[01:34] http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1n11ok/a_big_thank_you_to_jason_king_and_seans_outpost/ccefnek [04:18] Someone has given me a pile of Atari items. [04:18] Uploading them now. All sorts of books and catalogs and the like. [05:37] sounds nice SketchCow [05:53] so my amkon.net grab is still going [06:08] it's a huge site, man [06:08] i made sure it was not grab the post links [06:09] so its just grabing the full pages [06:12] so i found robo squirrel: http://science.kqed.org/quest/audio/bio-robotics-biology-goes-high-tech/ [06:12] glenn beck was talking about how the government payed $1.2 million [06:12] for this [06:15] Godane, you know Glenn Beck is a little nutty, right? [06:15] you laugh now but wait till they scale it up to robo-bear [06:17] i know [06:18] I'm aware a bug-eyed, conspiratorial goulash clock is right twice a day, but still. [06:19] at least i'm not a 911 truther [06:22] proof: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/taxpayer-funded-robo-squirrel-makes-senators-2012-wastebook/ [06:23] * ersi shrugs [06:27] his point when he talked about this was the question: 'Is there no government program waste to cut before stuff like air traffic controllers?' [06:39] air traffic controllers are paid regularly by paycheque, nsf research grants are in lump sums at more occasional intervals [06:39] so if you're delaying the budget for a couple weeks guess which one can be cut more easily [06:41] also almost any research project sounds silly if you describe it in one sentence [06:47] http://blog.heritage.org/2012/10/16/top-10-examples-of-wasteful-federal-spending-in-2012/ [06:47] it was most have been quoted from this [06:50] The Department of Agriculture’s Market Access Program spends $200 million a year to help U.S. agricultural trade associations and cooperatives advertise their products in foreign markets. In 2011, it funded a reality TV show in India that advertised U.S. cotton. [08:03] https://archive.org/details/Parent_Arrested_from_Common_Core_Meeting_in_Baltimore_County_MD [08:04] i uploaded that cause he talked about it on monday's program [08:31] are we going after webcite? [08:46] Not currently [08:47] But it's been discussed a couple of times [08:57] http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/9713372/looking-back-game-myst-20th-anniversary [08:57] Pretty good story/article [09:31] This has some great visuals --> http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2012/12/21/100-diagrams-that-changed-the-world/ [09:31] The first emoticons and a color wheel are a few of the classics [09:39] so i got a bit error again with amkon.net [10:03] turns out you can just get the topic if point to the id number [10:04] so i may just do it that way for now just so its less likely to cause a byte error [10:48] http://joepie91.wordpress.com/2013/09/25/the-scams-of-arturas-rosenbacher/ [17:45] omf_ / GLaDOS ? [17:46] httrack is hitting the box rather fast. [17:48] as long as you know, no worries [17:53] Smiley, what do you mean? I just went on their website and it looks fine? [17:55] or do you mean you're actually running it or something? [17:56] brayden: we have a box we share [17:56] one of those two is running it on there, and it was making things slow [17:56] which isn't an issue, as long as they know :) [17:58] lol ok [22:30] I took care of it Smiley [22:52] found video on aots is computer beach party [22:56] Smiley, GLaDOS I just added 2gb more of swap space [22:57] We had done that before numerous times but the server reboots always reset it [22:57] 2gb real RAM and 2.5gb of swap space