#archiveteam-bs 2014-10-19,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
01:58 🔗 wp494 whee, now I have to deal with macrovision
01:59 🔗 twrist I, HATE, 6IN4
02:02 🔗 dashcloud wp494: seriously? I've had to deal with a lot of crap, but I'm pretty sure Macrovision has never been one of those issues. What exactly does it look like?
02:10 🔗 wp494 basically if I try to dump a macrovision protected tape through obs
02:10 🔗 wp494 the first few seconds play fine
02:10 🔗 wp494 and then when it does its thing, no audio, no video
02:11 🔗 pikhq Aaaagh, probably something actually looking for the Macrovision signal.
02:11 🔗 wp494 disconnecting the video jack does seem to make audio still function, but what good is that
02:12 🔗 wp494 probably going to try something that isn't obs to see if it's obs throwing a shitfit or the device I'm using
02:12 🔗 SmileyG :/
02:12 🔗 pikhq Could probably buy a Macrovision stripper if it's really a problem?
02:12 🔗 pikhq Pain in the ass, but doable.
02:13 🔗 wp494 yeah when I was researching on anarchive's vhs thing, when I saw "buy this"
02:13 🔗 wp494 I said
02:13 🔗 wp494 fuuuuuuuuuuuck
02:13 🔗 wp494 more money to spend
02:14 🔗 SmileyG hmmmm i bet most small pc things wont power an external hdd like a pi/pogoplug...
02:16 🔗 SmileyG just thinking through ideas for distrobuted storage...
02:18 🔗 SmileyG xtreemfs.... what a fucking name
02:19 🔗 pikhq I feel like I've not had enough Mountain Dew to use it.
02:21 🔗 wp494 fuck, and where did I put those Doritos...
02:21 🔗 SmileyG hey glados! glad urback man
02:31 🔗 wp494 aaaand stuff that isn't OBS also yields the same results
02:31 🔗 wp494 at least powerdirector told me that shit was protected
02:31 🔗 wp494 which I already knew
02:31 🔗 wp494 brb uninstalling
02:32 🔗 twrist thanks SmileyG :)
02:34 🔗 twrist ugh, it's either my router throwing a fit with proto 41, or sit just hates me
02:34 🔗 twrist but something's not allowing IRC traffic over the tunnel
02:35 🔗 twrist (and yes, I've done the certification to allow IRC traffic over my tunnel)
02:37 🔗 dashcloud the whole VHS ripping exercise is a giant sink- money, time, or both
02:39 🔗 pikhq Potentially worthwhile, but alas.
02:39 🔗 twrist huh, apparently the MTU might be the issue..
02:39 🔗 pikhq twrist: ... *Aaah* yeah that could be it.
02:40 🔗 pikhq I remember once I had the MTU on my (then satellite) connection set wrong and I had the *weirdest* failures.
02:40 🔗 pikhq Things like SSH connections dying the minute I got a too long line.
02:40 🔗 SmileyG hehe yup mtu is a fun one
02:40 🔗 twrist they're both set to 1480, but apparently 14.04 does some funky shit when it's both above 1280
02:40 🔗 twrist dbhwegnjvvgwerl;gnjcvsdf
02:42 🔗 pikhq The MTU on a 6in4 packet is supposed to be set lower than the MTU on the link it's going over.
02:43 🔗 twrist ..well there's the issue!
02:43 🔗 SmileyG nod
02:43 🔗 twrist now to find my old tunnel config that allows MTU setting
02:43 🔗 SmileyG by.... 64bytes?
02:44 🔗 pikhq 20 bytes fewer.
02:44 🔗 SmileyG i need to play with ipv4 at home :/
02:44 🔗 pikhq ipv6 you mean? :)
02:45 🔗 pikhq From my experience playing with IPv6, the main reasonable way to get it working at home is to use OpenWRT. It basically works, though it might take some tinkering.
02:45 🔗 pikhq If you're lucky then your consumer router "just does it" though, in which case it mightn't be any real issue.
02:45 🔗 GLaDOS WHAT
02:45 🔗 GLaDOS i didnt touch anything and it just starts working
02:46 🔗 twrist although, that was about a 10 second latency..
02:51 🔗 twrist ..a v4tunnel doesn't autodiscover the MTU, does it?
02:53 🔗 twrist pikhq:
02:53 🔗 pikhq v4tunnel?
02:53 🔗 twrist what ifupdown uses for 6in4 tunnels
02:53 🔗 pikhq Ah. Don't think so, no.
02:53 🔗 twrist hmm
02:54 🔗 pikhq I recall having to specifically tell it an MTU.
05:31 🔗 joepie91 yahoo investing in snapchat
05:31 🔗 joepie91 well, at least snapchat seems to fit in their modus operandi of "delete fucking everything"
05:32 🔗 balrog LOL
05:33 🔗 SmileyG :D
05:55 🔗 yipdw https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1031573
05:55 🔗 yipdw you wouldn't think this would be a hard problem
05:55 🔗 yipdw (I have a Flame, and this alarm-triggering-at-random-times bug can be a hilarious faux pas)
06:01 🔗 joepie91 yipdw: well... if you're relying on it to wake you up...
06:01 🔗 joepie91 :P
06:01 🔗 yipdw I'd prefer it trigger when I set it to
06:02 🔗 joepie91 suddenly not so hilarious
06:02 🔗 yipdw it does do that, at elast
06:02 🔗 yipdw but like I have an alarm set for 9 AM and it triggered at 12:55
06:02 🔗 yipdw what the hell is that
06:03 🔗 joepie91 ... oh wow, the Flame is sold through Everbuying?
06:03 🔗 joepie91 hadn't seen that one coming
06:04 🔗 joepie91 yipdw: lol
06:58 🔗 godane so i'm at 19k
12:42 🔗 SmileyG 
13:17 🔗 schbirid gesundheit
13:38 🔗 godane a picture of me a few days ago: https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1912397_10201746659348241_7695968608419439683_n.jpg?oh=2e27890dff645215eae645940c000f32&oe=54BF7081
13:38 🔗 godane i don't have the beard now
13:41 🔗 godane and another picture: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1620430_10201750992576569_7469853495188693546_n.jpg?oh=412963de909f256ff4662270f817e0dc&oe=54B3AEB7&__gda__=1421582734_1c77449a23ad4629b1a2cdcf1fbc8d70
13:57 🔗 godane SketchCow: another collection to add to twit-podcasts collection: https://archive.org/details/twit-futures-in-biotech
13:57 🔗 godane i'm looking to grab the video files of that show
13:59 🔗 godane and another to add to collection: https://archive.org/details/jumping_monkeys
14:56 🔗 godane i'm grabbing old files of the daily giz wiz
15:03 🔗 godane twit shows for 2011 are all uploaded
16:10 🔗 godane what happens to vhs over many generations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mES3CHEnVyI
16:19 🔗 schbirid beautiful!
16:19 🔗 schbirid fu SmileyG, i just wondered why my cursor was not moving ;)
16:25 🔗 SmileyG o:
16:26 🔗 SmileyG its a cursor on your screen?
16:27 🔗 schbirid nah, black dot
16:28 🔗 SmileyG o
16:28 🔗 SmileyG its a car on mine lol
16:29 🔗 schbirid if i highlight it i see a dinosaur or somethign
16:29 🔗 schbirid D:
16:29 🔗 schbirid yeah
16:30 🔗 SmileyG :O
16:38 🔗 schbirid is it some "put random icon in here" unicode code?
16:39 🔗 SmileyG lol maybe :/
18:35 🔗 schbirid wtf happend to evince (again)
18:47 🔗 DFJustin it's the unicode private use area aka fonts can do whatever they want
18:47 🔗 DFJustin shows up as tengwar here :D
23:38 🔗 Ravenloft http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad0dsgy32jc
