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[00:21] <godane> so i'm at 4554 items now for the month
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[05:59] <godane> so my new seagate drive is acting up
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[06:26] <godane> i'm running a filesystem check on my new drve
[06:26] <godane> *drive
[06:26] <godane> i made sure to copy the vhsrips i had on it to my media backup drive for the moment
[06:48] <godane> so i may need another drive cause this drive i can't return cause its pass the 14 days return window
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[09:16] <schbirid> strava ad is done, doing ap next
[09:19] <schbirid> strava ab is done, doing ao next
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[10:41] <JAA> godane: What about warranty?
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[12:04] <godane> i don't know the warranty on this thing
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[13:49] <godane> [863730.900771] sd 0:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#0 FAILED Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE
[13:49] <godane> [863730.900801] sd 0:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#0 Sense Key : Hardware Error [current] 
[13:49] <godane> [863730.900806] sd 0:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#0 Add. Sense: Internal target failure
[13:49] <godane> [863730.900810] sd 0:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#0 CDB: Read(16) 88 00 00 00 00 01 7d ed 32 88 00 00 00 08 00 00
[13:49] <godane> [863730.900815] print_req_error: critical target error, dev sdb, sector 6407664264
[13:49] <godane> those are the errors i'm getting
[13:54] <dashcloud> you may want to look into the warranty- you certainly have one (probably a year or so)
[14:10] <godane> https://pastebin.com/K31zr1N7
[14:42] <JAA> Yeah, 187 and 198 don't look good.
[14:47] <godane> i'm completely clueless on how to do the warranty
[14:48] <godane> in less i can give in store to get a replacement drive its not going to happen most likely
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[15:16] <schbirid> check the cable, i once got errors because mine wasnt fit
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[16:50] <arbin> schbirid: theres a few missing from the heatmap dump
[16:50] <schbirid> you mean in your grabbing? dont worry about missing tiles, i will fill those later
[16:51] <arbin> yea its like 999995 / 1000000
[16:52] <schbirid> np
[17:09] <arbin> schbirid: https://pastebin.com/gAxVmuJx
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[17:09] <arbin> now u want this zipped, 7z is ok i assume
[17:23] <schbirid> 7z would be perfect
[17:23] <schbirid> what does that script do?
[17:23] <arbin> finds whats missing, re downloads it
[17:23] <schbirid> ah
[17:23] <schbirid> thx ;o)
[17:36] <arbin> what file upload do you want these sent to?
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[17:58] <schbirid> you have slow upstream, right? would a torrent work for you? that seems easiest for being on and off :)
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[20:23] <JAA> Mine should be done in two hours or so.
[20:23] <arbin> my pc is on 25 hours a day so
[20:23] <arbin> finding a 1gb host is prob hard tho
[20:25] <JAA> Oh wow, I just noticed that I'm getting close to the inode limit on one of my servers. Well, that's a first.
[20:26] <JAA> (The inode limit is just 1.6 million on that partition for some reason.)
[20:27] <JAA> schbirid: The only ones remaining are am and an, correct?
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[21:06] <schbirid> JAA: correct
[21:06] <schbirid> arbin: can you use rsync? then i could set up a endpoint for you
[21:06] <schbirid> ah nvm
[21:06] <arbin> that or ftp
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[21:29] <JAA> schbirid: I'm grabbing am and an.
[21:39] <schbirid> sweet!
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