#archiveteam-bs 2013-10-29,Tue

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Time Nickname Message
00:45 🔗 godane so i found something interesting about tekzilla daily
00:45 🔗 godane looks a lot of files was miss labeled
00:45 🔗 godane the numbers of them anyway
00:46 🔗 godane so there is like 2 files that are 1100 episodes numbers
00:47 🔗 godane in the name of video files
00:47 🔗 godane but one is a different number
01:24 🔗 godane anyways 11xx episodes of tekzilla daily is getting uploaded now
02:00 🔗 SketchCow Everything going well?
02:09 🔗 chfoo SketchCow: if you're still there, could you move and fix the mediatype for https://archive.org/details/webtv_fire_grab
02:10 🔗 SketchCow Doine
02:10 🔗 SketchCow Done
02:10 🔗 chfoo thanks
02:11 🔗 dashcloud yay!
02:13 🔗 SketchCow Sorry for delay.
02:13 🔗 SketchCow Looks like I'm not going to NZ.
02:13 🔗 SketchCow Good news about that besides the punishing schedule is more days to get shit done.
02:13 🔗 SketchCow JSMESS is still taking some time but we're getting better.
03:53 🔗 godane so i'm finding tons of images in my walmart cdn grab
03:53 🔗 godane like images of walmart in china
03:54 🔗 godane a video of spider man climbing wall
03:56 🔗 godane and a incomplete video of fighting hunger together soundbites
04:39 🔗 chfoo a while ago someone asked whether it was possible to make wget not save the original files when making a warc file. i said using --output-document on the stock wget was ok instead of using wget w/ lua which has the --truncate-output. this is not true actually. if directory-based limits are used, the run time becomes quadratic causing wget to be slower and slower. the problem is that wget will search the growing output document for urls, but since wget
04:39 🔗 chfoo was told to use a single file, it will rescan the entire thing with excessive strcpy and frees. so tl;dr: --truncate-output is recommended with --output-document.
04:49 🔗 joepie92 that seems like something that should be in the wget docs
05:03 🔗 balrog wget docs suck
05:04 🔗 balrog wget code is crummy too; I tried to poke around to add UTF16 support and I gave up
05:04 🔗 balrog ultimately a python grabber was written for that
06:49 🔗 ersi chfoo: Good investigation mate
06:52 🔗 SlickRIck bit.ly/1abgczC
06:54 🔗 phillipsj don't you know short URLs are evil?
06:55 🔗 norbert79 <face of Fry> Not sure if trolling or real opinion..
06:55 🔗 * phillipsj sighs
06:56 🔗 phillipsj decoded URL: http://paylinker.com/user/register.php?id=blazetek517
06:56 🔗 norbert79 I have a bot on my channel which decodes URLs
06:56 🔗 norbert79 problem solved
06:56 🔗 SlickRIck ?
06:56 🔗 SlickRIck so
06:57 🔗 SlickRIck what u think u gunna get a virus if u click something why need for a decord
06:57 🔗 SlickRIck decoder
06:57 🔗 phillipsj he still gets paid of a bot does it.
06:57 🔗 SlickRIck aha
06:57 🔗 SlickRIck ^
06:57 🔗 norbert79 I don't care, I just don't wish to run into some bad code :)
06:57 🔗 phillipsj SlickRIck, computers are inherently insecure, so it is a distinct possibility.
06:57 🔗 SlickRIck lol
06:58 🔗 SlickRIck i guess u can get raped by a bunch of ads but i think thats about it..
06:58 🔗 norbert79 a bot would hardly bother about ads also
06:59 🔗 norbert79 but an ubergeek method would be routing that bot through a filtering proxy
07:00 🔗 SlickRIck lol
07:00 🔗 norbert79 guess someone opened that link :))
07:03 🔗 SlickRIck hell ya
07:03 🔗 SlickRIck like 50 people did
07:03 🔗 SlickRIck aha
07:03 🔗 SlickRIck i just made like 50$
07:03 🔗 SlickRIck bit.ly/1abgczC
07:03 🔗 SlickRIck :P
07:04 🔗 norbert79 PayLinker - Get Your Home Job Guranteed Now! and Make $4500+ Monthly.
07:04 🔗 norbert79 nice try
07:04 🔗 SlickRIck so what
07:04 🔗 SlickRIck u think ur smart now
07:05 🔗 norbert79 you only get paid if adverts are loaded too ;-)
07:05 🔗 SlickRIck ill post da real link
07:05 🔗 SlickRIck http://PayLinker.com/?id=blazetek517
07:05 🔗 SlickRIck na
07:05 🔗 SlickRIck i get paid even if u got adblock on
07:05 🔗 norbert79 hah, what a shitty method :)
07:05 🔗 SlickRIck whats a shitty method
07:05 🔗 SlickRIck irc?
07:05 🔗 norbert79 Allowing payouts without any content delivered... Good for you, bad for them
07:06 🔗 SlickRIck tru
07:06 🔗 SlickRIck there nus
07:06 🔗 SlickRIck nubs
07:14 🔗 yipdw huh
07:14 🔗 BlueMax why a ban?
07:14 🔗 yipdw probably should have gotten there sooner, but meh
07:14 🔗 BlueMax oh
07:14 🔗 yipdw banned for being dumb
07:14 🔗 BlueMax derp
07:14 🔗 lul banned 4ever
07:14 🔗 * BlueMax needs to learn to read up
07:14 🔗 lul good jobs opers
11:53 🔗 ersi ryonaloli: Do /lusers on both networks and find out
11:54 🔗 ersi then again, depends on what you mean by "active users". Bots ahoy on both nets
11:55 🔗 ryonaloli like, as oppose to pure idlers
11:55 🔗 ryonaloli i assume plenty of people on efnet just hook up bnc or use irssi and tmux/screen or something
11:55 🔗 ryonaloli and stay connected 24/7 but are never on. but with rizon, many people are at least available some of the day
11:55 🔗 ersi and rizon has like bazillions of xfdcc bots
11:55 🔗 ersi xdcc
11:56 🔗 ryonaloli nah, under 100
11:56 🔗 ryonaloli i mean, most of the bots are reused in multiple channels
11:57 🔗 ersi that's still plenty, meaning most other clients are most likely only there to get some warez down
11:57 🔗 ersi so I wouldn't consider them active either
11:57 🔗 ryonaloli or animu
11:57 🔗 ryonaloli well, active being on the network for a reason
11:57 🔗 ryonaloli so, take out everyone in #news (the big xdcc channel)
11:57 🔗 ryonaloli efnet still has about 1k more users, but idk how many are active here
11:58 🔗 ersi Given your critera for 'active', I'd say all are - on both networks
11:58 🔗 ryonaloli does efnet not have many perma-idlers?
11:59 🔗 ryonaloli i know freenode has a shitload
11:59 🔗 ersi define perma-idlers
12:00 🔗 ersi lurking is absolutely acceptable way of taking part of a channel, as long as there's discussions going on without them
12:00 🔗 ryonaloli people who just connect with a bnc 24/7 and connect like, once ever 3 weeks or something
12:01 🔗 ersi no one knows
12:09 🔗 ryonaloli i still think rizon is best
12:10 🔗 ersi that's like your opinion man
12:12 🔗 ersi who cares about networks anyhow
12:15 🔗 ryonaloli nou
12:16 🔗 touya ryonaloli: used to be one of those. sometimes i was absent a year or more *shrug*
12:16 🔗 touya became more actively recently again
12:17 🔗 ryonaloli yeah, you don't see many people like that on rizon
12:17 🔗 ryonaloli mainly because we're too busy fapping to lolicon to learn how to use screen lol
12:18 🔗 touya well, been on efnet since 1997
12:18 🔗 touya so a year of absence doesn't mean so much to me
12:19 🔗 touya but yeah, in general most people who do irc now, especially on the newer networks, don't use screens at all.
12:20 🔗 ryonaloli 3leet5me
12:20 🔗 ryonaloli i've been on irc since 2009 lol
12:20 🔗 ryonaloli on rizon
12:20 🔗 ersi it's noticable
12:20 🔗 ryonaloli nah, that's just cuz i'm from rizon
12:21 🔗 ryonaloli and i'm not planning on staying on efnet anyway so w/e
12:23 🔗 ryonaloli so is this all efnet is like?
12:25 🔗 ersi I wouldn't consider a few small channels like this a whole network
12:25 🔗 ryonaloli well, there's at least some amount of the community's culture that you can grasp
12:28 🔗 ersi well, this wouldn't be "efnet community" but "archiveteam community"
12:29 🔗 ryonaloli there must be some crossover though, right? i mean, comparing this to something like #4chan on rizon shows a very big difference. sure, #4chan isn't the perfect representation of all of rizon, but it does a pretty good job
12:29 🔗 ersi how about nope
12:30 🔗 ryonaloli wat
12:30 🔗 ryonaloli also no i'm not a retarded /b/tard if that's what you think
12:31 🔗 touya there's not really an efnet community
12:31 🔗 ryonaloli well, there has to be some difference in culture
12:31 🔗 ryonaloli each network seems to have it's own culture, with certain overlap
12:31 🔗 ersi EFNet and IRCnet has the culture of being diverse and not having a culture or a specific community
12:31 🔗 ersi because they're the oldest networks.
12:32 🔗 ryonaloli i mean, rizon for weeaboos and perverts, undernet for pedos, efnet for hackers, freenet and oftc for devs and freetards, etc
12:32 🔗 ryonaloli ah
12:32 🔗 touya well, yes. ircnet is more europe while efnet is more US based. that's about the only difference
12:32 🔗 touya pre 1997 it was the same network
12:32 🔗 ryonaloli well, whatever it is, it's certainly foreign to me
12:33 🔗 ersi it's practically nothing, which is a bit weird and a bit nice
12:33 🔗 ryonaloli ?
12:34 🔗 Schbirid what is this idiocy
12:34 🔗 ersi I'm just saying it's kind of nice that it's as simple as "It's a IRC network. That's it.".
12:35 🔗 ryonaloli Schbirid: me being a newfag and cross-server moron
12:35 🔗 ryonaloli ah, i see what you're saying ersi
12:35 🔗 ryonaloli i guess that makes sense
12:35 🔗 Schbirid you talk like you fell on your head
12:35 🔗 ryonaloli i come from rizon
12:35 🔗 ryonaloli of course i talk like that
12:35 🔗 ersi haha
12:35 🔗 Schbirid makes you sound pretty stupid fyi
12:36 🔗 ryonaloli eh, i blend in usually, maybe not here with all you leet oldfags though
12:36 🔗 Schbirid we sp33k 31337 hax0r h3r3
12:36 🔗 touya megatokyo 005 \o/
12:36 🔗 ryonaloli teach me to hack! what do i start hacking?
12:36 🔗 Schbirid lrn 2 spak 1337 lol
12:36 🔗 Schbirid wow
12:36 🔗 ryonaloli (i'm being ironic just fyi)
12:36 🔗 ersi Well, I can't say I care much about IRC networks these days. But then again, fine to be wondering about such things
12:37 🔗 touya as most people who do irc for a long time, it's mainly about some cozy private channels where a few friends chill. people i knew IRL for decades
12:37 🔗 Schbirid hack autodesk and nuke their backups and source repos please
12:37 🔗 ryonaloli mkay, i'll use loic and havij and be a super 1337 h4x0rz
12:38 🔗 ersi touya: yeah
12:38 🔗 ersi It's about the channels. I could not care less about which networks they are on though
12:38 🔗 ryonaloli i only know of a few channels like that
12:50 🔗 ryonaloli gnight
13:04 🔗 godane i really wish i could get google fiber
13:04 🔗 godane it has 1Gb/s upload speed
13:04 🔗 godane not just download
13:09 🔗 phillipsj what did autodesk do to you?
13:10 🔗 * phillipsj is not sure if Googles' non-commercial server allowance extends to Bitcoin nodes/miners
13:12 🔗 ersi autodesk?
13:13 🔗 phillipsj re Schbirid's request about 30 minutes ago
13:13 🔗 ersi ah
13:14 🔗 phillipsj I forget what software they are known for off-hand (maybe CAD)
13:14 🔗 Schbirid autocad, 3dsmax
13:14 🔗 Schbirid proprietary evilness
13:15 🔗 phillipsj well, that is why I don't Pirate stuff :P
13:15 🔗 joepie92 Schbirid: don't they also do Maya
13:15 🔗 Schbirid maybe
13:15 🔗 joepie92 Maybe
13:15 🔗 joepie92 :P
13:15 🔗 joepie92 phillipsj: huh?
13:15 🔗 Schbirid phillipsj: university dictator ship... at least they have free versions for students
13:15 🔗 joepie92 sigh
13:16 🔗 joepie92 Schbirid, that's a bug, not a feature
13:16 🔗 joepie92 why do you think they have free versions for students :|
13:16 🔗 phillipsj Don't want proprietary evilness on my machines
13:16 🔗 Schbirid yeah, i completely agree
13:16 🔗 joepie92 exactly -because- that means everybody will be forced to use it
13:16 🔗 Schbirid blender starts faster than the autocad splashscreen :)
13:16 🔗 joepie92 this is basically the same trick as the microsoft PC donations
13:16 🔗 joepie92 to schools
13:17 🔗 joepie92 with Windows and MS Office
13:17 🔗 phillipsj I turned down the student version of Windows while I was in School last "non-commercial use only"
13:17 🔗 joepie92 it's all very nasty, intentional vendor lock-in under the guise of 'charity'
13:18 🔗 phillipsj Though I was in the Electronics department, they were an island on non-hemogeny.
13:18 🔗 joepie92 ?
13:19 🔗 Schbirid "but if you have to use these programs in jobs later anyways, why wouldnt you want to learn them?" >:(
13:19 🔗 joepie92 easy answer
13:19 🔗 phillipsj The school was a Microsoft shop except for the novel servers used by the electronics department.
13:19 🔗 joepie92 "why do you think we have to use these in a job later?"
13:20 🔗 Schbirid "because it is the industry standard"
13:20 🔗 joepie92 "and why is it?"
13:20 🔗 joepie92 "because it's the best around?"
13:20 🔗 Schbirid "yes yes, but do you have time for argueing at your new job?"
13:20 🔗 joepie92 lol
13:21 🔗 phillipsj In the case of NAIT, the first hit was free, but had a x year purchasing agreement attached.
13:22 🔗 phillipsj for some reason I am thinking x=30, but that sounds excessive.
13:23 🔗 phillipsj probably 10
13:29 🔗 phillipsj I am trying to chose a bank based on their online banking terms. Came across a clause that seems to suggest they can discontinue online banking without notice to me.
13:33 🔗 phillipsj Hmm, they ban key-rings too
13:34 🔗 phillipsj another bank simply discourages them.
13:45 🔗 phillipsj "If you have more than one Account, ATB Financial may transfer funds between Accounts, including joint Accounts, for any reason ATB financial see fit." --that is one reason I am bank shopping in the first-place!
13:55 🔗 phillipsj A third bank calls the little footnotes "terms and conditions"
13:58 🔗 phillipsj The other bank has that clause too.
14:05 🔗 * phillipsj should re-check the terms of his existing bank
17:04 🔗 DFJustin http://www.engadget.com/2013/10/29/william-c-lowe-dies-ibm-pc/
19:05 🔗 M1das yay dispicable me 2
20:32 🔗 yipdw holy shit
20:32 🔗 yipdw NUMBER MUNCHERS
