#archiveteam-bs 2013-11-25,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
01:03 🔗 SketchCow nico_32: Done
01:04 🔗 nico_32 thanks
01:24 🔗 arkhive Recommended way to ship hundreds of floppies across the country? Like packaging wise and such?
01:26 🔗 SketchCow Pack 'em tight and inside a garbage bag inside a box.
01:27 🔗 xmc media mail, tracking or registered mail if you want more assurance
01:27 🔗 arkhive okay. any other thoughts?
01:27 🔗 xmc double-wall corrugated cardboard
01:28 🔗 xmc decent sacrificial layer between the box and the contents, like bubblewrap or more cardboard or whatever
01:28 🔗 xmc probably want to stack them rather than piling them, to avoid benditure
01:36 🔗 SketchCow hello
01:36 🔗 SketchCow do you have this recipe in text file ?
01:36 🔗 SketchCow i search krokodil drug recipe !
01:36 🔗 SketchCow thanks
01:36 🔗 SketchCow cyril
01:36 🔗 SketchCow Thing I'm not responding to.
01:40 🔗 BlueMax heh.
01:40 🔗 BlueMax I could imagine SketchCow in a gangster movie
01:41 🔗 Coderjoe wow
01:41 🔗 Coderjoe https://www.youtube.com/user/coltrane78/videos
01:49 🔗 BlueMax I actually like this guy's channel http://www.youtube.com/user/danooct1/videos
01:49 🔗 BlueMax focuses on old dos and windows viruses
01:51 🔗 dashcloud so, does anyone else feel like a wizard when they get a regular expression right?
01:51 🔗 Coderjoe yer a wizzerd, dashcloud
01:54 🔗 SketchCow I do
01:54 🔗 SketchCow When it's a good nutty one
01:54 🔗 SketchCow Super nutty one
01:54 🔗 SketchCow But you most always remember you did it twice as long and half as efficient as the next neckbeard
01:54 🔗 SketchCow Never brag
05:32 🔗 S[h]O[r]T how is digital ocean a cloud if i cant launch my instance because of some "power outage"
05:34 🔗 SketchCow shhhh the emperor looks awesome today, don't fuck with him
05:35 🔗 Lord_Nigh BlueMax: danooct1 is pretty cool chiptune artist too search for 8bitdanooct1
05:35 🔗 Lord_Nigh note his interests crossed over once
05:35 🔗 Lord_Nigh his nas was accidentally left connected when he was running viruses in a vm
05:35 🔗 Lord_Nigh and wiped a lot of his older music
05:36 🔗 Lord_Nigh a lot of his pre-2012 stuff the last copies are the ons on youtube
09:00 🔗 SketchCow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOZjaqHioro
12:13 🔗 BlueMax SketchCow can I ask you something
12:22 🔗 Smiley ...
12:22 🔗 Smiley did you really just ask to ask?
12:22 🔗 Schbirid Smiley: you should ask him that
12:23 🔗 BlueMax I hate reflex politeness
12:26 🔗 SketchCow soigsdoifhsd
12:27 🔗 * Smiley implodes
12:28 🔗 Smiley Schbirid: I am asking.
12:28 🔗 BlueMax so you just asked if I asked to ask
12:28 🔗 Smiley valid question is valid
12:28 🔗 Smiley but what were you going to ask SketchCow ?
12:29 🔗 Smiley i'm asking what you were going to ask when you asked if you could ask.
12:31 🔗 BlueMax I was going to ask what he would say or how he would handle someone who thinks they have their data backed up securely, if they do or not
12:31 🔗 Smiley ask nowask now you silly thing enter
12:31 🔗 Smiley hmmmm txt to
12:31 🔗 Smiley speech to txt but doesm
12:32 🔗 Smiley do return key press sigh
12:32 🔗 * BlueMax shakes Smiley
12:32 🔗 BlueMax DO YOU ENGLISH
12:34 🔗 Smiley ah thats better bigger font
13:28 🔗 SketchCow 383025.5 / 691317.7 MB Rate: 457.2 / 2709.0 KB Uploaded: 67865.6 MB [55%] 1d 8:22 [ R: 0.18]
13:28 🔗 SketchCow Nintendo - Gamecube
13:28 🔗 SketchCow 675gb of Gamecube software
13:28 🔗 SketchCow Supposedly (supposedly) all of them
15:08 🔗 ersi http://imgur.com/gallery/vCvavFX
17:19 🔗 Coderjoe "We've heard a good bit in this courtroom about public key encryption," said Albright. "Are you familiar with that?"
17:19 🔗 Coderjoe "Yes, I am," said Diffie, in what surely qualified as the biggest understatement of the trial.
17:19 🔗 Coderjoe "And how is it that you're familiar with public key encryption?"
17:19 🔗 Coderjoe "I invented it."
17:21 🔗 xmc ahahaha
17:22 🔗 BiggieJon he might be qualified to speak on the topic
17:53 🔗 balrog and then they proceed to attack him...
17:58 🔗 Schbirid way to go mplayer: Playlist parsing disabled for security reasons. Ignoring file.
18:10 🔗 xmc yeah I ran into that
18:10 🔗 xmc you have to add -playlist
18:11 🔗 xmc apparently their playlist parser is flawed, so they don't want you parsing a playlist without knowing it
18:11 🔗 xmc e.g. an evil shoutcast server could push a bugged playlist to you
18:14 🔗 Schbirid now it just needs to support https:)
18:14 🔗 xmc yeah ...
18:14 🔗 xmc another barrel of fun
18:38 🔗 arkhive http://www.ebay.com/itm/KMC-Partner-N-64-Nintendo-Development-System-N64-DD-Devdrive-/221323834708?pt=Video_Games&hash=item3387edb554
18:40 🔗 balrog that's... pretty expensive
18:41 🔗 balrog anyone here know some japanese?
18:46 🔗 arkhive not me.
18:47 🔗 arkhive One more link. http://theproductofprimes.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/snapstationside1.jpg I want that. Was in Blockbuster stores back in the day. Anyway..
19:28 🔗 godane SketchCow: i'm starting to upload Rev3Games Originals videos
19:28 🔗 godane thats about 50gb
19:28 🔗 godane 6gb of is about xbox and ps4 release
20:34 🔗 BlueMaxim oh bollocks I'm an oddly colored women's magazine again
20:36 🔗 Coderjoe maxim is a men's mag
20:37 🔗 BlueMax is it? every time I see the cover I think it's a women's mag
20:38 🔗 Coderjoe "Maxim is an international men's magazine targeted at adult males and based in New York, and prominent for its cheesecake pictorials of actresses, singers, and female models whose careers are at its current peak."
20:43 🔗 BlueMax the more you know.
