[01:34] <h1h1h1> # Appears as ANNA
[02:12] <yipdw> odie5533: outputs a random string generated from said IRC input
[02:19] <odie5533> ah. sounds random.
[02:20] <yipdw> it's not so random
[02:20] <yipdw> the output is usually very close to syntatically correct English
[02:20] <yipdw> (or French, or whatever source language it happened to be)
[02:21] <yipdw> now, whether it *means* anything, well, that's up to the reader
[04:34] <Ravenloft> SketchCow in your opinion, in which computer the use of cassette tapes as a medium of distributing games was more important?
[04:34] <Ravenloft> relevant, emblematic
[05:40] <SketchCow> Spectrum
[05:52] <Ravenloft> thanks
[07:11] <BlueMax> huh. thought it would've been Commodore 64.
[07:44] <phillipsj> Floppies were common for that machine.
[13:55] <godane> i just want you guys to know that episode 2009.02.02 is of attack of the show was a bad rip
[13:55] <godane> it kept looping the first segment thur most of the episode
[17:45] <joepie93> deathwatch report: https://twitter.com/AKKuhn/status/398923313440776192
[19:11] <SketchCow> In terms of cassettes, bear in mind that after, oh, 1981, people know this cassette thing is bullshit.
[19:12] <SketchCow> It's just a matter of how much floppy disks cost.
[19:12] <SketchCow> So the IBM had a cassette option but it was perfunctory, a tick box - you always got floppies for it.
[19:13] <SketchCow> Atari 800 sold the 410 (Cassette) and 810 (Drive) concurrently, almost from the beginning.
[19:16] <touya> mhm fun times
[19:16] <touya> ?LOAD ERROR
[19:41] <godane> i sort thought that cassette types was only stop gap to floppy disks
[19:41] <godane> *tapes
[19:42] <godane> of course we still use tape in some data centers to backup servers
[19:43] <SketchCow> Cassette tapes historically ended up being stopgaps.
[19:44] <SketchCow> But in the same way, almost every storage medium is a "stopgap" to network connectivity, wireless and wired.
[19:44] <SketchCow> So one could SAY, in 2020, that CDs were a short-lived format designed as a stopgap before network distribution
[19:44] <SketchCow> But we didn't buy CDs going "I can't WAIT until we just download this shit" until significantly after 1987
[19:45] <SketchCow> Human beings compress time weird.
[19:46] <godane> yes but you talking about a media that lasted like 2 to 3 years
[19:46] <godane> where the cd was around for good 20+ years
[19:46] <godane> i don't think the cassette tapes was used much past 1982 or 1983 i think
[19:54] <Ravenloft> https://37signals.com/svn/posts/3606-a-very-patient-frank-zappa-defending-freedom
[19:56] <Ravenloft> godane tapes lasted like 2 to 3 years?
[19:57] <godane> i meant the life of it being solded
[19:57] <godane> for data storage
[19:57] <phillipsj> Uh, the Sony walkman was popular in the 90's
[19:57] <phillipsj> oh. nevermind.
[19:59] <Ravenloft> yeah, I got it, let me rephase: tapes as a medium to sell computer games lasted 2 to 3 years?
[20:00] <Ravenloft> by looking around and talk to people, I was thinking Spectrum already, and someone made a good point, that it was a cheap machine, in a time with better but expensive machine, and tape was cheap, so it goes along with the purchasing power of the user
[20:01] <godane> i was only thinking apple
[20:11] <godane> SketchCow: i think one of my items in my g4video-web collection is dark
[20:12] <godane> or at least not searchable
[20:12] <godane> it was 74,774 before in search and now its 74,773
[20:16] <godane> anyways i'm uploading a the rocky horror show from 03-14-1975
[20:16] <godane> this a recording from the original run
[20:18] <touya> hmm CDs as stopgap, i dunno. basically the preferred storage is HDD now and those don't last longer at all
[20:19] <touya> current practicable technology sucks for long term storage. only got worse
[20:19] <touya> and why the hell does AoE II intend to kill my notebook. jeez
[20:20] <touya> hitting 50 degrees
[20:33] <w0rp> All of the hot battles you get into?
[20:34] <touya> not even that, even idling on the main menu eats cpu/gpu like hell
[20:34] <touya> for whatever reason
[20:38] <w0rp> Old games are sometimes just programmed in really weird ways.
[20:40] <w0rp> More than a few depended on CPU speeds being just so. I was kind of disappointed recently when I tried and failed to play a game from my childhood again, Star Wars: Droid Works, and I found that the physics in the game don't work correctly with modern CPU clock speeds.
[20:44] <touya> well, it's the HD remake to support high resolutions
[20:46] <touya> w0rp: does that run on DOS?
[20:46] <touya> if so just use dosbox, you can change speed there
[20:47] <w0rp> It was a Windows 95/98 game, I believe.
[20:47] <touya> so runs native on windows?
[20:47] <w0rp> Yeah.
[20:47] <touya> then you're probably out of luck. there are tools though to throttle windows apps.. but they don't really work that well afaik
[20:47] <w0rp> Yeah, that was the problem.
[20:48] <w0rp> The world needs a WindowsBOX at some point, but that will be way harder to do. (Maybe ReactOS could help at some point.)
[20:48] <touya> uh god..
[20:48] * touya shivers
[20:48] <touya> i pity whoever codes that heh
[20:48] <w0rp> Meh, that's a Windows NT compatible thing anyway.
[20:49] <touya> well, to be fair, MS made the backwards compatibility quite nice. but clock speeds can still mess it up
[20:50] <godane> uploaded: https://archive.org/details/Rocky_Horror_Show_Belasco_Theatre_NY_03-14-1975_FLAC
[20:50] <w0rp> Yeah, Microsoft has insane backwards compatibility in their operating system.
[20:50] <w0rp> The only CPU solutions I've really seen are ones that blatantly just eat up CPU time so the game is forced to run slowly.
[20:50] <touya> yeah lol
[20:50] <w0rp> That's not a very good solution.
[20:50] <touya> exactly
[20:51] <touya> dosbox does the real thing
[20:51] <w0rp> Yeah.
[20:51] <touya> but only works with dos/protected mode shit
[20:51] <w0rp> DOSBox is great.
[20:51] <w0rp> It's one way in which I can still play Fury of the Furries.
[20:51] <touya> god, i totally forgot about config.sys
[20:51] <w0rp> Which is an awesome game.
[20:51] <touya> and what was the other file?
[20:51] <w0rp> command.bat or something?
[20:51] <touya> right :)
[20:52] <touya> before windows
[20:52] <touya> what a crappy shit that was. MS came a long way for sure
[20:52] <w0rp> My first computer (which will probably make others feel old) was a DOS machine.
[20:52] <touya> i started on a c64
[20:52] <touya> with casette :)
[20:52] <w0rp> I still experienced actually floppy disks.
[20:53] <touya> you say that in a way that makes me feel old :p
[20:53] <w0rp> And greyscale CRTs.
[20:53] <touya> greenscale ftw \o/
[20:53] <touya> actually that was monochrome
[20:53] <touya> green or not green.
[20:54] <touya> used to work for toys are us when they still used AS/400
[20:54] <w0rp> I don't recall mine being green. I think it was just shades of grey.
[20:54] <touya> god.. what kind of crap that was
[20:54] <w0rp> A friend of my brother's also had an Amiga, which totally made my DOS machine look shit in comparison.
[20:54] <touya> more advacned then
[20:55] <touya> yeah i got an amiga after my c64
[20:55] <touya> love that computer, still do
[20:55] <touya> Defender of the Crown
[20:55] <touya> that blew all minds away
[20:56] <w0rp> You go to my house, you get a greyscale CRT with PC speaker sound plus I think an old Soundblaster running DOS. You went to his house, you had a colour monitor with a nice soundcard running some Amiga Workbench.
[20:57] <touya> hmm, well i switched to PC after amiga software was killed by warez scene
[20:57] <w0rp> More to the point, his house had Pushover.
[20:57] <touya> first was a 386-DX40
[20:57] <touya> must have been 1991/1992 or so
[20:58] <touya> didn't take that long for PC to catch up after that
[20:59] <touya> my first PC could only play mp3 upto 64kbit
[20:59] <touya> samplesize
[20:59] <w0rp> I remember getting Windows 3.1, but still switching between Windows and DOS, sometimes with Norton Commander a lot.
[20:59] <touya> norton commander hah
[20:59] <touya> everyone used that
[21:00] <w0rp> I think I got 95 before I got a colour monitor, and I seem to recall getting 95 on a crazy amount of floppy disks via the results of a neighbour's visit to copy parties.
[21:00] <w0rp> *visits
[21:00] <touya> i quickly got into linux at that time
[21:00] <touya> SuSE linux lol
[21:01] <Sellyme> I installed 95 from floppies just before XP came out
[21:01] <w0rp> I didn't run Linux until just before I started university in the end.
[21:01] <Sellyme> It's the only OS install I've made out out of hundreds that worked first try
[21:01] <touya> i used linux exclusively, even on desktops/notebooks for ten+ years
[21:01] <Sellyme> one too many outs in there
[21:02] <touya> but by now i am back to windows again
[21:02] <touya> just so much more convenient
[21:02] <w0rp> I used Windows on my desktop for about the last year, but I've gone back to Arch Linux as of about two months ago.
[21:02] <touya> linux for remote machines, windows for local.
[21:03] <touya> motsly it's because i want my photoshop
[21:03] <touya> and some games
[21:03] <w0rp> (Getting pen drives to work properly is still shit, and I don't bother with wireless. Otherwise, things are better than ever.)
[21:03] <touya> i work with photoshop and indesign a lot.. i don't wanna do that in a VM
[21:04] <w0rp> Well, pen drives are still shit if you don't run a desktop manager at all, like me who is a crazy person.
[21:04] <touya> same goes for some games that don't really like VMs
[21:04] <touya> when i used linux as desktop i used fluxbox as WM. with no icons, no context menus, blank black desktop
[21:04] <w0rp> Well, desktop environment or whatever. The terminology is a bit crap.
[21:04] <touya> only a few hotkeys
[21:04] <touya> ctrol-t is all you need
[21:04] <touya> to open a terminal
[21:05] <w0rp> Yeah, I've got kind of a similar setup, which I discovered the use of about my second year in university.
[21:05] <touya> ctrl-f also opened a firefox, cause lazy.
[21:05] <touya> but that was about it heh
[21:06] <w0rp> I run a window manager called PekWM, and I start it directly through startx in .bash_profile.
[21:06] <touya> never heard of that one.. i used to play with ion2
[21:06] <w0rp> I'm not sure about recommending it to other people really, but it just so happens to be exactly what I want.
[21:07] <touya> i liked fluxbox for its VERY easy config
[21:07] <touya> you don't need to read documentation, the conifg files are basically self-explanatory
[21:08] <w0rp> Manages windows, has configuration options for forcing them into particular screen regions, has support for a keybinds and stuff with just enough extras to make it pretty useful once you get your configuration right.
[21:08] <touya> and it's very slim
[21:08] <touya> most people today though..
[21:08] <touya> they want kde *and* gnome
[21:09] <w0rp> So I just open the majority of things I want at startup, like a web browser, HexChat for this, etc. Then I force them into particular areas in particular workspaces.
[21:10] <touya> hexchat!?
[21:10] <touya> linux?
[21:11] <touya> if you have linux... then you can run irssi native!
[21:11] <w0rp> I don't like irssi.
[21:11] <touya> ugh. you need to be nrainwashed yet :p
[21:11] <w0rp> I know how to use it completely, I've known people who use it for years.
[21:12] <touya> 20 years here.
[21:12] <touya> well, not quite
[21:12] <touya> i started with mirc *shame*
[21:12] <w0rp> I just prefer being able to click tabs to switch channels and render fonts of different sizes in areas of the screen.
[21:13] <touya> but when you're on irc, your primary input is the keyboard anyway. i don't want my hands to leave the keaboard, it costs time
[21:13] <w0rp> (You can probably add 6pt to every font size you'd expect, and that's probably what I'm using.)
[21:13] <touya> it's faster to switch with keys
[21:14] <w0rp> Well, I use Gvim for text editing because using the home row for navigating a document is faster, among other things.
[21:14] <touya> and i can type "/k w0rp" faster than you can rightclick on my name and choose the action :x
[21:14] <touya> really? i like vim.. as a basic editor but gvim annoys me
[21:14] <touya> i'd rather use notepad++ in wine then heh
[21:15] <w0rp> I use Gvim because the colour pallete is larger and the font rendering is better. It also supports tabs which I can click.
[21:15] <touya> yeah, tabs and stuff like that is why i use notepad++ for many things
[21:15] <w0rp> Notepad++ is good software.
[21:16] <touya> but if i am on a remote box, vim is my tool of choice
[21:16] <w0rp> I'm very used to modal editing and a few Vim features now, though.
[21:16] <touya> i'm mediocre in my vi/vim skills
[21:16] <touya> i can probably do more than most users.. but the problem is that i forget the shortcuts again
[21:16] <touya> if i don't use it frequently
[21:17] <w0rp> What's really cool is, you can get very good Vim-like plugins for Eclipse, Visual Studio, and XCode. So I never have to give up the basic Vim stuff.
[21:17] <touya> yeah, i can see that
[21:17] <touya> i'm not much into coding though, except for the occasional python or bash scripots
[21:17] <touya> so i don't need much fancy stuff
[21:18] <w0rp> Well, I work as a software developer, so it's what feeds me. Plus, it's just something I really enjoy.
[21:20] <touya> eh, ofc. everyone has his own poison
[21:20] <w0rp> I'm not sure if this is me becoming older a bit or just being strange, but one thing I find really useful in Vim is split windows.
[21:20] <w0rp> I very often look at the same file in two places, because I find it easier to look at what's there than to try and remember what's there a lot of the time.
[21:20] <touya> if you remember the keyboard shortcut ... :)
[21:21] <touya> btw, something totally unrelated. i recently stumbled upon TheThingy's "Adobe Tool"
[21:21] <touya> heard of that?
[21:21] <w0rp> (This is really useful when you're trying to replace and old crap function someone wrote with a new not-so-crap function.)
[21:22] <w0rp> What is that?
[21:23] <touya> after adobe started their Create Cloud stuff, a day after their servers where broken in. and all installers stolen
[21:23] <w0rp> Google made it look like some pirate software, probably along the lines of a custom installer.
[21:23] <touya> they are implemented into "adobe tool" which automatically fetches them with a built-in torrent client, patches your hosts file so bad adobe servers can't connect.. and you can install all latest adobe CC software
[21:23] <touya> it even updates
[21:24] <w0rp> That's pretty cool.
[21:24] <touya> cldn't believe it works, so i tried it in a VM
[21:24] <touya> have every adobe product installed there and online updates work :o
[21:24] <touya> hilarious
[21:26] <w0rp> I'm not sure if it's really because of pirates, but I have had some great experiences with original Xbox hacks.
[21:26] <w0rp> To this day, my father still watches television shows and such through a program which runs on my old Xbox, Xbox Media Centre. (A very old version.)
[21:26] <touya> is xbone already owned? :)
[21:28] <w0rp> The hardware is actually pretty durable in that it hasn't failed yet, the software is very easy to use and supports everything before H.264 came along, including browsing SMB pretty easily. It's just interesting how much enjoyment I, my family, and my friends have derived from some illegal Xbox software.
[21:29] <touya> i was always a PS guy
[21:29] <touya> had ps1,2,3
[21:29] <touya> won't get 4 though
[21:30] <w0rp> My brother bought the PSX pretty late into that cycle. I acutally bought a PS2 with money I saved up over a long period of time as a teenager.
[21:30] <touya> ps1 was the blast
[21:31] <touya> tekken, wipeout2097
[21:31] <touya> so good
[21:31] <w0rp> I got the Xbox very late in that cycle, for 30 pounds with a game controller, and I got a dashboard hack for it for free with the help of a friend.
[21:31] <w0rp> It was the most value for money I have ever gotten out of anything.
[21:31] <touya> i think i never even played any xbox
[21:31] <touya> maybe at a party somewhere, but i can't remember
[21:35] <phillipsj> Was tempted to get a PS3, but the fact that "other OS" ran in  a VM worried me.
[21:35] <w0rp> I bought a PS3 a few months ago, which I turn on now and again.
[21:36] <w0rp> Buy an old model with a firmware version which is old enough, buy a large hard disk from just about anywhere. You now have a hackable home entertainment device.
[21:37] <w0rp> As a bonus, you also have a machine capable of playing Demon's Souls and Heavy Rain.
[21:46] <phillipsj> I still have a PowerPC 7300 or 7200 if I want to try to get proprietary stuff working.
[21:46] <SmileyG> i got a old laptop from work with hdmi port
[21:47] <SmileyG> free, tada, hackable media device
[21:47] <SmileyG> installed gentoo + xbmc, working nicely but needs some more work setting up the shutting down after a film or something
[21:47] <SmileyG> I don't want it on al night in the wardrobe.
[21:49] <phillipsj> "shutdown -hP now" is the magic string I believe. (may not need the 'h' with Linux)
[21:51] <SmileyG> yup
[21:51] <SmileyG> but.... how to run that via xbmc remote? :)
[21:51] <w0rp> alias pissoff='shudown -P now'
[21:52] <SmileyG> i do "shutdown" and it kills the xbmc client and logs out
[21:52] <SmileyG> which isn't what I want.
[21:52] <SmileyG> I did some googling and theres no simple way to override the behavioiur :/
[21:52] <SmileyG> i'm tempted to just have a cronjob @boot timer 3600m "shutdown -hP now"
[21:53] <phillipsj> Well, you can't turn it back on with the remote if powered down. Are you expected to put it to sleep?
[21:54] * phillipsj plans to set up one remote machine to WOL.
[21:55] <w0rp> I was about to suggest that.
[21:55] <w0rp> I've never actually tried to get that working myself, though.
[21:56] <SmileyG> phillipsj: yeah, cept wifi D:
[21:57] <SmileyG> i could get EoPower
[21:57] <SmileyG> as I already have it anyway...
[21:57] <SmileyG> phillipsj: I can turn it on before i get into bed.
[21:57] <w0rp> Surely somehow has made a remote control activated power switch.
[21:57] <w0rp> That plus a programmable remote control and you'd be in business, perhaps.
[21:58] <SmileyG> oh it's easy with external stuff
[21:58] <SmileyG> but i'd rather just fix xbmc
[22:14] <godane> i just watch a episode of BEGIN Japanology
[22:15] <godane> about Tokyo Tower
[22:47] <godane> this user is in the vending machine episode: http://www.youtube.com/user/onsenjazz
[23:57] <Lord_Nigh> http://www.amazon.com/PGP-Internals-Philip-R-Zimmermann/dp/0262240394 <- is that book scanned yet?