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[13:14] *** wm_ has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:26] *** insane_al has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [14:23] <schbirid2> http://www.actsofsilence.com/netlabels/ [14:41] *** schbirid2 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [15:00] <joepie91_> it's kind of interesting how easy it is to write something that'll get upvoted on HN [15:00] <Smiley> >>> Emerging (58 of 84) dev-perl/libwww-perl-6.50.0::gentoo [15:37] <godane> SketchCow: 2013 and 2014 videos of marshill church is uploaded [15:40] *** primus104 has joined #archiveteam-bs [15:50] *** primus104 has quit IRC (Leaving.) [15:58] <godane> SketchCow: also Season 1 of The 90s is uploaded [16:50] *** primus104 has joined #archiveteam-bs [17:38] *** mistym has joined #archiveteam-bs [17:45] *** mistym has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [17:53] *** mistym has joined #archiveteam-bs [17:57] *** RichardG has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:00] *** RichardG has joined #archiveteam-bs [18:01] *** RichardG has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [18:08] *** RichardG has joined #archiveteam-bs [18:18] *** dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [18:21] *** dashcloud has joined #archiveteam-bs [18:44] <godane> i'm uploading Christmas Is cartoon from 1971 [18:46] <godane> i'm putting the item as Christmas_Is_1971_VHSRip cause there is no copyright date on the vhs cover item to tell when the vhs was release [18:46] <godane> my guess would be mid 1980s [18:47] <godane> its from a company called Family Films [18:51] *** schbirid has joined #archiveteam-bs [19:30] *** aaaaaaaaa has joined #archiveteam-bs [19:53] *** SN4T14__ has joined #archiveteam-bs [19:58] *** SN4T14_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 369 seconds) [20:17] <ersi> joepie91_: what was it? [20:17] <ersi> angry seems to work decently [20:19] <joepie91_> ersi: right, exactly - if you look at the history of my blog posts on HN, you'll see that they fare extremely well, upvote-wise [20:20] <joepie91_> slightly ranty, well-reasoned, verbose, inline source linking, partial quoting [20:20] <joepie91_> seem to be good ingredients for an upvotey post [20:32] *** SimpBrain has joined #archiveteam-bs [20:38] *** SimpBrain has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [20:41] <joepie91_> amazing [20:41] <joepie91_> https://twitter.com/imranyawan/status/592770882239598593 [20:41] <joepie91_> a few months later [20:41] <joepie91_> Bitcasa still getting railed at by ex-customers on Twitter [20:42] <joepie91_> they /really/ fucked up, heh [20:59] *** schbirid has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [21:07] *** godane has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [21:20] *** rolfb has joined #archiveteam-bs [21:20] *** rolfb has quit IRC (Client Quit) [21:33] *** godane has joined #archiveteam-bs [22:02] *** Rotab has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 198 seconds) [22:23] *** Rotab has joined #archiveteam-bs [22:43] *** mistym has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [22:49] *** godane has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [23:11] *** BlueMaxim has joined #archiveteam-bs [23:18] <wyatt8750> gonna paste my question from #archiveteam here because I'm not sure if it's actually allowed there or if it's bs. [23:18] <wyatt8750> I know this isnt technically archive.org (though a few people from there hang around here), but do you happen to know if there's a way to get the older lighter-weight version of archive.org? Looks like they removed it, and this computer is running a Pentium III and a voodoo2 graphics card. [23:19] <wyatt8750> i mean like the older interface but with a non-infinite recursion of archives or archive.org. [23:20] <joepie91_> wyatt8750: try the wayback machine!</har-har-har> [23:20] <wyatt8750> *archives of archive.org [23:20] <wyatt8750> yeah, I thought about that... :P [23:20] <joepie91_> seriously though, no 'exit beta' button? [23:20] <joepie91_> should be exit button in top right [23:20] <wyatt8750> i thought i'd already set it to use the non-beta version on here [23:20] <kyan> I'm still able to get to the classic version [23:21] <aaaaaaaaa> https://archive.org/services/exit.php [23:22] <wyatt8750> alright [23:22] <wyatt8750> I found the exit button :P [23:23] <wyatt8750> I thought I'd already done that a couple weeks ago [23:23] <wyatt8750> anyway, my newer atom based tablet also has performance issues with the new site [23:23] <aaaaaaaaa> maybe you cleared your cookies [23:23] <wyatt8750> No, I still have a ton of them cluttering up my hard disk [23:23] <wyatt8750> maybe it expired? [23:24] <wyatt8750> I really love how every single day archive.org has the Grateful Dead somewhere [23:24] <wyatt8750> :) [23:25] <wyatt8750> I have a huge crate of bootleg cassettes and a couple vinyls from them - should I submit them? [23:25] <joepie91_> The Grateful Dead Internet Archive [23:25] <wyatt8750> (digitize and submit) [23:25] <wyatt8750> the vinyls are also bootlegs [23:26] <kyan> From https://blog.archive.org/2015/04/27/evolving-internet-archive/ : "the classic will not always be available or supported, so please give the new version a try and give us feedback if there are things on the site that you don’t like, can’t find, or that seem like bugs." [23:26] <kyan> if it doesn't perform well on your computers, it sounds like you've found bugs. [23:27] <aaaaaaaaa> my classic cookie expires in exactly one week [23:27] <joepie91_> kyan: might also be because it's a pentium 3 :) [23:27] <kyan> well the site should be built with progressive enhancement so it degrades nicely on older hardware, IMO [23:27] <joepie91_> it was a semi-joke :) [23:28] <joepie91_> I'm just the funniest person today [23:28] <joepie91_> :P [23:30] <wyatt8750> i did give it... not everyone has fancy new hardware and CPU's that clock in multiple gigahertz. (didn't say it like that though) [23:31] <aaaaaaaaa> there is only so much you can design in on their budget. Especially, for fall back like that. Plus, you could always run it without js on, they have noscript tags. [23:32] <wyatt8750> yeah, but JS can be nice. [23:32] <wyatt8750> aaaaaaaaa: my two year old tablet with an atom CPU can't handle the new one decently [23:33] <wyatt8750> that should not be 'fall back' to the same extent :P [23:33] <wyatt8750> i mentioned that too [23:33] <wyatt8750> (in the feedback) [23:43] *** mistym has joined #archiveteam-bs [23:51] *** dashcloud has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [23:54] *** dashcloud has joined #archiveteam-bs [23:56] *** mistym has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [23:59] *** dan_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)