[00:03] soo.... I wanna get every image on http://lookbook.nu/ help? [00:05] http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/04/28/huge_floppy_disks_and_other_old_tech_is_common_at_air_force_nuclear_missile.html [00:06] that was posted the other day, the 60 minutes link, I think that's kind of expected really, and an af dude commented that the old tech keeps them secure hinting that there 'cyber guys' said hackers wouldn't know where to start on such old and very isolated systems [00:07] any half-decent hacker would take it as a fun challenge, of course. script kiddies need not apply ;) [00:08] Baljem, did you watch the videos, I think you'd need to of been alive in the cold war to know where to start [00:09] well and also the attack surface is going to be way lower [00:10] because it's doing 1 thing and not a modern os full of services [00:10] ohhdemgir you would need physical access to break in [00:11] we're sat in irc talking about hacking nukes, lets just quit while were not in gitmo [00:12] yeah, probably wise [00:12] and you've just made me feel /old/, despite only being vaguely aware of the Cold War when it was happening ;) [00:12] theoretically, with Social engineering you can pretend you are POTUS and order a launch, but that would be a lot easier on the 80s than now [00:14] just hack the soviet watchdog [00:14] wait for the response after some nuke explode over [00:14] the usa [00:14] done [00:29] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0380884844/ [00:32] http://archive.archaeology.org/1107/features/mos_technology_6502_computer_chip_cpu.html [02:05] hi, if you're interested in seeing the Blender Foundation do a full-length animated film, please remember to donate soon: https://cloud.blender.org/gooseberry/ (remember all the assets will be made available under a creative commons license, and a large number of other open-source design, audio, and video projects will be improved along with Blender) [02:16] this is an interesting thought: https://twitter.com/mikko/status/462322733427077120 [05:51] sitemap for policymic.com: http://www.policymic.com/sitemap-articles-day~2014-04-03.xml [08:17] so you guys are going to be getting the file date timestamps of nbc news videos [08:17] only cause the file names and dates are very screwed up on some files [10:16] https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard [13:32] httpswitchboard is fucking awesome [14:04] Author : aurangzeb (IP: , localhost) [14:04] Comment: [14:04] E-mail : aurangzeb345@gmail.com [14:04] URL : http://www.urdu-classics.blogspot.com [14:04] Whois : http://whois.arin.net/rest/ip/ [14:04] I HAVE FOUND RARE URDU BOOKS ON THIS SITE. I RUN A BLOG ABOUT CLASSIC URDU BOOKS NAMED AS [14:04] WWW.URDU-CLASSICS.BLOGSPOT.COM [14:04] I HAVE GIVEN LINKS FROM MY BLOG TO ARCHIVES.ORG. [14:04] -- [14:04] Forgot to mention internet archive gets best comments [17:28] schbirid: neato [19:27] SketchCow: when you get a chance plz confirm about 83Gb recieved for american_radio pdf's [19:27] the ftp finished without error so I think everything is good. [20:20] here is one of the cbs news videos talking about file sharing giving away tax files: download.cbsnews.com/media/2005/05/03/video692798.flv [21:24] another about file sharing: download.cbsnews.com/media/2005/06/27/video704614.flv [21:37] anyways i'm uploading more videos from cnnmoney.com [21:42] here is my xml sitemap of money.cnn.com as of 2014-01-16: https://archive.org/details/money.cnn.com-sitemap-videos-xml-20140116 [21:58] also i'm uploading nbc nightly news netcast episodes from 2014-04 [23:14] you can tell when a liquor store customer is getting ready for a party... when they cart out two boxes on a dolly... [23:22] CNN Money Archive: Internet Week storms New York: https://archive.org/details/n_internetweek_nyc.cnnmoney_576x324_dl [23:59] looks like the chinese are saving good morning America videos