[03:50] https://ludios.org/tmp/er-pw.7z password VimTx3zjN9h8sFZ4 in case anyone wants a copy of electricretard, now gone [03:50] I know you guys don't discriminate against things that are offensive in every way possible [03:52] (really, save your brain, don't view it) [03:56] ...why password it? [03:56] probably some stupid webhost rules [03:59] sorry about that, I can't have the unencrypted contents on that server [04:06] OK, fair enough [04:07] what is this? [04:10] vile webcomic [04:10] not sure English has the words for it [04:10] how vile, considering, in the vien of strisand effect i just grabbed it? [04:11] if you're for rape and murder in MS Paint format... [04:12] ergh, ok off my hd now, foul beast , thank for the warning [04:17] Rape and murder, the AT special [04:17] rape in the classic sense of violent nonconsensual acquisition [04:18] distributed rape of service attacks [04:19] http://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/lawpoli/colour/2004061001.php Excellent article about copyright and its deficiencies [05:10] http://www.archive.org/details/personaldigitalarchiving2012pt1 [05:32] closure: awesome [05:33] also pt2 [05:38] stupid dns [05:42] the sound sync is off on at least jason's talk (haven't tried others yet) [05:43] which encode? [05:44] new video player so presumably ogv [06:10] DFJustin: File itself is okay it seems, though [06:10] anyone know how mobileme is progressing wrt finishing by d-day? [06:13] the one I'm watching is out of sync too [06:14] downloaded x264s look nice [10:53] sigh poor Nemo_bis http://www.us.archive.org/log_show.php?task_id=98826597 [14:42] Nemo_bis: Doesn't look like there was anything wrong with the actual item [14:42] Want me to rerun it? [15:32] IS MY FACE RED [15:32] Anyway, hi [15:34] What's up. [15:42] SketchCow: Hi. It seems that FortuneCity doesn't like us anymore. [15:43] http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/p480x480/432305_10101411546196923_2227361_68948422_2082085079_n.jpg [15:43] Yeah, we're being banned [15:43] Fortunately, bluevm has an excellent offering, $1.13 a month for a VM that's a perfect proxy host [15:43] 500GB transit too [15:44] Could not connect to remote server [15:44] Looks like they're dropping us at the firewall, as opposed to 403'ing [16:05] No? [16:05] Oh, Fortunecity, whatever did we do to you. [16:05] OK, let's take this development to the project channel. [16:05] rape --hard http://fortunecity.com [16:20] http://blog.sendapatch.se/2010/february/this-might-seem-silly-git-pull.html [16:36] Quick, gussy up and stick the beer cans under the couch, we have guests coming!!! [16:37] Uh oh [16:40] hello gentlemen [16:42] Hello! [16:43] hello [16:43] hi SketchCow [16:43] hello! [16:43] bon tarde [16:44] Limbclock and Nullsleep, hie thee to #fortuneshitty to get client instructions. [16:44] They're blocking us as they go [16:44] :< [16:44] :I [16:44] K? [16:44] when are they going away? [16:44] have they blocked aws ? [16:44] So we need more people as we go [16:44] wait [16:44] sorry [16:44] i am on a mac :) [16:45] BANGARANG! I WISH TO RESCUE THE CITY OF FORTUNE [16:45] ^lol [16:45] the power of @textfiles tweets [16:45] is there a filelist or summit? [16:45] Indeeed. [16:45] hee [16:45] BANGARANG and-I-don't-remember-what [16:45] How can I help? [16:45] i just came here to check out what's happenin. [16:46] cause i'm curious. Like a shark near a horrible boating accident [16:47] Why they (FortuneCity) said about it? [16:47] we have until April 30 until the free parts of FortuneCity go dark, eh? [16:47] *What [16:47] #fortuneshitty [16:47] we're gonna need a bigger hard drive. [16:47] http://www.fortunecity.com/ [16:47] (for fortunecity rescuing, see #fortuneshitty ) [16:47] * lee_ finds his bigger hard drive [16:48] hey did the warc-wget fix the warcs it wrote [16:49] lee_: Get over to #fortuneshitty [16:49] seriously though @textfiles tweeted for people to come to IRC, and seeing that i spend most of my time on IRC anyhow... [16:49] tef_: What was wrong with the warcs? [16:49] Now imagine if @sockington tweeted instead of @textfiles [16:50] whom exactly are they blocking? [16:50] hey fortunecity's shutting down THAT'S NOT VERY NICE come save them on irc PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE [16:50] balrog: Blocking people at the firewall level after they download a lot [16:50] ahh, ugh [16:50] My IP changes [16:50] that's a bit shitty.... [16:50] I have dial-up xD [16:51] I may block whole Brazil on FortuneCity servers [16:51] hahaha [16:51] alard: oh it preserved the headers of the http message but transformed the body [16:51] well, once they're shut down anyway... [16:51] so you'd get transfer-encoding: chunked in the headers of the http message [16:52] but an unchunked body [16:52] someone else reported it it might have been fixed upstream [16:52] I did write a postprocessing script to fix it in warctools [16:53] well at least Apple didn't block people for pulling mobileme :< [16:53] tef_: Ah yes, the chunked encoding has been fixed. [16:53] alard: \o/ [16:54] balrog: I don't think they care [16:54] It's on akamai [16:54] undersco2: ahh, true [16:54] alard: fwiw I did a token crawler in python https://github.com/tef/crawler/blob/master/crawler.py [16:55] but it has to reconstruct http messages :/ [16:55] tef_: i, a pleb, with some very minimal python experience am going to see if i can read it [16:55] LimbClock: ping me if you have issues - it shouldn't be too terrible beyond the multithreading :v [16:56] tef_: eh, i'm more interested in seeing if i can understand how it functions. Heck, i just draw comics and animation 90% of my time [16:56] tef_: Ah, may be useful sometime. (Something else that might be useful: a proxy that records everything to a warc, so you can use any http client you like and it'll all get recorded.) [16:56] alard: I have one of those at work but it's uhm, tied to work - I could always hack mitmproxy to do it [16:57] Well, I don't really need it right now. There's wget. Just an idea. [16:57] alard: I wrote a http parser we use for parsing from files and from sockets, that's been released. been meaning to pull out the proxy too [16:57] BANGARANG! I WISH TO RESCUE THE CITY OF FORTUNE [16:57] alard: yeah, well the plan is to do more to warctools in my mythical free time [16:58] alard: atm i've been focused on a rpc wrapper for python i've been writing, (another work project) [16:58] pberry: Welcome, join #fortuneshitty and look here: http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=FortuneCity [16:58] on it [16:58] so i'm going to hook up the example crawler to it and make it distributed :3 [16:58] ah [16:58] from my pleb perspective, i can say that it's object-oriented python programming [16:59] that's a fair accusation [16:59] actually it's good to read this [16:59] i get a small level of understanding how objects are constructed in python! [17:00] LimbClock: objects are like containers for what would have been global variables before in many cases [17:00] so, the self.x restricts it to the scope of the object - i.e the object is just a container of some state variables [17:00] tef_: keep in mind you're talking to an animator. :D [17:00] who tried to battle alcoholism by trying to concentrate learning python... [17:00] LimbClock: well, an object is like a layer - you use it to seperate concerns in your output so you can manipulate them seperately [17:01] i see. [17:01] and you can compose your scene from objects [17:01] unlike a layer though - you can define the operations on an object [17:01] for example, if in python [17:01] s = "abc" you can have s.upper() and s.lower() [17:01] but on s = [1,2,3] you can have s.sort() etc [17:02] so objects are an abstraction over some state or data, with a bunch of methods (functions) trapped alongside the data that operate on them [17:02] we're meant to use them to contain complexity [17:02] i really need to get some bearded guru with Level 20 patience to teach me some basics of programming [17:02] but in reality people use objects for the sake of it and we end up with more as result [17:02] LimbClock: the best guru to learn from is yourself [17:03] LimbClock: be patient, be willing to ask questions and be willing to find answers on your own terms [17:03] tef_: but surely if you want to add functionality to the program itself, it's best to build a new object? [17:03] LimbClock: it can depend on the existing functionality [17:03] sometimes you can extend an existing object to add new behaviours, or you can wrap a few objects in a new one, or you can edit existing ones [17:04] intersting. [17:04] understanding objects is easy compared to using them effectively but that takes time and lots of mistakes [17:04] interesting. [17:04] objects are black boxes for data , where the mainpulation is defined in terms of methods [17:04] LimbClock: you can understand how to draw a sketch and such [17:05] a bit. [17:05] but being a good animator requires knowing more than that - how the scene should work and compose, line of action etc [17:05] timing [17:05] spacing [17:05] right now you should be focused on shitty code [17:05] shooting on 1s or 2s... [17:05] and top or bottom pegs. [17:05] because it is all you will write [17:05] Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65PiKsNhCsc [17:05] and when you get older you realize it is all you will ever write, but that is ok [17:05] tef_: have you experience in animation too? [17:05] because by that time you will have learned enough to blame the computer [17:05] LimbClock: i'm a fan and a nerd [17:06] Nerd ;) [17:06] LimbClock: I've learned some technicalities from enthusiastic people [17:06] tef_: actually that's a good parable [17:06] but I just like details [17:06] LimbClock: i'm a burnt out programmer [17:06] OK, major channel derail [17:06] Take it to private [17:06] yes [17:06] sorry! [17:06] I get a little too enthusiastic [17:06] i realise that i do kinda shitty animation (Plus my drawing skills regarding movement in 3D space are poor) but like, that motivates me to not get depressed about id: [17:06] We like enthusiasm [17:06] I AM GOING TO KILL SO MANY SHARKS [17:06] just more focused on saving shit [17:06] But don't make me fill this channel with hentai game reviews, for example [17:08] But seriously, guys, Tokimeki_Check-in! [17:08] SketchCow: one more side thing [17:08] hahah [17:08] SketchCow: make sure to mirror Old Man Murray before something bad happens [17:08] I bet SketchCow has the biggest hentai collectiob [17:09] s/ob/on/ [17:09] he faps to tentacles [17:09] BANGARANG! I WISH TO RESCUE THE CITY OF FORTUNE [17:09] (lawl) [17:09] ragechin: Welcome! [17:09] lol [17:09] ragechin: join #fortuneshitty and look here: http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=FortuneCity [17:09] lolol [17:10] BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG A RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG [17:10] Oooooooo [17:10] SketchCow's call to action on the twitterverse brought me here [17:10] Sure, I'll be happy to use my otherwise idle servers for something good [17:10] Well, they're seriously blocking us [17:10] So the key is just to get started, and not try and be a hero and get 2000 simultaneous attacks going [17:10] I want to keep adding people [17:11] Noted. [17:11] I'll just toss it on that one *points* and forget about it [17:11] ragechin: /join #fortuneshitty [17:12] com/members/n/n6/n64/com-members-n64_cheats_r_us-20120317-170603.warc.gz [17:12] SAVED [17:12] \o/ [17:12] So what's up with the special version of wget? [17:12] http://members.fortunecity.com/n64_cheats_r_us/ [17:12] ragechin: It writes WARCs [17:12] it compresses to a special website archiving format [17:12] We like to have two formats [17:12] Web Archive [17:12] It saves details about the actual transaction with the server [17:12] SketchCow: fwiw I just mentioned http://vimeo.com/36579366 to LimbClock but it is so good I am going to mention it here again (bret victor, inventing on principle) [17:12] (headers, etc) [17:12] Cool. [17:13] I was telling people about that so long ago [17:13] It's about changing lives [17:13] SketchCow: I recalled - that is why I pasted it again [17:13] Okay. I'mma compile and get this going.. then run off to battle the daystar on this lovely Texa afternoon [17:13] texas* [17:13] Editgrid is so much better than google docs [17:13] it owns! to me it was about the fight in life for a meaning beyond craft and embracing a cause [17:17] ok. it's running. AFK [17:18] ragechin: run more than one if you can [17:18] yeah. have three going [17:18] ill start up a few more on another server [17:18] sweet [17:18] eh. later tonight.i cant remember that password [17:18] ragechin: awesome [17:18] ******* [17:18] and im kinda lazy [17:19] oh. shit. that's right. it's hunter2 [17:19] lol [17:19] :rimshot: [17:19] *secret "old time" nerd handshake* [17:32] Don't too too many, or they'll banninate [17:32] We're seeing a lot of that. [17:41] http://audio.sxsw.com/2012/podcasts/12-OMN-Saying_Good_Bye_to_Your_Digital.mp3 [17:41] Chronomex' time to shine!!! [17:41] :o [17:42] So, how often do you guys want us to upload our results? [17:42] Will every 12hrs work? [17:42] ragechin: Are you seesawing or dld-client? [17:42] seesaw [17:42] It does it all automatically then [17:42] :) [17:42] Oh. Awesome. [17:42] I'll just forget it exists then [17:42] Yes [17:42] Restart it if it blorps [17:43] (which happens somewhat often) [17:44] may want to throw it in a while true loop [17:52] Yeah, I'll deal with that later [18:05] OK, I REALLY need to be shoving mobileme into the hole. [18:05] I wonder who is going to archive all the stuff that's currently on TV, for the future generation. Pirates, maybe, but torrents need seends... [18:06] archive.org does some [18:06] I don't think they have such awesomeness like CLone High. [18:06] or Liquid TV. [18:07] (which i can't access cause i'm in Finland....) [18:15] BANGARANG! I WISH TO RESCUE THE CITY OF FORTUNE [18:30] AdmiralA: /join #fortuneshitty [18:37] trying to create an account on archiveteam.org gives this error: [18:37] Fatal error: Call to a member function userCannot() on a non-object in /home/archivet/public_html/extensions/TitleBlacklist/TitleBlacklist.hooks.php on line 86 [18:38] Archive.org currently digitizes 75 channels. [18:40] oh cool [18:40] What about the cartoons though? (most important thing) [18:47] LimbClock: A lot of that actually does get archived [18:48] Maybe not duplicated to the extreme, but it's not like it's thrown away after being aired [18:48] coo [18:48] and i trust most of MST3K is archived as well ;) [18:50] whatever that now is [18:51] worth knowing is that we're not archive.org btw [18:52] this belongs in an archive! [18:54] http://audio.sxsw.com/2012/podcasts/12-OMN-Saying_Good_Bye_to_Your_Digital.mp3 <- great [18:55] I'd like to volunteer my connection and shell to the cause, is there a getting started guide/something I can jump on immediately? [18:56] yes, /join #fortuneshitty [18:56] and see the topic there [18:56] welcome ;) [18:56] Oh .. the password [18:56] BANGARANG! I WISH TO RESCUE THE CITY OF FORTUNE [18:57] heh [18:57] told you so [18:58] Insectoid: http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=FortuneCity and/or /join #fortuneshitty [19:47] Hang on, what is it that @textfiles told me to say upon joining? "BANGARANG! I WISH TO RESCUE THE CITY OF FORTUNE!" How's that? [19:48] "friend" in elvish works too [19:48] Join up in #fortuneshitty hehe [19:48] For fortunecity archiving :) [19:49] ersi On my way [21:00] http://www.wix.com/xteensx/best-teens-porn-movies YOUNG TEEN FUCKED BY 15 BIG COCKS [21:01] Riveting tale, chap [21:01] You it's got to be good when the url says best [21:05] are we talking 15 cocks serially or in parallel [21:06] Serial. So, a mantrain with female termination. [21:07] bag of dicks http://www.nwadventures.us/images/MayallDicks.jpg [21:07] I had a horrible nightmare about that once [21:07] that was one hell of an orgy [21:07] my mind is where the romans go to fuck [21:08] nitro2k01: Slut Cock Serial Interface? [21:08] Yes! [21:09] woop woop woop off-topic siren [21:15] yes, please stick to paranoia, rage and kleptomania [21:15] now if you were upset that your faithful wife were stealing your bag of dicks, that could be discussed [21:16] yes. [21:17] http://xteensx.info/2012/01/27/angelina-jolie-sex-scenes-complete-a-look-back-at-angelina-hottest-sexiest-sex-scenes/ [21:19] *!*@79.125.168.* plz [21:19] k [21:19] kthx lol [21:29] http://xteensx.info/2011/11/25/girlfriend-forced-boyfriend-to-suck-black-cock-while-she-fucked/ [21:31] /ban *!*delon22@* [21:31] fuckers [21:31] inb4 delon43 [21:31] or - [21:32] fuck em all [21:32] I will ban a whole country if that's what it takes [21:42] ok, serious question: why aren't people as upset about the deletion of KORAN.TXT as the burning of a paper copy? [21:42] this is the sort of thing that keeps me up at night [21:42] that's quite the quandary [21:43] ok, it's actually my scrabble addiction that keeps me up at night [21:43] but I do wonder [21:43] like, is an ebook version of the Koran venerated as being a holy object? [21:44] and if so, does the flash chip holding the bits become holy, too? [21:44] or just the screen when the words appear [21:44] I don't get bibliolatry [21:45] although archive team's pack-rattery is also impressive to behold [21:46] definitely an interesting question [21:46] maybe you ought to ask the "dude you got no quran" guy [21:47] who, the preacher in FL? [21:48] this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HX5-ulcdXc [21:48] * lee_ imagines a telex style machine that prints the koran directly into a shredder [21:48] lee_: spin up a zillion copies of the quran on appengine and let google delete it [21:48] root you have no koran.txt [21:48] ooh, then you could recccycle the shred into new paper and do it again [21:48] that would make an interesting art installation [21:49] * lee_ works for Google [21:49] excellent [21:49] members.linode.com [21:50] there was an interesting article on why this guy left google on the grounds that it lost its original vision [21:50] not as innovative as it used to be [21:50] companies don't have vision, people do [21:50] * chronomex blind [21:50] and his vision was probably impared by having his head up his ass [21:50] hahaha [21:51] but I didn't work with him directly and haven't paid too much attention [21:51] sure, companies change [21:51] because the people in them change [21:51] ignore him. world's full of whiners. [21:51] especially the leadership, sometimes they decide to take a new direction with their company [21:51] eg: Google+ [21:51] google hasn't lost its vision, they just need LASIK [21:52] there seem to be different opinions, can't find one on deletion right off but http://www.ilmgate.org/touching-an-iphone-or-pc-which-has-qur%E2%80%99an-stored-on-its-memory-without-wudu/ [21:52] wudu? [21:52] hm [21:52] wudhu, a ritual of cleansing before prayer [21:53] washing the hands, feet and such [21:53] muslims are expected to do so before praying and before touching the quran [21:54] the answer in that article, to me, seems to be asking for more questions [21:54] what does it mean to "inscribe" the verses? [21:55] does that imply human comprehensibility of some sort? what if I take an iPhone to the bathroom with an oscilloscope jacked into it so that I can't see the screen but can see memory transfers? or am I just being an ass? [21:55] what if you're logging into your mosque's website? [21:55] 1) you are being an ass 2) the answer to this question matters very much to someone [21:55] http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jw_on_tech/archive/2012/03/13/why-i-left-google.aspx [21:55] there's your article [21:56] yeah, I've been avoiding it [21:56] I know how to search ;-) [21:56] and here's evidence of google hunting game! [21:56] http://imgur.com/7TLHu [21:56] AWESOME. [21:57] streetview drivers have seen far worse than that [21:57] imagine driving every street in your own city [21:57] kids in the buff [21:57] a hick with a shotgun [21:58] actually, that was redundant [21:58] a hick says enough [21:58] the shotgun is automatically assumed [21:58] naked hick kids with guns [21:58] woop woop woop off-topic siren [21:59] what's the archiveteam view on surveillance? [21:59] it's like archiving photons, no? [22:00] because this is going to be an issue when everyone has spex with video recording & upload features [22:00] (these exist already from 3rd parties, I know nothing) [22:00] well, I'm off for now [22:00] will join in the fortune saving later [22:01] AdmiralA: that's what screen is for, eh? [22:01] really, it takes 2 minutes to start [22:01] that's what screen is indeed for [22:01] and it does take all of two minutes [22:01] but laziness is virtue [22:01] not that kind of laziness [22:01] or so said FakeConfucius on twitter [22:01] procrastination is not a virtue, though [22:02] fake confucius dispense real advice [22:02] yeah, sorry for being an ass, I've just been trapped in an airport all day and am going slightly crazy [22:15] I love getting threshold alerts from my Linode monitoring [22:15] it smells like victory [22:17] lol [22:19] just disk io, obviously needs to be bumped [22:19] which is your favorite? [22:19] bandwidth quota reached [22:20] I run a tor bridge which sees a little traffic and some bit torrent seeds [22:20] their transfer percent-used thing is a lie [22:21] quota: 300g, total: 31.3g, you have used: 1% [22:35] BANGARANG! I WISH TO RESCUE THE CITY OF FORTUNE [22:36] despens: Hi, welcome. Please join #fortuneshitty ! [22:38] that looks very comfortable and easy to use [22:38] congrats [22:39] yes, it's very streamlined [22:40] re archiving photons, this is a very good article that's sorta related [22:40] http://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/lawpoli/colour/2004061001.php [23:17] for somereason i can't mirror torrent freak [23:17] i only get the index.html [23:18] and its a binary from what i can tell [23:21] godane: is it sending it gziped or something? [23:22] yes [23:25] it still only downloads index.html [23:25] hm [23:25] i added --header="accept-encoding: gzip" [23:30] i think torrentfreak uses wordpress