#archiveteam 2011-12-19,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
00:14 🔗 db48x` well, see you guys
00:16 🔗 chronomex cya
00:36 🔗 underscor best quit message
00:37 🔗 underscor Also, yes, hi, I am back after not having my IRC machine up for like a week
00:37 🔗 underscor Although I am still crazy busy with school, and it is causing me to very nearly lose my mind :(
00:38 🔗 chronomex why hello underscor
00:38 🔗 underscor db48x: Man, this site is covered in groce javascript
00:38 🔗 chronomex *gross
00:39 🔗 underscor that was intentional
00:39 🔗 underscor it's a horrible habit I've picked up
00:39 🔗 underscor also
00:39 🔗 underscor open sores for open source
00:40 🔗 underscor one of my security mentors does both of those things just because
00:40 🔗 underscor Which I then found out was from microsoft comic chat
00:44 🔗 chronomex ......
00:48 🔗 SketchCow Hurrah, Senior year
00:49 🔗 SketchCow Wait'll you start applying for colleges
00:56 🔗 underscor Oh, those deadlines are almost here
00:56 🔗 underscor That's part of the problem
00:56 🔗 underscor I don't know what I want to do, and I feel all this pressure to make the right choice
00:56 🔗 chronomex anyone here read chinese?
00:57 🔗 underscor And I don't want to be disappointed in what I choose
00:57 🔗 underscor especially since I will only be able to point at myself for it
00:57 🔗 underscor I've been feeling suicidal lately, so they're trying an antidepressant to see if that'll help
00:58 🔗 chronomex :|
00:58 🔗 underscor I know :(
00:58 🔗 SketchCow What's up with THAT
00:59 🔗 chronomex I'm looking for an online directory of chinese phone numbers, if anyone wants an interesting puzzle
00:59 🔗 SketchCow Why would you feel at all suicidal.
01:00 🔗 SketchCow Are you confusing suicidal feelings and deep depression?
01:07 🔗 underscor SketchCow: I don't know. Stress, and fear.
01:07 🔗 underscor And, no, I don't think so. At least, I don't feel _depressed_
01:23 🔗 destino 2013 is too cool for suicide
01:24 🔗 destino don't count on reincarnation to get past 2012-12-21
01:24 🔗 destino god might not ok that wish
01:25 🔗 underscor heh
01:25 🔗 underscor http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/1/18/
01:25 🔗 underscor This is how I feel every time I forget to lock my screen
01:25 🔗 underscor (although I don't have any giraffe porn)
01:26 🔗 chronomex you don't have giraffe porn?!?
01:28 🔗 destino mushy poetry ftw
01:41 🔗 PatC underscor, I'm feeling the same way right now, about colleges and other personal things
01:42 🔗 SketchCow You fuckers need to buck up
01:43 🔗 yipdw college isn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be
01:43 🔗 yipdw just set your sights, work toward it, and take it easy
01:43 🔗 PatC mainly about other things... but college doesn't help my situation
01:56 🔗 underscor Same.
01:57 🔗 underscor The biggest thing for me is that I know what I want to do with my life, I just don't know how I'm going to get there
01:57 🔗 underscor chronomex: Actually, I wonder...
01:57 🔗 underscor There's so much random shit on here
01:57 🔗 underscor It wouldn't surprise me
01:57 🔗 chronomex hmm?
01:57 🔗 underscor (giraffe porn)
01:57 🔗 chronomex oh, heh
02:00 🔗 dashcloud don't worry too much about knowing exactly what you want when you go to college
02:00 🔗 chronomex ^
02:00 🔗 chronomex I wanted to study computers, I wound up getting a degree in geography
02:00 🔗 dashcloud I wasn't exactly sure, and I spent most or all of my first year doing exploratory studies
02:01 🔗 PatC That's good to know
02:02 🔗 dashcloud I did graduate in 4 years still, but I did do a couple of summer semesters
02:05 🔗 SketchCow I took 4.5
02:05 🔗 SketchCow I went for film, I graduated in film and didn't use that degree for a decade.
02:05 🔗 PatC SketchCow, what did you get your degree in?
02:05 🔗 PatC ah
02:11 🔗 underscor PatC: How old are you?
02:11 🔗 underscor This is fucking awesome: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/supermechanical/twine-listen-to-your-world-talk-to-the-internet?ref=spotlight
02:11 🔗 PatC 18
02:11 🔗 underscor I wish I had $100
02:11 🔗 underscor Oh okay
02:11 🔗 PatC That is cool
02:15 🔗 underscor Oh, 15 days
02:15 🔗 underscor Cool, I should have money after christmas
02:16 🔗 dashcloud did you see the printerbot?
02:17 🔗 chronomex printrbot is lame
02:17 🔗 chronomex it's not rigid enough to print fast
02:17 🔗 chronomex it'll be another wobblebot
02:21 🔗 dashcloud interesting
02:23 🔗 underscor http://supermechanical.com
02:23 🔗 underscor They've done some really cool shit
02:24 🔗 chronomex also, the guy making printrbot has committed to printing 500 sets of parts by march :)
02:24 🔗 chronomex they'll take 6 hours to print each
02:25 🔗 bsmith094 twine is the coolest convergence of preexisting tech I've ever seen
02:47 🔗 Famicoman haha, I'm in my third year of college and have no idea what I want to do
03:50 🔗 yipdw hmm
03:50 🔗 yipdw I think I'm gonna archive http://www.naenara.com.kp/en/news/index.php?22
03:50 🔗 yipdw what with Kim Jong-Il now being dead and all
03:50 🔗 PatC ya
03:50 🔗 PatC is that a north-korean website?
03:51 🔗 yipdw interestingly, "Glorious Death From Strenous Exertion on Train Enjoyed" is not in that list
03:51 🔗 yipdw PatC: yeah, one of a few
03:51 🔗 PatC ah
03:51 🔗 PatC good idea
03:54 🔗 chronomex I've done some work sucking down kcna.co.jp in the past, not recently though
03:54 🔗 yipdw it's so slow
03:54 🔗 yipdw naenara, that is
03:54 🔗 chronomex shocker
03:54 🔗 yipdw well, yeah, now it would be
03:55 🔗 yipdw it used to be powered by Kim Jong-Il's ability to transfer information faster than light
03:55 🔗 yipdw he can't do that anymore for obvious reasons
03:55 🔗 yipdw they are now reduced to using decadent trans-continental cables measuring on puny gigabit scale
03:55 🔗 chronomex http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJNBfBr-OGU
03:56 🔗 chronomex is relevant
04:22 🔗 yipdw alright, download in progres
04:22 🔗 yipdw s
04:22 🔗 yipdw heh, this is about as slow as Splinder
04:38 🔗 underscor So I realized I can only reliably hear to about 18k
04:38 🔗 underscor :(
04:38 🔗 underscor This is disappointing
04:51 🔗 Paradoks 18k? Lots of loud-music listening?
04:52 🔗 Paradoks That said, if memory serves, the security gates used at some libraries are at 14k, and for some reason most people have a difficult time hearing those unless they're really loud.
04:53 🔗 Paradoks So, yes, only being able to hear up to 18k probably doesn't make the slightest difference as far as anything you'll actually do.
04:58 🔗 chronomex ntsc horizontal sync is 15.7kHz, and many people can't hear that
05:00 🔗 Paradoks Yeah, I take back the 18k comment, as I don't think it's particularly abnormal to not be able to hear 18k, even assuming a relatively hearing-protected life.
05:11 🔗 underscor I can't stand ntsc horizontal sync
05:11 🔗 underscor Or (visually) 60hz flicker on CRTs
05:12 🔗 underscor I actually refused to take a midterm because of that.
05:12 🔗 underscor They had to go find a laptop :D
05:12 🔗 underscor (because the screen resolution settings were locked down)
06:45 🔗 kennethre Famicoman: this is why we drop out :)
08:54 🔗 SketchCow Officially sick of Jamendo uploading
09:01 🔗 SketchCow 20,000 albums passed, though.
09:01 🔗 chronomex that'll hurt coming out
09:02 🔗 SketchCow You know, you SAY that...
09:02 🔗 SketchCow Looks like another all-nighter for me.
09:02 🔗 SketchCow I get more work done at night, for obvious reasons.
09:02 🔗 SketchCow The big slowdown is I gained 2-3 people who have been FLOODING me with documentary people.
09:02 🔗 chronomex yeah, because more work gets done at night
09:02 🔗 SketchCow Like, in some cases, someone has sent me a message with 12 possible people to interview
09:03 🔗 SketchCow So I have to ingest that.
09:03 🔗 chronomex I don't know why we even have workplaces open in the mornings
09:05 🔗 arrith depends on if a job can be telecommuted/timeshifted
09:05 🔗 arrith bugtrackers make all of that workable
09:05 🔗 SketchCow That's mine!
09:05 🔗 SketchCow My jobs are "keep working until you die"
09:05 🔗 chronomex you stop moving, you die
09:05 🔗 chronomex like a shark
09:07 🔗 chronomex ARCHIVESHARK
09:46 🔗 underscor http://1x-upon.com/
09:53 🔗 chronomex bitchen
21:10 🔗 underscor http://ia700002.us.archive.org:8088/mrtg/cpuv3.html
21:10 🔗 * underscor sings, "I've got a lovely bunch of cputime..."
21:10 🔗 underscor Running spectral analysis on 3TB of music is fun
22:02 🔗 Dark_star what unit is "B/s"?
22:03 🔗 Dark_star is that the loadavg?
22:03 🔗 dnova bytes per second
22:04 🔗 Dark_star but bytes/s doesn't make sense for CPU utilization...
22:04 🔗 dnova oh
22:04 🔗 dnova um. I have no idea
22:06 🔗 closure mrtg is commonly used for things like this, but was designed to measure bandwidth. so you get nonsense units.
22:11 🔗 Dark_star nevertheless it'd be interesting to know what unit is measured there.... I mean the only thing you can infer is that now his CPU does 5-6 times more than it did 2 hours ago... I can do that with my 386 if I want to ;-)
22:11 🔗 Dark_star if it is indeed a loadavg of 440 then that'd be quite impressive :)
22:13 🔗 pberry batcave okay?
22:15 🔗 bbot_ Dark_star: the load number is not CPU-invariant
22:15 🔗 bbot_ a computer with one CPU is fully utilized with a load of 1
22:15 🔗 bbot_ a computer with four cores is fully utilized with a load of 4
22:15 🔗 Dark_star bbot_: I know
22:16 🔗 bbot_ ah?
22:16 🔗 Dark_star that's why I said a loadavg of 440 would be impressive
22:16 🔗 chronomex maybe 440%
22:17 🔗 Dark_star more like 44000% (loadavg of 1 is 100%, so loadavg of 440 is 440 * 100 = 44000%)
22:17 🔗 chronomex maybe it's 440% utilization
22:17 🔗 Dark_star hmm
22:17 🔗 chronomex maybe loadavg is not what it's actually measuring
22:18 🔗 Dark_star yes, that's what I'm thinking, hence my initial question :)
22:18 🔗 underscor Loadavg is 186 right now
22:18 🔗 underscor I have no fucking clue what unit that graph is in
22:18 🔗 underscor lol
22:18 🔗 Dark_star *lol
22:18 🔗 underscor 4 cores
22:18 🔗 underscor so maybe it is % utilized?
22:19 🔗 Dark_star 4 cores and a loadavg of 186 sounds painful in itself... that is ~45 processes on each CPU running concurrently
22:21 🔗 bsmith094 how is that even possible, i thought cpos couldnt do multitasking yet?
22:21 🔗 Dark_star you probably want a loadavg of 4 if you have 4 cores (except if you want to stress-test the scheduler ;-)
22:21 🔗 Dark_star it means that there are 45 processes ready to be executed at the same time. i.e. they're not waiting for I/O to finish or something. of course they get scheduled one after each other...
22:22 🔗 underscor 182 now
22:22 🔗 underscor :D
22:22 🔗 Dark_star ...but after the first one has executed for x milliseconds, it has to wait 44*x milliseconds until it's back
22:22 🔗 underscor These are all very math intensive too
22:22 🔗 Dark_star s/back/re-scheduled
22:22 🔗 underscor I should probably put some code in to mediate these
22:22 🔗 underscor so they don't build up
22:22 🔗 Dark_star that probably helps, yes :)
22:26 🔗 underscor Cpu(s): 98.0%us, 1.0%sy, 0.6%ni, 0.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.4%si, 0.0%st
22:26 🔗 underscor lolol
23:08 🔗 Nemo_bis 440 is not so much http://ganglia.wikimedia.org/?r=week&c=Miscellaneous+esams&h=maerlant.esams.wikimedia.org
23:18 🔗 underscor Wow
23:28 🔗 Dark_star that one has twice the CPUs though... and it only does ~1.5x the loadavg :)
23:34 🔗 Nemo_bis underscor, wanna eat more slupry graphs? http://munin.toolserver.org/Login/nightshade/cpu.html
23:35 🔗 underscor Wow!
23:36 🔗 Nemo_bis btw this corresponds to a top like this:
23:36 🔗 Nemo_bis 626 processes: 616 sleeping, 4 zombie, 2 stopped, 4 on cpu
23:36 🔗 Nemo_bis load averages: 5.33, 6.42, 7.48; up 40+02:04:43 23:36:48
23:36 🔗 Nemo_bis CPU states: 48.1% idle, 49.4% user, 2.5% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap
23:36 🔗 Nemo_bis Kernel: 10258 ctxsw, 1399 trap, 9831 intr, 14353 syscall, 2 fork, 1068 flt
23:36 🔗 Nemo_bis Memory: 8187M phys mem, 830M free mem, 12G total swap, 11G free swap
23:37 🔗 Nemo_bis so it says 500 % CPU usage but it's actually 50 (?)
23:44 🔗 Nemo_bis I hear that some IA folks are talking with WMF folks right now
23:44 🔗 Nemo_bis (and viceversa happened yesterday)
23:45 🔗 Nemo_bis talking=meeting in person
23:45 🔗 soultcer WIkimedia still has no complete backup of commons, right?
23:49 🔗 Nemo_bis soultcer, what do you mean with "backup"?
23:49 🔗 soultcer Offsite copy
23:49 🔗 Nemo_bis soultcer, how much offsite? :)
23:50 🔗 soultcer Best case: Another continent
23:53 🔗 Nemo_bis I think everything is currently hosted in a double copy in Florida (not sure at all), and there's now another copy in Virginia
23:58 🔗 SketchCow Wikimedia's not great on it.
