#archiveteam-bs 2014-04-18,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
01:18 🔗 dashcloud just found this on my harddrive (again): http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/2511 It's amazing- it has not aged one bit since it was made
01:21 🔗 BlueMaxim I do not want to click...but I cannot click away...
01:23 🔗 SketchCow Klout just killed an app with 18 hours warning
01:23 🔗 dashcloud why did they bother giving any warning?
01:23 🔗 dashcloud is the team that knows how to shut down the server on vacation or something?
01:25 🔗 dashcloud BlueMaxim: the link above is a very short game created for a game jam from the following description: Try to save web pages before the yahoo monster deletes them all
01:25 🔗 BlueMaxim clicking through that led me to find that SketchCow blocked me from following him on Twitter
01:25 🔗 BlueMaxim :/
01:51 🔗 exmic huh. http://thenextweb.com/apps/2014/04/18/klout-quietly-shut-cinch-qa-app-april-18/
01:51 🔗 exmic yup, 18h
02:11 🔗 SketchCow Really amazing dick move
11:11 🔗 Coderjoe https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/10150626_10152345889144594_2194072537157935484_n.jpg
13:48 🔗 ohhdemgir https://mediacru.sh/9uIKeVsG1dgM (has boobies in it)
13:51 🔗 schbirid nice
13:51 🔗 schbirid nice demonstration why we need 60fps video too
13:52 🔗 ohhdemgir agreed
15:49 🔗 godane i'm uploading DIY Tryin rev3 series
15:49 🔗 godane there only 17 episodes so far
15:58 🔗 godane first episode uploaded: https://archive.org/details/DIY_Tryin_1
17:11 🔗 godane some bad news on abcnews front
17:11 🔗 godane there old api is mostly gone now
17:11 🔗 godane i will upload my first master dump
17:23 🔗 godane good news
17:23 🔗 godane i found the metadata here: http://qa.n7.abcnews.go.com/widgets/mediaPlayer/premiumPlayerPlaylist?id=8987979
17:27 🔗 godane uploaded: http://archive.org/details/abcnews.go.com-video-metadata-mid-master1-20140217
17:29 🔗 godane anyways i'm going after more cbsnews.com videos
17:30 🔗 godane #PanicArchive
17:32 🔗 godane so this is intresting
17:33 🔗 godane some of the ids now are full error pages
19:26 🔗 schbirid play a dogecoin easter egg hunt that includes something related to "us" http://dibb.biz/
19:35 🔗 schbirid youll need the hints at https://pay.reddit.com/r/DogeCoinPIF/comments/23dkn7/easter_shibe_2014_starts_now/
19:37 🔗 schbirid damn,i was late by 10 seconds
19:39 🔗 DFJustin stuck on the last step
19:43 🔗 schbirid at the time, what was last
19:48 🔗 schbirid dogepoli, you here? ;)
21:20 🔗 godane so i found this: http://www.wired.com/2014/04/grams-search-engine-dark-web/
22:14 🔗 godane i have a hp StorageWorks Ultrium tape drive manual
22:51 🔗 godane i uploaded 2 amazon kindle manuals: https://archive.org/details/Kindle_Paperwhite_Quick_Start_Guide
22:51 🔗 godane https://archive.org/details/Kindle_Paperwhite_Users_Guide
