[01:14] SketchCow: will archiving NPR audio files cause any problems? [01:15] SketchCow: also i need you to find the HotWired HotSeat with John McChesney [01:16] it was only around between 1996 to 1997 [01:17] and the website used realmedia files linking to a pnm server [01:31] also i'm getting you guys Angry Video Game Nerd series [01:32] the file names give episode numbers so it make it easy for me to upload [01:43] NPR is not a good use of your time. [01:43] But if you gotta do it, do it [01:44] HotWired, much better and useful. [01:46] artistserver.com is uploaded to your ftp [02:18] Thanks. [03:33] SketchCow: i was ask you to look for HotWired Hotseat Podcast [03:33] cause i think it maybe on some shareware cd [03:34] your boss was in this one: https://web.archive.org/web/19990508032415/http://www.hotwired.com/packet/packet/hotseat/97/07/index4a.html [03:44] you can url like this: [03:44] pnm://realaudio.hotwired.com/packet/hotseat/97/07/stuff/archive2_1.ra [05:01] does anyone know what kind crc checksum this is? https://github.com/chfoo/penggy-mirror/blob/master/pengfork/src/p3/check.c#L157. i seem to not get the right params to crcmod. [05:04] chfoo: wikipedia identifies it as CRC-16-IBM, if that helps [05:04] chfoo: also http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__util__crc.html has pretty much that code verbatim [05:04] identifies it as used in disk-drive controllers [05:04] not sure if any of that is what you're looking for :P [05:17] hmm, i guess i should try writing in python and see if i messed up somewhere [05:28] uploaded: https://archive.org/details/Angry_Video_Game_Nerd_Episode_1 [05:28] so here is another collection starting to be uploaded [09:48] Nemo_bis: http://bks4.books.google.com/books?id=nM5EAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=2&edge=curl&imgtk=AFLRE72p9u0fsyO3WPIJg2RUImSzmEwcw6CAlrJi48tCmsdUXHTIZXkO3XJaBxJ7BW8nfNiuRBJK4eggO7sa7Uv5yQMlVi_CbQ&source=gbs_api :P [16:00] figured out the correct crc params. crcmod has a predefined one called 'crc-16'. [16:43] http://tuebl.ca/books/{IDRANGE}/download *cough* [17:41] serves crap instead of 404 of course ;) [23:22] looks like i will have to grab the mp3 files for npr morning edition too [23:23] i say that cause they don't derive the real media anymore