[02:47] that's a bitmessage address! [02:47] * Aranje updates repo and launches [04:09] haha [04:09] https://www.healthcare.gov/marketplace/global/en_US/registration#signUpStepOne [04:09] USA USA USA [04:14] oh wait [04:14] it's back [04:17] http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/lupica-yahoos-running-gop-washington-article-1.1471265 [04:17] oh heh [04:18] Yahoo is running it [04:18] that explains the shutdown [04:30] Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "https://www.healthcare.gov/marketplace/global/en_US/registration.js". [04:33] "Don't enter any letters with special characters, like accents" OMG WTF? [04:34] if you do, will they charge you for violating CFAA [04:34] + is "not a valid email address [04:34] er, email with + says teh gov't [04:35] * closure loads the page in polish, to see how they translated that requirement for no accents [04:35] huh [04:35] crypto.js is in there [04:35] I wonder why [04:35] fileupload.js is in there [04:35] and 2 web bugs [04:38] I wonder what the ee prefix is [04:38] heh, Virginia is the default state code in getStateReferenceData [04:38] I wonder why [04:39] because it sounds like vagina [04:39] if ((state.toLowerCase() === "va") && (!result)) { [04:39] return true; // TODO throw error [04:39] } [04:39] hahah [04:39] return success (TODO: throw error) [04:40] lots of us government workers are in virginia because parts of it are in commuting distance from DC and nicer to live in [04:42] "Choose a username that is 6-74 characters long and must contain a lowercase or capital letter, a number, or one of these symbols _.@/-" [04:43] well, I'm glad it has to contain a lowercase or capital letter [04:43] would be hard to explain my " \t \t\t\t " username over the phone [04:44] https://twitter.com/AsteroidWatch/status/384878343092314112 [04:45] also, that text apparently means "your username must contain both a letter and a number" [04:45] oh, will an asteroid save me from this? [04:51] oh, wtf [04:51] the healthcare.gov validator doesn't accept uppercase in emails [04:52] it has an email validator designed by a 1st year student at greendale comm coll [04:52] oh wait [04:52] there was a space at the beginning [04:53] it also rejected id+usgovt@... [04:53] which is VALID! valid I and the RFC that not even the government that sponsored its creation reads [04:53] say [04:54] what the heck [04:54] I don't get any security questions [04:54] ah, so it's not just my connection [04:54] I just filled in What No Thanks [04:55] I answered "yes", "no", and "maybe" to the three null questions, and it failed to make my account [04:55] yeah, this is just stalling out here too [04:56] "Important: Your account couldnt be created at this time. The system is unavailable." [04:56] woo [05:28] yipdw: they fixed the questions if you were actually needing to apply.. [05:28] closure: oh [05:28] I don't need to [05:28] good to know that that was fixed, at least [06:20] so i'm doing a full grab of originaltirlogy.com now [07:19] i was looking at the lab with leo torrent page on myspeen [07:20] and a guy has some old techtv/zdtv stuff [07:21] so i sent a message that i would like to see that stuff convert and upload so i can put up on archive.org [09:42] this is why yahoo sucks: http://it.slashdot.org/story/13/10/01/036238/security-researchers-rewarded-with-1250-voucher-to-buy-yahoo-t-shirt [09:42] haha, awesome [09:45] It is the best way to distance users. Promise something awesome for helping out and then shit on the contributor [11:04] so i may have something awesome [11:05] i found issue 0 of disney adventures magazine [11:14] issue... 0? [11:14] the preview issue of it [11:14] before it was going to be release [11:19] ahh [13:34] http://isthegovernmentopen.com/ [13:34] hahaha [13:37] :D [13:37] :D:D [13:37] "Nope" "Nope" "Nope" [13:38] lol [13:45] It took me like 3 pillars passed to realise it was looping. [13:45] Holy crap that's good. [13:46] Gotta love them loopin' jiffs [13:46] giffery [13:59] rawr [13:59] so what you people want from me now?? [14:24] Money. [14:24] Wait, what [14:24] Lots and lots of 04,01money. [14:24] >:) [14:30] [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅2)̲̅$̲̅] [14:30] :D [15:36] awesome idea http://impactjs.com/forums/user/register [15:47] ewwww [15:47] I thought I had to register to play [15:47] nevermind [16:18] is there a good and easy gnu cli way to replace "linebreaks plus some part of the next line" with a tab? [16:18] eg something like [16:18] somevalue="123" [16:19] someothervalue="545" [16:19] where i would want to replace '"\nsomeothervalue="' with '\t¸ [16:37] http://www.behind-the-enemy-lines.com/2012/04/google-attack-how-i-self-attacked.html [16:44] Schbirid: should be able to do that with sed; the trick will be to use N to glom the second line onto the first for matching, so you can /\nsomeothervalue=/ [16:44] see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4510813/sed-regular-expression-over-multiple-lines for what might be a useful example [16:54] that's giving me worse headaches than trying to read a perl script [17:04] yes, sed will do that ;) [17:04] basically - three commands when you need to perform edits that span several lines - N, P, D. [17:05] N appends the next line into the current edit space, after a \n; P prints everything in the buffer up to the first \n, and D deletes everything up to and including the first \n [17:06] so you can say N; s/\nsomething=/\t/; P; D to make it look at the current line plus the next line, and replace the newline and something= with a tab if it matches, and spit out the results [17:06] if it doesn't match, it'll just spit out the two lines as-are [17:07] (I'm a bit rusty, so the SO question was handy to refresh my memory, but I think that's right!) [18:04] * ersi shrugs [23:08] so, apparently Yahoo likes to screw everyone equally: http://grahamcluley.com/2013/09/serious-yahoo-bug/ Yahoo pays security researches $12.50 per bug, except not actual money- $12.50 credit for their corporate merchandise store [23:13] If you wanted the money to buy a portion of a generic teddy bear wearing a Yahoo t-shirt then maybe that's a great deal [23:15] in a related linked article here: http://grahamcluley.com/2013/09/yahoo-marissa-mayer-mobile-security/ we learn Yahoo's CEO just can't be bothered with a pincode for her iPhone- too much effort to type it in all day