#archiveteam 2011-09-26,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
09:20 🔗 db48x222 quite a stable connection I've got here
16:03 🔗 SketchCow HEY GANG
16:05 🔗 SketchCow http://deletedcity.net/
16:13 🔗 Schbirid pfffffff geocities, who needs that useless shit anymore anyways �_�
16:14 🔗 Wyatt OOh, that's nice.
16:14 🔗 alard That's nice. (The pity with these installations is that often you can only see them in a video.)
16:15 🔗 SketchCow Plus massive shoutouts
16:15 🔗 SketchCow We can point to that anytime.
16:54 🔗 ersi SketchCow: Awesome.
16:58 🔗 BlueMax SketchCow: me like
17:02 🔗 ersi Should include fortunecity into that
17:04 🔗 chronomex deletedcity looks awesome
17:05 🔗 chronomex ill hae to check it out when i'm on a real computer
17:13 🔗 sep332 but where is the autoplaying midi? :)
17:38 🔗 Wyatt "Free-Range Archivist"? The images in my head are kind of hilarious.
17:38 🔗 chronomex grass-fed
17:38 🔗 * chronomex smokes some grass
17:39 🔗 Wyatt Something like Jason out in the yard scratching at the dirt for floppies. Walking like a bird, of course.
17:40 🔗 Wyatt Also, damn, 67k! Good job!
17:44 🔗 alard SketchCow: I don't want to be too pushy and it's not really urgent, but... did you get my email re JSTOR? :)
17:53 🔗 SketchCow Yes
17:55 🔗 SketchCow I am, no doubt to no surprise, stepping through a lot of stuff today.
17:57 🔗 alard Good. I'll wait patiently then. Thanks. :)
18:21 🔗 SketchCow Whoops, here we go. I am crashing.
18:21 🔗 SketchCow Will take a few hours nap, do more work
18:24 🔗 SketchCow It turns out that when you mail out a pitch to 4,800 people, this results in: sales, e-mails, questions
18:26 🔗 chronomex weird, innit
18:57 🔗 alard Hey, a short question: what's the polite way to send a 19MB diff (1.9MB as .bz2) to a GNU mailinglist?
18:58 🔗 Schbirid dont. host it elsewhere
19:00 🔗 alard Yeah, I'll do that. (The downside is that it isn't in the mailinglist archive if I do that.)
19:20 🔗 chronomex true
19:20 🔗 chronomex ask first?
21:15 🔗 SketchCow That's the price that's paid.
21:15 🔗 SketchCow The key is to upload it to an archive that will end up as part of a gnu library
21:15 🔗 SketchCow hi, I woke up
21:17 🔗 alard Hi! I just uploaded it to dropbox, was the quickest option. It's probably not the final version of the wget WARC patch.
