[00:00] <aaaaaaaaa> I do like how their job requirements include "a sense of humor"
[00:14] <godane> i'm grabbing medium.com through a proxy now
[00:15] <godane> i hope this will webarchive right
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[00:21] <anomie> godane: Why throught a proxy? Is it blocked by something?
[00:22] <anomie> aaaaaaaaa: Damn… I'm too dump for those jobs.
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[00:23] <godane> anomie: its blocked or a bad connection for me
[00:24] <godane> i have been having this problem for over a month
[00:35] <aaaaaaaaa> I still think they must have IP banned you and maybe the user agent too.
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[00:48] <anomie> So, what are some pro-active archivist organizations other than archive-team?
[01:08] <godane> no
[01:08] <godane> i'm just the one man archiveteam
[01:08] <godane> :P
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[01:12] <anomie> godane: Yes, but I'm wondering what other organizations archive stuff for the common good.
[01:13] <godane> these guys: http://www2.archivists.org/
[01:15] <vitzli> "463 digital audio files (11.6 GB)"
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[01:17] <anomie> godane: My first impression is that it seems to be more about job seeking, not that it's a bad thing.
[01:17] <yipdw> anomie: IA, Library of Congress, British Library, others
[01:17] <anomie> All right.
[01:17] <anomie> That reminds me, does the LoC archive websites too?
[01:18] <yipdw> I'm not sure but I think it's yes
[01:18] <yipdw> others might know better
[01:19] <yipdw> anyway I think what really makes Archive Team so visible is that we have a badass promoter
[01:19] <anomie> Okay, I guess the SAA does do some nice things. http://www2.archivists.org/news/2015/saa-calls-on-facebook-to-enable-content-downloading-for-pages
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[01:28] <anomie> Anyone with a subscription to the American Archivist willing to do me favor?
[01:28] <anomie> Non open-access journals really annoy me. -_-
[01:30] <DFJustin> http://sci-hub.club/
[01:31] <anomie> DFJustin: Isn't that just another libgen mirror?
[01:31] <vitzli> no, it's a website that fills libgen with scientific articles
[01:31] <anomie> Oh, nice.
[01:32] <anomie> Regardless, they still don't have what I want.
[01:34] <DFJustin> (it's a proxy for accessing journal articles through subscribing institutions)
[01:35] <anomie> Oh…
[01:35] <anomie> That's nice.
[01:35] <anomie> I bet it's turned into a cat and mouse game though.
[01:37] <anomie> It doesn't work for the American Archivist though.
[01:44] <vitzli> anomie, doi?
[01:46] <anomie> vitzli: 10.17723/0360-9081.78.1.84
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[01:52] <vitzli> no luck for me either, I thought they did ip lock
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[02:26] <anomie> Darn.
[02:28] <anomie> I've never understood why organizations with membership dues such as the American Archivist, ACM, etc. feel the need to paywall their contributions to science.
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[03:10] <JesseW> Delightful Infocom advertisment from 1984: https://i.imgur.com/RQxDyoP.jpg
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[04:11] <JesseW> https://twitter.com/PObean/status/639622298581004288 <- this makes me think it would be nice to code up a easy-to-use WARC-to-zip (with link-conversion) utility (and even better if that got added to IA's automatic list of derivers)
[04:12] <JesseW> It'd probably be good to add that to one of the Dev-tasks-available-for-volunteers lists...
[04:12] <JesseW> if it isn't already on there
[04:17] <anomie> I think that'd also be nice.
[04:18] <anomie> If there is a warc library for common lisp, I might try it.
[04:20] <JesseW> anomie: it should be pretty fast to /write/ a warc library for common lisp -- the warc format is basically just a pile of key value pairs intersperced with big data blobs
[04:21] <JesseW> Check http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=WARC for info and links
[04:22] <aaaaaaaaa> I believe I got my copy of the draft from here http://bibnum.bnf.fr/WARC/
[04:23] <anomie> JesseW: I guess that's true. I might try it, but I'll have to get more familiar with the language.
[04:23] <anomie> Where's the spec?
[04:25] <JesseW> anomie: which language, common lisp? Is there a language you are more familiar with? There are existing libraries in python, java and a few others, I think.
[04:25] <JesseW> anomie: see aaaaaaaaa's link. :-)
[04:26] <aaaaaaaaa> one trap is that a warc.gz file is usually multiple gz files concatenated together.
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[04:29] <anomie> JesseW: My problem is that I'm not really that familiar with any language. I keep changing my mind!
[04:29] <anomie> I think I'll stick with CL though.
[04:30] <JesseW> CL is certainly pretty.
[04:31] <JesseW> I assume you've seen dwheeler's project for a prettier syntax? http://readable.sourceforge.net/
[04:31] <anomie> That being said, not everything is the most idiomatic, but it's not very hard to abstract stuff away if you need to.
[04:32] <anomie> I like my parentheses though.
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[04:33] <aaaaaaaaa> isn't that prefix?  I can't seem to get my brain to bend that way
[04:34] <JesseW> The readable project won't take away your parentheses -- just let you use alternatives when they are helpful.
[04:35] <JesseW> ... and avoid prefix notation when it is unnecessarily brain-bending
[04:35] <JesseW> (note, I haven't written much CL, or used the readable project's stuff -- this is just from reading about it)
[04:38] <aaaaaaaaa> I'm new to programming (in things other than basic), but I prefer python.  Seems easy to get it to do what I want and there seems to be just about everything in the library, let alone PyPI.
[04:39] <JesseW> python is certainly lovely (although it isn't as straightforward as it used to be, and the 2/3 transition was^C^C^Cis badly handled)
[04:40] <JesseW> aaaaaaaaa: what version of basic have you used? I started on QBasic, which I really need to see if it is in the Software Collection yet.
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[04:41] <JesseW> YES, IT IS! https://archive.org/details/msdos_qbasic_megapack
[04:41] <aaaaaaaaa> I don't even remember what I started with, but it wasn't qbasic, I believe that was labels, not line numbers
[04:42] <anomie> >qbasic
[04:42] <anomie> >not superior freebasic
[04:42] * anomie looks at selected channel
[04:42] <anomie> Oops.
[04:42] <anomie> Sorry, I thought I was on #/tech/
[04:44] <aaaaaaaaa> maybe it was asic?  I can't remember.  The closest I've been for awhile was VBS and VBA
[04:44] <JesseW> I still love QBasic over the later Basic's I used. 
[04:45] <JesseW> now I want to go see if I can dig up the code I wrote back then
[04:45] <anomie> Is qbasic still maintained?
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[04:50] <JesseW> anomie: "maintained"? It's a binary. There's nothing to maintain. :-)
[04:51] <JesseW> I presume there exist FOSS implementations of Basic, some of which are likely still actively maintained...
[04:52] <anomie> JesseW: Of course there are. http://www.freebasic.net/
[04:53] <anomie> That being said, basic is much too verbose for my taste.
[04:55] <JesseW> anomie: yeah, it is that. But it was my first language, so I'm just all the nostalgic.
[04:55] <anomie> Yup.
[04:56] <anomie> There's also kbasic. http://www.kbasic.org/
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[20:38] <aaaaaaaaa> If any of you use JetBrains stuff, they are going to a subscription model in November http://blog.jetbrains.com/blog/2015/09/03/introducing-jetbrains-toolbox/
[20:42] <anomie> Why would I do that?
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