[00:01] <HCross2> ErkDog: you wanted me
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[01:11] <ZiNC> Thanks. Night.
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[07:40] <BlueMax> How long has it been since Jason went on vacation
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[08:09] <joepie91> BlueMax: I feel like you may need to explain the concept first
[08:09] <joepie91> to get an answer to that question
[08:09] <joepie91> :P
[08:09] <BlueMax> ...vacation what
[08:09] <BlueMax> brain work with me here
[08:09] <BlueMax> how long has it been since he went to japan
[08:10] <joepie91> lol
[08:11] <BlueMax> I just had a few questions about how the crazy loon managed to recompile MESS into javascript
[08:12] <joepie91> "crazy loon"...
[08:12] * joepie91 looks around channel, is unsure which of the crazy loons is meant
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[08:12] <BlueMax> aren't we all crazy around here
[08:18] <vitzli> https://github.com/jsmess/jsmess ?
[08:20] <BlueMax> hmm, emscripten...this might be what I was looking for
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[08:46] <BlueMax> yup turns out I probably can't do this myself
[08:47] <BlueMax> basically I was wondering about making a text adventure library like the dos library on archive.org
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[09:36] <ranma> jmess was such a bitch to compile
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[09:38] <ranma> failed to notice how much ram was needed to compile it and spent days banging my head against the wall trying to figure out what was causing the make to fail. THEN after a last resort of throwing a ton of ram at it, THEN i noticed the ram requirements
[10:46] <wp494> I'm not so certain if I like purplebot doing every wiki diff as notifies
[11:00] <midas> i have to agree with that
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[11:17] <PurpleSym> Is the bot per se the problem? The frequency of its messages? That it uses NOTICE instead of PRIVMSG?
[11:18] <Sanqui> I would (still) prefer privmsgs, and a spice of color
[11:19] <Sanqui> it's somewhat backwards, but color makes it easier to identify bot messages
[11:19] <Meroje> notices are already identified pretty good
[11:21] <Sanqui> they are noisy in hexchat
[11:22] <Sanqui> http://sanqui.sweb.cz/screen/2016-06-05T13%3A22%3A14-Selection.png
[11:23] <PurpleSym> Is this fixed or configureable?
[11:23] <Sanqui> it's configurable but default
[11:24] <Sanqui> and most people probably don't know how to change it
[11:24] <Sanqui> I haven't even felt the need until now
[11:24] <Sanqui> I'm in 3 other channels with wiki edit reports and they all use privmsgs with colors
[11:24] <Meroje> I would have to remove colors it if used them, most people would too
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[11:29] <Sanqui> okay, hexchat's behavior actually is to throw personal notices in the current visible channel
[11:29] <Sanqui> so the reason channel notices show the channel is to..  disambiguate
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[12:38] <vitzli> arkiver, I don't know if this is my setup-specific problem, but I can't build the wget-lua binary, cat css.c >> css_.c // cat: css.c: No such file or directory
[12:38] <HCross> weve had a lot of this recently
[12:38] <HCross> is flex installed
[12:40] <vitzli> installing now
[12:41] <arkiver> We should add that to the manual
[12:42] <vitzli> yep, it was flex
[12:42] <vitzli> thank you
[12:45] <vitzli> some links returning 'Server returned 0 (HEOF). Sleeping.'
[12:45] <vitzli> is it hard to setup up?
[12:47] <vitzli> there was a weird link with ...%20%20%20... parameter
[12:48] <arkiver> scripts have one more update now
[12:48] <arkiver> vitzli, can you post a log of that job?
[12:49] <vitzli> no, I don't have one, is it possible to configure it other than run it with tee?
[12:54] <vitzli> it was in item olympe-site_geekitmakeit-20160605-124339 - starts with http://geekitmakeit.olympe.in/%3E%20%3C/rdf:Seq%3E%20%3C/x
[12:57] <HCross> and 60 more concurrent magicallly appears
[13:00] <HCross> I seem to be hitting a lot of URLs like 174=502 http://lewis10.olympe.in/lewisfolies/www/www/www/www/www/?C=M;O=D.  
[13:02] <HCross> https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/olympe-io-free-web-hosting-hebergement-gratuit#/ seems they launched a fundraiser
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[22:02] <godane> i have now upload all 2002 epsiodes of MBC Newsdesk
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[23:15] <godane> so looks like maybe able to grab those 300k streams of MBC Newstoday faster
[23:16] <godane> *Newstoday is a different program from newsdesk
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