[01:06] i wish to search the backend of IA [01:06] i want to see if i can find stuff based on file names there [01:38] what would be a good twitter name for me [01:38] godane is taken [01:38] so i'm thinking archivegodane [01:40] g0d@n3 ? [01:49] so i don't have the confirmation email yet [01:49] i checked the spam folder and its not there [01:50] never mind [01:52] my twitter account: https://twitter.com/ArchiveGodane [02:12] i twittered at burnflare [02:13] my first tweet: https://twitter.com/ArchiveGodane/status/422551405014949888 [04:19] godane: should've called yourself godaneinbox :) [04:54] so i found another project [04:54] copper podcast [04:54] i maybe able to goes a far back as 2010 episodes [05:04] godane, if you're doing podcasts, there are a few that would be really nice to have archived (got some big projects on my plate right now or I'd do them): Chutney Radio (http://www.chutneyradio.com/), BBC Radio 4 iPM (http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/ipm) (I'm trying but irregular), and Radio Koocheh (not sure of the URL but I got it through iTunes podcast directory a couple years ago)… [05:05] I have old mp3s of some, but not as WARCs. [06:47] Smiley: doing a run on schemer.com now [08:30] so cnn daily video podcast can go back to at least 2007-12 [08:31] first videos from cnn 2007 i that i could find so far [15:17] so i figured out why the urls that didn't work on cnn [15:18] older podcasts uses http://podcasts.cnn.net/cnn/services/podcasting path [15:19] those urls for video are mostly dead if not all dead [15:19] but the older videos are still up there with there new path: http://podcasts.cnn.net/cnn/big/podcasts [15:20] i tested this out with a link from 2007-06 [15:21] and it works [15:26] but ac360 may just be special [15:26] the cnn daily episodes can't be found that way [17:17] got the oneprovider.com server now [17:17] well, at least the mail [17:17] Schbirid: be aware that oneprovider are purely resellers [17:17] they do not operate their own services [17:17] yeah [17:17] heard that [17:18] also not all locations are physical locations [17:18] some are purely geolocated [17:18] as in, the IP range is registered to the place [17:18] but the servers are physically elsewhere [17:18] they do make note of this, but it's easy to read over it [17:18] lol, my mtr ends at a server with poneytelecom.eu in the domains [17:18] online.net :) [17:19] ? [17:19] poneytelecom == online.net [17:19] nice [17:19] http://online.net/ [17:19] that's where your server is [17:19] :p [17:20] online.net is okay [17:20] i pay 20€ for a 30€ online.net server then i guess, nice [17:28] oh fuck you vmware for requiring accounts for downloading software [17:32] wow, 60KB/s [17:38] crap, somehow i thought i would get some gui to manage this stuff (vmware esxi) [17:54] vmware-cmd is a fucking disgrace of a tool [17:57] puu.sh peoples [17:57] https://defuse.ca/b/K4XdgeMh1nbtFsqIHVnjLp [18:21] lol, their windows gui client [18:22] the server has a self signed certificate [18:22] so they display a warning with the options show, ignore or abort [18:22] and a checkmark: install this cert [18:22] if you toggle it, are you support to click "ignore"? idiots [18:23] oh lol. its a 60 day trial [18:37] how to install an iso on a esxi machine [18:37] "1 Disable Internet Protected Mode for Internet Explorer browsers." [18:48] http://www.branch.com/ taken over by facebook. might need to work on that [18:49] there should be a social thing there somewhere [19:49] Schbirid: if you have a vmware vcenter [19:50] you get a working vsphere console [19:50] in your browser [19:50] but you need vmware vcenter [19:50] good news everyone [19:50] i found ask glenn podcast [19:51] and luckly the links still work [19:51] SketchCow: ping for https://archive.org/details/wiki-webos_internalsorg & https://archive.org/details/wiki-webos_portsorg [19:52] haha [19:52] The RSA host key for hc.www45.s3dns.us.archive.org has changed, [19:52] and the key for the corresponding IP address [19:52] is unchanged. [19:53] catalogd's logs give a glance on the internal IA infra [19:54] a fabulous homegrown system [19:54] one day i hope to works on a system so big :) [20:06] nico_32: i have no fucking clue :( [20:08] the server has VMware ESXi 5.1.0 and i use vSphere Client in a windows vm to access it. when i went to the server in a webbrowser there was no option for a web management thingie [20:11] yes because you need vcenter for the web management [20:11] vcenter is a linux appliance [20:11] that manage your esx [20:11] but it is under (costly) license [20:12] at $work i got the enterprise license [20:12] it's fun [20:13] great :P [20:13] gah, this sucks [20:14] i believe i can get an unused esx essential license [20:14] * nico_32 is looking at the 'Gardanne 2.0' migration plan [20:15] i think i will reinstall the damn server if i can [20:15] (it was when we decomissionned all these f*** tower computer and moved every vm in the SAN + Blade) [20:16] (just before a the second disk of a raid5 crashed) [20:16] an already failed raid5 [20:16] sometime you're lucky [20:16] we pay that after [20:17] somebody cut the primary copper link to the town [20:17] no phone service for ~2 days [20:17] and our ISP borked the fiber CPE configuration [20:17] bwahaha [20:18] no Internet but our l3 vpls was working [20:18] transparent proxy ftw [20:19] but routing HQ (~100 personns) on a 8mbps adsl link [20:19] say hi to ~900ms of latency