#archiveteam-bs 2014-09-14,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
01:38 🔗 garyrh https://sketchfab.com/models/6e740a5e864d421594e0c762da6fda4a
02:05 🔗 dashcloud this tweet took me a while to get the joke unfortunately: https://twitter.com/FioraAeterna/status/509827529247850496
05:25 🔗 ersi .tw https://twitter.com/ArchiveMoe/status/509488584210931712
05:25 🔗 botpie91 We archived ~400G of content (full images) since we picked the archive up from Foolz. pic.twitter.com/nZLpDJOa4G (@ArchiveMoe)
05:43 🔗 garyrh Well, happy birthday SketchCow.
12:11 🔗 eprillios I wonder if Google keeps a history of all caches of every website ever indexed internally. It would be an archivist's wet dream if they opened it up to the public. :-P
13:14 🔗 Ravenloft 1999 was a great year for movies
16:57 🔗 godane SketchCow: september of 2007 for funny or die collection is uploaded
17:41 🔗 godane i'm uploading 4400:901 to 4400:1100 set of aol files
18:04 🔗 SketchCow Thanks
22:55 🔗 DFJustin http://hackaday.com/2014/09/14/raiders-of-the-lost-rom/
