#archiveteam 2011-08-13,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
00:19 🔗 Golliwog 1 Duck = 10 people in your pool
00:19 🔗 Golliwog 1 K9 (dog) = 4 people in your pool
00:19 🔗 Golliwog 1 NIGGER = 5 people in your pool - YES - NIGGERS ARE DIRTIER THAN DOGS!
00:19 🔗 Golliwog 1 white human = 1 person in your pool
00:19 🔗 Golliwog Amount of body pollutants (body oil) per person or animal
00:19 🔗 Golliwog I use to be a pool "chemist." Here is a great fact!
00:19 🔗 Golliwog I remember when I was fixing pools, I could always tell a niggers pool.
00:19 🔗 Golliwog There was a thick oil shine on water.....it was so fucking gross...just like the nigger!
00:23 🔗 Coderjoe Cowering: I have a bunch of write protect tabs and unused labels in with the floppies
00:28 🔗 SketchCow And nothing of value was lost
00:28 🔗 SketchCow Archive.org has now scanned in the braille playboy
00:28 🔗 chronomex does scanning work for that?
00:31 🔗 SketchCow Gonna find
01:09 🔗 SketchCow http://essexterror.com/spiders/spidersarewonderful.pdf
01:18 🔗 db48x SketchCow: haha
01:39 🔗 dashcloud SketchCow: will you be extending the shareware archive to floppy images as well?
17:33 🔗 Eprillios Hey all. :-)
17:41 🔗 chronomex ahoy maytee
17:41 🔗 chronomex wassaaaapp
17:42 🔗 Eprillios Was some weeks off the internet, but back. :-)
17:42 🔗 chronomex grand
17:43 🔗 chronomex why s long?
17:44 🔗 Eprillios I had holiday, there were some locations that had no internet, as always. :-P
17:51 🔗 jch Sounds nice
17:51 🔗 jch I'm in a field in Germanu
17:51 🔗 jch Germany even
17:58 🔗 chronomex I'm at a bus stop in Seattle
17:58 🔗 chronomex it's sunny and warm
17:59 🔗 chronomex (complain complain complain)
18:03 🔗 ersi jch: man, we should meet up
18:04 🔗 ersi I'm @ trockendocken right now
18:05 🔗 Spirit_ SketchCow and others: http://www.vrtifacts.com/
18:05 🔗 Spirit_ carmack just tweeted that, great site
18:18 🔗 jch I'm in telecomix camp with 9000 swedes
18:48 🔗 Spirit_ go for hacker joepardy please :))
18:48 🔗 Spirit_ iirc i sent in some question
19:05 🔗 chronomex you'll be there in Spirit_.
19:05 🔗 * chronomex ducks
19:07 🔗 Spirit_ he
19:07 🔗 Spirit_ he
19:07 🔗 Spirit_ heee
19:45 🔗 jch ersi: now I'm in your hackcenter
19:45 🔗 jch centering your hacks
19:46 🔗 jch (actually picking locks)
20:20 🔗 Spirit_ i always meant to learn that
20:23 🔗 jch you sohuld go t osome hacking cons
20:24 🔗 Spirit_ yeah
20:24 🔗 Spirit_ next easterhegg hopefully
20:25 🔗 jch great
21:16 🔗 none295_ I'm looking for pages on a recently offlined domain, went through waybackmachine, google, bing, yahoo caches. What options are left?
21:17 🔗 chronomex webcite maybe?
21:18 🔗 none295_ good to know, but they don't have anything for this domain.
21:19 🔗 chronomex hmmm
21:42 🔗 Spirit_ it is hacker joepardy time at vlc http://streaming.camp.ccc.de:8000/kourou
21:55 🔗 Spirit_ starting now
21:58 🔗 bbot_ neat
21:59 🔗 Spirit_ i wonder what bug his perl script will run into this time :D
22:01 🔗 bbot_ looks like they're having alsa problems
22:01 🔗 Spirit_ yeah, haha
22:10 🔗 Spirit_ alright, now it is really starting
