#archiveteam-ot 2018-12-22,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
00:00 🔗 ola_norsk (as far as i know, at least)
00:03 🔗 kbtoo__ My only issues with wikipedia's edit history is occasionally wikipedia will decide after years that a article shouldn't exist and delete it which removes the ability to look at the edit history. Unless that's changed recently.
00:11 🔗 ola_norsk kbtoo__: http://brenthecht.com/publications/chi2018_wikipediavaluetoonlinecommunities.pdf
00:12 🔗 ola_norsk (a document i can disticly remember having uploaded, btw, but seems like it's gone now..hmm)
00:17 🔗 kbtoo__ Worked when I clicked on it but I don't understand how it relates
00:20 🔗 ola_norsk kbtoo__: "recruitment and retention strategies" are mentioned. I've not read it, but i did archive it (but now the item seems to be gone, besides the warc)
00:20 🔗 VerifiedJ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
00:24 🔗 ola_norsk nvm (https://archive.org/details/chi2018_wikipedia_value_to_online_communities)
00:25 🔗 ola_norsk kbtoo__: But my point (to the github commenter) was that NPO's have certain requirements of transparency, that's all.
00:34 🔗 ola_norsk I'm no lawyer or american, but i doubt that it would be lawful for an NPO organization to present itself as neutral, while covertly being biased. I guess it would be akin to a vegan NPO accepting donations, while covertly supporting 'BaconRus, INC' i guess.
00:37 🔗 ola_norsk has quit IRC (anywho.. Happy xmas! https://youtu.be/5IsSpAOD6K8)
01:00 🔗 Mateon1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 492 seconds)
01:00 🔗 Mateon1 has joined #archiveteam-ot
04:05 🔗 kbtoo has joined #archiveteam-ot
04:07 🔗 kbtoo__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
04:07 🔗 odemg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
04:20 🔗 odemg has joined #archiveteam-ot
04:20 🔗 odemg has quit IRC (Connection closed)
04:27 🔗 wp494 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
04:28 🔗 wp494 has joined #archiveteam-ot
04:28 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode: +o wp494
04:28 🔗 degauss has joined #archiveteam-ot
04:48 🔗 dataorc has joined #archiveteam-ot
05:29 🔗 degauss has quit IRC (Quit: gtg)
06:19 🔗 jrwr Added a new thingie to the Wiki, when it is overloaded, it will now display a small banner and load the wayback machine version of the wiki
06:19 🔗 jrwr so when we get linked on reddit and shit, the wiki isn't full down
06:19 🔗 jrwr archiveteam.org/508.html -- if you want to add some JS logic or make it look better, just send me some HTML
06:59 🔗 BlueMax has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
07:10 🔗 psi kbtoo__: History is preserved once a page is deleted; however, it is only viewable to admins while it is, and can only be restored through undeletion (i.e. creating the page again manually doesn't restore it)
07:21 🔗 BlueMax has joined #archiveteam-ot
08:52 🔗 kode54 yeah, I'm mad
08:52 🔗 kode54 I wish I hadn't spent that
08:52 🔗 psi And people use Unraid why?
08:52 🔗 kode54 I guess because it tries to make itself simple
08:52 🔗 kiska Why do people use ESXi?
08:52 🔗 kode54 you flash it to a USB drive, install it in a machine to boot off the USB (its software license is against the GUID of the exact flash drive)
08:52 🔗 psi I'd rather do something complicated and free than simple and proprietary
08:53 🔗 kode54 yeah, people do it for the simplicity
08:53 🔗 kiska Or XenServer, or hyper-V, or any other virtualisation software?
08:53 🔗 kode54 unfortunately, I found Unraid more complicated than I cared to deal with, and it couldn't really be used as a desktop host machine at the same time, either
08:54 🔗 kode54 I got "sold" on it by watching Linus' two gaming machines in a single tower video
08:54 🔗 kiska You can do the same thing on the more expensive ESXi!
08:54 🔗 kode54 ESXi is free if you only use 8 cores per VM
08:55 🔗 psi I spent the better part of 3 days setting up Portainer over https instead of signing up for whatever docker management studios are out there
08:55 🔗 kiska Or you don't need PCIe passthrough
08:55 🔗 kode54 that comes free, last I tried it
08:55 🔗 kiska Yeah ver. 6 doesn't have it, you need to pay for it
08:56 🔗 kode54 yuck, it worked in 6 last time I tried it, like, three years ago
08:56 🔗 kode54 that's a cutting blow there
08:57 🔗 kode54 half of the reason I even wanted to use a VM was to mistreat it like a hypervisor
08:57 🔗 kiska Yeah 6.5 doesn't have it, you need to pay for it. As long as you stay <=6 then you have it I guess
08:57 🔗 kode54 turns out, it isn't the most comfortable, needs extreme low latency host kernel for halfway decent DPC latency in the guests
08:58 🔗 kode54 at least if you let any of the cores share with the host, which you kind of have to unless you really want to run a desktop without the "full" resources of the host machine
08:58 🔗 kode54 becomes much easier in this case just to run Windows bare metal and run Hyper-V
08:58 🔗 kiska Meh
08:58 🔗 kode54 but I'm not running Windows right now
08:59 🔗 kiska XenServer is pretty low latency so xD
08:59 🔗 kode54 nice
08:59 🔗 kode54 I'll have to try that some day
08:59 🔗 kiska Or proxmox, have fun!
08:59 🔗 kode54 I know most Linux distributions that are desktop use, the "default" kernels for many of them aren't low latency, and that's terrible for trying to do anything multimedia on guests
09:00 🔗 kode54 the low latency audio subsystem of Windows will glitch regularly, no matter what sort of sound device you are using
09:00 🔗 kode54 virtual ICH6/ICH9, virtual USB, PCIe passthrough Realtek, PCIe passthrough USB interface with a USB sound device plugged in
09:01 🔗 kode54 I found I could fix that with the Zen kernel back in the day
09:01 🔗 kode54 that's not low latency enough for macOS VMs, though
09:01 🔗 kode54 and in recent attempts to passthrough things, I found that it's a Really Bad Idea to try to pass through your host machine's boot GPU
09:02 🔗 kiska Yep
09:02 🔗 kode54 mainly, if a desktop or login screen is present, it will oops and fail
09:02 🔗 kode54 and even then, it will most definitely fail to switch back to the Linux context after the VM is terminated
09:03 🔗 kode54 I've decided the only real option is just to dual boot
09:03 🔗 kiska I work with ESXi and XenServer, I know
09:03 🔗 kode54 excellent, that's cool
09:03 🔗 kiska Actually, my workstation is unraid'd
09:03 🔗 kode54 the big thing I didn't like about XenServer was that it requires a Windows client to configure it
09:04 🔗 kode54 or maybe some not so easy to use FOSS client? I don't remember now
09:04 🔗 kiska Sure about that? I was configuring XenServer about 45 mins ago with ssh
09:04 🔗 kode54 I think I also remember it wanting to access all install and target volumes over NFS
09:04 🔗 kode54 oh
09:04 🔗 kode54 SSH, heh, duh
09:04 🔗 kiska Command line xD
09:04 🔗 kode54 I do that sort of the lazy way, using virsh
09:05 🔗 Flashfire Its bad I cant use the CLI
09:05 🔗 kode54 editing a giant xml mishmash in vim
09:05 🔗 kode54 but I do cheap out and let virt-manager generate the initial definition for me
09:06 🔗 kode54 I suppose virt-install would work as well
09:06 🔗 kiska I do it myself, so I know it does what I want it to
09:06 🔗 kode54 I don't always know how to hand configure the different components, like the PCIe root controller, the bridges, the serial interfaces, etc
09:06 🔗 kiska xD
09:07 🔗 kode54 the only VM I currently have is my Windows development platform, which has sadly grown to a 128GB volume
09:07 🔗 kiska Anyway I've got to go now, I've got to mess around with Proxmox
09:07 🔗 kode54 Visual Studio keeps getting bigger
09:07 🔗 kode54 see you around
09:07 🔗 kiska VS is a piece of junk
09:08 🔗 kode54 I develop software for an audio player that long ago decided its API would be C++ classes, so its DLL ABI is 100% VS based
09:08 🔗 kode54 on all other platforms it currently exists on, there is no plugin support, it's all compiled into one static blob, same interfaces statically linked
09:09 🔗 _niklas I think we'd all be a lot less upset about VS size if we weren't in the habit of compulsively clicking every installer option
09:09 🔗 kode54 yeah, true
09:09 🔗 Flashfire Accidentally installs adware
09:09 🔗 _niklas I probably have 5 _windows phone_ images on here thanks to that
09:10 🔗 Flashfire I collect them upload them to virustotal and then dissect them in text edit randomly
09:47 🔗 psi Eternal love for its open-source namesake tho kiska
09:49 🔗 psi VS Code is great
10:18 🔗 BlueMax has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10:54 🔗 dataorc has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
10:55 🔗 psi https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/281958097252122624/525983131396997140/unknown.png hmm
11:45 🔗 betamax_ is now known as betamax
12:27 🔗 m007a83_ has joined #archiveteam-ot
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12:30 🔗 m007a83 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
12:45 🔗 degauss has joined #archiveteam-ot
12:48 🔗 degauss has quit IRC (Client Quit)
13:24 🔗 psi how acceptable is 130kB of JS for a pageload
13:26 🔗 wp494 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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13:28 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode: +o wp494
13:54 🔗 VerfiedJ has joined #archiveteam-ot
14:17 🔗 Dj-Wawa has joined #archiveteam-ot
15:04 🔗 ubahn has joined #archiveteam-ot
15:24 🔗 ubahn_ has joined #archiveteam-ot
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16:05 🔗 kiska psi: Ask facebook if its acceptable to inject 2MiB of JS
16:05 🔗 psi well, no
16:06 🔗 kiska Then you have your answer. I try to use as little client side rendering as much as possible, opting for server side(ie php)
16:08 🔗 psi Mm, fair enough
16:10 🔗 kiska There is stuff you have to do on the client, like validation, but yeah limit it
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16:58 🔗 s4t has joined #archiveteam-ot
17:03 🔗 ubahn has joined #archiveteam-ot
17:11 🔗 t2t2 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
17:55 🔗 hook54321 ivan_: Does phantomjs still work in grab-site?
17:56 🔗 ubahn has quit IRC (Quit: ubahn)
18:03 🔗 odemg has joined #archiveteam-ot
18:14 🔗 JAA Well, you need validation on the server anyway, so even that isn't really necessary to do on the client.
18:14 🔗 JAA hook54321: I believe ivan removed phantomjs entirely in his wpull fork which is used by grab-site. So no, I don't think it works.
18:14 🔗 hook54321 ah ok
18:14 🔗 hook54321 darn
18:37 🔗 ubahn has joined #archiveteam-ot
18:56 🔗 ubahn has quit IRC (Quit: ubahn)
19:41 🔗 HCross any idea why FTP now fails on grab-site
19:42 🔗 JAA HCross: Fails how? FTP is very unstable in wpull 2.0.x because it has nearly no error handling, so any timeout, connection reset, etc. kills wpull.
19:43 🔗 HCross https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/1oGdVfxX/
20:09 🔗 ubahn has joined #archiveteam-ot
20:17 🔗 psi Progress on my dashboard thingy - the last thing that needs doing is removing old and finished messages https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/DT4KbIfW/image.png
20:21 🔗 dashcloud has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
20:23 🔗 dashcloud has joined #archiveteam-ot
20:38 🔗 ubahn has quit IRC (Quit: ubahn)
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21:20 🔗 ubahn has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:20 🔗 ubahn_ has joined #archiveteam-ot
21:58 🔗 BlueMax has joined #archiveteam-ot
22:11 🔗 s4t has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
22:26 🔗 wp494 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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22:28 🔗 svchfoo1 sets mode: +o wp494
22:31 🔗 ubahn_ has quit IRC (Quit: ubahn_)
23:02 🔗 Mateon1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 492 seconds)
23:02 🔗 Mateon1 has joined #archiveteam-ot
23:38 🔗 VerfiedJ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
23:58 🔗 kode54 has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC 1.7.1 - https://znc.in)
