#archiveteam-ot 2019-03-28,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
00:47 🔗 Despatche has joined #archiveteam-ot
01:21 🔗 Stiletto has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
01:29 🔗 Stilett0- has joined #archiveteam-ot
01:29 🔗 Stilett0- is now known as Stiletto
01:31 🔗 Stiletto has quit IRC (Client Quit)
01:32 🔗 Stiletto has joined #archiveteam-ot
02:13 🔗 t3 Hello.
02:19 🔗 t3 How does paypal@silent-ghost.eu work?
02:45 🔗 ATrescue has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
02:48 🔗 marked I'm not sure, but the question is for Fusl
02:54 🔗 t3 Is there a way I can make the background of Grafana white so I can make a screenshot of it?
02:56 🔗 t3 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41006070/how-to-change-default-black-color-of-grafana#41007984
02:57 🔗 icedice has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
03:10 🔗 t3 I'm having trouble doing it on my iPad.
03:15 🔗 t3 Who has access to the @archiveteam Twitter account?
03:15 🔗 marked I'm on workstation now. what graphs do you want?
03:16 🔗 t3 marked: Hmm... let me see.
03:22 🔗 Flashfire http://www.chlapecahvezda.cz/ not often you see the root domain redirect to garbage usually they just inject extra site maps
03:24 🔗 t3 marked: A graph that says "Estimated upload throughput (all users stacked)"
03:24 🔗 t3 I need a large screenshot version of it, without the usernames.
03:25 🔗 t3 Hopefully the axis labels will be large enough.
03:25 🔗 t3 marked: You can find it near the bottom of https://atdash.meo.ws/d/BQbN9QEiz/archive-team-tracker-charts
03:26 🔗 t3 Oh, the axis timeframe needs to be changed.
03:26 🔗 t3 One second.
03:27 🔗 t3 By the way, to make the background bright, use "Configuration -> Preferences -> UI Theme -> Light".
03:27 🔗 t3 From the "Grafana Home Dashboard".
03:37 🔗 marked It's being slow, but more important I'm not seeing it, checking CSS in debug.
03:38 🔗 t3 marked: Don't worry, I think I might be able to make a link to it.
03:38 🔗 t3 Testing out https://atdash.meo.ws/d/BQbN9QEiz/archive-team-tracker-charts?orgId=1&from=1552021200000&to=1553738400000&var-project=googleplus&var-ival=%24__auto_interval_ival&var-largeival=%24__auto_interval_largeival&theme=light&panelId=13&fullscreen
03:41 🔗 marked seems to work
03:42 🔗 t3 I think we can do `var-largeival=1m` instead.
03:43 🔗 t3 https://atdash.meo.ws/d/BQbN9QEiz/archive-team-tracker-charts?orgId=1&from=1552021200000&to=1553738400000&var-project=googleplus&var-ival=%24__auto_interval_ival&var-largeival=1m&theme=light&panelId=13&fullscreen
03:51 🔗 icedice has joined #archiveteam-ot
03:53 🔗 t3 Can you can get a screenshot of that?
03:54 🔗 t3 A widescreen screenshot, without the users on the right.
03:54 🔗 t3 If you have a big monitor, that helps. You can also resize the browser window.
03:58 🔗 marked I have a very big monitor. you want it at maximum size?
03:59 🔗 Exairnous has joined #archiveteam-ot
04:00 🔗 t3 Uh... just large enough with the axis labels on the sides to be large enough so that they can be easily seen if I were to resize and squeeze it onto the press release document.
04:04 🔗 marked I'll do it at max size and then tell me what happens when you put it in place
04:07 🔗 t3 Uh. Just take a screenshot, and then I can add it to the Google Docs document.
04:07 🔗 marked I think it's the opposite. when the browser is big and you scale down the image the labels end up small
04:08 🔗 t3 Yes. So don't make it too big or too small. Probably wider is better.
04:10 🔗 marked yeah, this is from a big monitor: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RsSIUs8J4xk1lpBWgIzEASjOd0IKOqfF/view?usp=drivesdk
04:12 🔗 marked 1920x1200 monitor: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KhBC4vM5-XD8TEhlwrfUb4u99SoGSNpb/view?usp=drivesdk
04:15 🔗 marked for where you're putting it, tell me if you taller or wider than the last one
04:18 🔗 t3 Um...
04:19 🔗 t3 Let's just see what it looks like with a shorter and wider one.
04:23 🔗 marked shorter, probably same width, https://drive.google.com/file/d/13FyYQoEVZVXmced4rhp82QFkZ6Y0W24Y/view?usp=drivesdk
04:27 🔗 t3 I just wish there was a high DPI version...
04:28 🔗 marked shorter and wider: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WwnR83l2ai5e1_dQaafXMOtd0i0gl06a/view?usp=drivesdk
04:28 🔗 marked does grafana have high dpi mode?
04:28 🔗 t3 I think it's more of a system thing.
04:29 🔗 marked could try it on a mac retina
04:29 🔗 t3 Are you using Windows?
04:29 🔗 marked ipads are retina too
04:30 🔗 marked what's it doing on ipad ?
04:30 🔗 marked I'm on Linux
04:33 🔗 marked If it set the browser to 3x and use a 5k monitor it kinda does what you want.
04:35 🔗 t3 Perfect.
04:35 🔗 t3 Try that.
04:37 🔗 dhyan_nat has joined #archiveteam-ot
04:37 🔗 marked https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q0nzytY_oEAHgc8URa51cS4QkQnKgWMF/view?usp=drivesdk
04:40 🔗 t3 I think that looks good.
04:40 🔗 marked that's like chrome at 300%, monitor at 4000 x 2560
04:47 🔗 odemg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 615 seconds)
04:53 🔗 odemg has joined #archiveteam-ot
04:58 🔗 t3 Thanks marked. You're awesome.
04:59 🔗 marked NP, happy to support a dedicated volunteer
05:16 🔗 t3 So where does "2.7TB of data archived per hour" come from?
05:17 🔗 t3 It's on the bottom of the Google Docs page (use ctrl/cmd + f to search for it).
05:24 🔗 marked I see it in gDoc. Well, it's either in grafana or not
05:24 🔗 jut 7.5 Gbps *60*60/8000=3.4 Tbph
05:25 🔗 jut *TBph
05:27 🔗 marked actually, there's a graph for that
05:28 🔗 marked https://atdash.meo.ws/d/BQbN9QEiz/archive-team-tracker-charts?orgId=1&from=1553707694113&to=1553750894113&var-project=googleplus&var-ival=%24__auto_interval_ival&var-largeival=%24__auto_interval_largeival&panelId=6&fullscreen
05:28 🔗 marked but jut was correct nontheless
05:32 🔗 IanR if thats what we store, thats little more than a quarter of what is actually stored
05:35 🔗 marked You mean because machines are missing?
05:38 🔗 * IanR fans his hands out in the air, and in big brightly colored and sparkling letters appears the word "compression".
05:38 🔗 t3 https://tracker.archiveteam.org
05:38 🔗 t3 Tracker seems to stop working for me.
05:38 🔗 IanR yeah, they're chewingon it now
05:40 🔗 IanR contemplating giving XP-chan more RAM it seems
05:40 🔗 t3 3.4 terabits per hour is roughly 2.7 terabytes per hour?
05:42 🔗 marked I don't think so
05:42 🔗 marked What number are you starting from and want to go to?
05:42 🔗 IanR actually this looks about right according to my offline back of a napkin calcs
05:44 🔗 t3 7.5 Gbps is 3.37 TB/h.
05:54 🔗 t3 marked: Do you think the first graph looks too big? I can't seem to get it on the first page. I can try to make the fonts smaller.
05:59 🔗 t3 marked: Although it looks very nice, can you make a someone shorter version of it? The same width still works.
06:00 🔗 t3 Somewhat shorter version*
06:02 🔗 t3 Woah, Fusl's rate went down.
06:10 🔗 t3 marked: Let me know when you get the chance to make it.
06:41 🔗 t3 I don't have Adobe InDesign, otherwise it would have been easier, and prettier.
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07:05 🔗 kbtoo_ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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07:09 🔗 t3 marked: Actually, it might just be alright. I'll just play around with the formatting a little more.
07:18 🔗 deevious has joined #archiveteam-ot
07:34 🔗 t3 I am ver close to finishing the press release.
07:34 🔗 t3 Very*
07:46 🔗 Exairnous has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 615 seconds)
07:46 🔗 t3 marked: New users are starting to run the scripts/Warrior because of your Reddit post! Nice!
07:50 🔗 dhyan_nat has joined #archiveteam-ot
07:55 🔗 nataraj has joined #archiveteam-ot
07:56 🔗 dhyan_nat has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
08:14 🔗 t3 Where did Fusl's PayPal URL go?
08:14 🔗 t3 Who is Silent Ghost?
08:20 🔗 nataraj has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
08:20 🔗 t3 Is that Fusl's domain?
08:20 🔗 t3 Fusl: For the PayPal, have it say Archive Team.
08:32 🔗 t3 marked: I think the press release is complete.
08:32 🔗 t3 All we have to do is save it as a PDF.
08:34 🔗 t3 I'm assuming you don't need the Reddit part of the Google Docs anymore.
08:36 🔗 t3 I'm going to delete the rest of the content and only keep the press release stuff.
08:40 🔗 t3 marked: So here is the stuff on the bottom of the document just in case we still need it:
08:40 🔗 t3 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/jP63NFfv
08:41 🔗 t3 marked: Okay, so the press release should be hosted on https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Google%2B_press_release
08:43 🔗 dhyan_nat has joined #archiveteam-ot
08:45 🔗 t3 First export it as a PDF by doing File > Download as > PDF document. That should be the final draft.
08:49 🔗 t3 Actually, just check your PMs / private messages.
08:52 🔗 eientei95 t3: Chuck it here and I can give it a proof
08:53 🔗 t3 eientei95: Proof?
08:53 🔗 eientei95 Proofread
08:55 🔗 kbtoo has joined #archiveteam-ot
08:55 🔗 t3 eientei95: Okay. Don't modify anything too much. It's at a final draft state. Just make comments using the Comments tool, otherwise changes will appear on the exports. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qMwUxD3x2gZJB1I9Uc3nTSIfYkfas1XDMxAnclo7aIA/edit?usp=sharing
08:58 🔗 dhyan_nat has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
08:59 🔗 t3 eientei95: I'm going to sleep. Let marked know if you make any changes.
09:00 🔗 t3 Thanks for proofreading, though.
09:00 🔗 t3 Goodnight.
09:10 🔗 KoalaBear Goodnight, when is it going to be published? Time is running out
09:11 🔗 eientei95 marked: Made a few suggestions in the PR as suggestions that you can easily click the tick to accept
09:25 🔗 dhyan_nat has joined #archiveteam-ot
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09:59 🔗 benjinss has joined #archiveteam-ot
10:03 🔗 benjinsmi has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
10:09 🔗 Hintswen has joined #archiveteam-ot
10:32 🔗 dhyan_nat has joined #archiveteam-ot
10:37 🔗 dhyan_nat has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
10:45 🔗 benjinss has quit IRC (Leaving)
10:57 🔗 jut Can somebody who uses reddit crosspost to r/google
11:20 🔗 killsushi has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
11:24 🔗 BlueMax has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11:30 🔗 Fusl t3: i can't have it say archive team
11:30 🔗 Fusl it's a paypal.me link
11:45 🔗 KoalaBear I hope the press release will be posted BEFORE April 2 ;) :P
11:45 🔗 icedice has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
11:55 🔗 benjins has joined #archiveteam-ot
13:23 🔗 peanut has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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15:37 🔗 t3 Fusl: Okay well, I guess that is fine.
15:37 🔗 t3 Fusl: Do you have access to the bitcoin wallet?
15:38 🔗 marked I'm sitting on the press release for an hour incase we're migrating trackers
15:39 🔗 marked otherwise I think it's ready
15:39 🔗 marked should recompile the list of outlets we want to snt it to, and find their method of contact
15:41 🔗 t3 Okay. Thanks marked.
15:41 🔗 Fusl t3: depends
15:41 🔗 Fusl if its mine, yes
15:41 🔗 wp494 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
15:42 🔗 t3 marked: Do you have the PDF file of the press release?
15:43 🔗 t3 Can you put a link to it on here? This way Fusl can check it.
15:46 🔗 JAA What "press release" are you talking about?
15:47 🔗 wp494 has joined #archiveteam-ot
15:47 🔗 Fusl still the same
15:47 🔗 Fusl we have a PR team now
15:47 🔗 Fusl we're paying them with bread and water
15:48 🔗 JAA Right, and the "press" is /r/DataHoarder.
15:52 🔗 marked print proofing now
15:53 🔗 t3 marked: Thanks. It's just File > Download as > PDF document.
15:55 🔗 marked in the codeshare add the email or urls for the news agencies, they don't like to get stories late
15:55 🔗 marked they prefer simultaneously
16:01 🔗 marked Does Sketch live in Boston?
16:02 🔗 jut Meaby you should ask him? SketchCow
16:02 🔗 marked Sketch also needs to read this if he's goign to be point of contact, or he'll be really confused when people ask him questions
16:04 🔗 SketchCow What is this.
16:05 🔗 jut https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qMwUxD3x2gZJB1I9Uc3nTSIfYkfas1XDMxAnclo7aIA/edit?usp=sharing
16:06 🔗 marked A bunch of anonymous authors on the internet wrote a 3 page press release on teh Google+ project
16:06 🔗 Fusl oh god don't sho
16:06 🔗 Fusl crap
16:08 🔗 SketchCow Really. "Give Fusl money"
16:09 🔗 Fusl for my self defense, i didn't write any of this
16:10 🔗 SketchCow Did someone give marked point on something
16:11 🔗 marked something or this? people just started doing it own, for the most part
16:11 🔗 marked and I just want to fix the English
16:11 🔗 SketchCow I just meant the generally bad idea of giving you point on anything, which it appears they did
16:11 🔗 SketchCow I haven't lived in Boston in a decade.
16:12 🔗 SketchCow I mean, even the Wikipedia entry says that, even if the town they list me as living in is wrong (which I like)
16:12 🔗 jut @Kaz> as long as my name isn't on it, do whatever the fuck you want. archiveteam is anarchy and nobody is in charge
16:12 🔗 * jut hides
16:12 🔗 SketchCow Anyway, whatever, looks like we're asking for money because a resource is low?
16:13 🔗 JAA I think we have that figured out at the moment. The rsync targets are no longer the limiting factor, we're murdering the tracker now.
16:13 🔗 SketchCow We should really, really either pay for someone to fix the tracker or fix the tracker.
16:13 🔗 kiska Tracker is very much ablaze
16:13 🔗 marked it's like ping pong, or whack a mole
16:13 🔗 SketchCow I hear all sorts of whining
16:13 🔗 marked I've got plans for the tracker
16:13 🔗 marked but nobody made me point on that either
16:14 🔗 marked we flip flop between needing more warriors nd needing more rsync targets
16:14 🔗 kiska I don't want to touch code when its being used for a project, once G+ finishes I'll take a look at the tracker
16:14 🔗 JAA I don't know what the state of the tracker is, but judging from the AT software I have dealt with, it probably needs a rewrite. No point in starting this now with a deadline just 5 days from now.
16:14 🔗 marked we're talking a 2 line change
16:15 🔗 Fusl marked: making redis run faster is not a 2 line change
16:15 🔗 Fusl anyways
16:15 🔗 Fusl we need more workers
16:15 🔗 kiska I'll probably replace redis with just using mariadb with memcache
16:15 🔗 marked so I just mean there's low hanging fruit, like turning off urlteam
16:15 🔗 Fusl fuck the tracker, really
16:16 🔗 Fusl it will hand out jobs as the load is low
16:16 🔗 Fusl what we really need is more workers
16:16 🔗 marked we need more warriors then we spend money on more targets if it becomes a problem
16:16 🔗 Fusl lindner has proven that it is actually possible to push the tracker's limits even more
16:16 🔗 SketchCow If someone lets marked near the tracker you will hear me sound a horn that is the horn of Gabriel
16:16 🔗 marked if the tracker falls over, we remove oen more tasks
16:16 🔗 Fusl we're at 1.4k/min now
16:16 🔗 SketchCow I will leave channels
16:17 🔗 JAA Why is the Google+ talk happening here and the OT talk in #googleminus?
16:17 🔗 yano lol
16:17 🔗 SketchCow Because marked
16:17 🔗 marked we just need an Ok on the press release
16:17 🔗 marked either for more warriors or money for targets
16:17 🔗 Fusl marked: make it clearer that we need more workers
16:17 🔗 Fusl write it in red bold text
16:17 🔗 Fusl size 50
16:18 🔗 Fusl and make it less obvious that we're looking for donations if
16:18 🔗 Fusl at least that the donations go to me at first before getting burned into nvme instances
16:18 🔗 Fusl SketchCow actually has a point on that
16:19 🔗 Fusl "Fusl's PayPal URL", "Fusl's PayPal email", "Fusl's BTC address"
16:19 🔗 marked I dont' like that either. but the only other thing we coudl find was opencollective or donate to archive.org
16:20 🔗 Fusl then include that
16:20 🔗 marked which is fine except opencollective takes 10% and neither will help the crawl this week
16:20 🔗 Fusl as mentioned in the other channel
16:20 🔗 Fusl i have enough money for 15 more nvme instances now
16:20 🔗 JAA "If you would like to donate, please consider donating to IA or contact us on IRC" or similar?
16:21 🔗 qw3rty119 has joined #archiveteam-ot
16:22 🔗 marked how about opencollective, IA, and a BTC wallet
16:23 🔗 JAA Why ask for donations if we don't need (monetary) donations at the moment?
16:25 🔗 marked partially beacuse if we spike warriors, it's just a matter of time before we need rsync targets
16:25 🔗 marked but I'm not in a position to know when we'll need targets
16:25 🔗 JAA Fusl just mentioned that she has enough money for 15 more targets.
16:25 🔗 JAA That should be enough for now.
16:25 🔗 marked so someone is welcome to estimate otherwise
16:25 🔗 kiska As I said, we have 2 servers on standby, and 2 servers that can be made ready very quickly
16:26 🔗 kiska And are very fast at ingesting data
16:26 🔗 kiska ie 2.5gbps
16:27 🔗 JAA The only thing outsiders can currently help with is running warriors/scripts, I think.
16:29 🔗 marked there's only 2 paragraphs about what to do
16:29 🔗 marked one is donate, and one is volunteering
16:30 🔗 SketchCow I took my name/contact off it
16:30 🔗 marked this wasn't my idea by the way
16:31 🔗 marked if you don't want anything pushed to press, say that instead
16:31 🔗 marked the group wants more warriors
16:31 🔗 marked doesn't matter how they come
16:31 🔗 SketchCow Watch this.
16:31 🔗 SketchCow This is the last time I am addressing you directly.
16:31 🔗 SketchCow Bip.
16:32 🔗 Fusl rip
16:32 🔗 SketchCow Fusl: You just tell me what's needed here.
16:33 🔗 SketchCow I feel like there's two sets. The panic-stricken, turn-chairs-into-ladders horseshit of an impossible deadline
16:33 🔗 SketchCow And then the longer term recognition that if we do Google+ size projects in the future, we should clean the curtains.
16:33 🔗 SketchCow And in most cases we can handle the usual traffic of a site of a few tens of thousands accounts under the current system, even though a relatively small number of people know how the engine works.
16:34 🔗 SketchCow Is this accurate?
16:34 🔗 Fusl aye
16:34 🔗 JAA Yup
16:34 🔗 SketchCow I get noise from people that this or that is "breaking", which I realize now was probably 100% marked making shit up AGAIN, but if there's some honest dedicated resources to the underlying infrastructure, I can do what I can.
16:35 🔗 SketchCow I mean outside of "Google+ is fucking huge"
16:35 🔗 marked please don't mention my name if i'm not allowed to defend myself. I was workign on proactive problems, when others were busy with current problems. that my profession.
16:36 🔗 SketchCow Shut up.
16:36 🔗 dhyan_nat has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
16:38 🔗 SketchCow So, action wise, just let me know or if we're going to just need something as simple as funding to fix this. And how much.
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16:49 🔗 wp494 IMO why even bother with a "press" thing
16:49 🔗 wp494 just announce things like we've been annoucning them for years
16:49 🔗 JAA wp494: Spoiler, the "press" is /r/DataHoarder.
16:50 🔗 JAA The text is longer, and there's formatting in it. That's about it as far as I can tell.
16:51 🔗 wp494 so...exactly like how we've been doing things the past few years if we need assistance to throw more things at <x>
16:52 🔗 * wp494 slow claps
16:53 🔗 t3 I'm starting to feel as though this "press release" was a wasted effort. However, it was built off of the suggests of users. If donations aren't necessary, they can be removed from the document. The main emphasis can be to have more users volunteer as Warriors.
16:54 🔗 wp494 if we're soliciting donations, priority #1 above all else should be IA
16:54 🔗 wp494 absolutely no exceptions
16:55 🔗 t3 Right. Those changes can be made.
16:55 🔗 t3 Does anyone else have constructive feedback about the press release?
16:56 🔗 t3 Why is this on #archiveteam-ot? This is actually #archiveteam-bs related.
16:57 🔗 SketchCow Because marked.
16:57 🔗 SketchCow Take it to -#bs
16:57 🔗 wp494 ---- -BS -BS -BS -BS -BS ----
16:57 🔗 t3 SketchCow: If that was a joke, it wasn't funny.
16:58 🔗 t3 I'm moving this discussion to #archiveteam-bs.
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18:05 🔗 arkiver :P
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19:14 🔗 Despatche has quit IRC (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)
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19:20 🔗 yano http://www.worldbackupday.com/en/
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20:26 🔗 ivan https://old.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/b3bdwh/asiandvdclub_gone_for_good/
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21:24 🔗 BlueMax has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
21:48 🔗 dhyan_nat has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
21:59 🔗 icedice has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
22:09 🔗 schbirid dont mention the Anime Club though
22:21 🔗 IanR has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
22:26 🔗 IanR has joined #archiveteam-ot
23:03 🔗 IanR has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
23:12 🔗 IanR has joined #archiveteam-ot
23:17 🔗 IanR has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
23:39 🔗 IanR has joined #archiveteam-ot
