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[01:12] <zhongfu> i was reading through some posts on the petabox and found this https://archive.org/post/401968/we-have-2tb-of-data-to-upload
[01:12] <zhongfu> heh
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[01:18] <jrwr> Hrm, Right now a ton of people are using Amazon Cloud Drive for plex since its "Unlimited"
[01:18] <jrwr> I know people with 50TB of crap
[01:18] <zhongfu> you're subject to Amazon's whims and fancies though
[01:18] <jrwr> Also it may be a company that has stuff if they ever closed could be of some use after they do
[01:19] <zhongfu> i think i've seen a few cases where Amazon has shut down accounts, although I'm not sure about the circumstances behind those cases
[01:20] <zhongfu> jrwr: perhaps, but the wording makes it sound otherwise
[01:22] <jrwr> ah
[01:22] <jrwr> So the first wave was they banned from external sharing links
[01:22] <jrwr> due to copyright
[01:22] <jrwr> as of late a few reports of people having two accounts one .com and .co.uk account
[01:22] <jrwr> and getting b&
[01:22] <zhongfu> yeah, seems like quite a lot of those are valid and for ToS violations
[01:23] <jrwr> https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/5atiki/amazon_cloud_locked_account_update/
[01:23] <jrwr> The main guy having the issue had his account reactivated
[01:29] <zhongfu> that's great to hear
[01:29] <zhongfu> i'm personally using a few google drive accounts. 25.8TB so far
[01:29] <zhongfu> 72TB in ACD, 87TB on Google Drive: https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/54bci8/anyone_got_the_limit_of_amazon_cloud_drive/d80kqjd/
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[02:53] <dashcloud> I'm going to start breaking out games from old shareware CDs and making them emulatable - here's the first one from the book Fatal Distractions: https://archive.org/details/ColossalCaveRevisited
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[04:45] <DFJustin> oh the TADS port, I htink I remember this
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[04:52] <godane> i'm at 970k items
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[05:19] <SketchCow> dashcloud: Good luck - I need to fix things up
[05:19] <SketchCow> When you have a pile of things available, I'll do The Work
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[05:33] <SketchCow> Hurrrah, I got the screenshotter back
[05:33] <xmc> hooray!
[05:34] <SketchCow> https://archive.org/details/ColossalCaveRevisited
[05:35] <dxrt> godane: Mind if I PM you?
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[05:57] <godane> dxrt: ok
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[09:38] <godane> !ao http://www.wftv.com/news/local/at-least-three-injured-in-squirrel-attack-at-deltona-senior-living-facility/463774779
[09:45] <godane> i put it into the archivebot
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[11:30] <dashcloud> thanks SketchCow! Will try to have a bunch up this weekend
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[13:56] <godane> so i maybe getting a 5 hours of vhs1 from 2001
[13:56] <godane> VH-1 Top 80 of The 80's Hosted by Emilio Estevez 9-2-01 to be exact
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[19:27] <HCross> Yoshimura, pm me here now
[19:29] <Yoshimura> HCross You said PM, but you used channel, so not sure.
[19:29] <Yoshimura> Will you get to the pypy today?
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