#archiveteam 2011-07-29,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
00:34 🔗 SketchCow OK, speaking of.
00:34 🔗 SketchCow Can someone archive whitepowermilk?
00:34 🔗 SketchCow I can't stand looking at it.
00:34 🔗 SketchCow I mean, thinking about it, I get sick
00:34 🔗 SketchCow You kids are strong
00:38 🔗 chronomex what is that?
00:45 🔗 soultcer You mean http://whitepowermilk.com/?
00:53 🔗 DFJustin I wonder what percentage of the wayback machine is pr0n
00:56 🔗 SketchCow Yes
00:58 🔗 soultcer Too bad it's just a humour site. If I were in the US, I'd try to order just to see if they actually send you gargled milk
00:59 🔗 Wyatt Oh wow, how's this for a heartwarming (gack) throwback to the 90s? http://www.inverteddungeon.com/thecvattic/index.htm
00:59 🔗 Cameron_D -Approximate 800x600 size.
00:59 🔗 Cameron_D Please come in the website with ...
01:00 🔗 Cameron_D - 16-Bit on the colors.
01:00 🔗 Cameron_D - Actually using Internet Explorer.
01:00 🔗 Cameron_D -"Medium" on your IE in VIEW options.
01:01 🔗 Wyatt And every. single. sub-page has a different equally-unreadable layout and colour scheme!
01:04 🔗 Cameron_D <img src="My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/Golden%20Leaf%20Left%20(CVII).gif" width="78" height="64">
01:16 🔗 SketchCow https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/c5fee2062bc3690ed1edf4054220de468cefd0aa?authuser=0&hl=en-US#
02:09 🔗 underscor Er, WHITEPOWERMILK*
02:09 🔗 marceloan 500G
02:09 🔗 underscor 2.8MB
02:09 🔗 underscor In a warc.gz
02:11 🔗 marceloan Hey, where's alard?
02:11 🔗 marceloan No, you earned 500 points xD
02:11 🔗 marceloan I was rsync'ing some twaud.io files to his server...
02:11 🔗 marceloan But I can't connect to it anymore
02:20 🔗 dashcloud pcmcia floppy drives should still be supported in recent linux distros right?
02:23 🔗 RedType dashcloud: probably, but it really depends on how it works
02:23 🔗 Wyatt dashcloud: I don't see why they wouldn't. Removing that would just be extra work for next to no appreciable benefit.
02:23 🔗 Wyatt If it comes down to it, it's not too hard to roll your own kernel.
02:24 🔗 dashcloud okay- thanks
02:25 🔗 Coderjoe Wyatt: someone has to maintain it as internal kernel APIs and structures advance. if nobody does, it eventually gets removed.
02:27 🔗 Wyatt Coderjoe: Not many things tend to get removed once they're in mainline and relatively stable, though. At least not from what I've seen.
05:13 🔗 SketchCow Just for the record, the reason the deriving hasn't happened is because the system's getting an upgrade.
05:14 🔗 underscor Aha
05:14 🔗 underscor Yeah, Alexis just told me the same thing
05:14 🔗 underscor And to be more patient
05:14 🔗 underscor :>
06:01 🔗 Coderjoe msdos 6.2 upgrade on 360kb floppies
06:02 🔗 chronomex yum
06:13 🔗 bbot_ hey nerds, HA proxy or apache traffic server?
06:13 🔗 Coderjoe 12 of them
06:13 🔗 bbot_ I'm thinking about flipping a coin
06:14 🔗 chronomex how about neither?
06:15 🔗 bbot_ harsh
06:15 🔗 bbot_ how dare you not abide by my artificial dichotomy
06:15 🔗 * chronomex shrugs
06:15 🔗 bbot_ obviously there are only two reverse proxies in the world
06:16 🔗 chronomex is nginx one of them?
06:16 🔗 bbot_ :)
06:16 🔗 chronomex hehe
06:16 🔗 Coderjoe there's also squid and lusca
06:20 🔗 bbot_ haw, haproxy doesn't have keep-alive
06:20 🔗 bbot_ oh those zany guys
06:26 🔗 Coderjoe mmm
06:27 🔗 Coderjoe made 12 360KB floppies (normally 4.21MB) take up 779MB
06:43 🔗 SketchCow http://iruntheinternet.com/lulzdump/images/shark-water-looking-excuse-me-1279840471M.jpg
06:51 🔗 Nemo_bis underscor, by the way, if you've cluttered the queue, what about tv@archive.org? :-D
06:51 🔗 Nemo_bis Coderjoe, :-O
06:53 🔗 Nemo_bis I don't understand whether there is a common software to interpret those images
06:57 🔗 Coderjoe Nemo_bis: I have 3 images of each disk, all made at the same time. the largest being the stream format, which is pretty much a dump of the raw data from the KF board, the second being "CT Raw image", and the third being a regular sector image file that pretty much anything can load
06:58 🔗 Nemo_bis the third being the .idk (IIRC the extension)?
06:58 🔗 Coderjoe i'm naming them .img
06:59 🔗 Coderjoe the version I have does not have a means to write their DRAFT format yet
06:59 🔗 Coderjoe (this being the latest version from the website front page)
07:00 🔗 Coderjoe wtf
07:00 🔗 Coderjoe I have 4 disks for a game called Transylvania III
07:00 🔗 Coderjoe for the IBM PC
07:00 🔗 Coderjoe ... on flippies
07:01 🔗 Coderjoe (I'm pretty sure they're formatted double-sided for access without flipping, but they have two WP notches and two index holes)
07:01 🔗 Coderjoe (and these disks are the manufacturer-released disks, not home copies)
07:08 🔗 Coderjoe and there is supposed to be a way to tell the command line tool to read a STREAM format image and output one of the other formats
07:08 🔗 Coderjoe (the gui has the capability, though kinda hackishly, IMO)
07:10 🔗 Nemo_bis Good. I hope that's not the only software to do it, though
07:17 🔗 Coderjoe well, the DRAFT format is supposed to be open, but the public version of the program currently doesn't have an option for DRAFT
07:17 🔗 Coderjoe (and i haven't seen docs on it yet)
07:18 🔗 Coderjoe and you can output a normal image file directly from the read if you want.
07:19 🔗 Coderjoe which is what I was doing for the disks I wrote my data to, just to mount the image and copy the data out
07:20 🔗 Coderjoe you cannot, however, write just a stream file (from the commandline tool. not sure about the gui). you have to write another image type as well
07:24 🔗 Coderjoe Nemo_bis: I think you were thinking of IDF. no, I wasn't writing those
07:57 🔗 Coderjoe > run
07:57 🔗 Coderjoe You must tell me what to go.
09:32 🔗 Coderjoe ugh
09:32 🔗 Coderjoe this stack smells like my cat pissed on them at some point long ago
09:32 🔗 Spirit_ pop it
09:32 🔗 Coderjoe eh?
09:36 🔗 Coderjoe if you mean kill him or punish him somehow... how do you do that to an already-dead cat?
09:40 🔗 Spirit_ no it was a silly stack push pop code joke
09:44 🔗 Coderjoe ah
09:44 🔗 Coderjoe i should probably go to bed
09:45 🔗 chronomex me too :(
09:45 🔗 Coderjoe 80.0 : MFM: <unformatted>
09:45 🔗 Coderjoe 80.1 : MFM: <unformatted>
09:45 🔗 Coderjoe 82.0 : MFM: OK, trk: 041, sec: 8
09:45 🔗 Coderjoe 82.1 : MFM: <unformatted>
09:45 🔗 Coderjoe wait... what?
09:46 🔗 Coderjoe seriously, it thinks there was date on 82.0?
09:46 🔗 chronomex it has the data nature
09:49 🔗 Ymgve copy protection?
09:53 🔗 Coderjoe looks like some ad, actually
09:53 🔗 Coderjoe Written by CopyWrite serial 30232.5421. When you use this space for copy protection, you can not trace illicit copies of your own software.
09:54 🔗 Ymgve funny
09:55 🔗 Coderjoe the original contents of the disk were wiped long ago, though, and the disk repurposed for general storage
09:56 🔗 Coderjoe it has a hand-written label that says "turbo pascal V3.0.1"
09:56 🔗 Ymgve kryoflux you got?
09:56 🔗 Coderjoe yeah
09:56 🔗 Ymgve tried it on c64 disks?
09:56 🔗 Coderjoe i have none
09:56 🔗 Ymgve ok
10:01 🔗 Coderjoe heh
10:01 🔗 Coderjoe ripterm
10:02 🔗 Ymgve I wonder how many collectors will kill me if I cut open my c64 originals
10:02 🔗 chronomex all of em
10:05 🔗 Spirit_ hey Ymgve , where do you live? i need your address!
10:05 🔗 Ymgve ...no
10:27 🔗 Coderjoe OH BOY
10:27 🔗 ersi http://6.mshcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/mashable_infographic_interconnected-tech-companies.jpg
10:27 🔗 Coderjoe </sarcasm>
10:27 🔗 Coderjoe Norton Utilities, Advanced Edition
10:27 🔗 Coderjoe Wednesday June 1, 1988
10:56 🔗 Coderjoe bah...
10:56 🔗 Coderjoe c:\dubldisk\activate a c0=d:, s C:=D:
11:46 🔗 Nemo_bis yay, queue is consistently decreasing; underscor, throw your items in! :-)
15:03 🔗 bbot_ ho boy, debian 6
15:03 🔗 bbot_ we cutting edge now
15:08 🔗 phik experimental, we bleeding edge now
15:10 🔗 SketchCow BACK UP
15:22 🔗 SketchCow Friendster downloads MOSTLY cleaned up.
15:22 🔗 SketchCow We'll have to see what's missing, soon.
17:21 🔗 Wyatt Well, looks like I finally landed a sysadmin position at a local hosting provider. With any luck, I'll be able to upload my Friendster chunk soon.
17:22 🔗 underscor Wyatt: Awesome
17:24 🔗 Wyatt Salary's not super great, but I'm looking forward to a consistent paycheque, and the people are pretty laid-back.
17:25 🔗 Tatsujin "In a new survey on the web where more than 100 000 people from 16 years and older underwent an IQ test showed that users of Microsoft Internet Explorer on average have a lower IQ than users of other browsers." http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsvt.se%2F2.27170%2F1.2491371%2Fval_av_webblasare_avslojar_iq-niva&sl=sv&tl=en&hl=&ie=UTF-8
17:25 🔗 Tatsujin ;)
17:28 🔗 underscor Cameron_D: Any idea why the news of the world torrent is slow/not moving at all?
17:52 🔗 Wyatt Maybe you guys can help me with this. I've been occasionally hunting for a particular crackpot. As best I can remember, he was a lot like the Timecube guy, but his thing was with triangles.
17:53 🔗 Wyatt And I'm pretty sure he went on at length about how circles are evil and connected to satan or something. Any ideas?
18:07 🔗 underscor google crackpot circles +satan
18:07 🔗 underscor :D
18:15 🔗 yipdw oh, hmm, that's unfortunate
18:15 🔗 yipdw there's no Wikipedia article for "List of crackpots"
18:16 🔗 underscor lol
18:17 🔗 yipdw though in trying to find a list, I found something about as good, which is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Chu
18:57 🔗 taaz Wyatt: timecube is cool. we have a timecube 16h wall clock hanging in the office. :) "You have been educated stupid and evil."
19:27 🔗 Coderjoe SketchCow: I still need to get my 1TB to you
19:29 🔗 Coderjoe SketchCow: it shipping a drive to you a possibility?
20:08 🔗 SketchCow Yes
20:09 🔗 SketchCow As for the /win 12
20:15 🔗 underscor /win 13
20:15 🔗 underscor :D
20:51 🔗 db48x2 Concentration Enhancing Menu Initialiser is good
21:41 🔗 ersi Wyatt: what kind of hosting? :O
21:45 🔗 DFJustin hmm don't have that triangle thing in my "Kooks" bookmark folder
21:45 🔗 DFJustin some other fun stuff in there though
21:46 🔗 DFJustin I like how they usually have everything on one incredibly long page http://sunnyokanagan.com/joshua/long.html
23:22 🔗 SketchCow http://oglaf.com/fountain-of-doubt/1/
