#archiveteam-bs 2017-07-19,Wed

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00:36 🔗 jrwr xmc: I have thought about making a botnet that is if you are an op in here you can control it, have it join channels and op you in ever channel you and the bots are in upon request
00:36 🔗 jrwr basic commands like !join #channel and !opme -- with a small whitelist of people who have static hostnames in case of failure to auto op
00:39 🔗 jrwr have 3 bots connected to server that is connected to a different hub
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17:10 🔗 tsuckow has joined #archiveteam-bs
17:14 🔗 jrwr tsuckow: what you having issues with
17:15 🔗 jrwr arm is a PITA, but if you are just dedicating a machine to it
17:15 🔗 jrwr just run the commands inside the dockerfile by hand
17:16 🔗 tsuckow jrwr: At the moment building wget-lua. Nothing blocking, just keep finding packages I need to install which takes forever.
17:16 🔗 jrwr ya
17:16 🔗 jrwr the docker file has the apt-get line that covers most of it
17:17 🔗 tsuckow I switched to raspbian base image because it is armv6 but it apparently doesn't include some packages by default like the other one
17:17 🔗 fallenoak has joined #archiveteam-bs
17:17 🔗 tsuckow and the prebuilt wget-lua isn't compatible
17:21 🔗 tsuckow Some day I will finish making a backup utility for C.H.I.P. and I could start using those.
17:21 🔗 jrwr I just got done making a new warriorvm
17:21 🔗 jrwr the current ones we use are kind of old
17:21 🔗 jrwr like 2010 old
17:22 🔗 tsuckow If it's not broke take it apart and find out why.
17:22 🔗 jrwr oh but it is
17:22 🔗 jrwr the SSL engine in that thing is so old
17:23 🔗 jrwr some modern websites just fail to work
17:23 🔗 tsuckow Ya, I noticed python bitching
17:24 🔗 jrwr it uses Alpine Linux and Docker
17:25 🔗 jrwr it just uses the docker version (so it can stay up to date) on boot
17:25 🔗 jrwr 60MB
17:26 🔗 tsuckow nearly a third smaller.
17:27 🔗 jrwr it downloads a 300MB Docker image
17:27 🔗 jrwr so it comes out in the wash
17:27 🔗 tsuckow It looked like you also upped the disk to 100GB. Do the projects ever really approach the 60GB?
17:27 🔗 jrwr some can
17:28 🔗 jrwr I've seen some come back before
17:28 🔗 jrwr but if its not used, its not used
17:29 🔗 jrwr https://archive.org/download/AT-Warrior100G/Warrior-100G.ova Your welcome to try it, its "Unsupported" but ill help where I can
17:32 🔗 tsuckow One of these days I need to look at just running the docker image on windows 10
17:33 🔗 tsuckow Though the point of running it on the pi is so I can turn the desktop off.
17:35 🔗 tsuckow Vm seems to work fine
17:35 🔗 jrwr Nice :)
17:37 🔗 tsuckow If you wanted to be as minimal as the old one you could disable usb and reduce video memory to 1MB
17:38 🔗 tsuckow But i doubt it matters
17:38 🔗 jrwr Save all of 10MB of ram
17:38 🔗 jrwr on boot the base os uses 40MB
17:38 🔗 jrwr then once the warrior boots its 100MB
17:38 🔗 jrwr so
17:39 🔗 jrwr if you switch to TTY2 its root:warrior
17:39 🔗 jrwr htop is installed
17:41 🔗 tsuckow You must know what yuo are doing if you put htop init
17:42 🔗 jrwr lol
17:43 🔗 xmc or, we don't know what it's doing :)
17:43 🔗 jrwr lol
17:43 🔗 jrwr its a base alpine install with a boot.sh as TTY1 that just runs docker and checks if docker is running
17:47 🔗 jrwr I am going to write some docs on the edits I did (/etc/inittab) and apk add docker htop nano
17:51 🔗 tsuckow Anyone know why isc-dhcp-client is in the docker container?
18:06 🔗 mundus201 Is there a faster way to archive a site rather than just doing wget -m?
18:14 🔗 schbirid2 wpull -m with concurrency and all that shit
18:14 🔗 mundus201 oh didn't know wpull did concurrency
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21:21 🔗 hook54321 Fyi, FamilySearch is discontinuing microfilm/fiche distribution on September 1, 2017. If you want something, send it to a Family History Center by August 31.
21:21 🔗 * Asparagir waves to fellow genealogy nerd
21:21 🔗 * hook54321 waves back
21:22 🔗 Asparagir Also, if you know any genealogical/archival records that you want to see released to the public, send my org a heads up: www.ReclaimTheRecords.org
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21:22 🔗 Asparagir We use Freedom of Information laws to force government archives, libraries, and agencies to hand over copies of data they have.
21:22 🔗 Asparagir And if they don't comply, we sue. :-)
21:23 🔗 Asparagir Lots of success in the past two years, millions of records uploaded to the Internet Archive. And we just filed for non-proft status with the IRS so my little project is no going big-time.
21:23 🔗 hook54321 They're going to apparantly have it all digitized by 2020. But I'm not sure how or if copyright will affect what they have publicly available online.
21:23 🔗 Asparagir *now
21:24 🔗 hook54321 What kind of records would FOI laws require them to hand over?
21:24 🔗 Asparagir It will, because some countries (Ukraine and Poland, for example) need to have their contracts renegotiated to allow the microfilm images to go online, not just be on film. Some of their books were filmed in the 1980's before online images existed.
21:25 🔗 Asparagir Re: FOI -- In the past two years, I got the NYC marriage index 1908-1929 from the NYC Municipal Archives, then followed that up with getting the rest of teh record set 1930-1995 from the New York City Clerk's Office.
21:25 🔗 Asparagir Neither had EVER been available online before, nor on FamilySearch microfilm.
21:25 🔗 Asparagir Because NYC are jerks about not allowing access.
21:26 🔗 Asparagir Speaking of which, NYC is another example where they have b/m/d certificates on microfilm, but they are refusing to allow FamilySearch to put the images online! So FS went ahead and did a text-transcription of the images. Which is not quite as good.
21:27 🔗 hook54321 Unfortunately (at least for me) it costs $7.50 for shipping and handling to get an item delivered to a Family History Center.
21:27 🔗 Asparagir Yeah.
21:27 🔗 Asparagir I also got the New York State (minus NYC) death index 1880-1956 through an FOI fight over the past two years and just finished uploading it all to the IA. No one had that! NY State!
21:27 🔗 Asparagir It's amazing what FOI laws and the willingness to fight can do. :-)
21:27 🔗 Asparagir Got lots of other stuff too.
21:28 🔗 Asparagir And have a lawsuit pending in MIssouri for the first ever copy of their birth index (post-1910) and death index (post-1966). Very very basic index, not actual certificates, but they're being jerks and don't want to hand them over. Even though they sell that same data! Or maybe because they sell thaht same data, and don't want to lose the revenue stream.
21:28 🔗 hook54321 hmm... If someone lives in Utah, could they just walk into the Family History Library and start making digital copies of the NYC d/m//d certificates?
21:29 🔗 Asparagir Yup! From the films.
21:29 🔗 Asparagir But NYC is refusing to grant the right to put the images online.
21:29 🔗 hook54321 Why doesn't NYC let them put it online?
21:29 🔗 hook54321 I mean, there's only so much they can do to keep it offline...
21:29 🔗 Asparagir Because they want to be the sole source of this data. They're data hoarders. They make money selling copies.
21:29 🔗 Asparagir It's like Gollum with the ring MY PRECCCCIOUS
21:30 🔗 Asparagir So I have no compunction about suing them (twice now!) to get data from them.
21:30 🔗 Asparagir But I haven't gone after any actual certificates yet.
21:30 🔗 Asparagir Getting an index under FOI laws seems much easier.
21:30 🔗 Asparagir Getting a certificate will be a harder fight.
21:31 🔗 fallenoak Asparagir: Are you a lawyer?
21:31 🔗 fallenoak Or is it easy enough to sue under FOIA that you don't need one?
21:31 🔗 hook54321 Couldn't someone get digital copies at the Family History Library in Utah and then host it on a server in another country?
21:31 🔗 Asparagir Not a lawyer, but my parents wish I were. :-)
21:31 🔗 Asparagir I was pre-law in college.
21:31 🔗 fallenoak To my lay mind, I'd have thought suing the government would be expensive and time consuming haha
21:32 🔗 Asparagir I had/have attorneys for all three lawsuits.
21:32 🔗 yipdw Suing State And Federal Government For Fun And Profit
21:32 🔗 fallenoak Awesome
21:32 🔗 hook54321 What would happen if someone uploaded the NYC b/m/d certificates to libgen?
21:32 🔗 Asparagir #1 was against the NYC Municipal Archives' parent agency DORIS. I won settlement and got all records, but did not win my attorneys fees. Luckily they were not bad at all, because I used a public interest law firm that likes to stick up for the litle guys.
21:33 🔗 Asparagir Lawuist #2 was against the New York City Clerk's Office. I won a settlement again, won all the records but had to agree to take slightly redacted copies (which was okay). And that time I did win attorneys fees!
21:34 🔗 hook54321 why did they redact some stuff?
21:34 🔗 Asparagir The thing is, for STATE FOI requests, most states allow you to potentailly win your attorneys fees, but only five state mandate that you will definitely get reimbursed if you win the records: NJ, California, and three more I don't remember right now.
21:35 🔗 pnJay has joined #archiveteam-bs
21:35 🔗 hook54321 Also, what are we going to do about this? : http://www.thedailybeast.com/cia-plans-to-destroy-some-of-its-old-leak-files
21:35 🔗 Asparagir They redacted the bride and groom's dates of birth. They claimed that part was too invasive. I asked if they could just leave in the year of birth and cut the month/day, but they said no. It's an unsettled part of NY FOIL (their FOI law) whether dates of birth need to be redacted or not. So I could have fought them in court over that issue. But I decided to just take the rest of the data instead.
21:38 🔗 Asparagir They also cut the upper bound of the years off at 1995. That's because my FOIL request had asked them for a copy of the marriage index. But it turns out that starting in 1996, there isn't any separate index for NYC marriages, the data was "born digital" in database form right at the city clerk's office window.
21:38 🔗 Asparagir So I need to file a new FOI request later this year asking for "a redcated section of the NYC marriage database" to get the rest of the years, 1996-2016. It's an index but I can't call it an index in my request, what a pain.
21:39 🔗 Frogging why do we want all this stuff online anyway?
21:39 🔗 Asparagir Because genealogists like having open records?
21:40 🔗 Asparagir Because public records belong to the public and we're tired of getting gouged on $22 fees per record search.
21:40 🔗 hook54321 I have a 503 MB text file titled "voters"
21:40 🔗 Frogging idk why birth certificates are public records anyway
21:40 🔗 Asparagir The certificates usually are not. The INDEX to the sometimes is.
21:40 🔗 Asparagir *them
21:40 🔗 Asparagir You don't want to enable identity fraud.
21:40 🔗 hook54321 Does anyone want this text document?
21:41 🔗 Asparagir What's in it?
21:41 🔗 Frogging exactly that's what I was thinking
21:41 🔗 yipdw ASCII art
21:41 🔗 yipdw of "voters" repeated 300 million times
21:41 🔗 hook54321 Notepad is having issues opening
21:41 🔗 Frogging a bunch of porn in base64
21:41 🔗 hook54321 it
21:41 🔗 hook54321 Probably because it's 503 MB
21:41 🔗 Frogging use less
21:41 🔗 Frogging :p
21:42 🔗 hook54321 It's something that was leaked like a year a ago.
21:42 🔗 Frogging or head or tail or cat or anything that doesn't try and load the whole file into memory at once
21:43 🔗 yipdw then it's probably https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2015/12/28/us-voter-database-leak/#491dd53c5b98
21:43 🔗 yipdw so, nothx
21:43 🔗 Frogging and display it in a win32 text control
21:44 🔗 hook54321 Top of the text document: "Registration Date","Original Registration Date","Party","Phone","Mailing Address","Mailing city, state zip","County ID","Precinct","House Number","House Number Suffix","Direction Prefix","Street","Direction Suffix","Street Type","Unit Type","Unit Number","City","Zip","DOB","Congressional","State House","State Senate","State Schoolboard","Local Schoolboard","County Council","City Council"
21:44 🔗 Asparagir FYI, lots of states (like NY) allow you to get copies of their voter databases under their FOI laws! They just want you to swear you won't use the addresses to sign people up for junk mail. The laws vary a lot from state to state.
21:45 🔗 hook54321 this is also on the top line:
21:45 🔗 hook54321 "11/6/1990","11/5/1991","11/3/1992","11/2/1993","11/8/1994","5/23/1995","9/12/1995","10/3/1995","11/7/1995","6/25/1996","8/6/1996","11/5/1996","2/4/1997","5/6/1997","8/1/1997","10/7/1997","11/4/1997","6/23/1998","11/3/1998","5/4/1999","8/3/1999","10/5/1999","11/2/1999","5/2/2000","6/27/2000","11/7/2000","2/6/2001","10/2/2001","11/6/2001","6/25/2002","11/5/2002","2/4/2003","8/5/2003","10/7/2003","11/4/2003","5/4/2004","
21:45 🔗 hook54321 6/22/2004","8/3/2004","11/2/2004","10/4/2005","11/8/2005","6/27/2006","11/7/2006","6/26/2007","9/11/2007","11/6/2007
21:46 🔗 hook54321 I'm pretty sure this is just people in Utah...
21:46 🔗 hook54321 Yeah. Just people in Utah.
21:46 🔗 hook54321 No idea what it all means though
21:47 🔗 hook54321 oh. You can open it in LibreOffice Calc.
21:47 🔗 yipdw the unexplored cyberpunk scenario
21:47 🔗 yipdw "I have all this data, I don't know what to do with it"
21:48 🔗 yipdw "I just download stuff people send me"
21:48 🔗 JAA yipdw: I think that's a different data set though. The one you linked was a ~300 GB MongoDB IIRC.
21:48 🔗 hook54321 LibreOffice now just has a white screen.
21:48 🔗 yipdw JAA: oh ok, well in that case it's comforting to know that database will have all sorts of integrity problems
21:49 🔗 hook54321 Actually, apparantly I downloaded this in 2013... O_o
21:49 🔗 xmc lol
21:49 🔗 yipdw Never Forget
21:49 🔗 yipdw To Rag On MongoDB
21:50 🔗 hook54321 At least according to the Created and Accessed dates
21:51 🔗 hook54321 https://raidforums.com/Thread-Utah-Voter-Database-Leaked-Download
21:51 🔗 hook54321 The date on that is 2017 though
21:54 🔗 JAA How many records does that file have, hook54321?
21:55 🔗 hook54321 I'll tell you if I can get LibreOffice to open it
21:55 🔗 JAA wc -l ftw
21:55 🔗 hook54321 ?
21:55 🔗 JAA Or are you on Windows?
21:56 🔗 ndiddy has joined #archiveteam-bs
21:58 🔗 hook54321 yup. It's on a computer in a Family History Center.
21:58 🔗 JAA I see. No clue then.
22:00 🔗 hook54321 It might have been from this site: http://utvoters.com/
22:06 🔗 JAA Yep, that sounds right. 528252166 bytes, created on 2013-06-21 20:42.
22:07 🔗 hook54321 wait, how did you?
22:07 🔗 JAA As mentioned on the page you linked, this is still downloadable from https://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2014/02/515559.html
22:09 🔗 hook54321 Yup. That's the one. Same exact size.
22:09 🔗 JAA :-)
22:12 🔗 hook54321 Is there anything we can do about this? http://www.thedailybeast.com/cia-plans-to-destroy-some-of-its-old-leak-files
22:21 🔗 dashcloud you can try FOIAing them, but it will take a while and there's no guarantee
22:23 🔗 hook54321 Asparagir ^ ?
22:25 🔗 Asparagir Emma Best (@NatSecGeek on Twitter) and Nate Jones (@NSANate on twitter) would be your best people to ask.
22:25 🔗 hook54321 Will contacting them get me put on some list?
22:26 🔗 Asparagir *shrugs*
22:26 🔗 Asparagir They're already trying to stop the destruction: https://twitter.com/NSANate/status/887300618217500672
22:26 🔗 Asparagir Looks like NARA is taking comments from the public at request.schedule@nara.gov .
22:27 🔗 hook54321 They would have tried to FOIAing them if they could have, right?
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22:29 🔗 Asparagir I guess? Why not ask them?
22:29 🔗 hook54321 list
22:29 🔗 Asparagir Whose list?
22:29 🔗 hook54321 **the** list
22:29 🔗 JAA You're already on that one.
22:29 🔗 hook54321 why?
22:29 🔗 Asparagir We're allll on someone's list. Some of us were born there!
22:30 🔗 JAA Because you mentioned the list.
22:30 🔗 hook54321 :/
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22:31 🔗 Asparagir Fub fact: Emma Best, under her previous name Mike Best, is one of the people who has uploaded the most files to the Internet Archive. She's our kind of person -- likes open records, saving history, and so on. Because of her work, CIA finally put their CREST database online earlier this year.
22:31 🔗 Asparagir *Fun
22:31 🔗 hook54321 CREST database?
22:32 🔗 Asparagir It's super-cool! One sec, let me dig up the link...
22:32 🔗 Asparagir https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/jan/17/cias-declassified-database-now-online/
22:32 🔗 Asparagir Direct link: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/collection/crest-25-year-program-archive/
22:33 🔗 Asparagir Emma has already started uploading/archiving/backing up the whole database to the Internet Archive.
22:33 🔗 Asparagir I think it's probably still rendering/deriving.
22:35 🔗 Asparagir Just checked the Catalog page and she's still at it. 1.2 million uploads and counting: https://archive.org/details/@the_mike_best
22:35 🔗 hook54321 I just followed Emma Best on Twitter, right after I did that Twitter recommended that I follow Chelsea Manning 🤔
22:35 🔗 Asparagir Hahaha.
22:38 🔗 omglolbah has joined #archiveteam-bs
23:14 🔗 dashcloud Asparagir: that answers so much- I was wondering why I couldn't Mike Best around, because I was going to point out that effort
23:19 🔗 Atom has joined #archiveteam-bs
23:27 🔗 hook54321 dashcloud: "couldn't __?__ Mike Best around"
23:28 🔗 dashcloud couldn't find the name online
23:28 🔗 hook54321 oh
23:28 🔗 hook54321 https://archive.org/details/@the_mike_best
23:30 🔗 dashcloud thanks
