#archiveteam-bs 2013-12-13,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
01:08 🔗 joepie91 holiday pics: https://secure.flickr.com/photos/111356868@N03/
01:08 🔗 joepie91 :)
03:36 🔗 godane so someone is selling 44 cds of maximum pc magazine discs
03:36 🔗 godane it has most of the 2009 to 2011 discs
04:45 🔗 joepie91 yipdw: really though, look into elsevier history
04:45 🔗 joepie91 their political affiliations, their past disputes
04:45 🔗 joepie91 everything
04:45 🔗 joepie91 it'll make you sick :(
04:45 🔗 yipdw I've been sick of them ever since I had to buy their books for classes
04:46 🔗 joepie91 it's pretty much a circlejerk of "I don't give a fuck about anything or anybody except for myself" execs
04:46 🔗 joepie91 of the worst kind
04:46 🔗 yipdw oh wait
04:46 🔗 yipdw that wasn't Elsevier, that was Springer-Verlag
04:46 🔗 yipdw still assholes
04:46 🔗 joepie91 and they'll do whatever is necessary to maintain their market control
05:00 🔗 ivan` does anyone want to write a pipeline that grabs tumblrs including the awful infinite scroll ones?
05:00 🔗 ivan` I have a million robots-blocking tumblrs
05:02 🔗 ivan` I wonder if /archive works on those
05:06 🔗 ivan` probably does on everything
05:32 🔗 godane so i found out how to get old mms server streams of glenn beck radio show
06:04 🔗 yipdw NSObject's key-value observing system is kinda bullshit
06:04 🔗 yipdw like, let's say you want to observe a boolean property
06:04 🔗 yipdw in your observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context method on the observer, you will inspect change[NSKeyValueChangeNewKey] for the new value
06:05 🔗 yipdw BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE
06:05 🔗 yipdw what's in the dictionary? it's not a BOOL, because that's not an Objective-C object
06:05 🔗 yipdw instead it's NSCFNumber *
06:05 🔗 yipdw which you have to send boolValue to to get the value
06:05 🔗 yipdw I mean, okay, fine, I get that there's legacy shit in place, but really now
06:19 🔗 joepie91 yipdw: does Objective-C have a PersistentProblemFactory? :D
06:21 🔗 yipdw joepie91: no, but it has fuckYourConceptionOfGoodMethodNamingWithExtraWordCount:(NSUInteger)count
06:36 🔗 joepie91 yipdw: hehe
06:36 🔗 joepie91 almost as good
06:36 🔗 joepie91 :)
06:36 🔗 * joepie91 mumbles something about javascript variable scope being a pain to work with
06:37 🔗 joepie91 it's really flexible, but god forbid you forget a "var" somewhere - your entire thing will crash and burn
06:37 🔗 joepie91 :|
06:39 🔗 yipdw oh
06:39 🔗 yipdw yeah
06:39 🔗 yipdw joepie91: that's one reason I used CoffeeScript in ArchiveBot's dashboard
06:39 🔗 yipdw that curiosity of Javascript just doesn't exist in CoffeeScript
06:40 🔗 yipdw joepie91: that or you could jslint everything :P
06:41 🔗 joepie91 meh
06:41 🔗 joepie91 I don't like introducing extra deps :/
06:42 🔗 yipdw jslint's only a development dependency
06:42 🔗 yipdw so is coffeescript if you work it in your build process that way
06:42 🔗 yipdw and really
06:42 🔗 yipdw you should be jslinting anyway :P
06:43 🔗 yipdw there are so many ways to fuck up in javascript
07:21 🔗 joepie91 http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_12_12/France-steps-up-surveillance-on-Internet-users-weeks-after-protesting-against-NSA-spying-6426/
07:21 🔗 joepie91 The law gives French intelligence services access to telephone and Internet usage data that would let them locate and follow the target of a terrorism investigation in real time. In addition, the law provides agents with access not just to meta data about users from website hosts but allows them to seize content stored on websites and in clouds. It also provides for access in real time to the location of mobile devices.
07:21 🔗 joepie91 Apart from terrorism, information can be sought on the grounds of national security, organized crime and the protection of national economic and scientific interests.
07:21 🔗 joepie91 The information can be demanded without the prior approval of a judge, as previously required but there will be post-facto monitoring by national oversight bodies. Currently in France, authorities are required to apply for a warrant to access this information, a process that usually takes several months.
11:04 🔗 joepie91 m1das: there?
15:08 🔗 m1das i was here
15:08 🔗 m1das well, i am here actually, but you arent joepie!
15:08 🔗 m1das sometimes OSX amazes me
15:08 🔗 m1das running a install from a striped usb raid
15:56 🔗 arkhive_ either someone is impersonating arkhive(I'm the real one) or i am logged in twice which i cannot find out where else
15:56 🔗 arkhive_ none of my other computers have irc on at the moment. Maybe it's just this stupid program i'm using on Mac.
15:57 🔗 arkhive_ Colloquy it's called
15:57 🔗 arkhive_ but i've been off irc for a couple days i think so i don't know why arkhive is still on
15:58 🔗 arkhive_ Is there a way to tell if it's coming from my IP?
15:59 🔗 arkhive_ yeah when i click info on arkhive it says i've been on for 5 days 4 hours... but i haven't.
16:03 🔗 Schbirid they share the same ip
16:03 🔗 arkhive_ can you boot the other one please
16:03 🔗 arkhive_ i can't figure it out
16:04 🔗 Schbirid no idea how
16:04 🔗 arkhive_ maybe it is colloquy the stupid mac program i'm using
16:04 🔗 Schbirid have you tried turning it off and on again?
16:04 🔗 arkhive_ well it's probably not their fault. heh operator error i'm sure
16:04 🔗 arkhive_ heh. ya..
16:05 🔗 arkhive_ Got 99% on my compsci final project. woot.
16:05 🔗 arkhive_ java.
16:06 🔗 Schbirid heh
16:06 🔗 Schbirid i got 99% in some early java test because i misspelled the damn public static void main line
16:06 🔗 arkhive_ got marked off because of an inheritance thing.
16:07 🔗 arkhive_ ah shoot. i'm not busy today.. I should ship my stuff to SketchCow.
16:07 🔗 arkhive_ First go to Breakfast King or Toast.
16:08 🔗 arkhive_ Breakfast King is the best but i don't like bringing my car in that part of town and it's right next door to this really gross shady strip joint
16:09 🔗 Schbirid buy groceries and make your own food
16:10 🔗 arkhive_ I like going out to restaurants. do that more than eat at home.
16:11 🔗 Schbirid isnt it much more costly?
16:11 🔗 arkhive_ ya
16:11 🔗 arkhive_ parents pay
16:11 🔗 arkhive_ for all of my stuff
16:12 🔗 Schbirid :))
16:14 🔗 arkhive_ but not forever. I'm not a basement dweller or whatever it's called. I live in their house in Highlands Ranch alone and they live in Parker, CO. I'll move as soon as I'm done with college. I don't like colorado
16:14 🔗 arkhive_ but ya i'm not one of those people who are lazy and mooch.
16:15 🔗 pft man, highlands ranch, why would you leave there?
16:15 🔗 pft brewery bar iii, mellow mushroom
16:15 🔗 arkhive_ what part of co are you in?
16:15 🔗 pft i'm not in co
16:15 🔗 arkhive_ too cold and dry.
16:15 🔗 pft i was there last week for work
16:16 🔗 arkhive_ i don't care for mellow mushroom. Did you go to the one in the Streets of SouthGlenn?
16:16 🔗 pft i haven't been to one in CO but i've been to others
16:16 🔗 pft one out here has a great ever-changing tap list
16:16 🔗 arkhive_ My place was Cantino Laredo until they shut down. Which is in the same area
16:17 🔗 pft cantina laredo is pretty good but not a huge selection
16:17 🔗 arkhive_ Oh. I don't drink. Heh.
16:17 🔗 pft nods
16:17 🔗 arkhive_ A buddy of mine I went to high school with worked there as a bartender.
16:17 🔗 pft there's a lot of variation it seems
16:17 🔗 arkhive_ I'm the perma DD haha
16:17 🔗 pft there's another one out here that has a decent beer list but doesn't have a paper on the tables
16:18 🔗 pft so you ask what's new or rotating on tap and they stare at you blankly
16:18 🔗 arkhive_ you drink a lot of micro brew stuff? My Mom and Dad drink usually Bud Select.
16:19 🔗 pft yeah, i don't drink the north american lagers so much :p
16:20 🔗 arkhive_ so are you from highlands ranch or colorado or was this a one time biz trip thing?
16:20 🔗 arkhive_ like did you use to live in CO
16:20 🔗 pft i've been to colorado three tims
16:21 🔗 pft times
16:21 🔗 pft i really enjoy it, i'd move there if i wasn't so anchored where i am
16:21 🔗 arkhive_ it's nice but I want to move back to Santa Barbra
16:22 🔗 arkhive_ cold sucks.
16:22 🔗 arkhive_ where you at?
16:23 🔗 arkhive_ btw it's great if you are outdoors ee
16:23 🔗 arkhive_ outdoors y or whatever heh
16:23 🔗 pft i'm in phoenix
16:23 🔗 pft so...i enjoy the cold :p
16:23 🔗 pft that -5 last week was awesome, as was driving int eh snow
16:23 🔗 arkhive_ skiing and snowboarding and snowshoeing and hiking and climbing and white water rafting or whatever it's called
16:24 🔗 arkhive_ i'll do hiking but none of the other. but ya in the summer it's real nice.
16:24 🔗 pft yeah, i'll go hiking but that's about it
16:25 🔗 pft i'm too old for that other crap
16:25 🔗 pft i might enjoy snowshoeing
16:25 🔗 arkhive_ oh and Boulder is real fun. Lots of good restaurants and outdoors stuff.
16:25 🔗 pft well that's the thing
16:25 🔗 pft denver's full of good food and stuff to do
16:26 🔗 arkhive_ I snow shoed when i was little with parents but haven't in years.
16:26 🔗 pft boulder is right there
16:26 🔗 arkhive_ ya that too
16:26 🔗 pft teh whoel front range is accessible
16:26 🔗 pft colorado springs if you want to go a little further
16:26 🔗 pft estes park for weekend getaways
16:26 🔗 pft rocky mountain national park
16:26 🔗 arkhive_ colorado springs is other way kinda
16:26 🔗 pft it's just a nice place to be
16:26 🔗 pft yeah
16:26 🔗 pft just saying
16:26 🔗 pft tons of options
16:26 🔗 arkhive_ i25 south past castle rock
16:26 🔗 arkhive_ ya
16:27 🔗 arkhive_ boulder/denver has been called the silicon valley of the rocky mountains. tons of awesome startups
16:27 🔗 pft well that too, plenty of work
16:27 🔗 arkhive_ you know FireCore? the Apple TV mod software company. they are in Highlands Ranch
16:27 🔗 pft i don't know them but that's cool
16:28 🔗 arkhive_ http://firecore.com/contact
16:29 🔗 arkhive_ and alcatel lucent
16:30 🔗 arkhive_ in highlands ranch
16:30 🔗 arkhive_ three large buildings. not sure if they are all alcatel lucent offices though
16:30 🔗 arkhive_ how old are you pft?
16:31 🔗 arkhive_ I'm 23? sorry if a weird question. just wondering you said you are too old for some of that stuff
16:31 🔗 pft 35
16:31 🔗 pft it's fine
16:31 🔗 arkhive_ there was a guy talked about in denver post my dad told me that was 90 something or more and he was skiing
16:31 🔗 pft hahaha
16:31 🔗 arkhive_ i'll find article. 35 not old
16:31 🔗 pft it's a risk/reward thing
16:32 🔗 pft teh chance of injuring myself is too high for me to try it
16:32 🔗 arkhive_ ya. i hear ya
16:32 🔗 arkhive_ http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_24567853/wolf-creek-pioneer-marks-100th-birthday-skiing-at
16:33 🔗 arkhive_ didn't read it. dad just told me.
16:33 🔗 arkhive_ but read the caption. kinda a badass dude.
16:33 🔗 pft man, that's impressive
16:33 🔗 arkhive_ ya. kudos to him
16:34 🔗 arkhive_ you in tech industry pft?
16:34 🔗 pft yeah
16:34 🔗 pft software developer
16:34 🔗 pft well
16:34 🔗 arkhive_ err.. have to turn off auto correct typing stuff on this
16:34 🔗 pft i'm not in the tech industry but i am a software developer
16:35 🔗 arkhive_ nice
16:35 🔗 arkhive_ that's what i'm going for. a lot of people are learning to code for game dev i've noticed. but doesn't interest me
16:35 🔗 pft yeah, working for a game company is not fun
16:37 🔗 arkhive_ i'm not even that much of a gamer either. Rather watch Law&Order SVU (pre Christopher Maloney leaving)
16:37 🔗 pft ahhaah nice
16:37 🔗 pft i enjoyed a lot of law & order
16:38 🔗 arkhive_ but ya. I like the idea of software dev at a small start up company somewhere. preferably miami area.
16:38 🔗 arkhive_ ya. best scene change sound effect. second best: seinfeld.
16:38 🔗 pft hahahah
16:38 🔗 pft yeah
16:38 🔗 pft oh man
16:38 🔗 pft why miami?
16:38 🔗 arkhive_ been watching a ton of that too.
16:40 🔗 arkhive_ oh missed message
16:40 🔗 arkhive_ miami is awesome
16:40 🔗 pft oh man
16:40 🔗 arkhive_ florida is awesome
16:40 🔗 pft so many things i can say about that
16:40 🔗 pft i spent 10 years in miami
16:40 🔗 Schbirid please hire me. miami seems nice ;)
16:41 🔗 arkhive_ humid as hell and hot as hell.... NICE!
16:41 🔗 pft i enjoyed the weather some but
16:41 🔗 Schbirid oh :(
16:41 🔗 pft unless you are planning to be semi-wealthy the lack of english-speaking might get to you
16:41 🔗 Schbirid i only had scarface in mind :P
16:41 🔗 Schbirid and have 4 sun less days behind me
16:43 🔗 arkhive_ does the south still have the racist shit or is that just the movies(sorry for ignorance. I am kind of stupid when it comes to this.(
16:44 🔗 pft hahahah
16:44 🔗 arkhive_ i know miami is it's own thing
16:44 🔗 pft it's a different environment, to be sure
16:44 🔗 pft miami people have their own biases
16:44 🔗 pft e.g. homophobia
16:44 🔗 pft unless you're on south beach
16:45 🔗 arkhive_ what about anti=semitism
16:45 🔗 arkhive_ i can't deal with that
16:45 🔗 arkhive_ like is it rampant or just small like any place?
16:46 🔗 arkhive_ again sorry for ignorance. thought i'd ask.
16:53 🔗 arkhive_ going to breakfast king
16:59 🔗 pft i didn't see a lot of that
