#archiveteam-bs 2014-01-06,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
00:23 πŸ”— godane i'm slowly grabbing the distro watch weekly podcast
00:36 πŸ”— godane so this is the madoff's scandal documenty from wall street journal: http://m.wsj.net/video/20090312/031209madoffscandal/
00:37 πŸ”— godane SketchoCow: there are videos made under the name of wall street journal digital network
00:54 πŸ”— Coderjoe https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q72/1558427_10152125524044320_2131947070_n.jpg
02:40 πŸ”— kyan Could someone with a lot of storage and spare bandwith wget+warc http://therustytravelers.org/, http://www.therustytravelers.org/, http://therustytravelers.org/shareablesoftware/, http://www.therustytravelers.org/shareablesoftware/ ? The website is quite sizeable (at least 30k URLs, probably 50+GB), with a lot of multimedia and such. Some of it is probably of dubious copyright status, but a lot of it is home movies/photos
02:40 πŸ”— kyan and such, and worth preserving. I've been running into trouble downloading it and would be highly grateful if someone could grab it and add it to IA. Thanks. :-)
05:12 πŸ”— kyan oh damn, http://kiirtanscorecollection.net/ is down. they had a collection worth archivingҀ¦
05:28 πŸ”— joepie91 kyan: worksforme?
05:28 πŸ”— kyan joepie91 aha false alarm, it was down earlier
05:29 πŸ”— joepie91 kyan: go archive it! :P
05:30 πŸ”— kyan On it :)
06:35 πŸ”— ivan` RIP hacker news
06:45 πŸ”— joepie91 :(
06:45 πŸ”— joepie91 http://rt.com/news/library-fire-lebanon-violence-176/
06:45 πŸ”— joepie91 Thousands of books, manuscripts torched in fire at historic Lebanese library
06:46 πŸ”— joepie91 A man inspects burnt books on January 4, 2014 in north Lebanon's majority Sunni city of Tripoli a day after a decades-old library owned by a Greek Orthodox priest was torched after "a pamphlet was discovered inside one of the books that was insulting to Islam and the prophet Mohammad" said a source, who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity. (AFP Photo)
08:30 πŸ”— m1das joepie91: religion.
08:30 πŸ”— joepie91 no, idiocy
08:30 πŸ”— joepie91 just manifesting in the form of religion
16:40 πŸ”— closure mistym: around? I have an offtopic (homebrew) question for you
17:10 πŸ”— mistym closure: </late> What's up?
18:54 πŸ”— arkhive jeez. I'm still having trouble with Colloquy(IRC client for OSX)
18:55 πŸ”— arkhive http://www.segway.com/sites/all/themes/patrol_theme/patrol-resources/topphotos/police.jpg
18:55 πŸ”— arkhive heh... i want that one
18:55 πŸ”— arkhive police
22:57 πŸ”— DFJustin mess just added a 3d printer driver so I don't think anyone would blink at a carphone skeleton
22:58 πŸ”— incog it even has some android dev baord skelly somewhere
23:06 πŸ”— SketchCow Which 3d printer?
23:09 πŸ”— incog i saw something in the commit log about a week ago that was simply named "Robot"
23:10 πŸ”— incog thats gonna be hard to find information on
23:13 πŸ”— DFJustin https://github.com/startaq/mame/blob/master/src/mess/drivers/replicator.c
23:13 πŸ”— incog cool
23:16 πŸ”— incog btw, i have a pcap dump from when i got one of those obscure Hasbro Netjet consoles which service died in like 2009, some usb based console where little dongles allow you to download different games, its a pretty small dump at 154mb and i have to comb through it to make sure i remove any of my own private traffic
23:16 πŸ”— incog but it has images and flash games from it, installers etc
23:16 πŸ”— incog these games would have been lost
23:16 πŸ”— DFJustin <3
23:16 πŸ”— balrog replicator... nice
23:16 πŸ”— incog i think a few try and phone home to a dead server tho
23:16 πŸ”— balrog I'd like to see addition of the reprap
23:17 πŸ”— incog during instal
23:17 πŸ”— incog +l
23:17 πŸ”— incog so may not work
23:17 πŸ”— balrog lately I've been trying to get one running. uses a variant of the firmware that is an utterly steaming pile of shit
23:18 πŸ”— incog http://www.mess.org/people/incog - scroll down to hasbro netjet for more info
23:18 πŸ”— incog i never really knew what to do with the pcap as its not really a dump in the conventional means, so i just kept it
23:21 πŸ”— DFJustin 'robot' is whatever this is http://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/~polti/robot/
23:24 πŸ”— incog as i was saying in the main channel, these nsa bios "implant" revelations allow me to have a loft full of old computer junk and pcbs and i can now claim im dumping them to checksum in the unlikely event of finding an implanted one, its an easier sell to gf's and friends than i wanna do this because we dont decide what is important for future historians
23:24 πŸ”— incog they kinda look at me like im a loony
23:25 πŸ”— incog but now it does mean that the servers mentioned in the ANT documents are now on my ebay watchlist
23:29 πŸ”— incog oh btw DFJustin, i took your suggestion of uploading the worlds worst vhs "game" cash-in to archive.org, all 2.4gb of it, it was on yt in some horrible compressed mess before the holdings company of tmnt, lionsgate tried to shit on me
23:29 πŸ”— incog https://archive.org/details/TurtleChallenge1990
23:30 πŸ”— incog only watch if you want to scratch your head in disbelief that this was some kids xmas gift
23:30 πŸ”— DFJustin yay
23:31 πŸ”— incog it was used in conjunction w/ bandai's video challenger, a lightgun w/ a cop420 mcu, i have 2 of these desoldered but no method of dumping yet
23:37 πŸ”— incog p sure segher had cop420 datasheets
