[00:00] W T F [00:06] woah what happened there [00:07] http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1qdsdk/how_not_to_steal_gas/ I think [00:07] lol [00:09] Ah, Queensland. [00:09] That explains that. [00:09] http://www.carscoops.com/2013/04/woman-hurled-into-air-by-her-partner-in.html [00:10] >___> [03:15] ah, just outside of Logan, that explains it [03:25] http://techcrunch.com/2013/11/21/source-microsoft-in-talks-to-buy-shoutcast-and-winamp-from-aol/ [03:30] Windows Live Winamp [03:38] Microsoft Winamp [03:39] xbox winamp [04:30] microsoft really whips the lamas ass [04:38] micamp [04:55] Shoutosoft [04:58] Windows Amp [05:00] that'd actually work pretty well on Windows 8, wouldn't it [05:00] I mean [05:00] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6b/Winamp-logo.png [05:00] imagine that in Metro [07:30] so looks like haktip is back [08:46] So I was in Harvey Norman today, looking at laptops for my mum, and one of them had "imogen is the gayest" typed for the username field for email login [08:46] I deleted it, and put "ur mom is the gayest x d" instead [08:47] Yeah, turns out that laptop was hooked up to a projector in screen clone mode https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1461540_1413922758843205_632534389_n.jpg [08:54] * joepie91 claps [08:56] good job GLaDOS [08:56] ty [08:56] what state do you live in by the way [08:57] WA [08:57] damn I can't come and steal all your computers [08:58] hue [08:58] GLaDOS, lol [09:00] what does WA stand for [09:00] West 'Straya [09:00] thats an S not an A though [09:00] pfft, 'straya [09:01] i read states and WA and my limited american knowledge of the world thinks washington but ive never heard of harvey norman and then i google. i also slightly remember your not american :p [09:01] Heh [09:14] GLaDOS: so you live in W 'S ? [09:14] do people ever say westralia [09:15] nope [09:15] why do people have to be such dicks, why does fedex think it's reasonable to leave packages on my porch, why do ebay sellers not ship things by the post office like I told them to [09:15] now I have to figure out how to get a refund [09:23] :( [09:23] poor chronomex [09:30] GLaDOS: bwahaha [09:40] SketchCow: can you look into why none my forums.g4tv.com dumps are in wayback machine [09:42] maybe i typed the wrong url [09:46] nevermind [09:50] anyways it turns out in less you know the old urls of g4 forums your going going to be able to click any of the links [09:50] so the html is there but every link is still look for the original g4 urls [09:50] not the wayback version [09:56] so based on what i can tell the wayback machine will only put out the original files [09:56] not the wayback machine version of it [10:38] http://scr.terrywri.st/DSC_0069.JPG [10:38] am mstr potographar nao [10:41] dammit his spellcheck is broken again [10:41] * BlueMax slaps GLaDOS around with a large trout [10:43] pls no [10:43] :-( [10:44] * BlueMax slaps GLaDOS around a bit with Clippy [10:44] nooo pls hav merci [10:45] * BlueMax throws GLaDOS out the window [10:45] useless robot [10:45] can't do anything rightr [10:45] WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [11:23] GLaDOS: hmm, did you make that pic? [11:23] Yeah, I did [11:23] Took me 2 seconds [11:23] GLaDOS: what license is that under? I might want to use it for stuff :P [11:23] SUDDENLY, THE WTFPL DESCENDED FROM THE HEAVENS [11:24] lol [11:24] * joepie91 approves [11:24] GLaDOS: but I'll give credit anyway, what name/page should I refer to? [11:24] http://terrywri.st/ [11:25] And Terry Wrist [11:25] alright :) [11:45] stupid ntfs-3g/thunar crashed again [11:45] whenever i move lots of files from this happens [14:44] solution: don't use NTFS :) [14:45] i'm sort of force to use ntfs for drives that i have 2tb on [14:46] cause other wise i may delete my data trying to format the drive [14:46] also i'm starting to think it maybe something else [14:46] cause cpu is not going crazy [14:47] and the thunar gui is just a gray block when it frezzes [15:13] does anyone know of a way to make rapidshare download faster? [15:14] godane: you have a premium account ? [15:15] no [15:15] do i have pay to get faster speeds then dial-up [15:16] yes [15:16] :-( [15:18] godane: you're using freerapid or jdownloader I hope? [15:18] no [15:36] i got a account to rapidshare [15:37] its moving alot faster now [15:37] ;) [15:37] also the sign up was free [15:48] http://joepie91.wordpress.com/2013/11/24/announcing-pythonwhois-2-0-0/ [15:49] godane: freerapid/jdownloader definitelty recommended [15:49] you can queue tasks [16:04] anyone know how to make linuxdc++ not think your in a public hub [16:05] i'm trying to go to private hub that may have some rare stuff [16:22] HELP [16:22] i have 3 more login attepts before this private hub is out of reach [16:27] godane, I know nothing about linuxdc++, but it looks like it might be a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/linuxdcpp/+bug/933421 [19:48] http://wiki.winamp.com/wiki/Main_Page is back up, maybe resume archiving it? [19:49] I've hacked together a (rather ugly) distributed website crawling/archival system… https://code.google.com/p/arcmaj3-client/source/checkout I'd love any input/feedback :) [20:03] http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/11/23/study-suggests-link-between-dread-pirate-roberts-and-satoshi-nakamoto/?_r=1 [20:14] I made a tar.gz for easier downloading… http://arcmaj3-client.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/arcmaj3-client-2.13.tar.gz [20:22] Win3.11', 'WinNT3.51', 'WinNT4.0', 'Windows NT 5.0' [20:22] loool [20:22] probably not the best idea to send UA with these platform [20:23] random.choice(['Linux i686', 'Linux x86_64']) [20:34] nico_32, os = random.choice(['Windows NT 6.0', 'Windows NT 6.1']) ;) [20:34] http://arcmaj3-client.googlecode.com/svn-history/r27/trunk/arcmaj3-client.py-2.13.1.tar.gz [20:39] Linux arm , Linux powerpc , Linux mips [20:40] maybe I shouldn't have grabbed code off pastebin... [20:40] :) [20:40] lol [20:40] Win64; IA64 [20:40] ha ha ha [20:40] itanium [20:45] you shoot me down but I won't fall, I am itanium [20:55] I have a feeling the database behind this isn't going to hold up well in the long term… on $3/month shared hosting [20:55] oh well :-S [21:16] anyone coming to 30c3? shall we do an "archive all the things" assembly? [21:22] SketchCow: https://archive.org/details/Wiki.Winamp.Com - can you put this in the jit archiveteam collection !, [21:22] ? [21:35] Can anyone still find sfv32nix-1.2p1.tar.gz? Here is the first version though: http://rescene.wikidot.com/sfv32nix [21:47] 22:47:30.736509 IP > Flags [S], seq 3873298105, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 983682 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0 [21:48] look like my hack on the router works [21:49] i mapped all dns request to *.onion to the tor daemon [21:49] and routed to the tor daemon [21:49] hi, as I'm uploading and updating my blip channel uploads, I think there's some other folks who may have some sitting on their drives- they would be technical channels or conferences, done before the current blip project started [21:50] so now, every users of the lan can reach hidden service :)