#archiveteam 2011-06-30,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
03:17 🔗 underscor alard: Have you uploaded your twaud.io files?
03:19 🔗 underscor Guys, how complete does this list look?
03:19 🔗 underscor Prodigy
03:19 🔗 underscor URLTeam
03:19 🔗 underscor WikiTeam
03:19 🔗 underscor Yahoo Video
03:19 🔗 underscor Google Video
03:19 🔗 underscor Starwars Forums
03:19 🔗 underscor Twaud.io
03:19 🔗 underscor Windows Live Spaces
03:20 🔗 underscor flickrFckr
03:20 🔗 underscor Google Groups
03:20 🔗 underscor (for recent projects)
03:20 🔗 DFJustin poetry.com
03:20 🔗 underscor Ah, thanks
03:37 🔗 Paradoks del.icio.us/delicious.com?
03:39 🔗 underscor Oh yeah
04:07 🔗 underscor SketchCow: email'd
05:15 🔗 underscor Just sent this to Jason, dunno if any of y'all are interested in it
05:15 🔗 underscor http://pastebin.com/G3GUWX1p
05:18 🔗 perfinion underscor: nice
05:23 🔗 closure hmm, new Amazon pricing allows unlimited downloading into EC2 instances for $0. Still costs to get the data out, but could be useful for scrape tasks that don't generate a large payload.
05:24 🔗 chronomex hmmmmm.
05:24 🔗 chronomex yeah
05:25 🔗 closure course you still pay for CPU also. Heh, I got a bigger AWS bill for scraping poetry.com than I was expecting
05:26 🔗 DFJustin underscor: should throw that on the wiki so it doesn't get deleted (ironically)
05:27 🔗 underscor haha
05:27 🔗 underscor Will do
05:27 🔗 underscor It's in my email too
05:29 🔗 DFJustin in related news, I'm wasting far too much time now that I've discovered you can make the wayback machine archive things it's missing by loading the page in web.archive.org and see if it pulls images or files from liveweb.archive.org (and using liveweb directly if things are stale)
05:31 🔗 DFJustin so try calling up odd corners of your website, your favorite sites, etc
06:35 🔗 Spirit_ have you seen http://aws.amazon.com/pricing_effective_july_2011/ already? :)
06:39 🔗 NovaKing yes, closure beat you to it
06:39 🔗 ersi DFJustin: Um, what? Does Wayback get the material from when you're surfin' liveweb.archive.org?
06:40 🔗 ersi DFJustin: please elaborate when you got time :)
13:54 🔗 Lembam Hiya all. :-)
14:00 🔗 DFJustin http://faq.web.archive.org/can-i-get-just-one-page-archived/
14:14 🔗 ersi DFJustin: Fuck yeah, that's nice. Thanks :)
14:19 🔗 ersi DFJustin: Hm.. But I don't get how to trigger an 'archivation' when there's already a snapshot like.. a year ago
14:20 🔗 DFJustin replace "web." with "liveweb."
14:20 🔗 ersi oh
14:21 🔗 ersi well that didn't work
14:21 🔗 ersi I get "Wayback Machine doesn't have that page archived. Want to search for all archived pages under http://web/20100812215505/http:// "
14:21 🔗 ersi :/
14:22 🔗 DFJustin oh strip the web/2010blah blah part
14:22 🔗 ersi ah, stupid me
14:22 🔗 ersi yeah, now it works just fine. :)
14:35 🔗 ersi Hm~ this is weird
14:35 🔗 ersi DFJustin: Do you get "Wayback doesn't have that page archived" if you click on this? http://liveweb.archive.org/http://frigolit.net/projects/hxemu/
14:35 🔗 ersi It's got a permissive robots.txt :o
14:36 🔗 DFJustin might be ip-blocking archive.org or something
14:36 🔗 ersi hmm shouldn't be
14:37 🔗 ersi but maybe, I'll poke the owner and see if he maybe does something weird based on user-agent perhaps
15:16 🔗 swebb1 That whole "free inbound bandwidth with Amazon AWS could be pretty nice.
16:52 🔗 Tatsujin http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikinews_interviews_US_National_Archives_Wikipedian_in_Residence
17:01 🔗 Tatsujin http://blog.ted.com/2011/05/02/beware-online-filter-bubbles-eli-pariser-on-ted-com/
23:04 🔗 spangle Hey :D
23:06 🔗 spangle yay, I got a google+ invite :D
23:08 🔗 marceloan spangle: what is that?
23:09 🔗 spangle like facebook, but by google :P
23:10 🔗 marceloan Oh, the "+1" thing?
23:11 🔗 spangle http://www.google.com/intl/en/+/demo/
23:24 🔗 spangle https://plus.google.com/104560124403688998123/posts this is the face of a man ready to see his ship sink
23:34 🔗 Tatsujin hehe
23:37 🔗 spangle underscor: tried the drive yet? rescued the yahoo videos?
