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[07:52] <Spring> fyi, I've read that 'As of February 2015, Imgur now states that images are never deleted unless requested. '
[07:53] <Spring> looked this up as the Archiveteam wiki mentions images unaccessed over 6 months are purged  
[07:54] <Spring> found it, https://help.imgur.com/hc/en-us/articles/201476457-How-long-do-you-keep-the-images-
[08:32] <marvinw> http://i.imgur.com/L4zzkVT.png my little youtube archiving operation in online.net's DC3
[08:34] <marvinw> 0.9ms to youtube and google drive
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[11:50] <joepie91> oh, that is good news
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[14:32] <lytv> Hello, is anyone around to help?
[14:33] <dan-> wazzup? the best thing to do is ask and hang out in here for a while, and then whenever people are awake they can respond
[14:34] <lytv> I started to upload the first batch of webcrawls compressed with 7z to the archive, but the upload now fails and the page says "The item is not available due to issues with the item's content."
[14:36] <DFJustin> that means an admin disabled the item for some reason, what's the url to it
[14:36] <lytv> https://archive.org/details/imageboardtextonly2011
[14:37] <DFJustin> ah it failed the virus check
[14:38] <lytv> Oh, I see. How do I fix it? As far as I know nothing there is a virus, they are all just html and css files
[14:39] <DFJustin> SketchCow may be able to pull some strings when he gets back but otherwise you'll have to move on to the other parts
[14:40] <lytv> Is the whole upload void? It got to ~4GB before that happened. Do I have to start all over?
[14:41] <DFJustin> the files should all be there just inaccessible
[14:41] <lytv> Okay, thanks for your help.
[14:44] <SketchCow> Whut
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[14:48] <lytv> Oh, hello. I am sorry to bother you. I am having some trouble uploading webcrawls to the archive. It says "The item is not available due to issues with the item's content."
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[15:04] <lytv> Should I make a new upload and continue there?
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[15:11] <DFJustin> once you create an item you can't delete it so I'd hold off on that
[15:11] <DFJustin> unless you have some other separate stuff to go up
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[15:14] <lytv> Okay I understand, I will wait. Sorry if I seem pushy, I am not trying to be rude or anything I know everyone here is busy with their own things. Thank you for taking the time to help.
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[16:07] <vtyl> Hello, sorry to bother you all yet again. I started to upload something else while I wait for the first upload to be fixed, and now I'm getting another error. It says "503 Slow Down" "<Message>Please reduce your request rate.</Message><Resource>total_tasks_queued exceeds global_limit"
[16:07] <vtyl> I'm using the web uploader, how do I slow it down? I only have 300KB/s upload anyway
[16:08] <joepie91> vtyl: oh yeah, that happens sometimes, means the API is overloaded. not your fault, it's a global limit across all users
[16:08] <joepie91> vtyl: just try again later
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[16:08] <vtyl> Ah, okay. Thanks for explaining
[16:09] <joepie91> vtyl: if it auto-retries, then you can just let it do its thing
[16:09] <joepie91> it will eventually go through
[16:09] <vtyl> Okay, thanks
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[21:39] <godane> 1997 episodes of MBC Newsdesk is uploaded now
[21:46] <joepie91> HarryCros: my dacentec box died again :/ I'm suspecting missing firmware
[21:47] <joepie91> HarryCros: installed those, let's see if it dies again...
[21:47] <HarryCros> hmm. they have been up and down all day.
[21:48] <HarryCros> is rutracker warrior only?
[21:48] <joepie91> HarryCros: nah, separate from network issues. the server literally powers itself off
[21:48] <joepie91> HarryCros: no kernel panic
[21:48] <HarryCros> ah hmm, What are support like?
[21:48] <joepie91> HarryCros: they're okay - they're fast. but I don't think they feel the issue is on their end :P
[21:48] <joepie91> frankly I have no idea whether it is
[21:49] <joepie91> spent 3 hours debugging
[21:49] <joepie91> still not sure whether hardware, software, or image issue
[21:49] <joepie91> nothing in the damn logs, and both failures happened at the same time
[21:49] <joepie91> between 14:17 and 15:17
[21:49] <joepie91> which is weird as fuck
[21:49] <joepie91> so I have a phantom recurring failure that always occurs at the same time
[21:50] <joepie91> that is not getting logged
[21:50] <joepie91> that hard powers off the server, rather than a kernel panic or other kind of hang
[21:50] <joepie91> I can't say I've seen anything like this before
[21:50] <joepie91> lol
[21:50] <ersi> Urgh.. It's cute that Atlassian thinks I fucking care what they're doing with Hipchat
[21:50] <ersi> a bit too cute
[21:51] <joepie91> ersi: have they fixed the tray icon yet
[21:51] <joepie91> lol
[21:54] <HarryCros> matthusby, are you using a warrior?
[21:56] <matthusby> HarryCros: nope
[21:57] <matthusby> script
[21:57] <HarryCros> hmm, all mine seem to be failing when yours arent
[21:58] <HarryCros> or not now
[22:02] <HarryCros> joepie91, lulwut my box that was fine doing the rutracker, just went  BANG, restart
[22:03] <joepie91> HarryCros: wait, which box?
[22:03] <joepie91> and restart or shutdown?
[22:03] <HarryCros> my Dacentec one, it just suddenly rebooted
[22:07] <joepie91> HarryCros: anything in the logs?
[22:07] <joepie91> HarryCros: you had an AMD box as well, right?
[22:07] <joepie91> also running Debian?
[22:07] <HarryCros> yep. Debian opteron
[22:07] <joepie91> HarryCros: deb8?
[22:07] <HarryCros> yup
[22:07] <joepie91> I'm starting to suspect that their deployment image is fucked
[22:08] <joepie91> HarryCros: can you add the 'non-free' repo to your sources.list, then install firmware-linux?
[22:08] <joepie91> then reboot
[22:08] <joepie91> and see if the issue happens again after that
[22:08] <joepie91> also, before you do that, can you do `dmesg` and gist the output?
[22:08] <joepie91> (I jinxed your box, didn't I :P)
[22:09] <HarryCros> yes, ....
[22:09] <joepie91> lol
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[22:10] <HarryCros> http://pastebin.com/D9PaJ3J9
[22:11] <joepie91> [   31.318026] radeon 0000:01:06.0: firmware: failed to load radeon/R100_cp.bin                                                                                                                                                              (-2)
[22:11] <joepie91> right
[22:11] <joepie91> HarryCros: okay, so install firmware-linux and reboot, and please ping me if/when it crashes again
[22:12] <joepie91> :P
[22:12] <HarryCros> so its having a strop  over a gpu
[22:12] <joepie91> HarryCros: possibly
[22:12] <joepie91> HarryCros: it's the only real issue I've been able to find
[22:12] <joepie91> HarryCros: the hardware is slightly weird, but I guess that's what you get with a budget server
[22:12] <joepie91> the GPU chip dates from 2007
[22:13] <joepie91> mobo is a H8SMI with MCP55 chipset
[22:13] <joepie91> in my case, I have 4x2G RAM sticks
[22:13] <HarryCros> so basically, theve taken any old hardware and thrown it together
[22:13] <joepie91> HarryCros: more or less. the CPU isn't quite as old as the GPU though I think :P
[22:13] <joepie91> HarryCros: but yeah, budget servers
[22:14] <HarryCros> it died again mid install
[22:14] <joepie91> HarryCros: it's likely just cheap overstock they can find
[22:14] <joepie91> .. what?
[22:14] <joepie91> nothing in logs?
[22:14] <HarryCros> not checked logs. was installing firmware-linux and it died or is hanging
[22:14] <aaaaaaaaa> Guess it really doesn't want to work
[22:14] <HarryCros> ah no, it hung. is back and carrying on
[22:14] <joepie91> HarryCros: mine still responds, so prob not network
[22:14] <joepie91> okay, good
[22:15] <joepie91> I don't think crashing mid-install on firmware is a good thing
[22:15] <joepie91> lol
[22:36] <HarryCros> matthusby, are you erroring a lot?
[22:39] <matthusby> yup
[22:39] <matthusby> I am stopping them
[22:40] <HarryCros> I am killing them too, its too faily
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[22:46] <godane> so i think mbc newsdesk got some dates wrong
[22:46] <aaaaaaaaa> better let arkiver know too
[22:46] <godane> looks like 1998-01-03 has both 01-03 and 01-04 episodes in it
[22:47] <aaaaaaaaa> about the ru job, I mean
[22:48] <godane> 1998-01-04 page is blank
[22:48] <godane> same thing happen with 1998-01-18 page
[22:52] <godane> anyways the videos are complete newscasts
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