#archiveteam-bs 2014-01-17,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
00:04 🔗 godane SketchCow: i'm looking at your coverdisks collection
00:04 🔗 godane looks like we have alot of repeated pc gamer disks
00:04 🔗 godane or not
00:05 🔗 godane i was looking at issue 143
00:05 🔗 godane one in collection say its christmas 2004 dvd release
00:06 🔗 godane another not in the pc gamer collection will say its a march 2004 release
00:06 🔗 godane ho
00:07 🔗 godane i think that one got screwed up
00:07 🔗 godane anyways i plan on put all 'loose' pc gamer cds in the pc gamer collection if thats all right
00:48 🔗 dashcloud hi, has anyone been able to run this: https://github.com/odie5533/WarcQtViewer under Linux? I can't figure out what packages I need to install
01:21 🔗 godane so i just found something interesting
01:22 🔗 godane turns out cbsnews has full archive xml data
02:13 🔗 godane cbsnews got to be joking
02:15 🔗 nico_32 dashcloud: $ sudo aptitude install python3-pyside.qtxml python3-pyside.qtwebkit python3-pyside.qtuitools python3-pyside.qtnetwork python3-pyside.qtgui python3-pyside.qtcore
02:15 🔗 godane looks like full episodes of 60 minutes are there and can be downloaded
02:18 🔗 nico_32 dashcloud: WarcQtViewer launch after running $ sudo aptitude install python3-pyside.qtxml python3-pyside.qtwebkit python3-pyside.qtuitools python3-pyside.qtnetwork python3-pyside.qtgui python3-pyside.qtcore python-pyside python-pyside.qtopengl python-twisted-web python-twisted python-twisted-bin python-twisted-runner
02:19 🔗 nico_32 but it fail to render te webpage
02:19 🔗 godane once i upload this stuff we can point to xml data to show that full episodes are there for download on there site
02:31 🔗 dashcloud so it definitely needs python3 and not python2?
02:34 🔗 dashcloud okay- trying that out now
02:41 🔗 nico_32 anyone here know how to manipulate the dom
02:42 🔗 nico_32 to remove a body * {visibility: 'hidden'} ?
02:42 🔗 nico_32 because i am exploring a blogsport warc
02:42 🔗 nico_32 and there are the ****** blogger login that hide everything
02:43 🔗 nico_32 i can remove the iframe with window.document.getElementById("injected-iframe").style.visibility="hidden";
02:43 🔗 ivan` in Firefox, View -> Page Style -> No Style
02:43 🔗 dashcloud nico_32: the install of the packages went just fine, but I get this result: http://paste.archivingyoursh.it/fuluvoduxu.rb when doing python warcqtviewer.py
02:44 🔗 ivan` document.body.style.visibility = "visible";
02:45 🔗 nico_32 dashcloud: old/too recent version of twisted ?
02:46 🔗 nico_32 it works on debian sid
02:46 🔗 nico_32 with Python 2.7.6
02:52 🔗 dashcloud 12.0.0 here
02:52 🔗 dashcloud for twisted
02:53 🔗 * nico_32 is going to sleep
02:53 🔗 dashcloud thanks for your help!
02:53 🔗 nico_32 (twisted 13.2.0-1 here)
06:24 🔗 arkiver does someone here know how I can upload an item together with the metadata through FTP to the archive so that it also derives, but that I don't have to fill in all the metadata in in the browser?
06:26 🔗 arkiver I tried adding a meta.xml file and it looked like it worked (I didn't have to add metadata by hand when checkin in the file) but it didn't derive and when I started the derivation it said there was an error
06:26 🔗 arkiver I think that was because I didn't upload a files.xml file, but for the files.xml file I need to have quite a few hashes and other things from the file
06:27 🔗 arkiver so I wanted to know if someone here knows a good way to do this?
08:00 🔗 SketchCow Hard day.
08:02 🔗 godane hey SketchCow
08:03 🔗 godane i moved pc gamer cds into pcgamer_cdroms collection
08:03 🔗 godane some of them anyways
08:07 🔗 SketchCow OK.
08:09 🔗 godane i'm starting to grab cbsnews.com video xml
08:09 🔗 godane then from there i can grab the video pages to get all video urls
08:10 🔗 godane fun fact: you can take part of rtsp url and change domain to download.cbsnews.com to get the flash file
08:11 🔗 godane SketchCow: there also have full 60 minutes episodes
08:20 🔗 midas Smiley: I had to drop the MTU to 1496, rsync is now working.
08:20 🔗 midas cc joepie91
08:21 🔗 joepie91 hah wat
08:21 🔗 midas yeah
08:21 🔗 midas that was my first reaction
08:21 🔗 joepie91 reminds me of my alienvps woes
08:21 🔗 joepie91 IRC wouldn't work
08:21 🔗 joepie91 had something to do with the DDoS filtering apparently
08:21 🔗 joepie91 setting an MTU made it link to the hub properly
08:21 🔗 joepie91 never understood why that worked
08:26 🔗 midas me neither
08:30 🔗 Aranje 1496, must be adsl
08:35 🔗 midas Aranje: actually, it's more like 10Gbit :/
08:36 🔗 joepie91 midas: 500 ADSL connections
08:36 🔗 joepie91 :)
08:36 🔗 midas hahahhaa
08:36 🔗 Aranje there ya go
08:36 🔗 Aranje :3
08:36 🔗 Aranje somewhere along the path is a lowly adsl connection :3
08:36 🔗 midas racks full of adsl modems
08:36 🔗 Aranje somebody's dslam is routing your 10g
08:57 🔗 midas joepie91: going to fosdem?
08:57 🔗 * midas isnt
09:17 🔗 joepie91 midas: probably nort
09:17 🔗 joepie91 not *
09:39 🔗 joepie91 /dev/sda2 1.8T 349G 1.4T 20% /
09:39 🔗 joepie91 lol
09:53 🔗 midas filling up your new drive :p
09:57 🔗 midas load average: 6.49, 6.39, 6.43
09:57 🔗 joepie91 midas: yes :P
09:57 🔗 joepie91 downloading 3 FTPs atm
09:57 🔗 joepie91 one of which is ftp.microsoft.com
09:57 🔗 joepie91 so, eh
10:07 🔗 midas nice, wgetting FTP's has a nice effect on my system load :p
10:09 🔗 midas currently grabbing ftp.tu-chemnitz.de ftp.uni-muenster.de gatekeeper.dec.com
10:09 🔗 midas ftp.uni-erlangen.de ftp.warwick.ac.uk
10:25 🔗 godane i need this help using sed to fix this url: rtmp:\\cp98363.edgefcs.net\ondemand\media\2006\12\11\video2244953.flv
10:25 🔗 godane i need it to have / instead of \
10:25 🔗 godane but sed keeps giving me problems
10:41 🔗 Aranje s/\\/\// maybe?
10:41 🔗 Aranje that's close o.o
10:57 🔗 godane this worked: sed 's|\\|/|g' | sed 's|//|/|g'
10:58 🔗 godane original url: rtmp:\/\/cp98363.edgefcs.net\/ondemand\/?auth=cbs&aifp=v001&slist=media\/2014\/01\/17\/119033923999\/<break>media\/2014\/01\/17\/119033923999\/EN_0112WhalesNEW_796.mp4
10:58 🔗 godane the url before that was what i could get by seding
10:59 🔗 godane thanks
11:02 🔗 Aranje :)
11:25 🔗 midas midas@semafoor:/storage/archive-sites/massive-ftp$ fg
11:25 🔗 midas du -sh
11:25 🔗 midas 1.8T .
11:26 🔗 midas lets see who is the biggest
11:31 🔗 midas Sending email > disconnects SCP session
11:31 🔗 midas this network is strange :p
11:40 🔗 joepie91 .tw 423854814364069888
11:40 🔗 botpie91 I want to reiterate that "ICANN has .cheeseburger" is a real sentence with profound technical implications and wtf how did we get here (@mhoye)
12:19 🔗 midas right, there is a mirror of CCC on one of the FTP's
12:19 🔗 midas i hope IA has deduplication
12:58 🔗 DDG SketchCow: question... i changed my email once and wanted to change it back to the old. can't do that. it says it's already used by another, which in fact is me... is there anything i can do?
12:59 🔗 DDG I think i just fucked up big time right here :<
13:11 🔗 DDG oh, and a similiar problems is that my uploads are on the old email, instead on the new one (where it should belong)
14:03 🔗 midas i've uploaded something!
14:04 🔗 midas https://archive.org/details/RaveRadio
14:04 🔗 midas see, i did!
14:04 🔗 midas trying to find more raveradio stuff, back in the day it was awesome
14:05 🔗 midas all grabbed from tape
14:24 🔗 joepie91 tape?!
14:24 🔗 joepie91 hah
14:24 🔗 joepie91 I wonder how far along my FTP jobs are
14:25 🔗 * joepie91 screen -r's
14:25 🔗 joepie91 ... oh ...
14:25 🔗 joepie91 There is no screen to be resumed.
14:25 🔗 joepie91 right, crap
14:25 🔗 joepie91 :(
14:25 🔗 joepie91 (crash)
14:25 🔗 midas :<
14:25 🔗 * joepie91 -nc's...
14:26 🔗 midas \o/
14:26 🔗 midas joepie91: wich did you grab?
14:27 🔗 midas maybe we should put them on the wiki, just to see who is grabbing what
14:28 🔗 joepie91 http://sprunge.us/ONGf
14:28 🔗 joepie91 what now
14:30 🔗 midas excuse me?
14:30 🔗 joepie91 it doesn't work
14:30 🔗 joepie91 but idfk why
14:30 🔗 midas maybe no resume?
14:30 🔗 midas that would suck tho
14:30 🔗 joepie91 no such thing as "resume" for ftp, is there?
14:31 🔗 joepie91 wtf
14:31 🔗 joepie91 without -nc it works fine
14:31 🔗 joepie91 what's this
14:31 🔗 midas yeah
14:31 🔗 midas c is continue
14:31 🔗 midas right?
14:31 🔗 joepie91 -nc == no clobber
14:31 🔗 joepie91 skip existing files
14:32 🔗 midas yeah
14:32 🔗 midas microsoft doensnt like it it seems
14:32 🔗 joepie91 fuck it
14:32 🔗 joepie91 --mirror ignores files that weren't updated
14:32 🔗 joepie91 will just do that then
14:33 🔗 joepie91 uh oh
14:33 🔗 joepie91 getting The Stare from the cat
14:33 🔗 midas oh dear.
14:33 🔗 joepie91 bitching about lack of catfood in 3... 2... 1...
14:33 🔗 midas mew mew mew :+
14:34 🔗 joepie91 yup
14:34 🔗 joepie91 first meow is in
14:34 🔗 midas i should have send you catfood instead of a harddrive
14:34 🔗 joepie91 haha
14:34 🔗 joepie91 just waiting for paypal transfer to come in
14:35 🔗 midas waiting for one of my employers to pay me again :P
14:35 🔗 midas kinda sucks, they are always late
14:36 🔗 midas what is this? proassist
14:38 🔗 joepie91 ...
14:38 🔗 joepie91 it came in
14:38 🔗 joepie91 literally like 2 minutes ago
14:38 🔗 joepie91 hah
14:38 🔗 joepie91 brb Lidl
14:38 🔗 joepie91 :D
14:51 🔗 midas :P
14:51 🔗 midas hello? proassist? yes, why are you stealing my money?
14:51 🔗 midas apperently i have my phone insured there, for the last 5 years
14:51 🔗 midas without me knowing
14:52 🔗 midas and i kept paying
16:16 🔗 joepie91 midas: wat :|
20:45 🔗 ersi o_o
20:46 🔗 Aranje O.o
20:47 🔗 xmc O-O
21:19 🔗 yipdw http://paulrobertson.mechafetus.com/expedition.gif
22:44 🔗 godane so i'm looking at download.cbsnews.com/media folder in wayback machine
22:45 🔗 godane and it looks like this video was grab 892 times: http://download.cbsnews.com/media/2011/12/18/60_reef_1218_1296.m4v
22:45 🔗 godane also this video is 124mb
23:01 🔗 Smiley o_O
23:01 🔗 Smiley why so much o_O
23:01 🔗 Smiley (the grabs I mean)
23:14 🔗 dashcloud if you'd like to see strange, check this out: https://archive.org/details/Usb2xFdd has 12 grabs and this has none: https://archive.org/details/Mousesuitedeluxe I can't figure out why people are downloading the first one, and not the second one
