#archiveteam 2012-03-12,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
01:18 🔗 db48x ersi: I guess so
06:28 🔗 SketchCow HI
06:28 🔗 SketchCow It's time to start testing the new archiveteam.org wiki
06:29 🔗 SketchCow Please set hosts file to:
06:29 🔗 SketchCow archiveteam.org www.archiveteam.org
06:30 🔗 SketchCow Bang it around, bunch of weirdness there
06:32 🔗 SketchCow Regarding FOS being full - I need to work on it tomorrow.
06:33 🔗 nitro2k01 "Error creating thumbnail: File seems to be missing: /home/archivet/public_html/images/4/47/Akoha_._Welcome_to_Akoha_1313392691673.png"
06:33 🔗 nitro2k01 http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Akoha
06:33 🔗 nitro2k01 Known weirdness?
06:33 🔗 nitro2k01 at wiki, Y U NO HAVE CAPTCHA?
06:34 🔗 SketchCow I took some extensions out.
06:34 🔗 SketchCow We're still in test mode.
06:34 🔗 SketchCow I'll add a number of things back soon after we deal with fundamental brokens.
08:25 🔗 crazedeye ASUS G74SX 17.3 GAMING LAPTOP WITH intel i7-2670 processor, 3gb nvidia geforce video for sale @ 900 obo, ALSO! Macbook pro 15.4" with i7 2.2ghz, thunderbolt ports and amd 6750 512mb video for sale @ $1000 obo. message me or email me at mikeeh01@gmail.com if interested
08:27 🔗 ersi I'll message your mom, son
08:27 🔗 arrith b&
08:27 🔗 dnova yes I would love to buy your twenty four pound piece of shit laptop
08:30 🔗 crazedeye ASUS G74SX 17.3 GAMING LAPTOP WITH intel i7-2670 processor, 3gb nvidia geforce video for sale @ 900 obo, ALSO! Macbook pro 15.4" with i7 2.2ghz, thunderbolt ports and amd 6750 512mb video for sale @ $1000 obo. message me or email me at mikeeh01@gmail.com if interested
08:31 🔗 ersi crazedeye: How about sending it 10 times more, maybe someone will get turned on and buy your piece of shit then
08:34 🔗 dnova gotta maintain a big list of ops in this chan
08:38 🔗 ersi heh
14:27 🔗 SketchCow You can't message his mom while she's with me, sir
14:29 🔗 SketchCow http://www.archive.org/details/PreservingTheCreativeCultureOfTheWeb
14:29 🔗 SketchCow Archived, next day.
14:29 🔗 SketchCow Take THAT, SXSW
14:30 🔗 dnova hah, nice
14:30 🔗 closure now if only PDA2012 would get up..
14:30 🔗 dnova wave???
15:44 🔗 Coderjoe hahaha
15:44 🔗 Coderjoe </file>
15:44 🔗 Coderjoe <file name="PreservingTheCreativeCultureOfTheWeb_files.xml" source="metadata">
15:44 🔗 Coderjoe <format>Metadata</format>
15:44 🔗 Coderjoe <md5>ece46425bc0d0c5f5d3233bd5411f37c</md5>
15:45 🔗 Coderjoe just the act of putting that in there makes it no longer match
15:45 🔗 choubique hi guys, visite my website -> http://marc-page.franceserv.fr/ COOL STUFF !!
15:46 🔗 Coderjoe man, I haven't seen that hostname before in banlists </sarcasm>
17:21 🔗 Schbirid wonderful site http://scrap.oldbookillustrations.com/
17:33 🔗 chronomex omg, espresso milkshake. someone is a genius.
17:34 🔗 Nemo_bis what does it even mean
17:36 🔗 chronomex 1 shot espresso, add to vanilla milkshake.
17:37 🔗 * Nemo_bis agnostic about it
17:38 🔗 chronomex hah
17:43 🔗 whistlerf ASUS G74SX 17.3 GAMING LAPTOP WITH intel i7-2670 processor, 3gb nvidia geforce video for sale @ 900 obo, ALSO! Macbook pro 15.4" with i7 2.2ghz, thunderbolt ports and amd 6750 512mb video for sale @ $1000 obo. message me or email me at mikeeh01@gmail.com if interested
17:44 🔗 chronomex foad diaf spammer
17:45 🔗 chronomex *foadiaf
17:48 🔗 chronomex I am speaking on behalf of ARCHIVE TEAM at SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST in four hours
17:49 🔗 Schbirid chronomex: is it being archived!?
17:50 🔗 chronomex is there anything anyone wants me to say?
17:51 🔗 chronomex I don't know. I will record it, though I don't know how good audio I can get with my telephone.
18:08 🔗 shaqfu It's always darkly funny when preservation panels aren't preserved
18:36 🔗 shaqfu And for anyone listening: are there estimates on how well you can losslessly compress non-8-bit TIFF files?
18:39 🔗 chronomex how many bits?
18:40 🔗 shaqfu chronomex: Dunno; 16 or 24, I'd guess
18:40 🔗 shaqfu Someone's asking about digitizing hundreds of ln ft of manuscripts, and my envelope math says it'll turn out to be 50TB
18:41 🔗 shaqfu So before I tell them to make sure they have 50TB handy, I'm looking up compression
18:42 🔗 Nemo_bis how many dpi?
18:42 🔗 shaqfu Nemo_bis: 300, I'd estimate
18:42 🔗 shaqfu That's what I'm using, and it's coing out to be 40-50MB per page
18:42 🔗 Nemo_bis ah, that's even quite low
18:42 🔗 shaqfu It's just text
18:42 🔗 shaqfu I'd imagine they want more for images
18:42 🔗 Nemo_bis how old?
18:42 🔗 shaqfu Nemo_bis: 40s-today
18:44 🔗 shaqfu I see that LZW works awesomely on 8-bit TIFF, but anything else it vomits
18:49 🔗 Nemo_bis well, 300 dpi might be enough then
18:50 🔗 Nemo_bis I'll never understand why people like TIFF though
18:52 🔗 balrog shaqfu: color? what size?
18:52 🔗 shaqfu balrog: Color, letter size
18:53 🔗 balrog ahh, ok
18:54 🔗 shaqfu Nemo_bis: Any other lossless alternatives?
18:56 🔗 balrog well, the way I process will cause some loss
18:56 🔗 balrog I use imagemagick's -levels
18:56 🔗 balrog and then knock down to 4bit
19:05 🔗 shaqfu balrog: I don't think they'd settle for any loss
19:05 🔗 shaqfu balrog: It's for a large university's special collections
19:05 🔗 balrog ahh :/
19:12 🔗 shaqfu (I thought about applying to work on the paper collection, but it's so insanely hard to get those jobs anymore)
19:12 🔗 shaqfu Like, two MAs and years of work hard
19:24 🔗 db48x` you could check archive.org to see how large their scans come out to
19:24 🔗 db48x` I think they're only 150 dpi, but you can scale up
19:27 🔗 db48x` and jpg instead of tiff
19:28 🔗 shaqfu db48x`: I'll check it out, but like I said, I don't think the library's doing anything less than lossless
19:28 🔗 DFJustin archive uses jp2
19:29 🔗 db48x` looks like a meg per page for this one, so call it four megs for 300 dpi, maybe 12 or 16 megs per page for lossless compression instead of lossy
19:29 🔗 shaqfu db48x`: Hm, interesting; that's about half the size of TIFF
19:30 🔗 db48x` you did say that they wanted more than 8 bits per channel though
19:30 🔗 shaqfu I'd imagine so
19:30 🔗 db48x` so your estimate may not be far off
19:30 🔗 DFJustin jp2 has a lossless profile as well
19:30 🔗 shaqfu I'd have to check the settings I was using on my project, but I was getting 40-50MB per page
19:31 🔗 shaqfu Well, it's an excuse to go in tomorrow and keep grinding away at these letters :P
19:31 🔗 db48x` :)
19:32 🔗 shaqfu I'm actually surprised; there's nothing out there that gives estimates of GB per ln ft for standard settings
19:33 🔗 db48x` heh
19:33 🔗 DFJustin http://studio.imagemagick.org/pipermail/magick-users/2004-May/012744.html
19:33 🔗 DFJustin dunno how good it is but worth a try
19:33 🔗 shaqfu DFJustin: Thanks
19:33 🔗 shaqfu WEll, gotta run; thanks for the advice
19:34 🔗 db48x` sounds like a fun project
21:21 🔗 ivan` Posterous at risk, maybe https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3695407
22:09 🔗 lemonkey http://thenextweb.com/insider/2012/03/12/twitter-has-acquired-shortform-blogging-company-posterous/
22:09 🔗 lemonkey ah just noticed your link ivan`
22:12 🔗 closure http://posterous.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/56001-acquisition-faq
22:12 🔗 closure which manages to answer 0 questions
