc-file=somethingcom --mirror -k http://something.com/
21:03 🔗 winr4r is okay?
21:03 🔗 DFJustin downloading both to regular files and warc you mean?
21:03 🔗 SmileyG the warcs grab normal files anyway
21:04 🔗 SmileyG the only thing we don't know about is the link conversion
21:04 🔗 SmileyG try it on milkme.co.uk
21:04 🔗 SmileyG I can spare the b/w xD
21:06 🔗 winr4r Schbirid: i'll test it on me, since that's what i'm mirroring
21:06 🔗 Schbirid i would milk SmileyG instead
21:06 🔗 Schbirid sounds like fun
21:08 🔗 Schbirid ah, you need to finda site with absolute links first :D
21:08 🔗 SmileyG o
21:09 🔗 winr4r Schbirid: mine does
21:31 🔗 * joepie91 is starting to mentally block out anything feminism-related
21:33 🔗 joepie91 winr4r: that in itself is very telling.
21:33 🔗 winr4r no it's not
21:33 🔗 winr4r also i did check and yeah, -k doesn't mangle WARC files
21:33 🔗 DFJustin wget user spotted, calling fbi
21:34 🔗 joepie91 yes, it is - if the assumption about a topic is that it can't be discussed in a proper manner, there's something -very- wrong
21:43 🔗 Schbirid joepie91: let http://www.reductress.com/ cheer you up
22:06 🔗 winr4r hey you can edit descriptions on IA items after you create them right (as in a non-admin)
22:09 🔗 Schbirid yes
22:13 🔗 winr4r okay good
22:21 🔗 winr4r also, can you upload after you've done your first upload to it and hit "Update item!"
22:21 🔗 winr4r the instructions are not clear
22:22 🔗 Schbirid you can always add items, delete files etc
22:22 🔗 Schbirid not items
22:22 🔗 Schbirid i mean files
22:22 🔗 Schbirid i think there is a testing namespace but i always forget
22:24 🔗 winr4r okay groovy
22:25 🔗 godane trying to upload a video file for a 2nd time
22:26 🔗 godane i got a error saying i don't have access to add file to opensoure_movies
22:27 🔗 godane MAYBE IA SHOULD TELL YOU BEFORE UPLOADING ANY THING that you don't have permission
22:28 🔗 godane saves on bandwidth too
22:38 🔗 winr4r aw
23:40 🔗 winr4r hey uh
23:41 🔗 winr4r so my upstream is full, which is completely murdering my downstream, and i want to google instructions for rate-limiting my upstream with tc
23:41 🔗 winr4r but my connection is so fucking hosed that i can't even do that
23:45 🔗 xmc tc?
23:45 🔗 winr4r yes
23:45 🔗 winr4r it is a command
23:46 🔗 xmc hm
23:46 🔗 xmc never heard of it
23:46 🔗 xmc traffic chaping
23:46 🔗 winr4r i should have rate-limited *before* starting the upload, even if i leave like 5k up for everything else it means my connection is not totally fucking hosed
23:46 🔗 xmc heh
23:46 🔗 xmc right, lots of space for acks
23:46 🔗 winr4r yes
23:46 🔗 winr4r so
23:46 🔗 winr4r what i was getting at
23:46 🔗 winr4r http://www.davychiu.com/blog/using-tc-to-limit-uplink-bandwidth-in-linux.html
23:47 🔗 xmc http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.ratelimit.single.html
23:47 🔗 winr4r that apparently has instructions (i cannot access it, or you know, do anything that needs a new socket)
23:47 🔗 winr4r would someone tell me the tl;dr so i can have working internet again
23:47 🔗 xmc sure
23:47 🔗 winr4r thaaanks <3
