#archiveteam-bs 2016-02-28,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
00:00 πŸ”— SimpBrain doing a small grab
00:01 πŸ”— SimpBrain ok first smallest hit http://ext-51.livejournal.com/feed/
00:07 πŸ”— HCross it could be made better for large ones, with some threading
00:08 πŸ”— SimpBrain does the job well tbh
00:09 πŸ”— SimpBrain out of the first 1000 urls, only 10 still remain and then thats if they have a page on livejournal
00:10 πŸ”— JesseW Grabbing livejournal would be very appreciated -- there is a lot of important historical stuff there, buried among a lot of other stuff.
00:11 πŸ”— JesseW (It also has lots of non-public stuff, but hopefully much of that got copied over to dreamwidth...)
00:11 πŸ”— SimpBrain ill throw a complete job list on my server and post the results on github when done
00:12 πŸ”— HCross we need to know when they stop. I presume 999999
00:12 πŸ”— SimpBrain my id number is ext-3542056
00:12 πŸ”— JesseW cool, good
00:12 πŸ”— SimpBrain so there's that many numbers
00:13 πŸ”— SimpBrain so at some stage it had over a million profiles
00:13 πŸ”— HCross ah, should we aim for 10 million?
00:14 πŸ”— HCross SimpBrain, do you want to do halves each?
00:16 πŸ”— HCross I cant start it yet, my server is down for server surgery
00:16 πŸ”— SimpBrain just creating a github place for the modified script
00:17 πŸ”— HCross ok
00:19 πŸ”— SimpBrain dont know python that well so it looks ok and runs without errors
00:19 πŸ”— SimpBrain https://github.com/SimpleBrain/livejournal-dump/
00:20 πŸ”— SimpBrain currently on 2300/9999 of the test scrape
00:29 πŸ”— SimpBrain meh looks ok, doing a 1-999999 scrape now
00:32 πŸ”— JesseW hopefully a 9999-999999 scrape.
00:32 πŸ”— JesseW No need to repeat work. :-)
00:33 πŸ”— SimpBrain i abandoned the local scrape
00:33 πŸ”— SimpBrain doing on my server which is quicker
00:33 πŸ”— SimpBrain just used my results so far to verify its grabbing same results
00:34 πŸ”— MrRadar Argh, Funny or Die took down their own "Art of the Deal" parody film. I can't believe I have to go on The Pirate Bay to get free web content
00:43 πŸ”— JesseW SimpBrain: ah, that makes sense
00:43 πŸ”— SimpBrain at 10% already
00:44 πŸ”— SimpBrain drats didnt do it inside a screen session
00:44 πŸ”— JesseW heh
00:44 πŸ”— JesseW always do *everything* in a screen session. :-)
00:45 πŸ”— SimpBrain i had no sessions active, didnt notice
00:45 πŸ”— * JesseW is very embarrassed that it took me over a decade of using real unix shells to learn about and start using screen.
00:46 πŸ”— JesseW Now I love it.
00:49 πŸ”— ndiddy has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
00:55 πŸ”— robink has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
00:57 πŸ”— robink has joined #archiveteam-bs
01:00 πŸ”— robink has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
01:01 πŸ”— robink has joined #archiveteam-bs
01:02 πŸ”— robink has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
01:08 πŸ”— SimpBrain ok got 3 jobs running
01:08 πŸ”— SimpBrain 1-99999, 100000-1100000, 1100001-1199999
01:08 πŸ”— SimpBrain latter 2 are hitting more profiles than the first one
01:21 πŸ”— JesseW heh, I'm not surprised
01:27 πŸ”— SimpBrain ok
01:27 πŸ”— dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
01:27 πŸ”— SimpBrain ive done a bit more site browsing
01:27 πŸ”— SimpBrain http://www.livejournal.com/profile?userid=1&t=I
01:28 πŸ”— SimpBrain http://www.livejournal.com/profile?userid=77536449&t=I
01:28 πŸ”— SimpBrain there's 77 million profiles
01:30 πŸ”— MrRadar Yikes, that's a lot even for us
01:30 πŸ”— SimpBrain a lot may be purged
01:30 πŸ”— dashcloud has joined #archiveteam-bs
01:30 πŸ”— MrRadar Yeah
01:30 πŸ”— SimpBrain and a lot wont have a journal
01:31 πŸ”— SimpBrain ill do the ext- scrape first since there's only 3.5million links then go for this big one
01:47 πŸ”— dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
01:50 πŸ”— dashcloud has joined #archiveteam-bs
02:01 πŸ”— arkiver SimpBrain: is livejournal going away?
02:04 πŸ”— arkiver SimpBrain: if you'd like and SketchCow agrees I'd be happy to create a warrior project for that site
02:05 πŸ”— arkiver If we're going to do a warrior grab we might not need the whole discovery. We'll probably go through all URLs in the grab and grab an websites if it exists for the ID
02:08 πŸ”— SimpBrain not going away, just might be worth doing some prep work
02:08 πŸ”— SimpBrain scraping the site for profiles and working journals
02:08 πŸ”— arkiver What do you think about a loong term archiving project for livejournal?
02:08 πŸ”— arkiver long*
02:08 πŸ”— arkiver As in slowly grabbing and saving accounts
02:09 πŸ”— SimpBrain yeah
02:09 πŸ”— SimpBrain could be worth, getting a copy. at least if worst case happens we have the leg work sorted
02:10 πŸ”— arkiver SketchCow: please let us know if we can do a long term archiving project for livejournal
02:10 πŸ”— arkiver Maybe over a year or so or longer
02:11 πŸ”— * JesseW is enthusastic about a looong term arkiving of livejournal.
02:11 πŸ”— JesseW Hm, maybe the verb for creating a warrior project should be "arkiving" ;-P
02:12 πŸ”— arkiver :D
02:14 πŸ”— arkiver livejournal doesn't have a much javascripts, so works perfectly in wayback too at the moment
02:21 πŸ”— SimpBrain there's a small bit in the web page source
02:24 πŸ”— SimpBrain they done a number on the purged accounts on lj
02:24 πŸ”— SimpBrain last active account was about 4500, currently at 70000 and its still yet to find anyone
02:25 πŸ”— JesseW a lot of folks moved over to dreamwidth some years ago
02:25 πŸ”— JesseW that's likely why
02:25 πŸ”— snape They may have also skipped numbers somewhere along the way - re-started numbering at 10k or somesuch.
02:26 πŸ”— snape Er, 100k, I mean.
02:26 πŸ”— SimpBrain yeah i got results in the 99k range, so it'll hit someone soon
02:28 πŸ”— snape A lot of people jumped ship, but I find it hard to believe you'd go through 50k+ accounts and not find a single existing, long-abandoned account among them.
02:29 πŸ”— SimpBrain done a couple of quick tests on other machines, it's dead space
02:30 πŸ”— snape I'm not arguing it's dead space, I'm just skeptical there was ever anything there in the first place.
02:30 πŸ”— SimpBrain true
02:30 πŸ”— SimpBrain guessing some of those low numbers are permanent accounts
02:30 πŸ”— JesseW Hm. I had a similar thing with the URL shortnerner migre.me -- they skipped about 5 million possible values at one point.
02:31 πŸ”— JesseW I documented it all on the URLteam page.
02:31 πŸ”— JesseW BTW, what's the archiving situation with the archiveteam wiki?
02:31 πŸ”— JesseW Are there exported copies I can grab from IA?
02:32 πŸ”— JesseW If not, we should really do that.
02:32 πŸ”— snape I think there are a couple older ones at IA, that are linked from the wiki itself someplace. Um...
02:33 πŸ”— SimpBrain btw lj refers those ext numbers as internal usernames
02:33 πŸ”— snape It's in the FAQ, actually. https://archive.org/details/wiki-archiveteamorg
02:34 πŸ”— SimpBrain so those act as a temp username till you create your subdomain
02:35 πŸ”— JesseW has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
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02:38 πŸ”— yipdw_ has joined #archiveteam-bs
02:41 πŸ”— yipdw has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 506 seconds)
02:43 πŸ”— SimpBrain ok...
02:44 πŸ”— SimpBrain Either you are trying to access a page you do no not have permission to
02:44 πŸ”— SimpBrain view or your ip address is banned. If you feel this is in error, please
02:44 πŸ”— SimpBrain email support at webmaster@livejournal.com
02:45 πŸ”— snape Think I've managed to work out why nobody's scraped Livejournal yet... :<
02:47 πŸ”— SimpBrain i got banned due to doing it too quick
02:49 πŸ”— SimpBrain with the low scrape, i was getting more misses than hits and this script is going too quick if it cant find it
02:49 πŸ”— SimpBrain will add a timer wait to the error page one
03:00 πŸ”— JesseW has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
03:11 πŸ”— tomwsmf-a has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
03:18 πŸ”— SimpBrain both machines have done over 10k and not been touched yet
03:18 πŸ”— SimpBrain will do a profile grab from my home pc which will be slower and wont run afoul from them
03:43 πŸ”— Boppen has joined #archiveteam-bs
03:48 πŸ”— bwn has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 492 seconds)
03:58 πŸ”— ndiddy has joined #archiveteam-bs
04:03 πŸ”— xXx_ndidd has joined #archiveteam-bs
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04:16 πŸ”— Boppen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
04:16 πŸ”— ndiddy has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
04:21 πŸ”— JesseW has joined #archiveteam-bs
05:10 πŸ”— xXx_ndidd has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
05:21 πŸ”— Sk1d has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
05:30 πŸ”— Sk1d has joined #archiveteam-bs
06:08 πŸ”— VADemon has quit IRC (Quit: left4dead)
06:22 πŸ”— Stiletto has joined #archiveteam-bs
06:31 πŸ”— JesseW https://archive.org/details/personal_archives <- interesting, apparently aborted IA project from 2012
06:37 πŸ”— dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
06:38 πŸ”— dashcloud has joined #archiveteam-bs
07:27 πŸ”— vitzli has joined #archiveteam-bs
07:37 πŸ”— JesseW has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
07:43 πŸ”— dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
07:45 πŸ”— DFJustin has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
07:46 πŸ”— dashcloud has joined #archiveteam-bs
07:50 πŸ”— metalcamp has joined #archiveteam-bs
08:00 πŸ”— DFJustin has joined #archiveteam-bs
08:00 πŸ”— swebb sets mode: +o DFJustin
08:07 πŸ”— brayden has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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08:07 πŸ”— swebb sets mode: +o brayden
09:38 πŸ”— vitzli has quit IRC (Leaving)
09:45 πŸ”— PurpleSym SimpBrain: I’m going after Yahoo! Groups for a few months now, fyi.
09:48 πŸ”— bwn has joined #archiveteam-bs
10:12 πŸ”— SimpBrain PurpleSym, oh cool, was it easy to do with all the closed groups?
10:23 πŸ”— PurpleSym I’m not doing closed groups, SimpBrain
10:25 πŸ”— PurpleSym Not until I got all public groups. And that’s gonna take a while.
10:26 πŸ”— SimpBrain figures, there's like almost 15-20 years of archives there
10:30 πŸ”— PurpleSym Yeah, and it’s a mess.
10:31 πŸ”— PurpleSym Here’s some stats: http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Yahoo!_Groups#Statistics
10:35 πŸ”— SimpBrain cool, seems like companies never like people grabbing the data easily
11:43 πŸ”— SimpBrain damn i hope this becomes available after it finishes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6_Nui_cBYM
11:43 πŸ”— SimpBrain DJ EZ 24hr Set in Aid of Cancer Research UK
11:44 πŸ”— SimpBrain 17 hours out of 24 done so far
11:57 πŸ”— schbirid has joined #archiveteam-bs
12:53 πŸ”— godane SketchCow: all 2009 mp3s of kpfa is uploaded now
13:10 πŸ”— snape has quit IRC (Hey! Where'd my controlling terminal go?)
14:35 πŸ”— ohhdemgir has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
14:48 πŸ”— zhongfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
15:18 πŸ”— zino PotcFdk: I opened up another pull request for you on github.
16:00 πŸ”— snape has joined #archiveteam-bs
16:28 πŸ”— schbirid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSfcpUtdid0 nsfw
16:29 πŸ”— schbirid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nbr_OLqTOo same
16:33 πŸ”— SimpBrain one way of getting copies sold
17:19 πŸ”— SimpBrain https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=%23DJEZ24HourSet&src=tyah
17:59 πŸ”— zhongfu has joined #archiveteam-bs
18:06 πŸ”— zhongfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
18:11 πŸ”— JesseW has joined #archiveteam-bs
18:15 πŸ”— metalcamp has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
18:16 πŸ”— zhongfu has joined #archiveteam-bs
19:04 πŸ”— godane has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
19:08 πŸ”— JesseW bsmith095: OK, I've got the fanfiction file.
19:08 πŸ”— JesseW (well, 99.9% -- there appears to be something preventing it from finishing. :-(
19:09 πŸ”— JesseW I can't repack it until after I get some more free space, though.
19:33 πŸ”— Infreq has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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19:35 πŸ”— zino_ has joined #archiveteam-bs
19:35 πŸ”— decay_ has joined #archiveteam-bs
19:38 πŸ”— schbirid has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us irc.Prison.NET)
19:38 πŸ”— zino has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us irc.Prison.NET)
19:38 πŸ”— decay has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us irc.Prison.NET)
19:38 πŸ”— achip has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us irc.Prison.NET)
19:42 πŸ”— schbirid2 has joined #archiveteam-bs
19:57 πŸ”— achip has joined #archiveteam-bs
20:05 πŸ”— zino_ I had been wondering why my home bandwidth stayed over 200Mbit for such extended periods without throttling. Just found a 3 month old letter from my ISP: The basic tier is upped from 100Mbit to 250Mbit.
20:05 πŸ”— zino_ So, yay.
20:06 πŸ”— zino_ But it does mean I have less incentive to go do a real upgrade.
20:12 πŸ”— ndiddy has joined #archiveteam-bs
20:12 πŸ”— snape Lucky you. I get 1.2mbps/200kbps... when it's not raining. Supposedly 1gbps fiber is coming this summer; I'll believe it when I see it.
20:13 πŸ”— schbirid2 several years ago there was an article about how the US have to be at war all the time to keep their economy running. probably about 10 years ago or more. it had at least one chart in it. anyone remember that? :D
20:13 πŸ”— schbirid2 i thought it was called "the cost of empire" but apparently not
20:29 πŸ”— metalcamp has joined #archiveteam-bs
20:48 πŸ”— JesseW has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
21:26 πŸ”— metalcamp has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
21:32 πŸ”— bwn has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
21:51 πŸ”— Boppen has joined #archiveteam-bs
21:54 πŸ”— mismatch_ has joined #archiveteam-bs
22:03 πŸ”— schbirid2 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
22:07 πŸ”— Boppen has quit IRC (hub.se irc.du.se)
22:11 πŸ”— bwn has joined #archiveteam-bs
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22:30 πŸ”— JesseW has joined #archiveteam-bs
22:30 πŸ”— bwn has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
22:44 πŸ”— Boppen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
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22:48 πŸ”— bsmith095 JesseW: does it hashcheck ok?
22:49 πŸ”— bsmith095 zino_: lucky bastard :)
22:50 πŸ”— JesseW bsmith095: hm, will check
22:51 πŸ”— bsmith095 MrRadar: you have an exact copy of my original ffnet file, what was that link?
22:51 πŸ”— bsmith095 JesseW: not the torrent itself, the md5 from the archive page.
22:53 πŸ”— Boppen has quit IRC (hub.se irc.du.se)
22:53 πŸ”— JesseW My copy is 4,442,120 bytes smaller.
22:53 πŸ”— MrRadar bsmith095: I grabbed it using the original magnet link in the Reddit post
22:53 πŸ”— JesseW So I'm pretty certain the hashes won't match. :-)
22:53 πŸ”— bsmith095 hmm, diff and merge with the archive copy? or will that take forever
22:54 πŸ”— JesseW I think I'll try switching the torrent over to the IA torrent -- maybe that will work.
22:55 πŸ”— MrRadar JesseW: nope, that won't work
22:55 πŸ”— JesseW No?
22:55 πŸ”— MrRadar The IA torrent doesn't contain the actual FF.net data
22:55 πŸ”— JesseW Ah, that's unhelpful.
22:55 πŸ”— MrRadar Since it's over the 25GB file size limit for torrents
22:55 πŸ”— bsmith095 md5 from my ia upload for the Fanfiction.tar.gz file is 4ded153ca5c091a64dd9aca1c6f4be88
22:56 πŸ”— bsmith095 MrRadar: so JesseW downloading from that torrent was a complete waste of time?!
22:56 πŸ”— MrRadar From the IA torrent?
22:56 πŸ”— JesseW hardly -- it got me 99%
22:57 πŸ”— bsmith095 yes , that one.
22:57 πŸ”— MrRadar JesseW: try doing a range request from the IA server for the missing bytes from your download
22:57 πŸ”— MrRadar You can use wget with the -r option
22:57 πŸ”— bsmith095 JesseW: still, it probably won't exttract properly
22:57 πŸ”— JesseW Good idea
22:57 πŸ”— JesseW MrRadar:
22:59 πŸ”— MrRadar Err, I meant curl
22:59 πŸ”— mismatch_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 499 seconds)
22:59 πŸ”— bsmith095 JesseW: my original magnet link, was my own torrent of the gz file, that i created myself. the IA upload is a copy of that file. AFAIK MrRadar, that torrent link you found on my post is still being seeded.
23:00 πŸ”— MrRadar Yes, that's also how I uploaded it to the IA
23:00 πŸ”— MrRadar I copied the torrent file out my client's torrent cache and uploaded that
23:00 πŸ”— MrRadar And the IA downloaded it
23:02 πŸ”— JesseW The missing piece is the *last* one, interestingly enough.
23:03 πŸ”— JesseW Hash: d934709d1c7f1bf26d826718804de5f7a53757dc
23:03 πŸ”— JesseW Magnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d934709d1c7f1bf26d826718804de5f7a53757dc&dn=Fanfiction.tar.gz&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80
23:03 πŸ”— bsmith095 great, so thats probably the tail end of the gz file, otherwise known as the only bit you absolutely need.
23:04 πŸ”— bsmith095 why is compression so damn fragile?!
23:04 πŸ”— JesseW That is a different magnet link from the one in the reddit post, oddly.
23:04 πŸ”— MrRadar Actually, for gzip files that will just result in truncated data
23:05 πŸ”— MrRadar Even for zip files the extractor should still be able to reconstruct the catalog from the rest of the file, at least well enough to extract the data that *is* present
23:05 πŸ”— bsmith095 MrRadar: can you hashcheck your copy, now i'm worried.
23:05 πŸ”— MrRadar Sure, give me a few minutes
23:06 πŸ”— rduser has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
23:06 πŸ”— bsmith095 the hash of the file i originally upload to IA is 4ded153ca5c091a64dd9aca1c6f4be88 , just so you know.
23:06 πŸ”— Rickster has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
23:07 πŸ”— MrRadar The "Torrent Hash" I have is d934709d1c7f1bf26d826718804de5f7a53757dc
23:07 πŸ”— MrRadar The SHA-256 of the actual file is 9999fc66f05bc7353a797d5a3a16cfd73a71b401bc7194a1537ac72b432caffa
23:08 πŸ”— MrRadar The IA was able to download the whole torrent just fine when I uploaded it
23:08 πŸ”— MrRadar And the SHA-1 hashes for the file match between our two items
23:08 πŸ”— Famicoman has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
23:09 πŸ”— Simpbrai_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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23:10 πŸ”— mismatch_ has joined #archiveteam-bs
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23:11 πŸ”— JesseW I'm going to reverify my local data -- maybe something went weird there
23:12 πŸ”— JesseW MrRadar: I have the same torrent hash.
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23:14 πŸ”— Simpbrai_ has joined #archiveteam-bs
23:17 πŸ”— JesseW I'm very confused why the infohash listed in the reddit thread is different from the one in the copy of the torrent in IA.
23:19 πŸ”— MrRadar IIRC I ran into the same weirdness but when I tried re-adding the magnet link it told me that it was a duplicate of the torrent I uploaded
23:19 πŸ”— MrRadar *re-adding the magnet link to my torrent client
23:23 πŸ”— bsmith095 JesseW: yeah, that's weird
23:23 πŸ”— bsmith095 MrRadar: have you tried to open the file yet?
23:24 πŸ”— MrRadar Yes, I actually decompressed the file before I uploaded it to make sure it was valid
23:24 πŸ”— MrRadar I should have an MD5 to compare in about 30 seconds
23:24 πŸ”— JesseW OK, I'm going to try grabbing the last bit from IA
23:24 πŸ”— bsmith095 JesseW: the reddit thread was *my* torrent, the IA torrent is derived.
23:24 πŸ”— MrRadar Well, there's two torrents on my IA item
23:25 πŸ”— bsmith095 but the file is the same so it really shouldn't matter
23:25 πŸ”— MrRadar One is a the .torrent file retrieved from your original magnet link
23:25 πŸ”— JesseW actually not yet, I'll wait for it to finish trying to verify the current data
23:25 πŸ”— MrRadar The other is the IA's derived torrent
23:25 πŸ”— JesseW right, and IA's derived torrent is useless
23:25 πŸ”— MrRadar Correct
23:25 πŸ”— bsmith095 ohhhh, ok i get it now.
23:26 πŸ”— bsmith095 i just really hope i didnt screw it up again, i recently deleted the original uncompressed files to free up some room.
23:26 πŸ”— MrRadar Whoops, the tool I was using to hash the file was accidentally set to CRC32 instead of MD5 like I wanted. Redoing now
23:27 πŸ”— bsmith095 didnt know you could check crc32 manually
23:29 πŸ”— JesseW OK, I tried downloading the magnet link (3E2H) in a separate instance -- and the resulting torrent hash *is* the other one (d93). Strange.
23:29 πŸ”— MrRadar Yeah, that's exactly what I saw
23:29 πŸ”— JesseW magnet links are confusing. :-/
23:29 πŸ”— MrRadar Also, neat, this article references a manual uploaded to the IA by SketchCow: https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2016/feb/24/hunt-governments-oldest-computer/
23:30 πŸ”— MrRadar For the Gateway Liberty 2000 laptop from 1994 https://archive.org/details/gateway-service-manual-liberty-user-manual
23:33 πŸ”— SketchCow Of course
23:33 πŸ”— MrRadar Apparently the federal General Services Administration still has one in use
23:35 πŸ”— SketchCow Fear my evenings
23:35 πŸ”— JesseW I am so confused how these two magnet links are apparently the same:
23:35 πŸ”— JesseW magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3E2HBHI4P4N7E3MCM4MIATPF66STOV64&dn=Fanfiction.tar.gz&tr=udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80
23:35 πŸ”— JesseW magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d934709d1c7f1bf26d826718804de5f7a53757dc&dn=Fanfiction.tar.gz&tr=udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80
23:36 πŸ”— MrRadar The hash lengths are different
23:36 πŸ”— MrRadar So they're probably made by different hash algorithms
23:36 πŸ”— JesseW OH RIGHT -- magnet links use some bizzare encoding where the first few bytes define the algorithm. :-(
23:37 πŸ”— * JesseW goes to read (or if necessary, improve) the magnet URI page on http://fileformats.archiveteam.org
23:37 πŸ”— JesseW apparently improve, because it's a redlink
23:38 πŸ”— MrRadar Yeah, the first one is 32 characters long which is the same as MD5, the second is 40 which is the same as SHA1
23:41 πŸ”— DFJustin http://www.spacex.com/webcast
23:41 πŸ”— JesseW "Is the info-hash hex encoded, for a total of 40 characters. For compatability with existing links in the wild, clients should also support the 32 character base32 encoded info-hash." http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0009.html
23:41 πŸ”— JesseW grumblegrumblegrumble
23:42 πŸ”— MrRadar MD5 for Fanfiction.tar.gz is 4ded153ca5c091a64dd9aca1c6f4be88
23:43 πŸ”— JesseW and confirmed that 3E2HBHI4P4N7E3MCM4MIATPF66STOV64 is the base32 encoding of d934709d1c7f1bf26d826718804de5f7a53757dc
23:46 πŸ”— Boppen has joined #archiveteam-bs
23:49 πŸ”— JesseW MrRadar and/or bsmith095 -- could you start seeding the torrent, that maybe I can grab the last piece from you?
23:50 πŸ”— MrRadar I'm currently seeding
23:50 πŸ”— MrRadar Try refreshing the tracker
23:54 πŸ”— bwn has joined #archiveteam-bs
23:55 πŸ”— JesseW I'm currently at 62% verifying local data, so it'll still be a while before I can try
