[00:48] this is interesting [00:49] looks like the morning blaze show for july 3 disappeared [00:49] luckly i got it [01:13] interesting sitemap for cbsnews.com: http://www.cbsnews.com/common/includes/site_map.shtml [05:41] I am not going to DEFCON. [05:44] Whoops, the archive already had this magazine I digitized! [05:44] https://archive.org/details/color-computer-magazine-1984-05 [05:45] https://archive.org/details/colorcomputermag01ziff [05:45] Well, I'll be more careful in the future. [09:14] I LIVE AGAIN AFTER I LOST ALL HOPE WITH MY V6 TUNNEL [10:02] * BlueMax clogs GLaDOS's V6 tunnel [10:03] pls no [10:03] for the companion cube, lelelel [17:24] 5 Jul 13:23:48 ntpdate[14554]: step time server offset 831861.568990 sec [17:24] OKAY MAYBE I WAS A LITTLE LAGGY WITH THE TIME CHECK [17:28] SketchCow: colorcomputermag01ziff is online only [17:29] so your version at least we can download [17:29] You misunderstand that situation. [17:29] your reuploading it [17:29] I have a little ... shock collar on me with regards to uploaded material. [17:29] So under certain cases, my stuff doesn't get derived. [17:30] So I have to wait in line. [17:30] When it's "Jason uploaded 100 things he found on the internet", fine, one day that will be fixed. [17:31] But this was an item I hand-scanned here in the house, so it's a annoying it didn't get the love. [17:31] But that's what the situation is. When it's derived, it will get the same options. [17:31] Also, I uploaded the other. They're both mine! [17:31] ok [17:52] http://pastebin.com/LmnRZErk f***** [17:53] ugh, that sucks [17:53] fucking sata cable that get loose [17:54] :\ [17:56] i have backup on another server [17:56] just 2 month old [17:57] i will get do a full backup & check what is corrupt [17:57] not how i wanted to spend my night :( [18:05] rsnapshot seems super shit, it takes ages and does lots of io [18:07] SketchCow: were you the one running the Gonewilder script? [18:08] probably ohhdemgir [18:09] i was referring to this release https://archive.org/details/gonewild_04-2014 [18:10] i thought it was going to be a regular thing [18:11] boozehoun, it was, though they go dark almost instantly due to a mod at gw reporting them [18:12] i think those monthlies were from underscor script [18:12] didn't know they were aware of ia archive [18:12] aye, the first 220GB drew too much attn [18:12] now monkey searches for gw at ia now and again because he's a jackass [18:13] damn [18:13] gonwild > gonewild anyways ;) [18:14] nice.. [18:29] I'm building the 'to be scanned' pile. VERY exciting. [18:32] Also potentially cleaning the fuck out of this room [18:33] thats good [18:41] SketchCow: all issues of Game Developer Magazine is uploaded now [18:41] Thanks. [18:41] just know some pdfs was very big [18:42] like feb 2010 was a 500mb pdf [18:42] where the rest of the pdfs for that year on around 15 to 25 mb range [18:42] Almost every Game Gear game in https://archive.org/search.php?query=collection%3Agamegear_library&sort=-publicdate has a screenshot. [18:50] so i can say game gear in javascript plays very smooth: https://archive.org/details/gg_X-Men_Mojo_World_1996_Sega [18:50] If you're in firefox and on a good box, it's nice. [18:50] i thought the javascript was going to try to eat my cpu like always with jsmess [18:55] https://www.google.com/maps/place/Dark+Tower+Comics/@41.540996,-74.012855,3a,75y,84.67h,87.22t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1slzWheI9fSQKTROdfKMWaug!2e0!4m5!1m2!2m1!1scomic+books!3m1!1s0x0:0x34657b4cc7650f8c!6m1!1e1 [18:55] OK, you have to admit calling yourself "THE DARK TOWER" and that's what you look like [19:08] "Brownish Cream Standard Looking Building Comics" [19:21] Oh, WERID [19:21] https://archive.org/details/GDM_June_1997 [19:21] So, I was prepared to store away the magazines I have of this, since they were scanned in. [19:21] These have no ads! And the cover is a postage stamp! [19:21] Faaaail [19:24] scanned with a potato [19:55] it looks like they're born-digital versions [19:56] which is definitely valuable to have for searchability and high-quality printout [19:56] but yeah time for a second copy with ads :) [20:07] SketchCow: i noticed that when i got them [20:07] but its what they had [20:08] i think you will have to scan every magazine from before JuneJuly 2004 issue [20:08] so from mid 2004 on you have full magazine [20:26] Ordered a thousand plastic bags [20:27] a thousand plastic bags? [20:28] are you doing a flea market/yard sale? [20:29] only thing i could think of [20:36] I want to store the magazines and books I am going through for later life [20:43] ok [21:34] uploaded: https://archive.org/details/cbsnews.com-video-2007-03-01 [22:09] i'm having leafover pancakes for dinner :-D [23:39] http://i.imgur.com/5lV28bO.jpg [23:43] wat.