[04:45] anyone know if youtube-dl handles dash properly atm? [04:45] (cc DFJustin via SketchCow) [04:49] it didn't a few days ago [04:51] nope still doesn't [04:52] what does it do wrong? [04:52] downloads the best available non-DASH which is of a lower quality [04:53] unless you specifically instruct it which format to get [04:54] e.g. `youtube-dl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T1IYdjOpYE` downloads a 360p version when there is 480p available via DASH [04:55] aha [04:56] `youtube-dl -f 135+140 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T1IYdjOpYE` works but isn't documented or automatic [04:56] and you need a different incantation for 1080p [04:58] on the plus side, you can extract just the audio now [04:59] not much of a plus since you could do that before just with a little extra download time [04:59] haha [05:00] So the issue is that the default settings are bad (and the fix isn't documented) [05:00] yes [05:01] ideally it should do all of this automatically by default, but the bare minimum competent thing would be to print a warning that you're not getting the best quality [05:02] instead I had to redownload several months' worth of grabs after figuring this out [14:24] so you guys are getting a incomplete dump of theblaze tv support forums [14:24] they forums changed after april 2014 [14:24] so its not as easy to brute force it [14:25] its only incomplete cause i think wget crash from it [14:27] ok so go news is i maybe able to still brute force it [14:27] *good news [14:33] uploaded: https://archive.org/details/forums.prospero.com-theblaze-tv-support-forums-20140326 [15:09] Glenn Beck maybe working with EFF now [15:10] he has one of the guys on thursday show [17:10] i'm uploading 15001 to 16000 thingiverse things range now [18:21] Have you seen the Ars piece on Longaccess: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/04/longaccess-is-your-swiss-bank-for-personal-data/ ? Long term, immutable storage [18:40] Some web browsers for the people who are running DOS: http://www.compmiscellanea.com/en/web-browsers-for-dos.htm [19:06] looks like i can get the last 2 Saturdays world news tonight [19:06] very weird [19:07] but i take it [22:13] hey SketchCow [22:13] i'm still downloading those manuals i found